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13278403 No.13278403[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Bullying is fucked up man"

>> No.13278456


>> No.13278477


Children are (mostly) stupid and bullying is fucked up. If you agree with bullying you are a guaranteed piece of shit. There are ways to deal with others that do not resort to bullying. It mostly latches onto things others cannot help and have no control over i.e. economic status. It also manifests as making fun of someone not caring to have the flashiest clothing or name brands. Ridiculous shit only plebs care for.

Tl;dr "bullies" should be shot in the head. Inb4 "u were bullied in school lul" I had the fortune to go to a small, private school where people actually liked each other and when there was a new kid who came from a public school who tried to bully he was quickly put in his place. I was very fortunate.

>> No.13278488

Reminder that bullying is beneficial and natural behavior.

It tempers the character creating tougher, non-degenerate individuals by teaching children what is socially acceptable and what is not. Thanks to anti-bullying programs in school we are now faced with the scourge of trannies, furries, and other deviants who should have gotten that beaten out of them in school.

Bullying against shitskin miniorities is more than acceptable since it leads to homogenous communities by making it clear to freeloading foreigners that they are not welcome to destroy the Nation and People. It reinforces community ingroup ties by teaching kids about the realities of the eternal struggle in the world between races, and fosters natural, self-preservation behavior.

There is literally nothing wrong with bullying.

>> No.13278491

The onions boy open mouth meme face is literally an attempt to devour your soul. These people have been so utterly destroyed by consumerism and chemicals that they turn into soulless NPCs that subconsciously desire to get a soul of their own. Hence why they open their mouths so wide like that, it's an attempt to claim your soul as theirs

>> No.13278500

It set me on the right path but I was already pretty normalfag tier. Actual freak and ugly as shit poor antisocial kids it must really suck.

>> No.13278507

Yeah bullying is epic, totally makes sense to bully a kid for reading, makes for a better society

>> No.13278516


See? Guaranteed piece of shit.

>> No.13278517
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>he was quickly put in his place

>> No.13278520

Bullying is fucked up. I don’t think any parent wants to see their kids bullied. The problem is that today we have gone from enforcing social norms through bullying to a rejection of all social norms, or rather a radical inversion of them. Twenty years ago if a fifth grade boy decided to wear a dress to school, he would have been mercilessly bullied— and rightly so. Now, that’s unacceptable. Of course these shitlibs don’t really have a problem with bullying. They would love for the “intolerant” kids to be bullied unto death.

>> No.13278528


If you hurt a rat only when it does behavior you don't want it to, it learns.
If you hurt a rat all the time, for reasons it doesn't know or understand, you get an anxiety and depression riddled 25 year old.

>> No.13278530

We have this thread every week

>> No.13278538


We gangraped them repeatedly in the bathroom. No, but someone did punch an attempted bully in the face and told him if he brought that shit here he'd get the shit kicked out of him and then expelled. The head teacher's son was a student so we always had a direct line to the authority at the time. Like I said, I was fortunate.

>> No.13278541

>Thanks to anti-bullying programs in school we are now faced with the scourge of trannies, furries, and other deviants who should have gotten that beaten out of them in school.
Actually, almost everyone who becomes trannies, furries, and other deviants were beaten up in school, dumb faggot. There's a way you can convey your views without becoming brutish or boorish.
>Bullying against shitskin miniorities is more than acceptable since it leads to homogenous communities by making it clear to freeloading foreigners
I am starting to think a lot of minorities are becoming bad because you bully them. Honestly, I genuinely hope you die. It doesn't matter if it comes from a car accident or unruly minorities, but you need to die, asap. It's not about bullying but cleanse this world of filth such as yourself.

>> No.13278558

>It mostly latches onto things others cannot help and have no control over i.e. economic status
This is what people who were bullied for being edgy weirdos tell themselves. I have literally never seen anyone get bullied, or even insulted for being poor.

>> No.13278564

>gets bullied
>raging inside
>it’s cool guys I do it too
>wants to die on the spot

Lmao good luck out there

>> No.13278570

I kind of understand making this thread once, but why the fuck do you keep posting it? Are the replies really that exciting for you to read?

>> No.13278581

Children who bully other kids have no idea what is socially acceptable. They legit just pick the smallest weirdest kid and isolate them even more

>> No.13278588

People who justify bullying tend to have faith in mob mentality, which makes them the scummiest of scum.

>> No.13278594

Wait a minute I read your post one more time and realized it’s the exact same reply you made the last time you made this exact same thread. Sorry for taking bait

>> No.13278597

People just can't refute it, its usually some variety of happy talk or a denial of reality.

>> No.13278599

This repetitive thread is just for op to discuss bullying and read the replies and laugh behind his screen.
Not sure how this fag hasn’t been banned yet. This has nothing to do with literature.

>> No.13278627

I didn't know rats could become 25 years old

>> No.13278635

Kind of pathetic that you continuously post the same thread and actually want the same results every time. How is that fun for you

>> No.13278667

The strong must be protected from the weak. anti-bullying propaganda is political control.

>> No.13278697

bullying is just banter and ostracization. Only boomer television has bullies beating people up. If you assaulted some autist you would be a fucking sperg and commit social suicide. If you get bullied you were an obnoxious weirdo. If you were just quiet and didn't look ridiculous people left you alone. Weirdos beg to be bullied.

>> No.13278700

good one

>> No.13278729

Being a loser is morally wrong. We don't care if you get rehabilitated, priority goes to punishing the guilty. Being weird is as repugnant as being a thief.

>> No.13278737

>if you get bullied you were an obnoxious weirdo
Stupid generalization

>> No.13278749


>> No.13278753

>Imagine being the person who takes pleasure making this post every week

>> No.13278757

>which makes them the scummiest of scum
That doesn't sound very Buddhist of you.

>> No.13278759

Buddhists are not hippies. Poem from Han Shan translated by Red Pine:

Red Pine poem 117:

I deplore this vulgar place
where demons dwell with worthies.
They say they're the same,
but is the Tao impartial?
A fox might ape a lion's mien
and claim the disguise is real,
but once ore enters the furnace,
we soon see if it's gold or base.

>> No.13278764
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I love these threads

>> No.13278769

that sounds perfectly psychotic

>> No.13278772

Imagine actually being such a freak you got bullied. There were like 12 people in my grade in high school actually obnoxious enough to get bullied, in a class with hundreds of kids. The faggots in this thread are all those kids.

>> No.13278775

You don't know what psychotic means, redditbaby

>> No.13278780

>It tempers the character
A boxing lesson would be better. It breeds degeneracy absolutely are you nuts? People get bullied if they are Non-sexual or even semi-religious. The trannies, furries and other fuckos did not get protected from bulling by the school programs. The school programs actually makes bullying worse, as defending yourself became punishable. Also, THE BLACKS ARE THE ONES DOING THE BULLYING. And haven't you ever seen a multi-cultral gang?
But reguardless, this whole thread is clearly bait. Even if you actually believe what you're posting. In the same way that Newfags and Ledditors can accidently make bait threads without trying, so has OP.

>> No.13278785

This desu, idc the kid that literally meowed like a cat in school deserved it for being such an annoying fag

>> No.13278788


In a tribal setting if you bullied a child the father would come by, rape you and then kill you.

Bullying only exists in a society where those that act out of line don't get brutalized and killed for being anti-social degenerates.

>> No.13278789

gud bait. faintly agree in some places. if you get bullied for being a smart kid in a shitty/white trash school, though (and not just a precocious know-it-all), the bully is hardly enforcing "socially acceptable behavior"

i was bullied for my size until I hit a growth spurt. i would say that the results were about 40% positive and 60% negative - it toughened me up and forced me to defend myself, but also left me with some anger/resentment that took a while to get rid of. would recommend in tiny doses.

>> No.13278797

You don't know what any of this means. None of us do. Why are we here? To get bullied? You wanna get bullied? I'll bully you, here.
>You're just like me. You gotta shit, piss, eat, drink and there's NOTHING you can do about it. Don't do it for long enough and boom, dead.
>Your family members will all die eventuallly, including you
>Any material object you own can at any time break
>Any emotional bond you create can at any time break
>You're forced to sleep almost every day.
>You browse 4chan

>> No.13278801


>Bullying is actually normal and good for society
>*deluge of braindead ethno nationalist coping*


>> No.13278803

so you tell me bullies are not drastic enough. I understand.

>> No.13278810

>you gotta shit, piss, eat, drink and there's NOTHING you can do about it
unironically hell on earth. i'm down to two meals a week on dry fasts and even that's too much. bodily functions are so fucking inconvenient

>> No.13278825
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> t. got the living shit bullied out of him by minorities

>> No.13278848

Probably. People who got bullied develop Stockholm syndrome and try to justify the abuse they suffered with crap like that

>> No.13278861

You're saying that violence against others is a priority. You equate being "weird" which is completely subjective, (I'm sure you think is objective), to an actual crime. "Loser" is non-quantifiable.What is loser? Licking windows? Reading the dictionary? Wears horn-rimmed glasses? Only talks in the third person? Collects dead bugs? Your thinking is discordant with reality. Aggressive. Also you're an asshole and you molest dogs.

That's the classic definition of psychopath.

>> No.13278863

The only one with a proper smile is the baby.

>> No.13278864

Have sex