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13263141 No.13263141 [Reply] [Original]

>Play Shin Megami Tensei (真・女神転生) once

>> No.13263146

Can someone please explain it for me?

>> No.13263154

Play Shin Megami Tensei, duh

>> No.13263332
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what did he mean by this? how do i contact the lemurs?

>> No.13263381


>> No.13263388


>> No.13263399

Just wait for sentient AI and neochina and then you'll find out.

>> No.13263558

do speed

>> No.13263792

will copious amounts of nicotine and caffeine compensate if i don't have amphetamines?

>> No.13263894

>tfw he was on some podcast recently and answered "human?" when the host asked his 5 favorite philosophers

>> No.13264036

Goddammit, you actually made me laugh, OP.

>> No.13264160

Which SMT game is the best, main series or otherwise?

>> No.13264188
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Main series : 3 or 2 ( if you are a hipster ), definitely not 4 or Apocalypse.

The spinoffs ( DDS, Devil Summoner, Devil Survivor, and yes, even Persona ) are all great. I'm partial to the two Devil Survivors.

>> No.13264236

>not strange journey
you suck

>> No.13264248

Hard to say. I've played SMT I, Devil Survivor 1 and 2. Played a bit of SMT II, Persona 1 and Strange Journey. Most people say Nocturne is the best thought.

>> No.13264299
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SMT 1 is a Taoist game

>> No.13264319

SMT as a whole is Luciferian since it asserts a completely chaotic existence with no true God, only various deities striving for power
Isn’t he christian?

>> No.13264322
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>> No.13264337

Nick Land is definitely atheist but I think he's a cultural christian.

>> No.13264342

"try not to feel too bad"

>> No.13264345
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Yeah but some Taoist God high fives you after you kill God and Satan in it.
Chaos hero was based but the demons were gay, except for the cute girl ones.

>> No.13264362

Funny, because I was actually trying to go for the Neutral ending but the game doesn't lock you into a path. I killed Michael and was planning to kill Asura but then Louis shows up. I didn't replay it because the game feels like sticking a nail between your toe and your nail and kicking a wall

>> No.13264372

Is he atheist because he shares the SMT worldview by believing in spiritual beings?

>> No.13264381


I doubt it. Cultural Christianity is just as incompatible with accelerationism as actual Christianity. Traditionalism encourages a diversion of capital from technological research. It also strengthens local and national identities which act to slow the accelerating cycle further.

>> No.13264382

Yeah it's frustrating to play. The best strategy is to buy nerve bullets and then magic bullets to break the game. But in the true ending Taishang Laojun shows up and thanks you then 70 years later a rock falls on your head.

>> No.13264409

How's the sequel? Played a bit and I put it on hold because it's about as hard as the first one. Worth playing?

>> No.13264421

If you liked the first one enough to finish it you'll like the second. They made a lot of things better.

>> No.13264429

He's shared pro-christian articles on his Twitter.

>> No.13264430

>CCRU thread
>All the talk is about Land
you guys suck big time dong

>> No.13264445

I'll give it another shot. I remember I was stopped just after beating Betelgeuse. From what few games I've played thought, I'd say Strange Journey is the most enjoyable

>> No.13264603

what podcast??? link please

>> No.13264627

It's on youtube. Just search The Ethical Necrophiliac Communist Catholic.

>> No.13264668

I don't think its possible to tip a fedora far enough for a name like that.

>> No.13264680


no u

>> No.13264885

I've been trolled, for one that name has nothing to do with nick land's podcast....but now I know its a real thing on youtube.

>> No.13264911

Nick Land did a fuckton of speed and probably legitimately doesn't completely remember exactly what he was thinking. The last entry in Fanged Noumena is about him realizing he's become a junkie.

>> No.13265361

the first one? where do I start?

>> No.13265415
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What about the first games?

>> No.13265539
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Here is the one mentioned.


And here a few more interviews/podcasts talks he has done just for fun.


That last one has some of his most straight to the point, jargon free, summations
toward the end regarding his own philosophical stances you can come by. It is also obnoxiously inter-cut with random footage and totally epic scifi sound effects. If you have been having a hard timing trying to in to Land then it might be a good place to start.

>> No.13265554

whass that webm from matey. looks funny

>> No.13265654

The CCRU site is so overwhelming , there's so much content

>> No.13265749

yeah, where the fuck do i start?

>> No.13265808

I was trying to go through the archive in order but I think I'll just put out the money for the green book.

>> No.13265992

can someone give me a quick rundown

>> No.13266482

It's on libgen if you want to save money.

>> No.13266717

how do i play Shin Megami Tensei on pc? They did'nt made conversion afaik

>> No.13266719

Emulator dumb zoomer

>> No.13266746


For the most part, Abrahamic figures are given special importance over everyone else and are always among the strongest if not so strong that that are inaccessible to the player. The game might still be Lucifian, but not for that reason. It's also worth noting that it's not as if their power struggles are especially meaningful. Everything repeats in a cycle over and over and almost always ends in battle between God and Satan being decided by the player.

>> No.13266774
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I don't wanna

>> No.13266841

which one? I dont feel like emulating ps2 and dowloading those 3GBs of ISO's, is SMT1 on SNES good? What about Persona 1 that was released on PC: is it better?

>> No.13267009

Not to mention that it's actually pro-Pagan. There's subtext (and sometimes just plain text) that blames the Abrahamic G*d for transforming the gods of other religions, as well as mythological creatures into "demons" because he declared them heretical.

>> No.13267613

Read Neuromancer ONCE.

>> No.13268879

What web site? Link it pls

>> No.13268994

innocent sin was really good. fuck philemon though

>> No.13269509

It's a bunch of Brazilians watching that "red wedding" scene from Game of Thrones.

>> No.13269532

>guy in yellow faking like he cares
>guys in red obviously disgusted at the female overreaction but tolerate it because they are pussy whipped
truly GoT watchers are subhuman

>> No.13269552

SMT1 is special

>> No.13269558

Thanks for the explanation anon. I know SMT 4 has “the axiom,” is that the series’ “true God?” I know that YHVH and ialtaboath are seen as being similarly false in the series.
Or are we just looking too much into it? Did the devs just rip off Pokémon because they knew it would sell well or have they actually traversed the spiritual realm?

>> No.13269578

What was the actual video they were watching?

>> No.13269583

Strange Journey is for real niggas

>> No.13269594

that final GoT episode with based kween being not so based anymore and killing people or something

>> No.13269601
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I doubt it. They had to have made some serious research in order to include all the demons in those games. Some are extremely obscure and I don't know where half of them came from. And btw, SMT came first.

>> No.13269613

No, that webm is a few years too old to be that.

>> No.13269660

The Axiom or the Great Will is probably the all-pervading Absolute Reality like Brahman or the Tao.

>> No.13269690
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download demon summoning program

>> No.13269855
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I hope this can help.

>> No.13269927
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Thanks for explaining. It’s a really jarring and almost nerve racking experience to play SMT since it pushes completely in the direction of chaos through its Luciferian worldview, and I can’t shake the feeling it’s based on knowledge or experiences that pertain to the real world.
On top of the deities you mention, there’s stuff in SMT that seems to directly parallel real life. Even joke demons like The Terminator seem to be referencing something real, as I found this image that parallels SMT’s terminator

>> No.13269934
File: 95 KB, 732x1030, 1E381B19-FC8F-4792-A125-DC9C0F80B327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terminator from SMT
How do you recommend I get started with Taoism?

>> No.13269959
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They take inspiration from many sources, including more recent ones like urban legends (pic related), movies, books,etc. I think that the franchise doesn't so much promote Chaos as much as it discourages Law. While the games do point out Chaos flaws like might makes right mentality, they tend to also emphasize upsides like personal freedom, while only presenting the flaws with Law. There's also the promotion of Paganism like I said earlier, with blaming the Abrahamic God as the bad guy that demonize other deities who were originally benevolent. However, I'd say most games actually encourage you to pick Neutral and believe that humanity can choose its own fate with need for gods or demons.

>> No.13269983

Going to get heat for this post but Nick Land is nonsense.

>> No.13269988

Nick Land has a certain aesthetic in his writing and I think he is conscious that it's otherwise nonsensical.

>> No.13269989

Well, he's a literal druggie. It's amazing the nation of China finds him worthy of teaching.

>> No.13269990
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>> No.13270183


The key is Nick Land creating cyberpunk ambient landscapes the reason why he is popular even today.


>> No.13270316

Read Zhuangzhi

>> No.13270323


>that video

Philosophy isn't about being cool bro

I'll take my dry virginal analytic philosophers over this any day

>> No.13270347

I agree but the best philosophy happens to be cool bro, just look at kierk, the guy's works are basically emotionally driven works of art. i also want to refer to how hegel's phenomenology of the spirit became a fashion item

>> No.13270357

Analytic philosophy is so lame.

>> No.13270365

The video was made by someone else, here's the original text. http://ccru.net/swarm1/1_melt.htm

Your point remains tho.

>> No.13270417

To clarify, the Axiom is the law that binds reality and makes it what it is. For example, in the Apocalypse dlcs, Steven bent the Axiom (in this case, the laws of space/time) to bring all the messiahs from the main series SMT games together in the same universe so he can test them. The Great Will created the Axiom, but the Axiom is not infallible.

>> No.13270419

>dry virginal anal
it would be extremely painful

>> No.13270544

Might as well just enjoy this:

I suppose my issues with accelerationism include: it's already outdated by any measure despite its adherents belief in its cutting-edge (yes, I know part of the accelerating in accelerationism is that you're already too late once you verbalize or pin down what it is you're aiming to describe but in that sense it neither affects change nor accurately describes anything; it becomes purely aesthetic. We've already beaten that aesthetic to death with 60s cybernetics, 80s cyberpunk, 90s anime. It died with the Matrix and was revived in a new archaeological form with vaporwave.

I believe there is some truth to Land's work and accelerationism in general but it doesn't understand that all of this is truly the work of demonic forces which I will not go further into here.

>> No.13271083

why not just play them chronologically

>> No.13271191

only the shitty plain text version tho? :(

>> No.13272334

>I believe there is some truth to Land's work and accelerationism in general but it doesn't understand that all of this is truly the work of demonic forces which I will not go further into here.

Fudamentalist accelerationists have basically accepted that they are demonic agents. All the aesthetics, the consumption of designer hard drugs, the study and re-engineering of the Sephiroth tree, is a consciously Luciferian phenomenon included from the point of view that CG Jung might have on the subject.

That's why I don't follow these ideas as intensely as I did six months ago.

>> No.13272409
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>Just search The Ethical Necrophiliac Communist Catholic.

>> No.13272463

>Digital Devil Saga
>" " 2
>Persona 3

>> No.13272499

>start with a boring ass game

No. P3 is extremly mediocre, either start SMT with SJ, 3, 1 or 4