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13257112 No.13257112 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that address uncontrollable sexual urges?

I am a Christian man with a long time gf. I have a crazy sex drive. I’m not promiscuous, very loyal, but i have urges for sex as often as I do to eat. It’s always very hardcore. Two or three times a day. It’s gotten to the point where my gf has accused me of feeling like she is be raped by me. My relationship with God has been very helpful. I also enjoy reading and writing poetry as it allows me to feel more human and less like an animal. Playing the piano calms me down too. I love my gf and I don’t want her to feel like she is being molested. I’m seeing a sex therapist but I was wondering if there are any books to address this?

>> No.13257125

>Having sex
Enjoy your eternal damnation, adulterer.

>> No.13257126

The Bible

>> No.13257131

>I am a Christian man with a long time gf
Found the source of your problem, bud. You gotta marry her already. How long are we talking here? A year? If it's been a year and you haven't proposed you need to get on that.

>> No.13257142

>my gf has accused me of feeling like she is be raped by me.
are you sure she dislikes this

>> No.13257185

Don't know about books but perhaps it could be good for you to talk about it to your girlfriend, too, and listen to what she'd prefer you do in bed. Learn some personal discipline and try to find ways to let go of your own selfishness.

>> No.13257188

She orgasms everytime. But we both agree that there is something not right about doing it so frequently. There are times where she will be into it, sometime though she is really tired and she just lays there, but there are other times where she starts crying. Just because she orgasms doesn’t make it ok.. I am not ok with the way I am. I feel a lot shame and guilt. She deserves better. I don’t want to hurt her

>> No.13257230
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>> No.13257237

Nice Sigrid Undset picture

>> No.13257246

You will never bitch about other authors with Sigrid Undset. :(

>> No.13257248

>My relationship with God has been very helpful.
>proceeds to rape his girlfriend 2-3 times a day

>> No.13257256

Most anglo-saxon post I've read today.

>> No.13257261
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>> No.13257267

Stop watching porn cumbrain

>> No.13257327

Does she ever say no? Or is she afraid to? Look at her body language: if she's crying she clearly doesn't want it and you should try to respect her will and just have sex less. No offense but you genuinely seem addicted and it could strain your relationship greatly.

>> No.13257333

Just get married. It'll ruin your sex drive entirely.

>> No.13257340

Yeah, disastrous love affairs never happen

>> No.13257489

Yes she has, in the past I would just plead and plead until she gave in but now I don’t do that and respect when she says no. I very much love her and care about her. She has suggested I have sex with other people but I know she doesn’t want that. I don’t want to hurt her or anyone and I don’t like being like this. It makes me really sad and sometimes i really hate myself. I cry about it a lot. I feel like there’s something wrong with me, that I can’t be myself. I hate people who are sex obsessed and hate that culture so much. But I can’t really be around people I like, like good people, in fear they will come to know me and then think of me as some sort of pervert. I feel really alone and scared. And yet I am to blame.

>> No.13257613

try De Sade

>> No.13257629

Youre clearly a sex addict, I have no idea how people deal with, therapy probably.

>> No.13257674

sleep with other people senpai

>> No.13257688

Therapy unironically sounds like a good idea

>> No.13257718

Not sure what you mean. I was just pointing out how utterly absurd the post sounded.

>> No.13257741

That is normal for a young man. Dating and having a girlfriend is wrong, Christian saints in antiquity said young people should no be mixed together of opposite sex, alone two being alone together, as it certainly will lead to fornication.

You should marry and havr children. If you wish to control your apetites more, then fast and read your holy book and pray to God, may He be glorified and exalted, at regular, scheduled times.

Book that adresses this at one point is the Divine Comedy

>> No.13257798

I can't really think of what treatment they could possibly give him other than something like this anon said >>13257261

>> No.13257808

>She has suggested I have sex with other people

This sloot is not wife material, and you’re a fake Christian for staying with her

>> No.13257815

they could just give him a prescription that makes him impotent

>> No.13257830

>having sex outside of marriage
The absolute state of modern "christians".

>> No.13257844

Do you masturbate?

>> No.13257851

Young people have always done this if society gives them sufficient opportunity and temptation, it has nothing to do with Christians of today being weaker in will

>> No.13257875

Ah that sounds like it sucks, but he does seem to really care about his gf, so I bet he'd be willing to give it a shot.

>> No.13257912
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yes western society fully accepts this behavior and gives them plenty of opportunity to be sluts but if these people who consider themselves Christians wanted to actually be Christians they would resist. They're hypocrites and weak willed imo.

pic related are actual Christians

>> No.13257919

two on the left are both qts

>> No.13257942

An unhealthy cult like all the rest. Not as bad as pushing the priests and nuns, but they've got their problems.

>> No.13257949

Anything that reduces sexuality is not inherently unhealthy.

It is only unhealthy if they are viciously nontolerant of others. :3

>> No.13257956

>pic related are actual Christians
These people are not given extensive opportunity or temptation by their society. Christian introducing the sanctioning of girlfriends (lovers) and dating (unsupervised courtship) was what brought theie crisis about

>> No.13257991

Have you considered cigarettes? They lower sex drive

>> No.13258012

My advice? If you're watching porn stop now. If you're part of a traditional liturgical church; go to confession. If not; find someone you trust and talk to them about your problem. Seek counsel and therapy as well, I'm no psychiatrist, but there's a chance that you could have a disorder. I'm not saying that you do, but it might explain what's going on.

>> No.13258035

>These people are not given extensive opportunity or temptation by their society.
That's true, these communities are usually pretty isolated (for obvious reasons).

Christianity (outside of the more radical sects, most of whom live in North America) has been diluted (lovers and unsupervised courtship are good examples) to the point where it has become just meaningless worship, like the pagans of antiquity. Even the right wing simply consider Christianity a symbol of western civilization but not something to truly live by.

>> No.13258067

Believe me, there are plenty of cases where men in these colonies rape women dressed like that.
And interesting little fact about hutterite and Amish colonies: unlike monastic communities they're not celibate. So they have families, but eventually they run into the problem of incest and inbreeding. In my area there's a little Hush Hush thing going on where the elders pay men to come and "diversify the gene pool"

>> No.13258070
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Yes, they need to come into the modern age and join the rest of our great society. They should become drunken fools like the rest of us

>> No.13258090

Didn’t say this world was healthy either now did I

>> No.13258091

It does not help that you do not have religious laws. The Qur'an says 100 lashes for fornication, this is Sharia, but liberal Christians will say that is barbaric and unchristian

>> No.13258096

>In my area there's a little Hush Hush thing going on where the elders pay men to come and "diversify the gene pool"
Maybe you shouldn't believe rumors you hear in the bar, these people have converts and have high enough population where that wouldn't be a problem.

But obviously you have a problem with Anabaptists who actually follow their religion, why?

>> No.13258112

These aren't bar rumours and I don't have any problems with Anabaptists. It's a real thing that happens on our local hutterite colonies.

>> No.13258135

Why would they pay them?

>> No.13258162

If what you say is true and this community is at a risk of inbreeding because of a low population, what makes you think these people who have already given up the comforts of modern life for their beliefs would then pay random men to come and impregnate their women. why not just contact other Anabaptist communities for help?
Use your critical thinking skills.

>> No.13258170

My guess is enticement/hush money. People around here don't usually think much of hutterites. And it would look really bad on them for getting these guys to do that.
The point I was trying to make though, is that no church is perfect. Every one of them has issues, fetishizing or idolising a denomination is a bad idea.

>> No.13258175

>People around here don't usually think much of hutterites.
Do they also make Matzo with children's blood?

>> No.13258184
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OP you are a hypocrite for having sex outside of marriage but there is a point to be made about the church's prudish morals. Even thought I converted to Gnosticism I still get pangs of guilt whenever I masturbate, stupid Catholic upbringing

>> No.13258186

Have children

>> No.13258222
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>No group of people is perfect
True, and your wild story could very well be true. However this attitude of believing that highly principled, morally disciplined societies are fulled with secret degeneracy. That the members of these societies would jump at the chance to live like your average westerner isn't true. For example the common attitude in the west is that Muslim women who wear the niqab are forced or are brainwashed. They just can't wrap their heads around them doing it simply out of moral obligation.

>> No.13258243
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Megan Boyle talks about a kind of "rage" that strikes her when she seems a pretty woman wearing shoes. She's apparently so stricken in that situation she's been known to pull the shoes off unwitting commuters, bar patrons and her girlfriends. Does that count?

>> No.13258251

Leave based Sigrid out of this you degenerate imbecile. She's too pure for your ilk.

>> No.13258314
File: 162 KB, 640x936, 1F233B8A-BFE4-4F3D-865A-3838ECFA96D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sig would have loved him like a real Christian waifu anon

>> No.13258485
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Pic related will cure your urges, anon. You are made a slave to your unruly passions and as a result you can't even think straight. I can barely remember what it was like to have such burning desires, thanks to God, but it took a long time to get better and there were many stumbles. >>13257230 is also a great resource that will help a lot. Don't cohabitate. Don't even hold hands or snuggle. Get off 4chan. Avoid any sort of ludeness like the plague, desires turn to action. Go to mass weekly, go to confession weekly, pray the rosary daily, and be in a constant state of prayer. Good luck, anon.

>> No.13258493

You should feel that guilt, retard, you are violating the natural law and making yourself a slave to your passions.

>> No.13258516

Don't listen to these wretched people, anon. See
>>13258485. There is a way out of this and believe me it is far greater. Unfortunately it will get worse before it gets better. I have made myself sick many times because of the sexual things I have done. I have gone to the confessional many times for the same sin, I've even shed tears over it. But it will get better. Do not fear your past, I hang out with good Catholics and we all have a past but we all are on the same road now. But you have to become Catholic in order to do it, as the Catholic Church is the source and font of all graces. Without these graces we are capable of nothing. Believe me when I say this, anon, I'll be praying for you.

>> No.13258544

Great Bait

>> No.13258547

As everyone else is implying, you have not given enough context and important information on yourself.

Have you been fapping for years? Are you into extreme fetish/wapanese ultra-hentai? Have you been promiscuous with your fellow adulterer for many years now? Each of those could explain your "inexplicable" urges.

>> No.13258555

>premarital sex
Ouch. Learn to be celibate or marry her. I would recommend you transmute the energy, as it truly is a gift, but you seem like a simpleton

>> No.13258567

>cum into thread expecting sex addict banging it 8+ times a day
>3 times a day
Is this just a lot by Christfag standards or am I also a potential sex addict? When I do see my current partner We fuck 2-3 times just laying in bed for a few hours the morning after.

Where does Jesus say not to have premarital sex?

>> No.13258570

It's good you're seeing a therapist.
Is it a pure sexual urge, or are there fetishes associated with it. In other words, are you turned on by anything in particular or is it just an ambiguous sexual drive?

>> No.13258582

Sonnet 129