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File: 42 KB, 327x499, p8T8Mewfz51jYOqhWnA9-n8KVjLGeAqn1ky9-NZMvfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13246240 No.13246240 [Reply] [Original]

Was Deleuze right?

>> No.13246285

deleuze was a master of performance art: "let mold grow on your baby because parenting is fascism", or, fascism is a manifestation of merely organic and mundane necessities; all of us are fascists and to behave otherwise is an exercise in performative futility.
deleuze and foucault were crypto-fascists.

>> No.13246375

No, he was a left sjw libtard neomarxist cuck that resented the hardworking capitalists and tried to use his obscurantism to destroy the Western Civilization. Luckily Jordan Peterson and Trump caught wind of this before the sjws had gotten more power and are fighting to save traditional values in the West before these resentement ridden homosexual degenerates deconstructed the West.

>> No.13246384

Anyone who cant properly trim their damn fingernails should not be taken seriously

>> No.13246394

see >>13246285

>> No.13246417


>> No.13246493

anyone who ends their life by jumping out of their apartment window probably wasn't very good at living

>> No.13246506

The only true path is to take pot shots at civilians while hanging out of your apartment window until the police kill you.

>> No.13246525

Tbh that’s basically the most lit way to go I can think so. Smoke until you literally can’t breathe and then toss yourself out the window into the Parisian streets.

>> No.13247029

Yes but he could have said it in a few thousand less pages.

He kind of repeats himself...differently...if you know what I mean.

>> No.13247764


There certainly wasn't much left of him.

>> No.13247767

No. He's a moron. I'm right about everything because I'm me. Listen to me.

>> No.13247992

/lit/ - the highest IQ board lmao

>> No.13248015

We don't know if he fell or jumped

>> No.13248084

A boomer rebelling against anything that resembles authority only to end up helping capitalism spread its reach even further? No, Deleuze wasn't right at all.

>> No.13248140

lmao, the best way to summarize a pol brainlets worldview in two sentences.

>> No.13248144

how the fuck did he help capitalists

>> No.13248378

postmodernism is a cia psyop against marxism

>> No.13248496


>> No.13248511

marxists are a psyop against marxism, like nigga just build an autonomous worker controlled commune

>> No.13248609


>> No.13248980


>> No.13249062

I'm not sure which is more embarrassing

>> No.13249171

>let mold grow on your baby
that was a fungus, and it was Guattari

>> No.13249188

Apparently they often put people with severe lung conditions like that on the first floor of hospitals because it's not unusual to fall out a window sticking your head out it trying to breathe

>> No.13249391


Could you repeat the question?

>> No.13249423
File: 83 KB, 786x762, deleuze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me that continental philosophers aren't all charlatans.

>> No.13249443

Yes he was right, especially about sense events and virtuality.

If you are not a Deulezian in metaphysics then you are not really a philosopher in the modern sense. If you dislike him, keep playing in that phenomenology and Hegelian playing pen. Deleuzians will be taking over science and capitalism while you do that lmao

>> No.13249490

Convince me Sokal understood a single thing about what Deleuze was talking about
>h-hes using sciences words wrong!
>However, energy in general or intensive quantity is the spatium, the theatre of all metamorphosis or difference in itself which envelops all its degrees in the production of each. In this sense, energy or intensive quantity is a transcendental principle, not a scientific concept.

>> No.13249507

Deleuze presents an alternative to representation with... representation. The argument does not, to a modern mind, seem very convincing, but it is easier to feel convinced that it must be fallacious than it is to find out precisely where the fallacy lies. Reads like Whitehead if Whitehead had a low IQ.

>> No.13249574

If you do this your mind is fundamentally weak. Sorry buddy, you aren't intelligent.

Unless you are a radical environmentalist vegan misanthrope, in which case, BASED

>> No.13249630


There is no fallacy , his theory upholds the law of non-contradiction throughout. Hegel and dialectics on the other hand...

>> No.13249640


>> No.13250413


>> No.13251304

Are you that animist guy from reddit?

>> No.13252461
