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/lit/ - Literature

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13261145 No.13261145 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Christianity correct and Islam, Buddhism, Judaism etc. wrong?

Isn't it awfully convenient that you happened to be born in a Christian country, taught about Christianity from a young age, see churches and Christians everywhere you go and you just HAPPEN to turn out Christian yourself?

Why is there not a single shred of physical, tangible proof of any of Christianity despite God supposedly having created everything?

>> No.13261212 [DELETED] 
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I was born in the USA as an Iranian, but I did not understand the nonsensical metaphysics of Cuckstianity until after 20 years old. Also, when I was 12, I realized Islam was retarded after seeing how brutal the Koran was towards "idol-worshipers", no joke. Better to be an idol-worshiper than one who prostrates before that infernal black stone.

I've always been a crypto-Zoroastrian ever since I was young, I said stuff that conformed with the Gathas. It's like the Gathas is in my blood, and it could be I am some kind of descendant of mobed? I like older non-antinomian Buddhism too though.

>> No.13261300

if God created everything then everything is proof that God exists.

>> No.13261607

We all know why Judaism is wrong asshole

>> No.13261625

Christianity is just Bhakti Yoga.
Babies assume since they get any divine experience it means only their divine experience is right

>> No.13261639

Christ seems the least of a dick of all the religious figures

>> No.13261645

Well the other ones don’t send you to eternal suffering for not believing in them...

>> No.13261723

>Why is Christianity correct and Islam, Buddhism, Judaism etc. wrong?
I don't know why, maybe it's just coincidence that Christianity is right.

>> No.13261729

Do we really need another Christianity thread on /lit/?

>> No.13261735

Christians have unironically become far far worse than atheists ever were since the 2016 election

>> No.13261736

This could be said about any philosophy or opinion.

>> No.13261743
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>he doesn't know /lit/ is a christian board

>> No.13261746

You posting an anime girl proves your point is incorrect

>> No.13261749

the only christian board is /x/

>> No.13261754

Worse than atheists ever were

>> No.13261762
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>he doesn't know /k/ is an Orthodox board

>> No.13261765

/x/ is a theosophical community

>> No.13261768
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If you look at Aristotle’s idea of the Good Man, it’s your typical Chad. Goes to top school, comes from aristocratic family, gets all the girls, healthy, wealthy, etc. But if you read about the early Christian monks, almost exactly the opposite. They were the poor, outcasted, people with leprosy, mania etc. Their king was a spiritual king, who loved intensely, merciful, benevolent, kind. Their writings are poetic, absolutely out there.

there’s something very powerfully true and necessary about the latter group. There’s one thing about being born rich and making the most of it, it’s like good job you didn’t fuck up. But it’s a completely different thing to be part of the group that supposed to fuck off and die, the ones with no hope and no chance, and to find meaning and purpose and worth even in their dirt condition. Then to find each other, to raise each other up, to preach not a proletariat revenge but an affirmation of their spiritual sovereignty and to forgive the wicked, as to start over again and make life good for everyone. It comes with the realization that being human means to suffer, but that we can heal and help each other, and hurt each other, that we can correct what nature had indifferently left determined. The legacy of the Christians is greatest legacy of Man the world has every known. Love, mercy, sacrifice, and redemption. the story and message of Christ won’t be forgotten

Suspend the belief in the metaphysics of it. Just as a story someone made up. How it affected people. How those people went forth. How their legacy changed the world. How those values matter just as much today as they ever have. No I’m not a Christian but I recognize good work when I see it.

With that said, I can’t stand any religion or person whose trying to tell me what to do for the sake of its own authority or status. If it has any of those things it’s because it’s true and good. Cuz the truth is the truth, the good is the good, and as far as I’m good and true to myself, I am to those things that reflect that within and without of me.

“What can I do, Muslims? I do not know myself.
I am neither Christian nor Jew, neither Zoroastrian nor Muslim, I am not from east or west, not from land or sea, not from the shafts of nature nor from the spheres of the firmament, not of the earth, not of water, not of air, not of fire. I am not from the highest heaven, not from this world, not from existence, not from being, from heaven and not from hell. ... I am drunk from the cup of love, the two worlds have escaped me. I have no concern but carouse and rapture. If one day in my life I spend a moment without you from that hour and that time I would repent my life. If one day I am given a moment in solitude with you. I will trample the two worlds underfoot and dance forever. O Sun of Tabriz, I am so tipsy here in this world,
I have no tale to tell but tipsiness and rapture.”

>> No.13261773

I think you wear your beliefs like fashion accessories

>> No.13262428

Because Christians know where they're going when they die.

>> No.13262650

You want people to join tiny cults instead, or foreign religions with barely any local followers? I suppose you want to "debunk" religion, but if a person believes in God then becoming a Christian to praise the Lord with other people makes a lot of sense, right?

>> No.13262808

This. People who come to redeem themselves through suffering are often more creative and have better morals and stories to teach.

>> No.13262849

>god is mean because he has rules and therefore he does not exist

This is why people think us atheists are retarded neckbeards.

>> No.13263321

Are you truly need me to tell you why you’re retarded or can you just do it to yourself?

>> No.13263331

All other religions were just leading up to it

>> No.13263351

Leading up to Islam you mean

>> No.13263358

hi Nietzsche

>> No.13263457

That question surpasses human ability to answer.

Each of these words-- Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism-- denotes an enormous intellectual tradition accompanied by an incomprehensible variety of lived spiritual experience.

The best we can do is make superficial comparative analysis.

For my part I have become a Christian (after being raised decidedly atheistic) because it seemed like God was calling me to the doors of a Christian church.

We must go where we feel called. No convert can describe anything but their own particular story. And even our own particular story is a superficial rendering of what our life actually is.

The full reality of our persons is known only to God.

>> No.13263460

I don't know, Christ seems a lot more narcissistic than Buddha.

>> No.13263468

Do you lack any semblance of reading comprehension?
Is this what athiesm does to you?

>> No.13264971


>> No.13265269

>/lit/ stumbles onto philosophy 101 again

>> No.13265383



>> No.13265676

>hell is an actual place with active torture

>> No.13265745
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It's completely bonkers that someone goes to hell because they were born in, say, a buddhist country and grew up to be a buddhist. And christians can't come up with better arguments for conversion except "your religion is wrong because we said so."

>> No.13265751

Nietzsche said the opposite my dude

>> No.13265754

All Abrahamic iterations of God say essentially the same things. Follow one and you follow all. Anyone who says otherwise is a pedantic faggot.

>> No.13265794

It's like the early 2010s again, but with theism now. The ism's may change, bur the fedora always stays.

Also, what's up with the Islamic tourism on this board? Dawah even. I'm sure there are a few actual ones that have been lurking before, but what's the deal? Is /lit/ being brigaded from somwhere? Is it mostly larpers?

>> No.13265797

Why are you surprised that a board that discusses ideas discusses one of the biggest ideas the world has ever known? ‘Islam’ isn’t a dirty word, you know.

>> No.13265801

Yes it is? Pedophilia cults are not cool.

>> No.13265813

Islam itself is dirty and so are its followers, but that is beside the point and I have no interest of discussing this with you. The board can discuss whatever it likes, I truly couldn't care less. Just surprised by the immediate rise of Dawah and self-professed Muslims. People's identities in 4chan in general are very feeble, so it's only natural that reactionary contrarianism will lead some to whatever is most ridiculous, now that even the most esoteric political positions have become over-represented. But it can't all be larpers is all I'm saying.

>> No.13265826

Like Catholicism isn’t rife with pedophile priests lmao.
I think people are just looking outside of the typically Western approaches to ethics and art to find meaning. It’s no bad thing. Have you ever actually studied Islamic literature?

>> No.13265847

Muhammad's relationship with Aisha was based on mutual respect and they were married, it's not the same as you westerners having nonconsensual pre-marital sex with children as you so often do.

>> No.13265860

The most redpilled analysis

>> No.13265867


>> No.13265872

Cringe. It seems you forgot about the seal of the prophets, the final messenger of God.

>> No.13265876

>Implying you can have consensual sex with a child
Islam really is the religion of Satan, almost as bad as Judaism desu

>> No.13265881

Of course a Muhammedan will convince himself speedbagging the uvula of a 9 year old with your penis is a good idea as long as the 9 year old doesn't overtly object to it.

>> No.13265886

>I deliberately take things out of historical context and ignore all the faults of my own religion to disparage a religion for no reason other than because /pol/ told me to

>> No.13265890

>Let's completely forget the fact that Mohammed fucked Aisha

>> No.13265895

Islam isn't even on the table. It's a satanic warrior religion preoccupied with purely earthly matters pretending there's anything spiritual about it. Many muslims are good folk, though, don't get me wrong.

Christianity finds much of its groundwork correct and wise, but views its indecisiveness on good and evil as a cop-out for the sake of earthly matters.

A jewish supremacist religion, as evident by their perspective on the Messiah.

If you serve the Good, you will end up at Christianity.

>> No.13265902

Maybe he doesn't claim that his prophet's example is the perfect and the one to be universally followed, nor does he claim that his scriptures are the actual speech of god, so maybe, just maybe, he's right in asking you why you follow a child rapist.

>> No.13265904

Mohammed fucked a 9 year old 1600 years ago. Catholic priests fuck 9 year olds to this day.

>> No.13265911
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Most priests are homosexuals. Why do you think they diddle little boys? Also nice whataboutism, Ahmed.

>> No.13265917

>it’s okay when I do it

>> No.13265919
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You replied to posts about Islam being a pedo religion.

>> No.13265929

>1600 years ago
Hmm, do I have to make this thread about the sexual activity of your beloved people. There its completely legal to marry toddlers and what not, do you really want me to derail you fucking brainlet bitch nigger.

>> No.13265932

I’m not a Muslim, I just think there’s value to be found in studying Islamic literature

>> No.13265971

Same, but I think the bathwater doesn't make the baby worth, it so at the first opportunity I'd chuck both out. It's not like it will ever allow for filtering in any meaningful way.

>> No.13265982

You can study Islam without promoting it, I’m not sure what your point is.

>> No.13265990

I've no point to make. Just made some enquiries as to source for the presence of self-professed mooses doing dawah on this board.

>> No.13265996

>you actually typed this sentence and think it accurately describes Christian belief
WEW. Read Irenaeus or Rahner or any theologian who isn’t a 19th century American Protestant.

>> No.13266008

Underrated comment.

Christianity can work to gain the follower the status of Heaven (i.e., enlightenment, but the concept of that state is very hard for the unenlightened to conceive of) because the devotee actually surrenders their "ego" to Christ. That doesn't mean that other paths don't work.

If you're serious about being Christan, surrender (everything!) to Christ. But don't assume that's the only way for everyone else in the world. Jnana, Raja, and Karma yoga also work if you follow the path. Just keep going.

>> No.13266328

I have to respectfully disagree. I think this is an eastern re-interpretation of Christianity, effectively making of Christ a Bodhisattva which turns away from the political implications of his teachings and only brings out or emphasizes individual spirituality. The teachings not only talk about what easterners call "enlightenment" but also of a new way of organizing society. That it should be on earth "as it is in Heaven" should not just be read as spiritual encouragement, but, I think, also as an outline of a utopian political project. I really do think that treating the political implications as secondary or as only flowing from the spiritual insights reduces the full breadth of the doctrine.

>> No.13266352

i dont know if you where searching for an answer or a debate, but obviously because all religions are just collectively and historically constructed abstractions which serve as the ideological and moral fundation of past socioeconomic systems. The birth and popularization of atheism coincidentally comes from a system which cannot be legitimized by religion

>> No.13266402
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Gautama, Siddhārtha. Dislike him. A cheap nihilist, insipid and foolhardy. A pied piper, pathological narcissist and a cloying moralist. Some of his modern disciples are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his claims about remembering past lives seriously.
Majjhima Nikāya. His best work, though an obvious and shameless imitation of Yājñavalkya's "Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad"
Dīgha Nikāya. Dislike it intensely.
Dhammapada. Dislike it intensely. Ghastly rigmarole.

>> No.13266486

Came here to post something along this line.

Every philosophy becomes recursive once it has culminated in the highest possible spirit. When you are fully immersed in any such philosophy, every little thing can and will become redefined in order to fulfill that philosophy.

Because Christianity grew from the bottom up in civilization rather than from the top down, like all decadent slave philosophies do, it was required of the early Christians to redefine everything that was understood by the upper hierarchy at the time in order for their philosophy to prevail. This is why we call non-Christian societies that are older than Christianity "pagan" today: it was a term introduced by Christians as a catch-all to slander and reduce the older religions and give Christianity a moral footing over them.

>> No.13266552

I grew up in a "Christian country" where every single authority figure I have ever had was not Christian. and went out of their way complain about Christianity, and Christianity was and is constantly mocked in all popular media. Until I read the Bible out of curiosity, the only things I knew about came from people who were bitching about it. As a child I would have known less about Christianity that I die about The Tao if the people would have shut up about it. When I finally became a Christian, I think I did so initially out of spite. Maybe it was because it's so irrationally hated, even by people who know nothing about it, that adds credibility to a suffering God who claimed his followers would be hated. No other religion in the world suffers the same level of scrutiny and mockery.
Your whole argument is the same one my world history teacher made, to a room full of children as a segway into talking about world religion.

Under rated post.

Yeah, God totally wants us to build his kingdom on earth. That's why it's working out so well for the Jews and Muslims. God told us the meek would inherit the earth and then let himself be Crucified as a prank bro.
The Lord's Prayer is about asking for God's favor. In it we are asking God for it to be on Earth as it is in Heaven. We are not promising to make it so. God's kingdom is in Heaven.If God decides to make Heaven on Earth, it will not require anyone to be complicit. The history of Christianity involving itself directly in nation building is one of constant failure that always result in Christianity loosing power and influence in the world. Christianity only gains influence when Christians follow in the example of Christ.

>> No.13266720

I was not advocating nation-building. I was speaking about the congregation as those upon whom the holy spirit has descended. This congregation cuts across ordinary pagan society, facing it perpendicularly, and, like you say, follow Christ's example without regard as to the laws of their society - where the rules of their society conflict with their faith they refuse to obey. The utopian and revolutionary dimensions should be conceived of as an agressive passificism, which wills itself without regard to external threats, reordering human relations non-hierarchically. Which is to say that the members of a congregation do not love each other as their social role, their mother as mother or father as father, but each on *in God,* i.e. as they are in themselves. There are many revolutionary remarks in the Gospels but the most famous is the following: "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

I am not advocating a solely political reading: I am merely pointing out that this is one additional dimension of his creed.

>> No.13266745

I've never heard anything to contradict it.

>> No.13266767

Not entirely, he said as much about the Jews and about Jesus himself.

>> No.13266883

Nietzsche characterises the entire slave-morality system as an entirely Jesuit construction, a celebration of feebleness.

>> No.13266904

t. taqiyist

>> No.13266950

I misunderstood. Still, I don't think Christianity requires that one divorce themselves from hierarchy as a concept, and I don't see how world would benefit either. Are you suggesting that the world needs to stop loving their parent any more than they love their mail man? On some level, I think I see the appeal, but it feels like just an abstraction of love your neighbor as you love yourself. Obviously, if everyone did this hierarchies couldn't exist, but we'd probably still need organizational hierarchies as a practical necessity. The problem with utopias is they are impractical.by nature.
I do agree wholeheartedly that Christians don't do enough to distinguish themselves as apart from secular society. Often people will just go along with whatever the current trend is or worse, try to create some awful christian variant. It trivializes Christianity into an aesthetic. My local christian radio station is nothing but vague love songs punctuated by vapid morons reading gossip, and my church is basically a social club for republicans. There is an inescapable sense that their is no faith in any of it.

>> No.13266952

That's literature for the people here.

>> No.13266978 [DELETED] 

So basically Jesus was saying what Maharishi Mahesh Yogi says.

>> No.13267083

Couldn't have downloaded the full res version, could you?

>> No.13267225

That makes him more of a dick than the Buddha you brainlet.

>> No.13268717


>> No.13268859

>If you were born into a beleif, how can you be sure your right?
the same could be said of atheism.
The physical proof is only there if your willing to accept it, thats why it's a faith.
If your "too reasonable and rational" for this whole religion thing (and apparently christianity inparticular) Then research apologetics, something many people overlook about christianity. All of your questions have been answered, look for credible apologetics instead of 4chan. I shudder to think that you get your religious discourse from 4chan.

>> No.13269035

>Are you truly need me to tell you
Jesus Christ dude
Both of you insult my intelligence but are clearly based retardposters

>> No.13269394

I was not taught Christianity in the slightest and was not raised within it beyond whatever superficial sentiments are peddled around in a largely secular society. If you think that the degenerate theology that resulted from Protestantism makes a Christian society, then I don't know what to tell you. Most people, even professed Christians, know nothing about it other than some personalized interpretation.

>> No.13269402

>those hands

>> No.13269407

>to preach not a proletariat revenge

>> No.13269410

You know nothing.

>> No.13269418

tell us how that wasn't real communism next

>> No.13269451
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reminder that all Abrahamism is false

>> No.13269458

/lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature /lit/ - Literature

>> No.13269478

until /his/ stops being r/history the religious arguments are here to stay. The jannies give it tacit approval. My recommendation is not to bump threads you don't like, and to click the little "X" on the tab you have this thread open in.

>> No.13269488

Yea don’t mistake Jesus for your favorite Jewish pseudohegelian couch crasher again bitch

>> No.13269494

>th-that wasn't REAL christianity!
and it wasn't real communism right? real christianity has never been tried, right?

>> No.13269500

This, Jesus was the original ghandi, Christianity is a slave revolt.

>> No.13269506

Ur a dumbass, is that surprising?

>> No.13269508

At least Ghandi hated niggers. Jesus is a nigger lover

>> No.13269514 [DELETED] 
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Fuck you, nigger whore.

>> No.13270092

yikes, senpai

>> No.13270118

Absolutely based comment.

Annnnd the retards are out in full force I see

>> No.13270143
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>his religion is under 1,500 years old

>> No.13270296

god literally killed an entire village because they didn't fit his expectations

>> No.13270377

Christ didn't. Learn to read.

>> No.13271043


>> No.13271138

Christianity is a critique of human foundations.
Islam is an aspiration of mere vanity.
Buddhism is a ritualistic dwelling of absurdities.
Judaism is a denial of mortal duty to God.
>Why is there not a single shred of physical, tangible proof?
Pick up a handful of sand and dwell about where it came from and it will be your proof of God.

>> No.13271151

>Christianity is just Bhakti Yoga
Bhakti Yoga is Christianity, you mean.
The whole of modern Hinduism, as it was before, is only an absurd attempt to leech itself on a more refined theology through the insane amount of convoluted theiretics of hinduism. It's literally the greatest form of snake oil salesmanship.
>any divine experience it means only their divine experience is right
Hindus claim a plethrona of divine experiences and literally not a single one of them is genuine beyond your average drug binge.
Christianity is the only thing that paved the foundation for all that is Western society that
ripped off certain aspects, while their own religions kept them in moral and spiritual stagnation.
>Jnana, Raja, and Karma yoga also work if you follow the path
Go to India. See what your so called enlightenment reaps.

>> No.13271160

Judaism is obviously correct, and Christianity is clearly tacked onto it with a whole bunch of inconsistencies. Stop to think about for a while, and you'll realize it's true.

>> No.13271179

>Christianity is a critique of human foundations.
>Islam is an aspiration of mere vanity.


it’s like people don’t understand what makes christianity awesome and unique. christianity is not religion, it is a critique of human religiosity. read the fucking gospels, read barth, read bultmann, and get over your petty attempts trying to reach the divine through religious vanity. you are effectively trying to put yourselves in the position of God. heretics!

>> No.13271528 [DELETED] 

Christianity is a tick that rode on Rome's back and grew fat and lazy from sucking the blood out until it burst in 1517.

Been to India, loved it, had a warm, loving host family and visited many sacred temples. You've been?

>> No.13271726
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>his religion managed to catapult the world into unimaginable advancements in 1500
>his religion didn't keep humanity in primitive stagnation for 6000 years

>> No.13273284

christian manga is a thing you dunce

>> No.13273348

I know that you're damage controlling, as is customary for seemingly everyone these days.

>> No.13273356

Yes, it is wrong, and I'd also call it evil.

Need to learn more about this religion, to my understanding there is no God in it; it's non-theistic. Buddha was a human whom people seem to aspire to be like in some capacity. Christ is the true ideal.

Not so much that it's 'wrong', but 'incomplete'. After all, the Old Testament is essentially the Jewish holy book. It tells of someone coming to finish the story, and Christians believe that was Christ, but supposedly Jesus will be coming again and so there might be yet a third Testament sometime, which to me seems to show some flexibility with the Jewish and Christian faiths since they apparently don't claim to be complete. The rigidity of Islam, saying it's the absolute word of God and cannot be added to or changed, seems to be an inherent problem with the religion.

I was not taught about Christianity from a young age; my father seemed to be pretty much totally non-religious even though he wore a cross sometimes, and my mother claimed to be a Christian but it was merely virtue-signalling. She also defended 'white lies', which is a distinctly un-Christian thing to do. She adhered more closely to feminist ideology than Christian ideology. I did end up with some feminist views early on, but thankfully I've learned away from them years ago and have now been delving into Christianity for a couple years now. I'm the one who sought Christianity, it was not forced upon me.

There's at least one historian in the ancient Roman Empire who told of a 'Christ Jesus' who was crucified many years ago. The missions of the apostles seem to be well-documented and to my understanding the remains of some of them were desecrated by Muslims in Rome in the Dark Ages, St. Paul specifically I think. So there does seem to be proof of the history of Christianity, but as for proof of God, that seems like something that can pretty much never be proven or disproven. Like that whole 'black kettle floating in space' or whatever the concept was. That's why it's called 'faith'; it's believing even though it can't be proven. The best proof I can manage is that living a Christian life just seems to work. Statistics show that children turn out better in a married union rather than in a single parent household, statistics also show that religious people are happier on average than non-religious people, if you speak only truth (or at least adhering as close to truth as you can manage) then things seem to generally turn out well, and when wrong is done, it usually brings with it repercussions. Also, when nations reject Christianity (like the USSR, Maoist China, Islamic nations, etc.) then things tend to go really, really badly. Also the West, which is the White/Christian civilization, is the greatest in human history. I suspect that the Christian aspect has more influence in that fact than the White element because while we do have a fairly high average IQ, there are Asian nations with higher averages.

>> No.13273360

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