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13267443 No.13267443 [Reply] [Original]

>When the sun is overthrown,
>And when the stars fall,
>And when the hills are moved,
>And when the camels big with young are abandoned,
>And when the wild beasts are herded together,
>And when the seas rise,
>And when souls are reunited,
>And when the girl-child that was buried alive is asked
>For what sin she was slain,
>And when the pages are laid open,
>And when the sky is torn away,
>And when hell is lighted,
>And when the Garden is brought nigh,
>(Then) every soul will know what it hath made ready.
>Oh, but I call to witness the planets,
>The stars which rise and set,
>And the close of night,
>And the breath of morning
>That this is in truth the word of an honoured messenger,
>Mighty, established in the presence of the Lord of the Throne,
>(One) to be obeyed, and trustworthy;
>And your comrade is not mad.
>Surely he beheld Him on the clear horizon.
>And he is not avid of the Unseen.
>Nor is this the utterance of a devil worthy to be stoned.
>Whither then go ye?
>This is naught else than a reminder unto creation,
>Unto whomsoever of you willeth to walk straight.
>2And ye will not, unless (it be) that Allah willeth, the Lord of Creation

>> No.13267453



>> No.13267461

Cousin marriage isn't common in the Bible and wasn't common in the west until relatively lately? Jerry Lee Lewis married his thirteen year old cousin

>> No.13267488

Inbreeding or consanguineous marriage is a common traditional practice in Middle Eastern cultures. Studies from various countries and communities of this region showed that the frequencies range from 20% to greater than 70%. Inbreeding is known to have adverse effects on morbidity and mortality, in particular with respect to autosomal recessive disorders.

Within the Middle Eastern group, autosomal recessive disorders were more than twice as common in the inbred than in the non-inbred families, the pattern of which is consistent with previous observations.

>> No.13267497

More than twice as common is probably less likely to have defect than with a woman waiting until her 30's to have children, increasingly common in the west

>> No.13267507

Reads like something from a fantasy novel.

>> No.13267509

Why does the Quran allow and even support this sort of behavior? This is all standard fiqh.

>About 40 percent of the population marries a cousin in Egypt, according to a 2016 report in The Economist, while the percentage in Jordan is 32 percent.

>Many Arab countries display some of the highest rates of consanguineous marriages in the world, and specifically first cousin marriages which may reach 25-30% of all marriages. In some countries like Qatar, Yemen, and UAE, consanguinity rates are increasing in the current generation.

>A 2005 BBC survey found that 55 percent of Britain’s huge Pakistani population was married to a first cousin.

>A 38-year-old Egyptian woman with two sons suffering from micro-syndrome, for example, explained to the Economist how she was criticized by relatives for allowing her teenage daughter to marry “a stranger” instead of a family member.

>Honor killings, such as this 21-year-old Kurdish woman in Germany who was gunned down at a wedding after declining an arranged marriage with her cousin, are rare. But they demonstrate the emphasis Islamic culture places on “keeping it in the family.”

>> No.13267518

>in Germany

>> No.13267559

>Why does the Quran allow and even support this sort of behavior?
So does the Bible and in fact most western states still do., but they especially dud before secularization

Honor killing is not allowed by the Qur'an, criminals are entitled to due process and refusing a marriage is not a criminal offense in Shari'ah

>> No.13267571

Are you a Muslim?

>> No.13267579

As to your question as to why Muslims don't just permit but often prefer cousin marriage is because when choising a spouss, knowing all about them and their family leaves less uncertainty about their character and the liklihood of divorce

>> No.13267584


>> No.13267590
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Judging by the public’s reaction- no it wasn’t common or normal.

>> No.13267596

If I was a theist I would surely choose Islam over Christianity.

>> No.13267599

If you actually read the article, you'd see it varies significantly by region.

>> No.13267601

That reaction was over the age difference more than the kinship

>> No.13267610
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>> No.13267614

reads like rupi kaur desu

>> No.13267716

You have no taste desu

>> No.13267728

Tell me this, what's the actual intended convincing factor by God about Quran's truthness that applies to all times and places? Linguistic beauty can't be it, right? Since only Arabs are gonna understand.

>> No.13267729

Go back to your homeland. Islam does not belong in the West.

>> No.13267800

What criterion would satisfy you?

Islam belongs everywhere, even jinn need it

>> No.13268038

A criterion that applies to all times?

>> No.13268071
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>> No.13268192

There is none, different men are convinced by different things, that was part of Hume's analysis. The Quran employs a multitude of criteria, read it and you will likely discover the one which speaks to you


>> No.13268200

He was a writer, he had autism about putting those in his translation unfortunately.

>> No.13268798

That's disgusting.

>> No.13268835

Shut the fuck up, raghead

>> No.13268945
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Why do all Boomer terms for Muslims sound like grade schoolers came up with them?

>> No.13270388

It's not though. Only the Book of Mormon is worse. It's composition is nonsensical, what is an isn't abrogated is fucking retarded. The seemingly random splicing of Medina chapters between Meccan chapters causes significant theological whiplash in a what that just isn't present in the New Testament. Reading the Quran multiple times over the course of four semesters made me with I didn't do a Middle Eastern studies minor.

>> No.13270413


>> No.13270525


>> No.13270830
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>> No.13270834
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>> No.13270840
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>> No.13270847
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>> No.13270855
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>> No.13270869

The first good English translation of Quran appeared in 1800s, 1200 years after Quran's revelation. For most of history, it remained translated on one or two languages and between a miniscule number of people. How does this make sense to you that God would reveal a book for all humanity, but there would be no means for the book to reach even 20% population of the world for 1200 years?

>> No.13270920

The translated quaran isn't The Book, and all the population need to learn Arab to understand God.
You still can't read the Quaran, but you'll learn arab like the rest of the world

>> No.13270934

The Quran wasn’t revealed, it was fabricated.

>> No.13270937

>strangely psychotic and out of touch anime memes about islam
Winning The Information War and You

>> No.13271050



This is sort of like saying how can Christianity be true when the Bible was only in Latin for so long

>> No.13271130

Hatred of evil, the desire to lead a good life and the admission of one's ignorance (cf 20:114-115) and smallness in the world (cf 40:57).

>> No.13271132


>> No.13271149

same goes for judaism or christianity or zorastrism and so on. why was the new testament not translated into indian language or mesoamericano?