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13266394 No.13266394 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best/most comprehensive reads on Gnosticism?

>> No.13266403

pic related

>> No.13266415
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Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse

>> No.13266547
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Are the SNES SMT games good?

>> No.13266666

Where'd you get this? Appreciate the simple explanation of gnosticism. Care if I save your jpeg friend?

>> No.13266674

Damn...Abstract concepts beget abstract concepts...2deep4me
They're hard as nails. If you're a masochist then yeah go ahead

>> No.13266687

What are the male and feminine principles for the rest of them? Is it mind, life, and man are masculine-ruled, and truth, word, and church are feminine-ruled?

>> No.13266692


Yes, but they are of their time.

>> No.13266737
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Go ahead quintfriend.

>> No.13266824

your own subconscious

>> No.13266839

Most exalted Luciferian quints

>> No.13267035

based Platonist

>> No.13267265

Is there another pic or is this it?

>> No.13267276

Friendly reminder that there are hidden gnostic messages in much of our popular and fine art. “The Scientist” by Coldplay is about a sympathetic Demiurge who is sorry for having messed up creation.


>> No.13267294

Why is Gnosticism getting so memed? It's basically the same thing as all other religions.

>> No.13267321



>> No.13267434
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Unlike other religions, Gnosticism's conception of God actually makes sense and it gives a satisfactory answer to the problem of evil

>> No.13267439

Just start with Gospel of Thomas.
It's even free online.

>> No.13267637
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>> No.13267904

What about the problem of good then...?

>> No.13267963

Nag Hammadi

There isn't much info on gnosticism at all.

>> No.13267981

Nag.. Nag Ha. Nagonna work here anymore anyway

>> No.13268014
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>the problem of good

>> No.13268055

Good exists only in the human mind and it is caused by the absence of evil.

>> No.13268096

please explain this to me.

>> No.13268120

absolute based, I appreciate this song now.

>> No.13268140

something something eternal primordial knowledge

>> No.13268316

le Meno

>> No.13268783
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>> No.13268831

Finish posting pics?

>> No.13268872
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>> No.13268878
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that's it

>> No.13268880

How do you know it happened this way and not some other way?
What a bunch of unfalsifiable bullshit

>> No.13268956
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who created Chaos (or Depth) and why he/she/it resides in a brane?

>> No.13268984

You can't ask this question it's ~ incomprehensible ~

>> No.13268998


Why did the demiurge come into existence?

>> No.13269031
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When in a story you can make the villain the hero and the hero the villain is symptomatic of a weird shit is happening.

Especially when it is the story of the foundation of reality and humanity for the entire hemisphere of a planet.

>> No.13269039

Apparently it is the result of a catastrophe trying to unite new abstractions and an entity somewhere in a reality where there is a very low margin of maneuverability.

>> No.13269116

this literally explains nothing
fuck philosophy, I should focus on physics

>> No.13269123

lmao welcome to the machine. you are wise for taking this decision. philosophy is a spook.

>> No.13269148

If you could answer this question, chaos wouldn't be very incomprehensible, now would it?

>> No.13269157
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>> No.13269158

these are funny and i enjoy these

>> No.13269167
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chaos is a human term, chaos didn´t label itself as "chaos" therefore if the oracle reveals to me the true nature of this subject we call "chaos" we would only change the word to describe this entity to a more apt term

>> No.13269168

>nag hammadi bible
>the christians as the romans saw them
>against the gnostics (plotinus)
>apologies of justin martyr
>against heresies (St. Irenaeus)

that should be more than enough to get you started. if you want to cool your brain down with something more entertaining, the evangelion anime and VALIS by PKD, and blood meridian also heavily explore gnosticism

>> No.13269307

Evangelion is anti gnostic tho

>> No.13269315


how so?

>> No.13269326

he's trolling

>> No.13269337

The concept of incomprehensible is comprehensible.

>> No.13269341

Yes. The fact that chaos is incomprehensible is itself comprehensible.

>> No.13269358

The problem of evil is a joke and should be reframed as 'WAAAHHH!!! I don't like X!!! Why is God such a meenie?'

>> No.13269365

this reeks of ad hom

>> No.13269371


Have you ever considered yourself a self-conscious animal? You are the result of billions of years of development of this universe, literally an arms race of evolution resulted in you, intelligent, with the ability to reason, able to shape reality through your will. Of course physics talks about what surrounds us and what composes us, but you are not only a physical phenomenon, you are something else, always.

Forget the concept of philosophy and physics, those are the true spectres to which we cling strongly because our society and our civilization is based on their definitions, but we are not society nor can we be classified or encapsulated. We, as a human phenomenon, are a mystery, a novelty in the map of reality. Never forget that.

>> No.13269383

Evil exists only in the human mind and it is caused by the absence of good.

>> No.13269386


>> No.13269389
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>What are the male and feminine principles for the rest of them?

>> No.13269398

>special snowflake detected
Dude we are basically just smart(er) apes.

>> No.13269411

We are more complexes that snowflakes. The brain is the most advance piece of technology we have, and there's a race for it, because basically is free real state.

>> No.13269412

Don’t put words in my mouth
SEELE are Kabbalists/mystics who seek to end the material world qua the human instrumentality project because they want to end suffering, which is primarily the result of the individual’s relation to the world around them, specifically, other people. Shinji initially shares their desire to end his suffering and kills individualism by ending the material world before realizing that he can only experience meaning and purpose by understanding himself, which can only be done in relation to the world around him. He rejects instrumentality and embraces suffering as he sets forth to connect with other people, realizing that all other people share the exact same struggle as him. In Anno’s worldview, Kabbalah/Gnosticism/mysticism is akin to being an Otaku, since they’re all founded on the desire to end suffering by ostracizing yourself from other people. The Gnostic texts speak of a better world that’s free of suffering and promises deterministic outcomes for all individuals, with only some being capable of finding Gnosis (the animate and spiritual people) whereas others are “material” and lack a spiritual essence altogether. It asserts that individuals should focus solely on their own spiritual development, which is why the historical accounts of people who interacted with so-called “Gnostics” refer to them as being hermits. According to Anno, individual suffering is a natural outcome of existing in a world with other individuals who exact their agency on each other, and the desire to end this kind of existence is veiled misanthropy

>> No.13269413

gnostic charts?

>> No.13269426

>We are more complexes that snowflakes.
please, please, PLEASE learn English

>> No.13269441

So if I try to comprehend Chaos I'm helping the Demiurge? Can Silence be comprehended? Or any of the other Pleroma?

>> No.13269443

hot take, but End never argues that Shinji's decision to reject Instrumentality was the right choice. If anything, it seems only he and Asuka rejected it, leaving them alone. The ending could (and is) interpreted as a bad one.

>> No.13269468

Dude don't try to comprehend it. Anno just mixed deep sounding concepts together. None of that garbage makes sense. He was depressed and wanted to rationalize it. Guess what: Most people do just fine in the world and aren't depressed.

>> No.13269501

I appreciate you acknowledging that it’s a hot take, but EoE and EoTV end with Shinji finding acceptance for the first time by making the decision to connect with other people. “Connecting with other people” doesn’t mean just being nice to people, it just means being invested in interacting with other people and making the effort to understand their struggles (referred to as being the “self that is not seen” in one of shinji’s psychological sequences, in contrast to the “self that is observed,” which serves to cover up one’s true personality). Earlier in EoE, Rei tells shinji and asuka that they’re the same people since they have the exact same “self that is not seen,” it’s only their false selves that they project onto other people that seem different. His decision to strangle Asuka is simultaneously out of contempt for her and for himself, since he sees himself within her. Contrastingly, she caresses him out of the simultaneous recognition that both of them need love, which is enough to save her life as shinji stops choking her and shrinks into a fetal position. Their understanding of each other, thus, of themselves, allows them to finally settle their struggles

>> No.13269513

Ok will do.

>> No.13269517

This is actually hilarious bait, thanks anon

>> No.13269545

Again. Stop sucking that nips dick and trying to make sense out of his gibberish. Most people are fucking NPC tier and don't care about shit like connecting to others. It's Asian insect mentality projected on everyone else. No I won't commit suppuku just because someone doesn't like me, Anno-San. Western people aren't like that at all.

You are literally discussing an anime where a naked girl turns into a giant goddess, then gets a fucking VAGINA on her forehead which is pierced by a fucking spear which is supposedly the same spear some roman fag pierced Jesus with. Then you some robots floating in air in the jesus position and everything turns into red piss. Woah deep!

>> No.13269551

Except in many religions evil is a thing that clearly exists

>> No.13269563
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The "self that is not seen" and "the self that is observed" are very blatant references to the "shadow" and the "persona" concepts put forth by Jung. Instrumentality was basically an attempt by SEELE to make humanity into a gestalt consciousness, because people hurt each and reject each other, both in a physical and spiritual sense (hence the existence of A.T fields that form spiritual barriers around the ego). Instrumentality breaks them down so all souls become primordial soup (tang) but Shinji rejects Instrumentality for the opportunity to live with others, even if its painful. However, only he and Asuka make it back, and the first thing he does is strangle her, while she calls him disgusting. I think the point of that final scene was to show that, while Instrumentality was a flawed attempt to surpass human nature, rejecting it was NOT the right choice, since people still reject each other as before.

>> No.13269564

Did you draw these yourself?

>> No.13269568

Let me point you to the whole from which the demiurge springs.

There are, in gnosticism, notions, Aeons, which function as aspects of the world that are akin to platonic forms, manifestations and facts, which to us appear as feelings and intuitions. Love, wisdom, silence, chaos, truth, pleasure, happiness -- these things supposedly precede existence, and are with the pleroma. One of these aeons, wisdom, is typified by an attempt to understand upwards, and to contain in itself the pleroma, to be a form of forms. This is a contradiction, and would negate itself and the forms if it ever succeeded in the acquisition and undermining of the ogdoad (and chaos). This contradiction, which may appear as an inconsistency of the metaphysics of gnosticism, is explained by a being which is the product of that contradiction, the demiurge. The words in the comic "well fuck" become the basis for the being of the demiurge -- this is meant to suggest that insight into the world is always, when codified by matter, reduced to matter; subsequently the demiurge springs from attempts at understanding because the search implies a lack of fullness, I suppose because you dont seek if you already have.

>> No.13269574

Hm..... you may have a point. How do I convert to gnostickyism?

>> No.13269587

Wait the serpent is Jesus in gnosticism?

>> No.13269599

>but Shinji rejects Instrumentality
And here is where the logic of the anime falls apart. Shinji was an egoistic, whiny fag. He would be the FIRST person to embrace an instrumentality, especially after what he has been true abused and insulted by both Misato, Asuka and his dad and all the others. That he would suddenly reject instrumentality is absolutely totally unrealistic.

>> No.13269620

I agree with you up until the very end, you ignore the pivotal moment which is asuka’s caress. It’s breaking the cycle in the series where none of the characters adequately understand each other or respond to their struggles. With that action, at least asuka is able to understand shinji, and like I said, herself, for the first time. I interpret “how disgusting” to emphasize that they’ve returned to reality, or that shinji will face judgement/resistance towards his actions again (which is appropriate, in this case). Without that line, the value of the real world in contrast to instrumentality wouldn’t have been clear enough, as asuka’s caress independent of a judgemental statement to acknowledge his cruelty would be unrealistic. They both have their own needs, and one is able to acknowledge and address it even if the other is harming them

>> No.13269628
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he's the source of all evil, he's the Satan equivalent in Gnosticism
If he is egotistic then he would be one of the first to reject Instrumentality. Instrumentality means undergoing ego death, which is why he and Asuka rejected it, because they are both selfish, not to mention that Shinji has a "talk" with the other characters that convince him to change his mind and reject it.

>> No.13269638

He’s the one who enacts instrumentality. It’s ironic since SEELE initially lost control of it to Gendo, who was betrayed by Rei as she gave control of it to Shinji. In the end though, they all wanted the exact same outcome, so it didn’t matter who gained control of humanity. Shinji changes his mind once he realizes that he’s losing his identity (look up the freedom scene), and like you said, he’s egoistic, so he was motivated to reject instrumentality in order to maintain his ego/identity

>> No.13269656

Hm interesting point. So he rejected instrumentality basically out of hatred. He didn't want to merge with the others who rejected him his entire life, instead he wanted it to do things his way and stay isolated and try to connect to others in small, palatable portions, instead of totally merging with them, so basically what he has been doing the ENTIRE first half of the anime before anno spiraled into existential depression and took Shinji with him and ruined him as a character.

Also it is way

>> No.13269664
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The "how disgusting" line comes from the implication that all human minds are connected in Instrumentality, so Asuka accessed Shinji's memories and saw that he fapped over Asuka's comatose body. The caress is meant to give the audience hope that the characters finally understand each other, only to reveal with the following line that that isn't the case. You also have to understand that Anno was fully off his meds when he made this, hence the incredibly bizarre imagery, and that this was his way of stating, rather cynically that people will never be able to understand each other.

>> No.13269691

And in Neoplatonic texts Julian argued that the serpent in the garden is actually Good for illuminating mankind, and the "God" of Jews/Christians was evil for keeping Wisdom from man. Fascinating interpretations.

>> No.13269721

>he caress is meant to give the audience hope that the characters finally understand each other, only to reveal with the following line that that isn't the case.
One doesn't exclude the other. She caressed him because she understood she needed love just like her, but then she expressed contempt because she understood he needed love just like her. This is the most real connection you will ever good. You either connect with the good and the bad or don't connect at all. If you open the door for love you also open it for negative emotions like contempt and hatred. It's true: It is easier to feel contempt and hatred for a person you once admired and loved than for someone you never connected with at all.

>> No.13269740

Like I said, you have to consider the fact that Shinji and Asuka now understand that they embody the same self, which is even repeated by Shinji for emphasis when Asuka says she hates him (“Because you’re just like me?”). In addition, according to your interpretation, Asuka wouldn’t have caressed him in the first place, and would have likely attempted to fight back, instead.
Also, I believe “how disgusting” indicates that she understands him, and by extension, herself. She acknowledges the ugliness that truly exists within both of them by driving their selfish behavior —- the Jungian shadow that you mentioned.
As for Anno being insane during EoE, I believe he was actually off his rockers during the last two episodes of the tv show since he considered suicide immediately afterwards, but he worked on Kare Kano, Love and Pop, and Ryusei Kacho both during and after the production of EoE, all of which are cohesive and extremely understandable, even accessible works
Shinji’s decision isn’t entirely motivated by hatred, since instrumentality is the conclusion of misanthropy (the death of the individual). The implication is that his development isn’t complete but that he reached a state better than all of the other humans he interacted with by understanding the reason why he suffers, and likely, that he’ll become a better human being

>> No.13269750

That’s a great way to put it anon

>> No.13269758
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It does tie into the Hedgehog's Dilemma, which gets brought up once or twice in the series. Humans are like hedgehogs: we seek each others company to not feel alone but in the process we hurt each other. I guess it depends on wether you think the ending was hopeful or cynical. If you think Shinji rejecting Instrumentality was the right choice that leads to a future where people can connect with each other genuinely without having to destroy the evil, then yeah, it's anti-Gnostic.

>> No.13269762

Shit's cringey

>> No.13269789

>he's the source of all evil, he's the Satan equivalent in Gnosticism
There are different forms of Gnosticism. In Christian Gnosticism, the God of the OT and NT are different. Jesus and the serpent are one and the same and are the "good guys"

>> No.13269807

Jehovah, the Semitic god, from the atheistic, anthropological, anthropocentric point of view, is an engineering process of belief (hyperstition) developed by a culture through the experience they gathered from other civilizations, so they say it looks very much like the god El de Mesopotamia, they took his image, gave new shape to him and appeared a new iteration, YHWH or Jehovah.

After that you have Christ, the historical figure, who through an itinerant ministry through Rome delivered a new interpretation of human morality.

After that, one of his apostles, Paul, travels to Greece, where he comes into contact with Hellenic philosophy in one of the most important events in the history of the Christian faith.

The Greeks, with Paul's exegesis (interpretation of the message of Christ), worked to develop a new model that would reconcile the observation of the reality they had with this new moral tendency and thus Gnosticism was born.

The Greeks did not see Jehovah as a father, but as an architect, and not as someone who loved his creatures, taking into consideration the intrinsic violence of nature and because, moreover, Jesus never spoke about the history of Genesis, at least, it was not written that he did so as far as my knowledge reaches, so that the idea behind the myth of creation speaks to us of a being that encloses the human animal in a center of study and analysis, which would come to be Eden. How to get out of this enclosure? The image of Christ, now with a new moral law and interpreting the figure of a trickster, from the point of view of the orderly system of Eden, creates the fruit of knowledge (which provides humanity with fire) and gives the species a chance to get out and be free.

>> No.13269828

Nobody can hurt you. Only yourself. If you allow yourself to be hurt, you deserve to be hurt. It's all a matter of perspective and maturity.

Here is the ultimate red pill. You are in total 100% charge of your perception of reality. You control what gets in and what gets out. You control everything, the entire god damn experience. There is no more liberating thought than that. "Either learn to love others or learn to be alone." But don't get stuck between two routes and complain that you hate being alone and also hate others, that's just childish.

>> No.13269861

Jesus quotes Genesis once:
And He answered and said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.”

>> No.13269864

They're both 2 sides of the same coin.
>lucifer: You will be as god, but you CAN get destroyed in the process.
>jesus: you WILL be saved, but you will never be as god.

>> No.13269887


Here’s a good book list. The website also has several good introductory tracts if you know absolutely nothing or need a refresher on the basics. The website’s owner, Stephan Hoeller, also wrote one of the books on the list and it is the introduction I recommend.


>> No.13269901
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I don't complain about being lonely. Family is one of the most important things to me, but ignoring the fact that people do hurt each other, even if unintentionally is very naive. People can never understand each other 100% because we have are own egos that put up barriers so we can retain our sense of self, and this causes strife amongst people. Otherwise we would have already reached world peace.

>> No.13269943

Now you're just being naive. We have wars not because people don't understand each other. They understand each other perfectly well: money, power and women. These things everyone wants, but in order to get them you have to become corrupt and immoral. What is there not to understand?

You have a romantic world view where wars exist because of hurt feelings when the reality is that all dictators and psychopaths function 100% the same mentally, no matter where on earth and what skin color.

>> No.13269948

Close as fuck in my personal theory. Based anonymous poster.

>> No.13269965

Its difficult to refute you as you don’t have grounding for your claims, and I don’t think you’re presenting it in an actually relevant way. Cruel dictators are the result of the Nietzschean ubermensch, or people who strove to elevate themselves over others as a result of believing that others are inferior, that they need a leader like them to make their decisions for them. You’ll have to answer where the misanthropy and desire to collectivize humanity stems from, and whether they could content themselves with actually interacting with humans as the individuals they are while on equal footing, so to speak.

>> No.13269991

You seem to misunderstand my point. Yes, people go to war over things like money or resources. But the point that Evangelion was trying to make is that the people reject others to protect their own ego. This manifests as rejecting others because they are not us, because of their differences: they have different skin colors, eye colors, they're fatter, thinner, more muscular than us; they have different religious or political beliefs. So how could they ever understand us fully?

>> No.13269999

>the serpent is Jesus
Lucifer Morningstar is the Light

>> No.13270010

>You’ll have to answer where the misanthropy and desire to collectivize humanity stems from
Easy. Because the humans ALLOW themselves to be deceived. Dictators usually have incredibly high IQs. Hitler, Stalin, Mao... they were devouring thousands of books since their earliest youth. The more the people fell for their plots and schemes, the more contempt these dictators felt.

Germans worshipped Hitler basically like a messias, yet in 1945 he expressed contempt for them and was even willing to let them be destroyed.
>"If they are dumb enough to be treated like cannon fodder they DESERVE to be treated like cannon fodder."
That's the inner dialogue of psychopathic leaders and honestly they're kind of right. It takes 2 to dance a tango. The dictators feel above others because they are TREATED that way by their own subjects. Hell you can even see this phenomenon with artists and musicians who despise their own fans.

>> No.13270020

But why do they use their knowledge to fodderize people instead of encouraging individualism?

>> No.13270048

Because people are ungrateful pricks.

I could be a saint and encourage the growth of all the people I come in contact will. Or I could exploit the fuck out of their stupidity and enjoy the sweet nectar of power, luxury and all the privileges I can have.

For example dumb videos of pop stars ten to have billions of views on YouTube, yet educational videos have only a small percentage of that.

Evil people don't fall from the sky. They are bred in an environment which encourages such behavior.

>> No.13270083

"Entropy" very well did name itself.

>> No.13270098

"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

>> No.13270166

Thanks for explaining, I agree with you. Is the solution to encourage the destruction of such an environment?

>> No.13270182
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>the solution

>> No.13270184

The serpent eats its tail, my friend.

>> No.13270203

Meant to refer solely to the destruction of a political system, which I don't agree with yet

>> No.13270219

Maybe he takes the position of Morning Star, replacing the former.

>> No.13271252

>that's it

No it isn't. There's more.

This was done by an anon in /x/ a couple years ago.

>> No.13271287

Nag Hammadi Library and Pistis Sophia are the two books that contain the core teachings of gnosticism. Keep in mind, that Pistis Sophia is written about 100 years later than the texts collected in Nag Hammadi Library. Nag Hammadi starts with Secret Book of John, which is contains detailed and long description of the gnostic creation myth with Sophia, Demiurge etc.

There is also Gospel Of Judas, which was discovered much later than Nag Hammadi Library. The text whoever is quite fragmented, and you might not get anything out of unless you familiar with core teachings. After reading Nag Hammadi Library, I do recommend reading this though.

>> No.13271293

Brahma Sutras with bhashya of Shankara

>> No.13271298

That's not gnosticism, mate.

>> No.13271311

Serpent is servant of Sophia. Sophia sent the serpent to Paradise to give Fruit of Knowledge for Adam and Eve. The Fruit would awaken their spirits and allow them free themselves from control of Demiurge (creator god) and to escape from Paradise. Paradise in gnosticism wasn't actually nice place to be. For example Demiurge and his angels would gang-rape Eve and force her to give birth of half-human half-angel spawn.

>> No.13272264
File: 38 KB, 258x382, F95138E0-9CF3-4208-A5F8-51903BA6BAF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reach deep within yourself and find the warmth and light of your divine spark. Allow it to expand. Mortify the fleshly prison you inhabit in order to obtain union with the heavenly Fullness.

>> No.13272333

These two books by Elaine Pagels :
The Gnostic Gospels
Adam, Eve & The Serpent

>> No.13272361

What else?!

>> No.13272453

Why would you recommend OP to start with these? You should always start exploring a religion with the original ancient texts that define the religion. In this case Nag Hammadi Library and Pistis Sophia. At least you don't get any misunderstandings that way. You can read Elaine Pagels' after reading the core texts though.

>> No.13273100
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Against Heresies and Summa contra Gentiles.

>> No.13273123
File: 227 KB, 1242x810, BN-UZ415_bkrvad_GR_20170907075155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnosticism is just an excuse to be a degenerate while putting the blame on God.

>> No.13273997

t. Sam Hyde

>> No.13274182

Gnosticism embraces as much purity as christianity. Gnostics do worship God, but not the creator. Please educate yourself before posting.

>> No.13274292

Purity is about embracing suffering to do what’s morally right, Gnosticism rejects suffering and says we deserve perfect happiness

>> No.13274387

evangelion is anti-gnostic in that it affirms a commitment to individuation, yes, and a rejection of the pleroma/instrumentality

>> No.13274597

You're really stretching it. Happyness is a phenomenon of the material world, so no.

>> No.13275624

>suffering is good
the absolute state

>> No.13275644

Is Gnosticism compatible with non-dualism?

>> No.13276298

The only reason why Gnostics believe the material world is evil is because of the suffering it brings

>> No.13276308


>> No.13276312

suffering is bad therefore material world bad

>> No.13276349

suffering stemming from the material

>> No.13276541

How could you look at the state of the material world and not conclude that its Creator is either evil or incompetent? Just the other day I saw a clip of a heron swallowing a rabbit whole and alive. Face it, Yahweh delights in cruelty and suffering, including your own.

>> No.13276565

Please tell me non-fundamentalist Gnostics don't actually think this way >>13276541

>> No.13276593

This fellow has solved a millenia old theological conundrum. He may be the greatest thinker of our times.

>> No.13276614

pretty good one anon, i like that movie

>> No.13276735

Plotinus Against the Gnostics.
Then I guess Irenaeus.

>> No.13277035


>> No.13277038

How can Idea precede Mind and Truth?

>> No.13277044

This but unironically.

>> No.13277709

I'm ex-gnostic, who is now a theosophist, so I can answer. There are many views of Jaldabaoth/demiurge (Yahweh). While so do think, that he is evil, so do think that he is just incompetent. God didn't have anything to do with his creation, so he isn't perfect. So he is just a kind of gigantic fuck up, who tries to be God.

Whoever the creation myth is NOT the major point of gnosticism, like the creation myth is NOT the major point of christianity either. The point of gnosticism is to follow the teaching of Lord Jesus Christ. In christianity his death is important, while gnostics do not think so, but they think that His teachings were the important thing and core of the religion. While christianity you have to believe, but not really live like He taught, in gnosticism you don't have to believe, but live like He taught.

>> No.13277745
File: 18 KB, 450x329, Plotinus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plotinus, Ennead II.9 Against the Gnostics:

>> No.13277895
File: 303 KB, 3500x1900, gnosis8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13277958

>chaos / entropy / disorder / fluidity
>not being the feminine force
w e w sounds like a backwards ideology

>> No.13277963

>t. evildoer

>> No.13277971

>inversion of morality
sounds like some jewish shit to me. That's one of their specialties.

>> No.13277987

>For example Demiurge and his angels would gang-rape Eve and force her to give birth of half-human half-angel spawn.

h-hot... is there any rule34 of this?

>> No.13278147

Gnosticism rejects happiness brought by material world such as unmarital sex, intoxicants, unhealthy food, meaningless entertainment and other pleasures. Happiness is brought by the teachings of Jesus Christ and the ascension closer to God.

>> No.13278213

what the fuck, varjayana buddhism has the same "angels gave me the messages" bullshit reason like the Secret Book of John.

>> No.13278223


>> No.13278877

How is that a response to what I said?

>> No.13279226

It’s not a bullshit reason friend...it is a deep truth experienced by multiple cultures...you know this to be true

>> No.13280704

>Unlike other religions, Gnosticism's conception of God actually makes sense
Gnosticism, like its cousin Christianity, survives only by plagiarism of scraps and pieces that it has scavenged and by refusal to acknowledge the other religions of the world which have a more complete and comprehensible cosmology and understanding of the world and have a broader perspective. Unlike its cousin Christianity, Gnostics are emo pussies who were unwilling to cut the throats necessary to cut in order to dominate cultures around it, and so lay about in filth in a dark alley occasionally clawing out at passersby who are on the way something more fulfilling and which might actually make sense.

Like all Abramhamism, Gnosticism is fake religion with fake gods. Fuck 'em.

>> No.13280712

>Christ... delivered a new interpretation of human morality.
Oh shut the fuck up. Christians act like Jesus was the first person to ever be nice to anybody. Jesus doesn't have a single original teaching to his name.

>> No.13280718

bros the jews are subverting the jew I worship send help bros

>> No.13281218

Peace be with you, brother. I hope you some day come to rest in the truth of Gnostic enlightenment.

>> No.13281597

Would you say Gnosticism is incompatible with non-dualism?

>> No.13282303

>implying the immaterial realm is any different
Like you know any better.

>> No.13282310

>fuck philosophy
Gnosticism is anything but Philosophy.

>> No.13282321

>suffering is inherently valuative
Damn Moco!

>> No.13282331

EoE, soon on Netflix.

>> No.13282444


K*bbalists =/= Gnosticism.
Nobody is fucking God/Godess here today.

>> No.13282474

It’s not hard to have direct experience of the spiritual world, I’ve done it many times.

>> No.13282582

>the "persona"
Can you explain this?

>> No.13282589

You sound very wise unironically.

>> No.13282595

How can mind precede idea?

>> No.13282771

So.... Otakus are modern day gnostics? I should have known that anime is devils work.