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13266853 No.13266853 [Reply] [Original]

>Remember that, basically, you're already dead. Now you're face to face with eternity.

Why is Houellebecq so redpilled, lads?

>> No.13266917
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>memento mori

Wow, so deep lads

>> No.13266935

>we’re facing death everyday and losing. Why is it that at the end of our lives we say we’re afraid of death? It’s at the end when we shouldn’t fear it, for it has taken everything from us already.

>> No.13267045

Is Houellebecq actually worth reading or is he a meme author?

>> No.13267117

he is worth reading, start with Whatever if you intend to read more or Atomized if you wanna go straight to his best

>> No.13267131

I highly recommand Whatever which is his first and shortest novel also everything he had to say as an author is in the book the rest of his works is just a repetition

>> No.13267158

repeating himself is not what he does. He has a certain yet varied style, and then several themes, and many different topics

>> No.13267179
File: 30 KB, 720x538, Newfrens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks frens.

>> No.13267189

Wtf kind of incel shit is this? I‘m on page 6 now and i am disgusted. People actually read this and enjoy it?

>> No.13267209
File: 365 KB, 1699x770, timegoesby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can choose to understand or remain ignorant

>> No.13267236

Understand what? That he‘s a supreme gentleman and all women are trash? How profound.

>> No.13267280

How is it not profound? He's one of the few contemporary authors who actually admit women are trash.

>> No.13267300

Oh fuck, you‘re too far gone.
You really think the epiphany „women are trash“ is profound?
Anon, i am at a loss for words.

>> No.13267307

>retarded frog/feelsguy image

>> No.13267314

>Not being able to detect irony
Now that‘s truly ironic

>> No.13267325

Still a completely retarded post either way.

>> No.13267329

Hold up, fuck all those suggestions, read Submission first, then The Possibility of an Island, the maybe the Elementary Particles, everything else of his is mediocre trash.

>> No.13267337

Which one now?

>> No.13267338

Is Houellebecq just islamophobia and misogyny? Is that why you losers like him so much?

>> No.13267343

Sums it up, yep.

>> No.13267435

>islamophobia and misogyny
ahahahah these words don't even make sense

>> No.13267553

It's okay to be Islamophobic because it's not a religion of peace, and misogonistic as long as you balance it out with a hatred for men and a general misanthropy

>> No.13267694

>all women are trash
He never said that

>> No.13267705

More of a satire of the type of people who would unironically say his books are any sort of -phobic. Kind of miss the point when all you see is Islam taking over france in Submission and not the fact that the main character is pathetic as fuck and france is shitty and islam saves it

>> No.13267806

Submission is pro-Islam, but one of his books, Platform, I think, is anti-Islam.

Generally Houellebecq situates himself in the pro-Israel far-right camp, but with Submission it seems he's gotten around to reading Guenon and maybe some other unnameable french dissidents and is developing more positive feelings towards Islam, and so he wrote a book that is half pro-Islam, half owning the libs by saying they deserve to have Islam forced on them.

>> No.13267837

This meme has to end. I bet you think Notes was an incel manifesto as well. Buzzfeed tier "authorial intent/endorsement overlaps with the world/characters/narrator of the book" objection. Just leave you retarded braindead amoeba.

>> No.13267886

Just finished Atomised, was really surprised with the epilogue given how the rest of the novel seems very like an extension of Whatever but better written. Something about Houellebecq's writing (or at least the translations) is very readable and the sardonic commentary on modern society is pleasing to a schizoid personality. Who else is like him?

>> No.13268207

>we wuz just pretending to be dumb XD

>> No.13268210

>islamophobia and misogyny

>> No.13268440

Houellebecq is really focused with the Nietzschean Last Man. His anti-heros are numb, depressed, obsessed with sex, and predominately white men. On the surface, just like Lolita is misconstrued as a celebration of pedophilia, Houellebecq is falsely construed by people to be a reactionary racist.

>> No.13268561

Why those three instead of Whatever and Atomized?

>> No.13268589

If he's admitted that he is fucking dead then wasn't his prison to write his truth and have nobody hear it?

>> No.13268596

Atomised IS Elementary Particles. Wew lad.

>> No.13269636

So, no pre-pubescent/pre-period sexually mature participants at the orgy.


>Writes down Sir's order

>> No.13269657

>all women are trash?

>> No.13270883

Most trash is recyclable, or should strive to be by 2020.

>> No.13270904

you're posting alongside people who think youtube recommendations is a legit representation of reality m8

>> No.13270906

actually, it is a good representation of reality. i should say the universe.

>> No.13271108

Yes. Decrypting the past yields value distributive.