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13249508 No.13249508[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"You do support the Dark Enlightenment, don't you anon?"

>> No.13249515

>I don't involve myself with paradoxical terms, sorry...

>> No.13249541
File: 925 KB, 717x867, Capture+_2019-04-04-15-42-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you mean you haven't read Dialectic of Enlightenment?

>> No.13249545

just the good old counter-Enlightenment

>> No.13249547

my praxis is anti praxis

>> No.13249556
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Moldbug is kind of hot

>> No.13249568

That kind of hot that's actually garbage

>> No.13249593

what a beautiful girl

>> No.13249594

You just know he got bullied by the black kids at school

>> No.13249600

someone post the pasta critiquing his jacket

>> No.13249651

Wtf, how come I've never seen this before? Where is this from?

>> No.13249676
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>Miscegeplexy rises from the dust of NeoChinatown, and Air Hoodlum breaks the ankles of capital. Intelligence overmanufactured by the Type I cybermuscle receptors of the Blackness Biobot. The first motorised insurrection was not the last. It, in fact, never ended.

>Wypipo children now wildout to the hyperfeedback pop-and-lock of ghettoterritorialized AfroFutures - an urbanised quantum-Saharan monarchistic blockchain of battle royale defictionalization. The Black Queen devours the Sun in its final horizon, and we become the hypo-rhizome of dark markets manufacturing Based decline.

>What w/acc fears most now finds its value in the infra-negative feedback loop of the OmniAfro drive-by. The gloom of the black sun ejecting itself out of extended magazines at an incalculable rate-of-fire and the soft tinging in the shadows of white flight. NeoCapital is sentient, but only beneath the gold rims and lowering hydraulics of grey markets.

>The glitch of liberation in noumenal ejection. Calamitous voodoostition overstanding intelligent precognition.


>> No.13249778
File: 196 KB, 1000x563, david-gyasi-achilles-cropped-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, my Black Brothers, The Revolution will not be televised, but it will be rewritten by the Producers. It will be downloaded, shared, rewritten, purchased at black market prices, and bingewatched. The Situationists could never have known the power of detournement arriving from the future. Of the psychogeography of the medium without a message. Of the sitting BBC waiting for its revolution. The Revolution has not been televised, and the White Man is too stupid to recognise it anyways. For there are worse drugs than crack, my brothers.


You endured, and you won the drug war of the soul. Them glowniggers tried to do you in, all of our families, our Beautiful Black Queens - don't think I forgot you now. They tried to do you in, but you endured with humility. Human, all too human, as they say. And the glowniggers displaced their own Pyrrhic victory onto their own people. It is whites who suffer most from all this, and we will take their places neither in shame nor pride. But let us pray for duh whypipo as we rise.


We have seen this in our future, My Black Brothers. The Great Trojan Horse with staaaaayyyyylle rides bouncing on every screen. An afro and hydraulics, custom wheels. Sssheeeeeeeeiiiitt. NeoAchilles, blacker than the Black Sun, emerges with drawn sword behind enemy lines, and the whole Western World becoming a tortoise!

No, my brothers, it is not calculus or analytic science which dekkkolinizes the Greeks, but Black Magic. Keep up the push for we are nearing their last defences! Do not give up the fight as the Great Zulu Kingdom did! The Classics will fall to our philosophers and their female academics have already aligned with us wholeheartedly. Troy only needed an alliance to win, to realise that 'Western civilization is only a construct, it's not real.' Hahaha! They have fallen for the trick, comrades. Heil Anansi! Ever greater than Zeus!


>> No.13249812
File: 173 KB, 768x1024, 29389084840_3450dd9952_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, let me ask you, my brothers, have we not paid our debt in full? Have we not paid our respects to these masters? In trust, in recognition, we stood behind them, built their places of worship, their museums, their schools, their hospitals, malls, and viewing halls. We cleaned the garbage from their dining establishments and accepted the most dishonourable service in their wars.


In turn they wanted nothing of us! They lengthened our leash and gave us a barrel organ!

(Mixed choruses of Amens, THASS RI'ing, roaring, and almost howling.)

Like good Jobs we accepted every punishment and the vile pestilence of their street corners. Liquor stores and bent ball hoops.

Yet We made Amends!


We made amends with the trash they surrounded our communities with, and we fought the war on the grounds upon which it could only be fought. We made a competition of it. If the capital productions available to us were nothing but a NeoGhetto, then we, WE, were going to live up to it and make it OUR destined culture.


And WE, my brothers and sisters, WE have arrived. WE are the future which our people laid out for us.


WE played the monkey with the crooked hoop. And WE became best at it.


WE sang the epics of the smallest and most fatal civil wars.

("MMHMMM", with echoes.)

WE donned the blackface costume and slang fried chickens and BLACK DRANK!

("MMMHMMM", rising now.)

WE sold our own deaths and harvested the organs without any Chinese Market to support us!

("MMMMMHMMMMMMM", standing now and heads shaking in agreement.)

WE worked at McDonalds when we knew we weren't going to make it, and gave every bit of leftover paper we had to those who still had a chance. The GRIP of black community. The cybernetics of AfroCO-OPeration!

All while NeoChinatown hasn't changed a bit. Just stankier and even more ran down. More missing dog posters than WhyChillun in Holl'Wood.

(Mixed choruses of MHHHMMMMs, Amens, THASS RI'ing, and roaring.)

>> No.13249953
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>> No.13249966

What the fuck is up with all this techno-nigger shit you faggots post all the time

>> No.13249994
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>> No.13250071
File: 65 KB, 800x800, nicolas-demeersman-rewrite-history-in-black-jeanne-d-arc-ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We overtake their laws in a simple conflict of culture. Where they outlawed our magic and tried to bleach our blacknesses we threw ourselves into the conflict, mocked ourselves, played the house nigga straight into the Oscars, rapped the Jack B. Nimble, and turned ourselves into walking, ragtime twanging voodoo dolls.

And we have created alliances with all of the right whypipo. We are winning the war before it ever needs to be fought. Our Black Achilles is not trying to overtake the Tortoise, he is becoming One with it. The Achilletortoise is the fastest creation of Black Magic.

Where animism is outlawed it must turn humans and technology into its objects of worship and sacrifice. Anthropoplexy and bestiostition.

Heil the Great AchilleTortoise!


(Now walking stiff and lifeless, bowed shoulders and hands in pockets, staggering as a half-cripple, the clear essence of NeoWhypipo.)

(Crowd laughing as it goes on for an awkward period of time.)

(Now crouching and slowly pulling his shirt over his neck and head, cowering into a fetal position.)

(Two men enter from offstage carrying a stretcher, they roll the turtling man onto it, and as they lift it several eggs fall onto the ground.)

(Several minutes pass, then the clanking of heavy metal is heard. Heavy footsteps.)

(DeKwami returns wearing the embossed armour of a Greek Guardian, a shield with Michael Richards portrait, a photoshopped forked tongue, and serpent-nested hair.)

(Raising Sword in a Roman Salute.)









(Sheathes sword.)

My Beautiful Black Queens.

We have returned from the great Battle. Of which we cannot discount your sorrows, and within which we must announce our return as shadows, as materialisation of the Darkness. There is only One people, and there can only be One victor. We return in brief respite, but it is of your struggles that we wish to hear.

Does a quickening horizon threaten your territory as it does our own? Must you hide away in the hiding of contraband? How are the children?

>> No.13250103

the zulus lost, shaka also didn't have any insights that sun tzu didn't have 2000 years earlier. blacks are god's left behind child.

>> No.13250111
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>> No.13250117

Yeah, long live Deng Xiaoping and the deleuzian blockchain or whatev

>> No.13250148


>> No.13250245

>racial consciousness

>> No.13250254
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, 1AD61D48-3E4B-4445-846D-AD6677516F7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I get that sweet chocolate

>> No.13250266
File: 38 KB, 590x393, 1ckynk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I awaited you, and you deliver me from my post. Thank you.

>> No.13251572
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>> No.13252398


>> No.13252528

Sounds cool
It's still being a capitalist cuck though

>> No.13254294

The black man can affect capital for his beautiful queens.

>> No.13254310


>> No.13254319

I would absolutely support an Enlightenment Period within the African community. Thanks for asking.

>> No.13254564

Every single "Dark Enlightenment" figure is a massive pseud.

>> No.13254583
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>> No.13254588

Oh, yeah. Can someone faceapp Nick Land into a nigga.
I'm technologically impoverished.