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13261032 No.13261032 [Reply] [Original]

What books will help me get over losing my first love?

>> No.13261162

Sex and Character

>> No.13261174

What will I learn?

>> No.13261200


>> No.13261207

No fren

>> No.13261230

Thus spoke Zarathustra

>> No.13261231


>> No.13261242

Nietzsche wrote it after Stacy dumped him because she didn't want to marry him

>> No.13261631

So was he a incel or not

>> No.13261733
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Nothing helps
I dreamt her last night and i woke up in the morning and started crying
All the books i read about love make it worse

>> No.13261738


>> No.13261801

I actually dreamt about her last night too which is why I had to make this thread

>> No.13261826

Everytime i smell lavender i choke up

>> No.13261827

>tfw you've started a little something something with someone and reading threads like this
Am I just gonna lose her if we start to really care about each other, bros?

>> No.13261838

you don't. cherish your loss OP. this will let you fall in love again

>> No.13261880

I think you should just try to avoid assuming she's the perfect girl for you and that you're going to grow old together which is what I did. There are tons of "perfect" girls out there.
I agree it's just hard to not think about her sometimes

>> No.13262693

Romeo and Juliet followed by Antony and Cleopatra. Only those whose hearts have been smashed are worth a fuck (given a solid work ethic).

>> No.13263762
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This one

>> No.13263985

It'll make you realize that women can't love men (in the way men love women) so relationships will seem worthless

>> No.13263995

He asked the same woman for marriage three times and was turned down each time. You tell me

>> No.13264822
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This isn't true, right?

>> No.13264862

>Am I just gonna lose her if we start to really care about each other, bros?
Spoiler alert, anon

You lose *everything* that you love. That's what life is

>> No.13265071

Romeo and Juliet is overated

>> No.13265222

>Only those whose hearts have been smashed are worth a fuck (given a solid work ethic).

Elaborate please

>> No.13265234

Remedies of Love by Ovid, you whiny loser

>> No.13265323

that's not true though.

>> No.13265335
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>> No.13265355

Sorry, it's just how it is. She didn't love you because she didn't love you, I don't really know how love works, but you cannot force someone to love you. I'm sure you will eventually find someone who truly loves you though.

>> No.13265455

Agreed. But as a result it's been subsequently underrated as if in reaction. I only mentioned it because Romeo moves very quickly from his first love (Rosalind) to his second, Juliet. The greatest love story in the language- or certainly the most famous- concerns a second, not a first love, therefore.
The presumed object of all posts is to aid OP in his moving on, correct?
Antony and Cleopatra presents a concluding love affair as by far being the best or most intense in either one of the principal characters' lives -fwiw.
Despite hurt, who knows what the future holds? That's basically my only point.

>> No.13265879

It is true though. Read Otto Weininger

>> No.13266024

I have to suppress thoughts about her or else I lose my shit, I’ve lost all social faculty, I’m like if Werther was an ape, there must be a conclusion

>> No.13266056

The sun also Rises - Ernest Hemingway.

Protagonist narrator falls in love with Lady Ashley, a lovely woman who turns out to be a complete and total slut. To everyone except the protagonist.

Hemingway relates social relationships with women to Bull fighting, where men are the bulls, and the women are the Bull fighters waving the red flags.

Worse for the protagonist was that he was a steer, so couldn't qualify to compete in the game. A war injury had made him impotent.

So he was in love with a women who only cared about sex. And she was destined to a loveless live.

Don't be that protagonist. Not ever.

>> No.13266139

Plato's Symposium. Socrates' speech describes how one can ascend from the love of an individual's to the transcendent love of beauty itself and in doing so, avoid the turmoil that must always come with chasing things which exist in time.

>> No.13266204

After some bad and eye opening experiences with women on the beginning of the year, it’s like a switch flipped in me. They have become completely interchangeable in my mind, meaning I lost the capacity to single out one of them and develop an infatuation with her. I still like women, but it’s the difference between liking a specific person or the general concept of people. Nowadays I only feel lust and the desire to be tender towards someone, but I don’t really care about who this someone is, as long as she isn’t ugly or dreadfully boring.

Have I transcended or devolved?

>> No.13266560

>dreadfully boring
It usually takes a day or two to discover this as necessarily being the case, so I myself dismiss it as a deciding criterion; also, some thots for whatever reason begin as shy, or perhaps as coy, which can be mistaken for 'boring' ab initio (and recollect that it never goes further than this phase).
In a major way youve evolved, anon. Youre current changed state in a sense challenges the universe to move (via some yet to be presented representative of the female species) what now only appears to be your dead heart. Who will win? ..My money's on the Universe. Youll be engaged within a year's time. Screencap this

>> No.13266603

Proust's In search of lost time. It's a really, really long series. Or something on chemical addictions and trauma therapy. (It's never the first one that's the worst, but the one that leaves you after you've peaked in smv.) Good luck.

>> No.13266661

>the transcendent love of beauty itself and in doing so,
thanks anon

>> No.13266763

>Be American
>Be on /lit/
Why are Burgerbois so consistent in making these errors?

>> No.13267352

It's true

>> No.13267555

>Youll be engaged within a year's time. Screencap this

This particular phrase makes me think of Mad Men. I don’t see it happening, but there’s no harm in screencaping your post. Anyway, you brought me an interesting perspective on things.

>> No.13267586

not really about first love but essential reading all the same

>> No.13267589
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>read entire thread
>no turgenev
/lit/ really is full of plebs

>> No.13267793

No. But it does begin as a prescription for getting healthy with a radical change of circumstances. My grandfather told me this used to be essential reading; why it no longer is completely baffles me. His book on Cuba's great as well.

>> No.13267844

In all seriousness youre not in so bad a place. Just take care not to hurt the wrong person. With her (the wrong person) be completely honest, friends even.

>> No.13267882

and for consistency 'youll' and 'youve' as well..
But don't worry, anon. Youll catch up.

>> No.13267930

I won't lie about my intentions/feelings, if that’s what you mean.

>> No.13267972

Holderlin's Hyperion

>> No.13267989

This is a childish thought

>> No.13268148

How would first love help with getting over an ex? I didn't get cheated on or nexted.

>> No.13269087

Turning 16 will

>> No.13269653

none i've read. my ex just communicated with me for the first time in over a year. she was getting beaten by her boyfriend after me. i want to go back and do all in my power to keep her by my side, and yet i'm forever fucking powerless. the best way is to never love anyone. never let yourself be near anyone who you can love. prevent love, it will utterly destroy you and the one you love.

>> No.13270376
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>> No.13270383

It's 100% true

>> No.13270515

this book was a snore but I did shamefully relate to the main character maybe that's why I couldn't keep reading

>> No.13270698

>what books

Here’s a song tho

>> No.13272102

Well? Growing up means discovering that 'love' isn't at all as presented. Nor is 'marriage' for that matter, unless of course one has the good fortune to marry a suitable orphan..

>> No.13272277

What are some books that will help me get over having never had a first love

>> No.13273523

It's going to take time. If you're emotionally distraught, books will not heal that pain. Eventually your feelings will fade and you can look at the situation more rationally, from the outside, and you'll realize that you did not actually know the person you loved. Focus on discovering, improving, and loving yourself.