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/lit/ - Literature

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13257075 No.13257075 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more depressing than an self-published author convention?

>> No.13257080
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>> No.13257089
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>> No.13257159

At least they're doing something.

>> No.13257172



>> No.13257175

>having to wear a shirt marked AUTHOR so people know which one you are
Impressive, I don't think I've ever seen a black fedora neckbeard before. Truly the races are equal on this day.

>> No.13257183
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>> No.13257184

I'm giving up on writing

>> No.13257193
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>> No.13257217

That's actually not that bad

>> No.13257226

>self published children's comics
Not actually bad. The lad looks normal too.

>> No.13257234

Why are so many of these authors fat? Will I become fat if I self-publish too?

>> No.13257238

>white boy what do I do w my hands syndrome
Lmao not cringe tho

>> No.13257247


>> No.13257251

This thread again?

>> No.13257252

Did u ask them if u could take their pictures OP? Y is he so embarrassed

>> No.13257264

>Did u ask them if u could take their pictures OP?
Obviously not >>13257080 OP is very rude

>> No.13257266

I want to read The Diamond League.

>> No.13257271

I couldn't tell if she's just an old boomer and doesn't realize that's not a pose

>> No.13257273

It's on Amazon and there is a kindle edition

>> No.13257275


>> No.13257277

You've posted this thread before. Same spiteful bullshit trying to put down people who are better than you. What have you published, OP? Why don't you show us your work?

>> No.13257278

I heard diamond league 2 comes out next year

>> No.13257283

Is it kino?

>> No.13257286

At least these people are trying. What they've achieved is closer to their aspirations than I'll ever get to mine.

>> No.13257294

Diamond League is the new Ulysses

>> No.13257298

I'll buy all of his comics if they come with a topless picture of the broad.

>> No.13257310

>The city of Minerosa was a peaceful city until a petty gang known as Blackstone suddenly grew in power. Citizens looked to the police and their mayor for protection, but in the end no one appears to be safe. Hope arises as a group of vigilantes surface to combat the gang. But after a tragic event, it is hard for the people to see them as heroes. With the odds heavily stacked against them, will they be able to bring peace back to the city, or is Minerosa forever trapped in Blackstone's shadow of tyranny?

>> No.13257322

Hi Brandon.

>> No.13257336

Looks good. At least it's not GoT ripoff fantasy.

>> No.13257341

i'm sure she lets him do whatever he wants with her body

>> No.13257343

Not writing anything

>> No.13257344


I want to move there. What is the chief economy of Minerosa?

>> No.13257361

wading into an industrial park channel of the Yangtze River and finding bloated foetuses aborted by their mothers as an act of conscience

>> No.13257367

jesus fuck
imagine being that girl
sitting there all day as your mom peddles her shitty YA paranormal romance novels
I'd kill myself in shame

>> No.13257369

The girl is a qt. I hope they sell enough.

>> No.13257378

that's true love... standing by your mentally ill, obese mother as she travels the country not even selling enough books to pay for that night's hotel room.

>> No.13257386

>Chris Barcomb is a 31yr old, medically retired police officer, which lives in Harrisonburg, VA. In 2006 he began his law enforcement career as a Community Service Officer and in 2007 became a Police Officer with the Albemarle County Police Department. He worked on the Evening Patrol until November 2010 when he was injured in a training accident. After two surgeries to correct his injury, he developed a nerve disease know as Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome. Due to this nerve disease doctors were not able to correct his ankle injury. In June of 2012 he left the department to have a spinal cord stimulator installed to help him cope with the pain. In January 2013 he officially retired from the department.

After two years of suffering through the disease and his leg worsening, He made the decision with the help of his doctors to amputate his leg. He weighed the risks and looked at some alternative options, including a sympathectomy and several long-term drug treatments plan to treat the pain. In the end despite the risk of the nerve damage spreading he decided to amputate his leg. In March of 2015 he had my right leg amputated below the knee. In June of 2015 he got my first prosthetic.

As of right now, when he’s not working on the book(s) or visiting a doctor/physical therapist for my leg. He can ether be found hanging out at his home with his cat Patches, at the gym or his local comic book shop! He is an avid comic book reader and big fan of Captain America!

>> No.13257399

dnt give up!!11

>> No.13257412
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>As of right now, when he’s not working on the book(s) or visiting a doctor/physical therapist for my leg.

>my leg

>> No.13257425

I felt horrible for laughing

>> No.13257433

>I know it's been a while since I've posted anything, so here's what's been going on...

>In December I had surgery on my back to remove my spinal cord implant and since then have been recovering well. During that time my publisher went out of business, so with that I've decided to self-publish The Amazing Adventure of Superior Sam as a comic book series. It will be available in both online and in physical form. I'm hoping to have the 1st issue out sometime in June and have already begun working on issues 2 and 3.

>So that in a nutshell has been what's going on. Hopefully once the comic goes to the printers I will have more information available and even post a few more events as well. Thanks for all the support!


>> No.13257453

i'm going to assume he gets a shit ton of neetbux from being injured on a government job and doesn't actually need the money from the books

>> No.13257467

Fuck off, assholes.

I have to go because my mom won't take her meds if I don't.

>> No.13257479

Considering the trash that your average publishing house prints this can hardly be any worse but I can it's depressing to not let yourself get ripped off by some marketing agents. Typical American slave mentality. Never expected more from idiots who permanently suck the elite's penises.

>> No.13257497

>this can hardly be any worse
having even one person who isn't you look at your work before you publish it will make it 30% less terrible

>> No.13257498
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>> No.13257500

>Typical American slave mentality
It's like the least slavelike nation ever. Their proles have semiautomatic weapons ffs

>> No.13257504

our boy Brandon coolly chillin in the background

>> No.13257517

Her lesbian friend doesn't seem happy to be there

>> No.13257519

I hope you're right. He seems like a decent guy whose is an all-you-can-eat shit sandwich buffet. I hope he's financially secure enough to make wholesome children's comics just for the love of it.

>> No.13257530

Imagine being such a retard that your barometer for quality is so nonexistent that you can actually purchase self-published fantasy schlock horseshit by a fat lady and even think it might be good

The food equivalent of that is if you saw all dirt and rocks as "potentially tasty" on par with food, you'd be certifiable at that point, that's not "bad taste" that's a mental disorder

>> No.13257531

is this a wu tang production?

>> No.13257534
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>that ugly forward head posture
stop straining your neck to eat cunt

>> No.13257538
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I dont read a lot of books except the mainstream ones or watch adaptions. Forgive me for a stupid question
, I dont lurk lit either

Why dont these people just write new Game of thrones, Harry Potter or popculture fantasy instead of retarded shit? The adaption cycle is short af

>> No.13257539

> In June of 2015 he got my first prosthetic.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.13257548

how dare you disrespect Temple Grandin

>> No.13257551

most good authors are ugly as fuck

>> No.13257555

>has qt gf
Can't criticize the man

>> No.13257559

>Why dont these people just write new Game of thrones, Harry Potter or popculture fantasy

That's what these morons think they're doing.

>> No.13257563

fat women have never contributed anything to mankind, they are pure garbage

case in point: blatavsky

>> No.13257569
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Why are their covers so shitty?

If I was self-publishing, I would pick something like pic related from public domain review

>> No.13257574

Because they want to accurately portray their content

>> No.13257578
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You motherfuckers gave me the feels for Brandon so I ordered his book. I hate each and every one of you for making me feel this way.

>> No.13257595
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The most hideous woman who ever lived contributed greatly to literature.

>> No.13257607

This isn't the first time I've seen this thread. They're entrepreneurs looking to make some money from a medium that is VERY difficult to monetize. Music, writing, drawing, painting... the Matthew Principle is known and it's reflected in how the VAST majority of money made from these things goes to a select few individuals. Inevitable, but still, these people are climbing. They're far from the big up-swing on the Pareto distribution, I'm still stuck at around $200-400 per month typically, but hey, better than nothing.

Is there an element of cringe? I'd say so, yeah. Doesn't help that writing is a very low-labour trade to be partaking in, and because of how easy life generally is (in terms of not needing much physical strain) it's unsurprising that so very many of the writers are overweight. Even the ones who aren't overweight, again, not very labour-intensive to write, they'll likely be rather gangly if they're thin and the glasses stereotype will likely be present. I feel rather blessed to have the eyesight that I do; no need for glasses thus far. Must've inherited some good genes perhaps, but anyhow, combine all these aspects what with the obvious struggle upwards, the entrepreneurial bit where they're obviously trying to make money, and the way they don't generally look 'fit' as it were, I think it may be inevitable. Also the fact they're still fighting suggests that what they're selling MIGHT not be all that worthwhile at least compared to people whom are established whether they're still alive or not.

The only way to see the situation without cringe, I think, would be to take it with a pinch of salt and give due credit that they may have already gotten to the point where they're making a living from writing, just not a particularly good living yet, or if nothing else then at minimum a supplemental income like my own situation. I can't live off of $200-400 per month, but what it DOES do is improve my quality of life by a fair bit, I generally always have a few hundred dollars on hand when I add up all the funds in my wallet, my bank, my prepaid MasterCard, my PayPal account, and Fiverr. There's even been times when I had 4-figures left over AFTER paying rent, and considering I was homeless 27 months ago, I'd say that's a substantial improvement.

>> No.13257608

What a nice thing to do, anon

>> No.13257616
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>worthless fat cunt at a convention selling candy-colored Print You're Own Book!™ copies of her shitty typo-filled novel to nobody in particular
>"making a living from writing"

>> No.13257636

Tell us how shit it is anon

>> No.13257651

>$200-400 per month
how many hours do you put in per week?

>> No.13257662

Well put, very nice. I agree. That's a very rotten hand to be dealt, but he's dealing with it. He's got a physical disabillity and what's worse is it was very painful, might even still be. That is what welfare is for; a safety net to catch the vulnerable in society. I'm a right-winger, I'm proud to be White, I love the West and want to save her from the suicidal mass-migration of the left, but I an still understand the important purpose of the Government-created redistribution of wealth that is the welfare system, as long as it's not taken advantage of by able-bodied and able-minded people who legitimately just don't want to work, or taken advantage by illegals who aren't even supposed to be in the damn country.

So I don't view any Government assistance he gets as being NEETbux, besides, he's employed. Self-employed, making money, and by doing something that makes children happy. In having wanted to be a cop, just like those who join the Military, they're generally on the right. As such, he likely loves his country and is very conscientious, so he may even be the type to stop Government benefits if he knows he can subsist on his books, knowing that if he stumbles (no pun intended, and quite a dark pun it would have been) then he can fall back on that so he won't fall into poverty, which is what happened to so very many veterans in the past who lost limbs and even some veterans now end up that way. Well, he's Police, so perhaps not technically a 'veteran', but there are clear similarities between the Police and Military, one of which being the protection of the citizens. That's admirable, even knowing of the many asshole cops who abuse their power or enact excessive force, it's still an admirable field. I say that as someone who's personally been mistreated by the cops before.

>> No.13257697

why does she have her shoes on the table?

>> No.13257711

to rest her corns

>> No.13257722

>I say that as someone who's personally been mistreated by the cops before.
one of those guys who always has to make everything about himself huh?

>> No.13257737

>"... they MAY have already gotten to the point where they're making a living from writing."
You missed a spot, and I wasn't referring to her specifically, which is why I used the word 'they'.

Lately, to be honest, not as many as I should be. Haven't written much at all in June and very little in May as well. A bit of a slump, it would seem, but on days that I do write I typically write for about an hour, which is worth around 2000-2500 words, roughly. When I write for people, well, $1 per 100 words is the absolute minimum, with $1.50 per 100 words typically being the minimum for ghostwriting. $2 is very common for me, so we're talking about $20-40 per hour. Sounds good, but as mentioned; I'm limited to how many hours I can write. If I hit 2-3, by the end, my brain might be leaking slightly from my ears. So call it a general maximum of 7 hours per week, maybe 10 if I'm really in the zone for an extended period, resulting in $50-100 on average.

I may as well point out that my attempts at traditional publishing have thus far all been rejections but I'll be making more attempts, but none the less that's failed writing that resulted in no income. Sometimes I start on projects but then just never continue them. Other times I might write something for a friend that I know they'll like, a simple gesture. So yeah, I suppose that's why it seems to come out as more like $7 an hour or so on average, which is fine. It's not like I particularly dislike writing, and as mentioned some of it is just for fun. Sometimes the projects are really engaging and interesting too, as is the person I'm writing for sometimes. I've had many fascinating conversations, and with people from many different parts of the world. It's been a fascinating couple years in that regard. In fact... hang on.

Almost $5000. Looks like that's how much I've made in the past 2 years and change, with over half of it having been from the year 2018, and by far most of the money in that year was in the final 6 months. Incredible stuff, reached over $400 for 3 consecutive months and then almost $400 the following month. Can't complain about that, well, unless I were an ungrateful little shit who thought that I was entitled to having things handed over without due effort on my part. I'm no Commie.

>> No.13257743

did your adderall just kick in?

>> No.13257745

I figure the context would be helpful. Could just scoff and figure me to be some middle or upper-class fellow with 3-figure shoes and 4-figure suits handy, someone who's never particularly had to deal with cops much less experience anything unpleasant about them. As it happens, I've been lower-class most of my life, been arrested, locked-up for a period, and did receive some unpleasantness from someone whom had vastly more power than I did at the moment. In acting that way, unnecessarily in my opinion, I viewed it as an abuse of power. Anyhow, I digress, and stand by the addition of that context.

>> No.13257750

>Other times I might write something for a friend that I know they'll like, a simple gesture.

Imagine how awkward it would be to have a "friend" write some long winded story for you and expect you to read it and shower them with praise.

>> No.13257758

and don't fucking reply with 3 paragraphs, just a goddamn yes or no will be fine

>> No.13257817

Yeehaw brandon

>> No.13257886


>> No.13257971

Is Brandon /ourguy/?

>> No.13257990
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My God, this is pure kino.

>> No.13258005
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>> No.13258027
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>> No.13258043
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>> No.13258044

The people I write for are people who've asked me to write something for them, and they liked it. In the process of hearing what they want me to write for them I can get a fairly clear image of their interests and the 'vibe' they like to have in the story. As such, when I feel the muse come over me and a story idea pops to mind that I know a friend would like but I don't plan to do anything with in terms of monetizing it, I'll just write it and send it their way. They appreciate it when I do. You're right though, that scenario you mentioned does sound extremely awkward.

>> No.13258051
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>> No.13258066
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>> No.13258071

This is delicious.

>> No.13258078
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That, my friends, concludes chapter 1 of The Diamond League by Brandon Jones.

>> No.13258106

Morpheus-lookin' bald Black dude with a trench coat, and with a bo staff, of METAL, strapped to his BACK? Who straps literally a straight stick to their back? Bloody hold it, or lean it against something if you need your hands, or I dunno, carry something OTHER than a massive bloody stick? Then he gave the woman 'silver eyes' and lost me. The aesthetic of a dark and rainy night can be interesting, but having them standing stoically outside of a Police Department which has a great big 'metallic' badge on it on the front, and at that, a three-story building? Wait, 3 stories? In a city that wouldn't be 'tall'. Then, while they stand there in pouring rain for apparently no reason with the Black dude just staring ahead silently, she pulls out a picture and looks at it? Where's the suspension of disbelief?

Okay, I opened the next file. A silver-eyed woman named Silvera? Nope.

>> No.13258113

Has anyone self published? I feel the issue arises with marketing and quality. Let’s say you’re a good writer, there’s still the issue of getting your book out into the hands of kindle owners. You have a book on amazon. Great. Does it pop up next to the other 1000 people who just published garbage next to you? Do you have to shill our hundreds of dollars in targeted Facebook ads to get people to click-thru? It seems like a scam to me. Why self publish in the first place is to avoid the closed off nature of the publishing industry, but in the end you have to reinvent the wheel for yourself. I hate the idea of pushing my art and turning it into another marketable commodity on the same level as YA vampire pirate romance novels.

>> No.13258117


my soul feels full for the first time in years. thank you anon

>> No.13258118

Looks like a good place to pick up a milf cat lady

>> No.13258123

At least they're trying. Could you say the same?

>> No.13258128


>> No.13258131
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It just keeps getting better, folks.

>> No.13258132

I believe you offer the book free for a limited time to grow sales number while at the same time you pay fore 10-20 positive reviews. Then you charge $0.99-$1.99 for your book and try snowball your fake success

>> No.13258137

The bidding rights for the video game based on this is going to be insane!

>> No.13258138
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Brandon, you are truly God's gift to the world.

>> No.13258146
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>> No.13258151


Fuck cops. Enemies of the people should be hanged.

>> No.13258152

>Is there anything more depressing than an self-published author convention?
a job searching agency lobby

>> No.13258153
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>> No.13258160
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>> No.13258167
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>> No.13258168
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>> No.13258172
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Thus concludes chapter 2.

>> No.13258182
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Yeah, your sex life.

>> No.13258187 [DELETED] 

I almost bought the niggers book but thank you for changing my mind

>> No.13258189

don't post anymore until another anon buys Brandon's book. he deserves our money

>> No.13258191

His giant metal stick has a fucking grappling hook hidden in it which he uses to dramatically shoot himself into the sky for no fucking reason.

>> No.13258197

But it. It's comedy gold.

>> No.13258234
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I shouldn't have entered this thread

>> No.13258255

but you are here now... what's your story??

>> No.13258260

I haunt my own life

>> No.13258331

It was the kind of night when bad things happen. The clear yet nebulous blackness of the night sky extended to the sidewalk. The was a perfect, paradoxical stillness in the congestion of cars in the street. Every drop of misty rain that fell caught the glow of headlights and neon signs and bounced it into Jannie's steely eyes. He stood stoically, silent with resolve, before a towering one-story skyscraper with a large green four-leaf clover above the doors.

"A perfect night for a night like this, and I would know. I am the night," he said to himself. "I am the purifier of this world."

He wore a sleek and sexy pair of overalls butt-flap in the back. On his back was a large metallic mop. The mop was heavy with purpose and rain. He pressed a secret button on the mop, and a robotic arm with a gnarled, manly hand on the end of it popped out of the shaft and slip up Jannie's butt-flap, where it promptly massaged his prostrate. When he achieved orgasm, it gave him a much-needed ego boost. The hand, covered in shit, retreated into the mop.

Jannie then reached into the butt-flap and retrieved a picture of his mother. The single tear that fell from his cheek onto the picture was indistinguishable from the rain.

"Mother...I shall make you proud tonight," he said.

He braced himself and entered the building. Inside, the building looked like the floor, walls, and ceiling were literally made of shit, and they smelled like it too. /poltards/ and frogposters were 69ing each other and licking up the shit.
Jannie pressed a secret button on his mop, and everyone died.

>> No.13258342

literally a welfare queen

t. army veteran with injuries who receives zero dollars

>> No.13258352


Shoot yourself.

>> No.13258374

I feel like there is a greater than 1% chance that anon will actually take your advice

>> No.13258395

>justice by trail

>> No.13258436

In each raindrop was a world wet with rain. The walls of each drop were a rain-slicked precipice of darkness. A frogposter was standing in front of a tall building with letter above the door that said Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's). The frogposter masturbated in fury.

"Fucking /tv/ memes! GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY /LIT/!" the frogposter howled at the exact moment that the green dust of his semen propelled from his urinary meatus and mixed with the mist and the rain.

Then he shot himself.

>> No.13258521

a vet shooting themselves would be the first time they actually killed the right side.

>> No.13258523

so edgy bro(but not too edgy haha dont want to get in trouble)

>> No.13258853

how does the shoe polish taste?

>> No.13258898

How many of you have even self-published one book? At least those people face the work ethic to write something and courage to advertise in real life

>> No.13259198

Good god. It's terrible anime in prose form

>> No.13259234

>white protagonist called superior
I know why he had to self publish

>> No.13259267


>the worst case scenario situation

>> No.13259332

>Light rain
>Lights of Minerosa lit up the night

If this shit was DFW you faggots would be praising it

>> No.13259439

BASED AND thank you very much anon

>> No.13259464

For some sci-fi/fantasy minded people who focus entirely on aesthetics and not on realism, they might enjoy the book, but it is certainly not for me. I dare say the people who enjoy his book would find mine to be rather slow and perhaps even boring because there's no a whole lot of action. I try to guide my books with logic and reason, with understandable motives for the characters that make sense.

>> No.13259477

Yeah, we can tell you’re lower class. You write with the gauche self-assuredness and moral certainty of a prole who is going through a self-betterment phase. Many such cases.

>> No.13259482


>> No.13259487

>injured during training
Feels bad man

>> No.13259810

Lol how much of a pussy are you, now you have to read it or Brandon will cry, then come tell us about it

>> No.13259816

Yeah except she didn't.

>> No.13259828

This always happens when black people are allowed to watch anime

>> No.13259857

based brandon

>> No.13259891

the publishing industry isn't closed off to other voices. it's closed off to non-talent

>> No.13259914
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>I met a self published author
>Talk a littly with him
>His story look good
>Buy the book 20€
>fuck that expensive
>Read the book
>It's actually bad.
>Magic childish story, fucking furrys protagonist etc...
>In the book there is some probleme of racism against furrys people.
>put the book away and read other thing.

Many month later.

>The author publish another book.
>It's a Fortnite Book...

I WANT MY 20€ BACK !!!

>> No.13259919


>> No.13259939
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The story was nammed Imaginary Rebirth, if somebody want to read it it's by Alexandre Sanchez.

Today, i feel ashamed. It's with my money he found the courage to write a Fortnite book...


>> No.13259961
File: 1.99 MB, 355x275, 1535553007897.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love french /lit/ posters

>> No.13259975

As a self-publisher artist I agree that this is the epidemy of cancer. People just skim through your shit without really buying anything at the end, even though receiving a lot of good comments. All of that because you weren't the first fucking stand and people emptied their wallets way before reaching you.

>> No.13259985


>> No.13259989

>my leg
Sup Chris.

>> No.13259990

Why you became a self publisher ?

>> No.13259998

Because if you are a nobody no-one will publish comics, books etc for you. I did it for some exposure but I got cucked and of course I don't have a grand lying around to pay a publisher so it seemed like the best solution at the time.

>> No.13260000

You made my day !

>> No.13260014


Why the fuck book cover are always bad designed or just ugly.

Look Forgotten Realms there book is bad but there cover are... Waw beautiful. What the fuck ?

>> No.13260015

Because they didn't want to pay for a graphic designer and chose the cheapest type of cover?

>> No.13260027


There are idiot. Cover are important, it's the first contact with the customer.

C'mon it's not that hard to found something good or pay a little artist to draw some characters !

>> No.13260033

Gloria Tesch is my favorite self publisher because she takes the delusion to the next level. Her family is rich so she has money to market her work in hilarious ways, like paying schmucks at a book store to pretend to be fans.


>> No.13260035

would you pay 50$ to 70$ for your book cover/back ? I don't think so, unless your book is really popular. Like American Gods, the first issue had a shitty cover.

>> No.13260040

>Going through a (((publisher)))
lmao good joke

>> No.13260045

Unironically enjoyable genre fare.

>> No.13260052

Based as fuck. I'm buying her books right now.

>> No.13260066

They probably paid a couple hundred for those covers.
They just have shit taste and think they're good.

>> No.13260073

he looks like the fat mexican kid from the gay tv show

>> No.13260082

so bad it's good

>> No.13260093

You can pay a artist for less than 50$. We have internet now ! Just found the good person and be minimalist in your order.

>> No.13260102

these are completely generic, not even 20$ for the graphic designer.
But that completely defies the purpose of self-publishing that being a budget tier advertisement/self exposure. Not to pay 200-300$

>> No.13260104

Good goy.

>> No.13260122

Go on fiverr and look at the prices of the "pro verified" people.

>> No.13260126


My god... I just read the encyclopedia dramatica article...

>> No.13260129


The "My shitty teen vampire book not published because jew" starter pack

>> No.13260135

Is it still being updated? She's a rap star now.


>> No.13260141

You call that shit rap ? More like RAPE

>> No.13260147

I had no idea her movie came out


>> No.13260159

>amputee superhero
Lmao at people calling this based

>> No.13260191

Lol, Schmuck

>> No.13260197


>> No.13260205

Honestly if I saw Gene Wolfe at one of these things I'd never read his books, it's better to feel disconnected from the author

>> No.13260261

I've found Christ, that's all.

>> No.13260330

Multiple typos, breaking perspective, cringy dialogue. I can understand how this ended up self published.

>> No.13260333

No need to be butthurt. Just write better and respond to audience interests.

>> No.13260336

What's breaking perspective, anon?

>> No.13260348

Amazon's getting good at removing fake reviews, though. And the once guy I know who makes a relative living from self publishing told me that most sales happen in the first 90 days, which is why you can let Amazon promote it for 90 days in exchange for all sales during that time.

>> No.13260352

Chapter 3 has probably the clumsiest exposition dump that I have ever read. It's marvelous.

>> No.13260370

On the first page, he refers to one character's feelings, and then the other's, not the other's filtered through his perspective character.

>> No.13260409
File: 120 KB, 385x553, how not to do exposition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get the full effect without reading the whole chapter up to this point, but still, BASK IN ITS GLORY.

>> No.13260411

This fills me with a real crippling fear. I don't want to end up like this guy. Shit, this is stressing me out.

>> No.13260429

What is the mayor's tax policy?

>> No.13260439

atleast George can get published

>> No.13260452

Mayor Gold is actually an important character, so...buy the book and maybe you can find out!

>> No.13260458

The first step to failure is trying.

>> No.13260463

If these people saw this thread, they'd probably fail to realize that this is the best advertising they've ever had.

>> No.13261294

Right, because the penniless NEETs on 4chan sure are a good source of revenue.

>> No.13261320

writing is really an activity for the elite classes and neets it's about passion truth and honesty that you can't help but express it's not about making money and selling copies which is what plebs writers try to do

>> No.13261344
File: 97 KB, 506x556, diamond-league.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can write a book anons

>> No.13261382

Jesus Christ these are nigger tier 150 page long fantasy shit for low IQ roasties and goblins if any of you spent half the energy you waste on shitposting and vidya and instead wrote something you would be at least as good as this broad with multiple amazon books with 4-5 star reviews that sold like 1000 copies each

>> No.13261438
File: 156 KB, 612x862, Beth-Tissel-Somwhere-My-Lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes this is the third page

>> No.13261642

The Diamond League is at least terrible in hilarious ways. This one is just painful.

>> No.13261661

These are unknown self-published writers. Anything is significant.

>> No.13261760

>t. Salty retard who's mad his retarded ass cant figure out how to manage his VA claim
FTFY. Dont compare yourself to a fucking amputee when all you have is a bad back because you couldn't pack a ruck right.
>killing Muslims is bad
On what planet?

>> No.13261777

Raven Thrall: Legend of the Geo San

My sides

>> No.13261824

You can calculate roughly how much they made off of these by the Amazon Bet Seller Rank. Raven Thrall made her like 600 dollars over the year give or take

>> No.13261845

My diary's in the background desu

>> No.13261868

Tolstoy was talking about how so much of modern art is an imitation of the real thing, and he could have used any of these people as an example.

About forty years ago a lady (since deceased), not very intelligent but highly civilized, ayant beaucoup d’acquis, invited me to listen to a novel she had written. The action began with the heroine in a poetic forest, by the waterside, in a poetic white dress, with poetically loose hair, reading poetry. It was set in Russia, and suddenly from behind the bushes the hero appeared in a hat with a feather à la Guillaume Tell (so it was written), and with two poetic white dogs accompanying him. It seemed to the author that this was all very poetic. Everything would have been well, however, if the hero had not needed to speak: but as soon as the gentleman in the hat à la Guillaume Tell started talking with the girl in the white dress, it became obvious that the author had nothing to say, that she was moved by poetic memories of earlier works and thought that by rummaging through these memories she could produce an artistic impression. But an artistic impression is an infection, it works only when the author has himself experienced some feeling and conveys it in his own way, not when he conveys someone else’s feeling as it was conveyed to him. This sort of poetry out of poetry cannot infect people, and only produces the simulacrum of a work of art, and that only for people with perverted aesthetic taste. The lady was very stupid and untalented, and therefore one could see at once how things were; but when such borrowings are undertaken by well-read and talented people, with a developed artistic technique besides, the results are those borrowings from the Greek, the antique, the Christian, and the mythological world, which have multiplied so greatly and, especially now, continue to appear in large numbers, and which the public takes for works of art, if the borrowings are nicely presented by means of the technique of the art to which they belong.

>> No.13262170

what fucking year is this

>> No.13262262

plot is cringy but this style is much better than i expected. It has flow, it has rhytm. If he practice, he can be a good writer.

>> No.13262274

>main character is a white kid, named Sam.
>Sam is Superior. Supremacy. Superior Sam.

>> No.13262277

loved the little tangent about glasses and eyesight

>> No.13262280
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>> No.13262293

Beautiful to watch these people get by despite their obvious mental disabilities. Puts a smile on my face :) .

>> No.13262299

Wasn't this where Steven Crowder would have ended up eventually anyway?

>> No.13262308
File: 106 KB, 600x800, 1558327128888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you find out the police aren't there for the protection of citizens

>> No.13262370

I don't understand this post, $50-70 is cheap af so I would happily pay that much? Or are you saying you'll get shit work for that price?

>> No.13262538


>> No.13262584

Tell me more about Mayor Gold. You've piqued my interest.

>> No.13262588

(((Mayor Gold)))

>> No.13262657

well of course tolstoy would say this

>> No.13262670


>> No.13262691

Anime shit is so cringe, it was truly a mistake.

>> No.13262710

Brandon cheered me up tonight. If he can go after his dreams, why can't I? Idk why but black autists are so endearing to me.

>> No.13262728

>Idk why but black autists are so endearing to me
It's fresh hell
t. black autist

>> No.13262742


there's a second book coming out soon

>> No.13262755

>first person present tense (FUCK YOU)
>Literally begins with "It was a dark and stormy night"
>the lights of Minerosa lit up the night ("full-body wince"-tier description)
I am physically unable to read past the first sentence, it's too painful

>> No.13262760

>first person present tense
I'm planning on writing my novel like this, what's wrong with it?

>> No.13262761

I can't tell if you're a white guy pretending to be black or a black guy pretending to be black

>> No.13262777

>black guy pretending to be black
yeah summed up my high school experience. I still have a dusty old snapback in the back of my closet with a logo of a team I know nothing about

>> No.13262832

Actually nothing, just so long as you're not a total amateur and can handle it. The story is actually written in third person present tense, I'm realizing (I didn't read much further than the first sentence). Present tense is okay under certain circumstances and can add a sense of immediacy to your writing. But if you're new to it and the urgency you're forcing on the reader is writing riddled with clunky adverbs and awkward phrasings like this guy's story, the present tense betrays the significant effort you've put into your prose and thus totally ruins the "artlessness of art" that's necessary for a successful description. If the reader can see the author struggling, and it's much easier to notice w/ present tense, then your writing comes off as far more amateur and pretentious than third person past tense (the Times New Roman of perspective) would. It's a stylistic decision that requires extremely strong content to justify it.

>> No.13262859

Also if it were DFW it’d be written completely differently, therefore more worthy of praise.

>> No.13262868

What I'm trying to say is that first person present tense is self-consciously decorative, often to the point of pretension. If third person past tense is the Times New Roman of perspective, then first person present tense is Papyrus

>> No.13262871

The saddest guy on this planet.

>> No.13263266
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>DFW it’d be written completely differently

>The government weather satellite office in Hallboro, a town of 8,413 that sits 41 miles to the northwest of Minerosa, had issued its daily 6 pm weather forecast for Minerosa and surrounding areas. The forecast called for only a 20% chance of rain that evening, but an approaching low pressure system had unexpectedly accelerated shortly after the forecast was transmitted to the the local media outlets. The first drops of rain started to fall just the city's automated system for controlling the street lights began to send the signal to illuminate the lamps. The towering lights flickered one by one as they came to life on the dreary night. It was this way by design, as the city manager had learned that turning on all street lights at once put an unhealthy level of strain on Minerosa's neighborhood electric substations.

>> No.13263274


>> No.13263334


>> No.13263369

shut up its good

>> No.13263385
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>> No.13263390

what is the 3rd panel, is it a television on a wooden shelf?

>> No.13263401

This is unironically better simply because there's more concrete details. All that's left is to select the ones pertinent to the story. Maximalism is only bad when it's irrelevant.

>> No.13263436

>All of that because you weren't the first fucking stand and people emptied their wallets way before reaching you.
You mean, people don't see everything first and then decide what to buy?? Fucking Americans.

>> No.13263479

Her contribution was a net negative.

>> No.13263574

What are you smoking to think that's written in 1st present? It's 3rd past

>> No.13263588

Egads. Thank god I only write space opera drivel.

>> No.13263825


>> No.13264286

This 100%. I get that every working class is cucked from a Marxist perspective, but American proles still have way more freedoms than their counterparts

>> No.13264323

I guess you really are on drugs with that nonsensical answer

>> No.13264331

is there anything more uplifting than the joy of Brandon Jones

>> No.13264369

kek. this is disgusting

>> No.13264424

Based frog.
Is it a Fortnite guidebook or fiction?

>> No.13264719

Skimmed it a bit, style isn't bad. It's cozy.

>> No.13265374



>> No.13265431

Is it really that bad? How come self publishing a video game doing get the same flack as doing so for a book? Not even movies or music Garner the same negative rep when done independently.

>> No.13265443

I think its because developing a game takes some degree of specialized knowledge to even do, so even if nobody in a position of authority will push it for you, the fact that you made something that the overwhelming majority of people can't is given some value. Whereas in the developed world, pretty much everyone can write, leading to a "so what. I learned that in school" attitude when someone finishes a book, and publishing is how people differentiate between "actual talent" and "Something I could do if I tried.

>> No.13265684

It's a fiction... Thanks god ! Fortnite guidebook actually exist ?

>> No.13265701
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>Be young male who can actually write with his computer
>You can study many thing like history, science, politic etc..
>Start to study Video Game
>"Ok good anon, you should study the history of video game and.."
>Start instantly to study fortnite
>your parents feel ashamed
>Continu to study night and day.
>Start to write
>Write a Guidebook Fortnite.
>"I'm a writer now"
>Every real Writer made fun of you
>Your parents still ashamed
>Your public is compose to retard zoomer.

>Congratulation you ruin your life anon.

>> No.13265723
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>they may have already gotten to the point where they're making a living from writing
highly unlikely

>> No.13265731

>In the center of the city stood
>A man and a woman stood
>The man stood
>but stood straight with purpose as he stared
>Her silver eyes stared
lots of standing and staring on this page...

>> No.13265735
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>> No.13265765

It's no mystery that it's very difficult to make money with a creative medium like writing or painting or music or what have you. Still, they're working at it, and what's more, they're willing to represent their works in the flesh. That takes some degree of courage and determination. Due to the lengths they'll go to, they're probably making more from their books than most self-published authors. The Pareto distribution is pretty brutal, but hey, at least they're not TOTALLY 'stuck at zero' even if most or even all of them are making 4-figures a year at best, like myself.

I'm curious, though, what person making 6-figures a year from writing calls themself an "aspiring author"? I mean, will they only be satisfied once they become an immortal figure like Charles Dickens or Earnest Hemingway or some other figure who's work will live on for decades and even centuries? Well, I suppose... apparently studies show that money doesn't actually provide happiness. If you're making enough so that the bill collectors aren't bothering you then having more money will not make you any happier. You need to find something other than money to find your happiness, and so I guess 6-figure income isn't enough for some people to be content in accepting that they're an author. They need more, they need to prove themselves to some degree I suppose. Prove themselves to themself.

>> No.13267058
File: 169 KB, 750x1000, warlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warlock maybe

she told Warlock “i’m gone, leave me here go and fight and remember I love you” as she said that a shot went through head killing her. Warlock was blank with expression and didn’t know what to do, he looked up at the two corporates that cause this and then the ground started to shake as clouds formed and lightning shot down and buildings falling, the sun start move faster than normal and then it was night in a blink of an eye, the planet was spinning so fast that the gravity doubled and Warlock put Mayce’s body down and got up and with speeds so fast grab the throat of one of the victions one million times the speed of light, and fire formed from his hands and eyes but this fire was different then any fire that was created before, this fire’s colors none, it look like space with supernovas forming and blackness, this was cosmic flames the hottest thing in the universe. It could liquified planets, melt black holes. As these flames start to form around his hand and pour out of his eyes, the man in the Warlock’s hands start to burn and then was incinerated. As the other man shot at the Warlock, the shots went through and then healed, Warlock look at him and the man ran but Warlock took one step forward and was launch forward he grabbed the man and rip him in half.

>> No.13267100

>Is there anything more depressing than an self-published author convention?
Where do you think we are?

>> No.13267190
File: 239 KB, 720x719, 1554350607936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that i was Brandon

>> No.13267199

Grab that keyboard, start writing, and you'll be on your way.

>> No.13267263
File: 22 KB, 718x512, 1496746556944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting some major vibes that you're some sort of degenerate erotic literature who makes on commission. You may be getting some financial compensation for it, but if you somehow make it, any private investigator worth their salt would find out the freakshit you've made. Get thee hence.

>> No.13267384

I've seen multiple people reaffirm that self-publishing can actually be a tenable form of employment if you approach it the right way. You essentially just have to pump out genre-fiction pulp on a consistent basis that caters to a specific audience.

>> No.13267456

Doing this will teach you to hate writing for real

>> No.13267482

Dubs of truth

>> No.13267568

I do write a lot of erotica, yes, and I don't particularly care who knows it. I've even written a raceplay piece set in mid-1800s America about a White slave owner, Japanese woman who offended the Emperor and fled Japan and managed to find 'safety' in America, his slave plantation (primarily focusing on his house negro), and the refugee ultimately was placed at his plantation for safe keeping until they could get the necessary paperwork done. In that time, he has his way with both his house nigger and his Japanese guest, and at the end of the story he tells a Government official at his door that she ran away weeks or months ago. The door closes, and she's standing naked and extremely pregnant behind it. The equally naked and equally pregnant house nigger goes to his other side (or maybe she has a cloth around her waist but breasts exposed). The Black one is already established at being a good cock-sucker, the Jap not so much, and it's commented that she's been improving under some of her guidance. They are his willing breeding sows... and I wrote this for an interracial White/Japanese couple. The White and Japanese characters were essentially them, the house nigger was tossed in for added spice, a bit of extra tasty taboo as it were, and they enjoyed it.

As it turns out, the Japanese are so nationalistic that it's a HUGE insult to mistake a Japanese person for a Chinese person. It's not even to do with "oh no, you thought this Asian person was from THIS part of Asia instead of THAT part", no, not at all, they're just so proud to be Japanese that they'd be offended to be mistaken for Chinese. Kinda like how I used to be VERY anti-American when I was a teen and in my early 20s, I'd be HUGELY offended if someone mistook me or my accent as American even though both my home nation and America are primarily White so it isn't a racial thing. For the record though, I've learned much in the past couple years and now love America. I hope to obtain legal citizenship someday; fuck being an illegal.

>> No.13267898


>> No.13268390

You are wrong, and clearly not as smart as you think you are. Also
>what is first person all knwoning perspective?
Protip, EVERY writer has typos, they just go through 3 editors and multiple proofreaders before it is professionally published. Only bad writers don’t think they need editors
This is fine

>> No.13268488

No it's not fine. All of that information could have smoothly been revealed through dialogue rather jamming an entire paragraph of exposition into the text, especially since everything up to that point has been fast-paced and in-the-moment. It's extremely jarring to suddenly pan out.

>> No.13268522
File: 642 KB, 500x291, FCA4543C-1B96-4E05-BC45-E2EDAE33F867.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you be so naive? The world is going to roll you.
> it's closed off to non-talent
There are plenty of non talent that get published, and plenty of talent that never gets published (see all the people published posthumously that are now famous if you believe talent always gets you in the door).
It is like acting, there are 500,000 good and pretty actors but only 30 major parts a year, and maybe 200-500 small ones. It isnt even Pareto, it is a massacres
So in publishing it really comes down to your uncle is dating a publisher, or pure random chance.
You need to learn this, you still seem to think life is fair, and life is going to roll you.

>> No.13268533

No it’s not, and the fact it is in a short paragraph is fine. Action plots need direction

>> No.13268563

Yes, they do, and that direction is better given by effective dialogue than by flow-breaking exposition dumps.

>> No.13268585


>> No.13268822
File: 255 KB, 421x395, elliot rodger retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13268848
File: 24 KB, 600x315, anime girl kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*kys's u back*

>> No.13270139

As someone who's self published a whole slew of shitposts and a couple of slightly more serious works, I wouldn't be caught dead at one of these things. But then if there was any sort of review process they'd probably ban me on the spot for being too edgy anyway.

>> No.13270279

Last time we had this thread everyone was saying how he's a based black guy "Look how happy he is!"
Literally the most autistic and narcissistic board on this website, imagine being that incapable of understanding emotion.
Fuck you all.

>> No.13270549

He may have been a pathetic beta, but to be fair, he was a pretty handsome fellow.

>> No.13270596

>2500 words in an hour
You're full of shit and based on your cringy long-winded post it's not surprising that you haven't had anything published.

>> No.13271044

I've managed 2800 words in a single hour before. As for the rest of your post, you're entitled to your opinion. Traditional publication is an inevitability, unless I were to die prematurely.

>> No.13271097

He looks like a homo

>> No.13271101

love that guy

>> No.13271168

>The story was nammed Imaginary Rebirth
You read that name and still thought it was worth a read?

>> No.13271284

how aren't all these adults bored by YA? i don't mean in an elitist sense, but even as far as genre fiction goes, YA has the absolute lowest quality work and it's extemely formulaic. raymond chandler was genre fiction. accursed kings were genre fiction. what the fuck are these people doing?

>> No.13271306

>the people

We know which people you are if you hate cops.

>> No.13271310

There's also not a single sentence without a comma. Most have 2 or 3.

>> No.13271323

Not everyone wants to push their limits and strive for new things. Most people stop learning and avoid anything difficult after high school.

>> No.13271336

Animorphs was a masterpiece of storytelling

>> No.13271352

Write book

>> No.13271387

shit dude, i didn't think it even counted as learning or pushing boundaries. more like how come they aren't tired of the same 5 plots yet? it wouldn't be a great process of striving to change the tv channel after you've been watching the same movie for 5 years. some of these people look to be fucking 40 and still read books about high schoolers for high schoolers.

fair enough, i won't knock a classic. i had more of the urban fantasy YA/new adult in mind, maybe more generally the whole resurgence of YA in the past few years, it's particularly bad

>> No.13271398

a faggot is a faggot is a faggot

>> No.13271404


>> No.13271420

>Seventeen-year-old Morgan Daniel has been in the witness protection program most of her life. But The Panteras have caught up with her and her younger brother. Her car is totaled, she's hurt, and the street gang is closing in when wolves with glowing eyes appear out of nowhere and chase away the killers.

Then a very cute guy who handles a bow like Robin Hood emerges from the woods and takes them to safety at his fortress-like home.

And that's just the first sign that Morgan and her brother have entered a hidden world filled with secrets...
>The bad news? Morgan Daniel’s wolf is out of control. The good news? There’s a treatment. She just has to get a potion from a lizard shifter witch--without looking into the witch’s eyes. Easy, right? But when the witch puts a spell on her younger brother, Morgan has to do the witch's bidding to save him.

Fortunately Morgan isn’t alone. She has Jackson to lean on, a few witches coming into their powers, a secret warlock, and the always mysterious Chief Okema. What could possibly go wrong?
>Being the seventh Morcant has its perks: Morgan is learning to fly and wield magical blue fire.

But the coyote shifters are growing bolder. Mateo and his panthers seem impossible to defeat. And vampires aren't real – are they?

When the elusive and enigmatic Chief Okema disappears and the wards protecting the Wapicoli territory falter, Morgan and Jackson are forced into the role of leaders. Badly outnumbered and outgunned, do they have time to search for the secret of the Divining Tree, and will it help them in the final battle?

Man i could write better if i was lobotomized.

>> No.13272129
File: 30 KB, 710x577, 1540715308768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What could possibly go wrong?
This can't be serious.

>> No.13272225
File: 2.75 MB, 1232x2048, NNUcnxD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My former coworker who I worked night shift with is a schizo who self publishes. He would laugh out loud like the joker at nothing...during night shift with like four of us restacking the whole grocery store

>> No.13272851

>write a Fortnite book
Is that legal?

>> No.13272999

Clean your fucking fingernails, savage.

>> No.13273086

unjustified text
fucking hell i just Puked

>> No.13273264

maybe now you'll finally get a proper career

>> No.13273466

Someone needs to invite our guy Brandon to this discussion

>> No.13273507

>K-konichiwa G-Geo-san

>> No.13273536

It's like he doesn't know what half those words actually mean.

>> No.13273543

When Jesus was arrested before being sentenced to death, Peter cut the ear off one of the jailers. Jesus chastised him and healed the wound. He performed one of only a few dozen public miracles on one of the men who was bringing him to death. If you've really found Christ, try following him to Gethsemane.

>> No.13273561

Is that legal, to publish a Fortnite guide book or Fortnite fan fiction? You have to get a licensing agreement, right?

>> No.13273571

can you hook a nigga up with a sample?

>> No.13273583

Correction; anyone can write exposition

>> No.13273584

Hey it worked for Berserk.

>> No.13273763

>Dark figure wearing a trenchcoat and carrying a Bo staff
Is that how normal people see Donatello?

>> No.13273918
File: 110 KB, 566x539, Screenshot_20190608_202148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to imagine how David Foster Wallace
would write the intro to The Diamond League. How is this?

>> No.13274042

Yes but what is their tax policy?

>> No.13274046

Yes but what is their tax policy?

>> No.13274108

>be looking for YLYL thread drunk on whatever board
>this is it

>> No.13274136

If you don't mind me asking, how have you gone about monetizing your work? Seem to be on the right path desu.

>> No.13274177


reminds me of one of those very obscure GTA san andreas mods

>> No.13274197

this actually isn't that bad. Full of clichés, but not the worst written thing I've read

>> No.13274461


>> No.13274759

I too am curious about that

>> No.13275625

I don't like to share work that I've written for others.

First, I self-published books. Then, I got on Fiverr specifically go ghostwrite but I also ended up making a gig or two for erotica. Self-publishing requires A LOT of effort in marketing unless you have the money to invest and the most I made in a month from my self-published stuff is probably like $50. I don't push my books anymore, and so now it's typical to make less than $5 per month from my books, in fact in May I made literally nothing. No paperback/ebook sales, no KENP, nothing. With erotica and ghostwriting though, I very quickly got my first 3-figure month and indeed for... I think a whole year now, if not then this month will make it a whole year, in which I will have made 3-figures a month every single month Got close to 4-figures once, too.

Anyhow, with Fiverr, you need to do good work, earn 5-star reviews, and typically the more reviews you earn then the more people will be open to giving you a try. Writers seem to have a bit of a bad rap on Fiverr; I've heard many buyers complain that some blatantly plagiarized things, some just write absolute trash, or some don't even put any effort into it at all and just want to try and keep the money. So you do need the skill, and it also helps to be an easy person to talk to. I have gotten many comments in my reviews in regards to being a pleasant person to talk to, and since conversations often include personal things like kinks/fetishes, it pays to be an easy person to converse with.

I hope the above information proved useful. Of course you can also pursue traditional publishing, which I am doing. You can also purchase paperback books in bulk from Amazon/Kindle at a low 'author copy' price to sell them in person (which I'm proud to say that I've managed to do as well), and... well that's all that's coming to mind for now. There's also UpWork but they seem to be strict on who they allow on, they want people who are willing to show their face, give some personal information like where they went to school, have a portfolio of sorts, and things of that nature. I suspect there's more high-dollar customers on UpWork than on Fiverr, but Fiverr seems like a good place to start. It's tough getting the first buyers though, so don't be discouraged if it takes a few weeks to get your first order. The key to making money on there is repeat buyers; use your skill and prove your worth. When you have a few people regularly coming back for more, then you're kept busy, and if you're kept busy then you're constantly making money. As mentioned, I even had a month in which I nearly made a grand, and as a matter of fact I had about 6 days in which I didn't have an order to work on so if I had just a couple more orders, I'd have reached $1000, which is a longtime goal of mine to accomplish with my writings.