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/lit/ - Literature

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13273441 No.13273441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ know about Butterfly? I know most of you resent her for using a tripcode and sometimes being haughty but I think she is smart, more than most of you anyway.

>inb4 >she >her

>> No.13273444
File: 55 KB, 386x419, FUCK YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a commie tranny that literally knows nothing yet pretends she does

>> No.13273447


>> No.13273448

Seriously? She's a fucking dunderhead dude. She's permanently stuck in Year 1 of Browsing /lit/ behaviors and does nothing but shallow namedropping, of the same books over and over again no less. She has literally been citing and recommending the same four or five things for most of a decade now. Nothing ever changes.

That's not even mentioning her attention whoring.

>> No.13273460

>namedropping, of the same books over and over agai
Oh noes. I has read read books than not read them laters. Weird complaint
I know time escapes us on the internet, but the past five six months have not been that long, dunderhead

>> No.13273474

She/he uses a tripcode. That's all I need to know about him/her.

>> No.13273479

why do you hate her so much?
It's about this board, c'mon, I've seen shit quite more off topic than this.
I'm not sure about the attention whore thing, she hasn't posted pics of her the time I've been here. I know I'm a newfag, but I've only been here since October (I have never been to reddit, though)
Where are you from? Just curious. Are you a burger?

>> No.13273484

Looks like maxmoefoe but would prob still smash

>> No.13273491

she's an ugly attention-whoring dyke with a sub-100 IQ. What's not to dislike?

>> No.13273494

she's clearly a late-thirties central european, either dutch or german probably

good english but subtly lame, tone deaf, and milquetoast

>> No.13273497
File: 94 KB, 1289x287, butterflytranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13273499
File: 17 KB, 659x141, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem w trips is they're all so boring. a passive kind of boring as well: they're not funny, amusing (different to funny), or original. just intelligent, plain, ordinary. most anons are boring too, but they earn pity, not dislike.

>> No.13273508

That could have been edited, anon, have you ever heard of Ctrl+Shift+i?

>> No.13273509

fake news

>> No.13273512

accelerated graphics port?

>> No.13273513

he used to post in the cis les gen on /lgbt/ but got kicked out for being a tripfagging tranny

>> No.13273516
File: 75 KB, 640x427, clair 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic does her too much justice, she looks much worse and has aged quite a bit, just imagine how wrinkly her pussy has gotten, and all the dust its collected because shes either the avg retard leftist marxist that is incapable of getting a man or a full fledged whore larping as a dyke to cope, i'm leaning towards the latter.

>> No.13273517

For real? audible kek

>> No.13273519

The real butterfly is a namefag not a tripfag. Her and her imitators are all insufferable though. How has this thread survived so long. Delete.

>> No.13273520

yup, i can verify

>> No.13273521

she quit a while ago and i'm sad for her that she came back and is being more toxic than before

i get the impression she's just very lonely

>> No.13273527

Poor butters, let's all just give her a hug :3

>> No.13273531
File: 1.93 MB, 268x350, 3D5AEA92-1549-4535-B6C4-3FEE0E83E930.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a fake, however made.

Ages ago, and I left because of the toxic (male) atmosphere the two or three lesbians would do nothing about

>> No.13273534

I like that guy who's constantly screaming better. At least he's funny.

>> No.13273550

As a feminist it's weird that you would be in favour of trannies.

>> No.13273552

he's just as bad.
won’t anybody tell him that using long words in all caps ISN’T FUNNY in itself, that the only emotions roused by the sight of it are SAVAGE BOREDOM, felt physically like a pang of earache, and CONTEMPT, that his writing is the product of LOP-EARED ANALITY, that he has been behaving stupidly and talking piss FAR TOO LONG, that he can do so on his own AS MUCH AS HE LIKES, but that we are TIRED of being forced to share his LITTLE PRIVATE HELL OF SILLINESS? won’t somebody? only my dread of the BUMFACED DONKEYNESS of the reply this will provoke from him has stopped me from asking before.

>> No.13273558

Shes unironically a loser of life, shes in her late 30s without having written anything working a ok paying desk job. Her marxist and stirner phase has prevented her from getting in any relationships but its more likely the social isolation she inherited from being on image boards all day. She has failed to live the lit life and now is loathing in the past, walking the streets of the new /lit/ expecting the old, she has been a failure. Notice how no-one on here a few years back is here now. They've all grown up, they've all either took /lit/ with them or dropped it. Some working your avg 9 to 5 jobs while enjoying literature in their spare time and maybe even writing, some go to poetry sessions and speak, some went into the academic life, some dropped lit in totality, but all of them I can 100% guarantee you, aren't here, or atleast they don't post and just lurk. All of those 30 to 40yr olds browsing /lit/ now are embarrassed to know butterfly as one they knew before, and they all look at it(him) with contempt, shes a child and has yet to grow up. She thinks shes still 20 or 30 because the virgins on here boost her ego, she has yet to "grow up", stuck in the infinite loop of browsing image board sites while being ignorant of the current conditions of the present. A failure.

>> No.13273570


>> No.13273578

I feel sad to not have seen the good years of /lit/

>> No.13273586


Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.13273589

they never existed
what did exist was mediocrity, which i suppose is good compared to the current crap

>> No.13273601

technically in this case her identity does have relevance to the conversation

>> No.13273611

Funny thing is that it's not even fake. Accept yourself and everything will be fine bro.

>> No.13273612


>> No.13273616


>> No.13273623

Ruined the board with her attention whoring.

>> No.13273630

Agreed, please don't collude with the mentally ill and normalize a very serious condition.
This is a male - forever, get help.

>> No.13273633

The board is shit anyway

>> No.13273636

delet this

>> No.13273639

I barely discuss them. They seem sad and I wish them well, but I don’t believe one can trans from one sex to another. Gender rolls? You mean clothing, makeup behavior. Fine. Knock yourself out. Be as feminine as you like. But know you are not a woman. Any that acknowledge this will begin to live happier.

They were okay, better than this, but not some golden age

>> No.13273644

I can see the shitstorm coming.

>> No.13273649

Trannies are essentially sexist, though. Feminism fighting for transgender rights is shit.

>> No.13273650


>> No.13273661

Butterfag, like all tripfags, is fed by your (you)s or unsaged threads about him.
He is the monster you have created, /lit/

>> No.13273661,1 [INTERNAL] 

Conversations are for reciprocation.
It is rather anon who feeds off of (You)s. You have no presence here. No one cares and you pretend to like it that way. I remember when the social credit was called “Internets” now it’s (You)s. I’m above it.