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/lit/ - Literature

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13256421 No.13256421 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else feel an inexplicable attraction to war literature? None of my friends shares this feeling with me, I hope there are some /lit/ autists who do.

Pic related is one of my favourite books of all time, along with One Soldier's War in Chechnya and Hadji Murad. Their descriptions of the brutality, fear and banality of death are just keep utterly terrifying yet griping at the same time. What makes people so drawn to the edge of humanity?

>> No.13256734

what's hadji murad like? thinking about reading it when i'm done with this boring ass bunin short story collection

>> No.13256857

No I really enjoy war literature and literature surrounding the holocaust. It's the brutality and the absolute calamity of some of these events that is really appealing

>> No.13256862


I'm not a beta psychopath so no. Read War Is A Racket and Good-bye To All That.

Fuck war. Fuck war profiteers. Fuck propaganda that makes young men die for nothing.

>> No.13256875


>> No.13256877

this, but unironically

>> No.13256893

Cringe. Nice Robert Graves rec though

>> No.13256922

go bleed to death in some muslim desert, fagtron

>> No.13256940

It’s not your sentiments, which are not so rare or impressive, by the way, but your tone that is cringe.

>> No.13256943

It's always so sad to see someone who is about one fourth of the way but yet still so confident.

>> No.13256956


I want to imagine that you're about to say, "YOU'RE FORGETTING THE JEWS" because /pol/ has infected this site for far too long but I'd like to retain some hope that you're smarter than that since you're on /lit/. Go on, though.

>> No.13256965

it's catharsis and military fetishization

>> No.13257004

well, war is pretty "cringe" desu

>> No.13257063

Thanks for letting us know about your moral superiority anon. Im sure you think ww2 was a "good" war too

>> No.13257072


The only good war is class war when we kill the bourgies and their cucks. Unironically.

>> No.13257085

Any day now buddy

>> No.13257092

nah, those suck too

>> No.13257105

As a directionless loser I almost certainly would have joined the army by now if I had been born in Europe. In that case I would feel the minimal amount of loyalty necessary to serve my country. As a Canadian I don't even have a "people" behind me, let alone a nation. What am I meant to serve, our "institutions"? That would be retarded, even if our institutions weren't complete garbage.
That said, if there's an interesting war outside of the middle east I'll still probably join up.

>> No.13257154

>what makes people so drawn to the edge of humanity?
Memes. Hope you'll get what you paid for :)

>> No.13257163
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>> No.13257334

I could type a few paragraphs about information emitting, but let's give you something to consider instead: Why have there been so few serious wars In the last 45 years?
Have fun, think safely.

>> No.13257354


Because they're shadow wars done by the great powers in smaller countries, or they're proxy wars. Well, undeclared wars. Not because of only Israeli interests but business interests which are not strictly Jewish held.

>> No.13257356

war and the nature of man are inseparable.

>> No.13257358

>I could type a few paragraphs about information emitting,

Type that information faggot. I had been in this site almost all day and I'm tired of reading retarded opinions with no arguments and only with two or one line. It will be nice to read some paragraphs from someone actually explaining his way of thinking.

Also, someone could answer that question with many replies. Like for example, nuclear bombs.

>> No.13257370

You didn't think, you just read my post and typed out a generic response and a defense of Israel. As far as I can tell, no one else has mentioned them. Please spend less time proselytizing on the internet and more time in earnest reflection and consideration of any number of ideas.

>> No.13258047

Add the niggers to that list and we're A okay.

>> No.13258104

I recommend the Red Badge of Courage. I'd never heard of this book and found it in a bargain bin. My workmate, who is from Alabama, had apparently read it in highschool, but nobody in my country would have ever heard of it. It's about a young, idealistic boy who signs up for the Union army and runs away from his battle. There's a particularly haunting scene I thought incredible. After the boy runs away from battle, he staggers around the battlefield, trying to avoid people and stay out of conflict. He's finally picked up by another regiment that's marching through and sleeps on the floor with them. He wakes up just before dawn, before everyone else, and briefly sees himself in hell, surrounded by piles of corpses (his sleeping comrades). Being of the digital, pornographic, hyperactive generation, few things in books unnerve me the way that scene did.

>> No.13258344

War? War never changes.

>> No.13258354

not that guy but this vid is classic kraut kope. just because the interviewer is a dumb dumb doesn't change the fact that they are sad dupes -- the equivalent of mutts dying for israel. hitler wasn't anxious about a soviet invasion, the whole thing was propaganda.

>> No.13258398

Perhaps, but aren't they still correct in some aspects?

>> No.13258709

Yeah, I don't like speaking about old people, especially war vets in that way. There's no epic BTFO in this vid though.

>> No.13258730


They were propgandised retards who committed barbaric acts. Fuck the Wehrmacht and fuck the "clean Wehrmacht" retards.

>> No.13258753

Based and Smedleypilled

>> No.13259006

They were just a bunch of young men that were forced into war by powers beyond them
Just like the Soviet soldiers

>> No.13259030

Have you tried Metaphysics of War by Evola?

>> No.13259036

>im going to come into this thread about something i hate and get mad
You faggots cant help yourselves can you

>> No.13259040

Sounds like alarmist anti-war propaganda as per usual, boring