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File: 2.75 MB, 390x810, professorsexy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13245432 No.13245432 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many books have FUCK in the title? When I was at Books a Million today, 3 of the top 20 books have FUCK in the title.

>> No.13245448

It's a marketing trend, like how that one "The Girl With" book led to hundreds of others

>> No.13245466

I don’t know either. I don’t really take it too seriously if it has curse words in the title.

To be completely honest it might be a mixture of an inferiority complex and having to make themselves depressed at the state of society.

You obviously function based on the effort you put forward in life. Many would be able to tell you that :3.

Life is not so simple, complex, but it is the kinds of simplistic attitudes that drag us all down and retard progress that much more. :3

>> No.13245479

Sometimes you just KNOW that a person has absolutely no reverence for teaching and no concern for the pupils

>> No.13245490

have sex you incel freak. a woman can dress how she pleases

>> No.13245511

That’s not really true.

You see how a woman dresses signifies a particular philosophy. Is she obsessed with sex or not obsessed with sex? Is she trying to make others aroused or not? If it’s the former, I can guarantee I am not interested.

Generally speaking, I am simply not interested in those women who try to make others sexually aroused at all. And this is because not only is it bad for society, I quite simply haven’t gotten to know them yet :3

How much better would it be if the woman were very attractive indeed and covered her body very well. I would prefer that very much :3

>> No.13245512

It's all those self-help books, right?

>> No.13245525

Well, I think a woman should be able to express herself as she pleases. We are in the twenty first century ffs. This is the century of sexual liberation. Let a woman wear what she wants because who are you to tell her how she looks good? It's certainly better if she decides what looks best on her.

>> No.13245533
File: 91 KB, 600x800, CAA00AC5-CBF3-4ECE-91DF-C8925B026EE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be “””sexually assaulted””” by a sexy horny fertile female teacher “””sexual predator””” as a 16 year old high school student
Fuck this shit its not fair

>> No.13245541

>century of sexual liberation
>people are having less sex than previous generations

What did they mean by this?

>> No.13245551

>Well, I think a woman should be able to express herself as she pleases
Which is only a good thing if what she pleases is benefitting society, and not harming it.
>We are in the twenty first century ffs
Appeal to time period? Not very smart
>This is the century of sexual liberation
And this is a good thing? Why?
>Let a woman wear what she wants because who are you to tell her how she looks good
You are appealing to an argument that is used by many. And just because it is an argument used by many does not make it a good argument.
> It's certainly better if she decides what looks best on her.
See the first response.


>> No.13245553

That means women aren't forced to fuck incel freaks like you. They can choose who they fuck.

>> No.13245557

based :3 poster

>> No.13245563

Based gets thrown around so much i don’t even know if it means something good anymore.

You can call me awesome. Awesome :3guy

>> No.13245571

Fuck off incel
>Which is only a good thing if what she pleases is benefitting society, and not harming it.
How does a woman dressing how she wants harm society?
>Appeal to time period? Not very smart
Ummmm sweetie. Then why are we over slavery? Is that appeal to time period?
>And this is a good thing? Why?
Read some gender theory ffs
>And just because it is an argument used by many does not make it a good argument.
Then counter the argument if it's so bad

>> No.13245573

War and Fuck
Fuck Dick
Gravity's Fuck
Infinite Fuck
Fuck Meridian
The Fuck of Disquiet
The Great Fuck
Gone with the Fuck
Finnegan's Fuck
No Longer Fuck

Damn OP you're right, way too many

>> No.13245577


>> No.13245591

Namecalling doesn't actually answer my question. Even sex among women is statistically decreasing, just at a slower pace than among men.

>> No.13245603

You sound really fat

>> No.13245606

Sometimes I giggle at the absurdity of women. They carry around those tits, those organs of service, and those wide, child-bearing hips. And yet they often are in positions meant for men. Imagine if a big, strong, stoic man were a babysitter for little girls whom he knows nothing about. That’s how I view woman.

>> No.13245611
File: 361 KB, 2250x3000, 60C693EB-C495-4606-88A9-D8EF45EA09D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women need to be raped. It is the only language they understand. Women enjoy rape. Don't let them tell you otherwise, because they are notorious liars and don't know their own minds. Women want to be held down and fucked hard. They want to be made to cry and scream. Women have a biological imperative to be raped. Did you know that women who are raped are twice as likely to conceive as women who have unprotected consensual sex? It is a fact. Women who are raped often have orgasms as well - some women have never had an orgasm in their lives save for a rape. The desire to be sexually dominated is deeply programed into the woman. This is a fact of evolution that cannot be denied without women becoming unbalanced. Feminism is really just an outward manifestation of an internal problem with modern women. These 'feminists' desperately want to be put in their place. That's why they act out so much and are so belligerent. Whether they know it or not, subconsciously they want to piss men off and get men to make them submit. They want to be slapped in the face, told to shut the fuck up, and then raped until they can't stand up. This is what women really want. I say we give it to them.

>> No.13245614

Troll and a bad one too.
stop responding to the troll.

>> No.13245615

Holy fuck we have a seething incel freak over here. Why the FUCK are people like you SO JEALOUS OF WOMEN GETTING BETTER POSITIONS THAN YOU

>> No.13245622
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>hurr durr everyone i don't like is le troll

>> No.13245628

T. Reciprocal seether

>> No.13245630

Back to /pol/, virgin.

>> No.13245633

this is my fantasy... could happen at any point of middle or high school really

>> No.13245635

>How does a woman dressing how she wants harm society?
I offered two different scenarios. Obviously not in all cases is ‘letting a woman dress the way she wants’ harming society.
>Ummmm sweetie. Then why are we over slavery? Is that appeal to time period?
If slavery was morally justifiable, then simply being over slavery in the current time period would not deem that being a morally righteous thing.

Luckily for everyone God condemns slavery right away in the Bible, and with faith people can overcome it. Through history you have seen the non-slaveholding Nations rise up against the slaverowners.

You are appealing to arguments designed to Enflame and upset. You would make a good politician, but not a good intellectual.
>Read some gender theory ffs
‘Gender’ liberation is fine, I’m even with it. Obviously what I’m doing with Butterfly is respecting who she is intellectually. That’s why she has given me what she has.
>Then counter the argument if it's so bad
How about I prove why it’s a bad argument? After all, why should I need to counter an argument if it is bad? Use your head.

It’s a non-sequitur. If she is wearing what she wants, I’m not saying she doesn’t look good, I’m saying it’s bad for society.


>> No.13245639

I admit some women are more competent than me in certain matters. I still think it’s absurd that they carry around their cow tits, that’s all. I was watching a softball game the other day, and these thoughts just came to my mind. These women are no doubt better softball players than I am, yet I laugh at their appearance. Lighten up

>> No.13245644


>> No.13245645

My only concern was that the men in her class are thinking this >>13245533. And before you say it, yes, I already know that it's not her fault. The students, of course, would be in the wrong here.

>> No.13245649

Stop answering the fucking troll.

>> No.13245663

>I offered two different scenarios. Obviously not in all cases is ‘letting a woman dress the way she wants’ harming society
No you didn't. Show the cases in which it's bad for society.
>If slavery was morally justifiable, then simply being over slavery in the current time period would not deem that being a morally righteous thing.
That's literal word salad.
>Luckily for everyone God condemns slavery right away in the Bible, and with faith people can overcome it. Through history you have seen the non-slaveholding Nations rise up against the slaverowners.
God also condemns oppressing women. Jesus would support the sexual liberation of women.
>Gender’ liberation is fine, I’m even with it.
No you're NOT. You think it's fine for men to dress how ever they like, but women must follow a strict dress code.
>Use your head.
Not an argument

>> No.13245674

>Luckily for everyone God condemns slavery right away in the Bible
No, God gives rules for slavery. There’s nothing inherently wrong with slavery if the master and slave are respectful and fair.

>> No.13245711

fuck off sartre

>> No.13245755

God wanted you to be kind to your slaves, yes.

I think the argument could be made that having no slavery is better though, and also this leads to further interpretation: that it’s okay to biblically define society without always referring to the Bible.

That you are able to know God’s will by having communion, without actually having a piece of paper written down tell you what to do. You would do well to listen to what I say, if I were you. :3 if you know who I am in real life. I am what /x/ calls ‘the nobody’. In reality, you might say I do have a direction from God. It’s how I’ve known perfectly what to do. To get even out of this situation.

It is good to progress beyond slavery, and with it is another sociological lesson from God: to move beyond the past. That the past doesn’t matter like you think it does, like even the Jewish think it does.

What matters is not what you’ve been given or what you or your ancestors have done: what matters is what you’ll DO. Look forward and inward. Look to others, situationally, to propel yourself. Let you, others, and the situation (God) work as one. :3

>> No.13245768

I did, it’s not, he would but not sexual liberation, women and men function differently, and it was meant as an insult.

There. No green texting necessary :3

>> No.13245769

My god I would BREED her

>> No.13245793

i think i might be in love with her, lads.

>> No.13245849
File: 1.73 MB, 640x800, 1540917744635.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>books have FUCK in the title

Avoid these books at all cost!

>> No.13245944


You will like The Foundation for Exploration.

>> No.13246001

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? All I want to do is come here for an asexual experience that will exercise my brain but I am constantly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole?

>> No.13246012

i'd jump through hoops
to taste her scoops

>> No.13246015

Read. The. Bible

>> No.13246017
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Wrap 'em up. I'll take 'em both.

>> No.13246027

Was really hoping she would see the camera

>> No.13246032

Fuck off butterfly

>> No.13246045

hive mind

>> No.13246052

Vulgarity is trendy right now. Also, the edginess grabs your attention.

>> No.13246062
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This was implied, I thought.

>> No.13246077

>Imagine if a big, strong, stoic man were a babysitter for little girls whom he knows nothing about
Sounds based

>> No.13246080

What does she teach?

>> No.13246091 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13246152

>blacks are allowed to live in society

>> No.13246176

i should would like to smell and lick her ass hole after it's kind of sweaty not too sweaty but you know like a normal day's worth of walking around, pretty sure i'd cut off 2, maybe 3 of my fingers just to lick her breasts for 30 seconds i wonder if she'd sit on my penis if i literally begged her??

>> No.13246184

I agree. I wasn't curious about what she was lecturing on. I wanted to smash that whisker biscuit and milk

>> No.13246746

Gonna need some sauce on this thott

>> No.13246776

Based and pure-souled

>> No.13246785

You write like a movie villain :3 poster.

>> No.13246798

You're absolutely right, despite what mentally ill people might say.

>> No.13246872

Of course she can, but if she gets pulled into a dirty bathroom stall and raped because she got her tits hanging out dont cry a fuckin tear about it

>> No.13247113

Inshallah brother I agree wholeheartedly

>> No.13247132

Yes inshallah brother I once had a "Sexual emergency" and did just that

>> No.13247136

>The Fuck of Disquiet
Don't you mean Lolita?

>> No.13247141


>> No.13247150

he's right you know

>> No.13247216

i'd like to get some sauce on her if you know whatameen

>> No.13247217

Stop pretending to be butterfly, I have her real tripcodes memorized

>> No.13247220


>> No.13247223

fuck you

>> No.13247231

imagine going into her closet and taking those shoes......

>> No.13247259


>> No.13247432

They're a parrot.

>> No.13247455

If only she was barefoot...

>> No.13247464

Fuck off they want men not trannies

>> No.13247467

i wanto maek here an babby

>> No.13247498
File: 23 KB, 395x346, lenny-simpsons-846343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was a picture a while ago where an anon proved that making a thread with an attractive girl as the picture netted many more replies than a thread without an attractive girl as the picture

>> No.13247503

gee what a surprise

>> No.13247505

then why do they get ptsd, become suicidal, or have life long psychological problems afterwards?

>> No.13247514

cause they had all that to begin with but rape is a great excuse to make everyone feel bad for them

>> No.13247551


Wow, a teacher looks like that?

>> No.13247572
File: 36 KB, 355x500, Stoic Nanny Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Imagine if a big, strong, stoic man were a babysitter for little girls whom he knows nothing about.

>You would end up with a shitty Vin Diesel movie.

>> No.13247614
File: 71 KB, 499x750, 1454966717659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it's a requirement these days that all teachers are sexy young women

>> No.13247620

What are you on about.

>> No.13247636

Wrong. Women should be naked. Clothing overemphasises and conceals parts of the human body making them more alluring. By keeping females naked, male sexuality would be kept at bay.

>> No.13247658

this explains why animals never rape their females

>> No.13247666

This should go for men too. Most people cannot dress, and those of the lower taste-castes should adhere to a dress code – that sets them apart, but is modestly aesthetic and fitting to their rank – designed by the vanguard. Only the artistico-spiritual elite should be free to dress themselves, this free-will, however abundant or outrageous, conforming by pulsional inclination to the telic tonalities of their soul.

>> No.13247670


Go back to red.dit

>> No.13247675


If I forcibly held you down and injected you with heroin, you'd enjoy it too. Doesn't mean that gives me the right to do it to you.

Besides, they want to be raped by Chad. Not by your pathetic beta ass

>> No.13247679

Hot female teachers should be required to give male students blowjobs in order to improve their concentration.

>> No.13247687

Newsflash cunt. Nothing gives anyone "the right" to do anything. It's all about power

>> No.13247694



I bet you're real powerful!

>> No.13247697

No. I'm a sissy. I just know when someone is powerful. It makes my female penis tingle

>> No.13247700


>> No.13247707

All women should be barefoot.

Prove me wrong

>> No.13247711


My employment contract gives me """the right"" to 21 vacations days a year.

>> No.13247717

But those shoes she’s wearing are fucking hot. I cant look at them without imagining my stiffie tied up in one tightly as she tickles the tip and squeezes and punches my balls

>> No.13247721

Would the law hold if there was no one to enforce it?

>> No.13247777


There is somebody to enforce it

>> No.13247797

Cool. So it is all about power.


I want my Reddit Gold now.

>> No.13247809

>The Strange Fuck of dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde
>In Dubious Fuck
>The Fucks my Destination
>The Remains of the Fuck
>Fuck of Darkness
Damn, how did they get away with this?

>> No.13247842


That's an entirely meaningless observation then. I might as well argue that there's no such thing as "human beings" since it's all just atoms. Would there be human beings if there were no atoms? No, therefor there are no human beings only atoms. Q.E.D.

You have shown nothing but your own inability to think clearly.

>> No.13247880

You have not proven that my observation is meaningless. You've simply stated that it is. In order for you to tell me that I can't think clearly, you'd have to have a point of reference which is definitely "clear". You have not provided anything that would prove you have such point of reference. Lalala I'm right you're wrong because I'm me. Q.E.D.

>> No.13247904


This post does not matter. It is just bytes on the internet. Would this post exist without bytes? No, therefor it doesn't exist.

>> No.13247931

I never argued rights don't exist. Simply that they can't exist without power. You're fighting a strawman my dude. But I'm having a lot of fun fighting it, so let's continue.

You're responding to something that doesn't exist with something that doesn't exist. This is a contradiction, but since logic only exists in my mind which is created by atoms, logic doesn't exist and/or is meaningless. Only atoms do. Nothing is proven, therefore it isn't. Q.E.D.

>> No.13248049


What a tiresome person you are. You state entirely meaningless drivel, yet act as if you lay down wisdom.

>Nothing gives anyone "the right" to do anything.

My employment contract gives me the right to take 21 days of vacation a year. You are proven wrong by simple counterexample. I don't care what constructs make up the contract, it is of no relevance.
Now go ahead and post some more silly platitudes without meaning.

>> No.13248082

But anon... Why would that contract mean anything to anyone? Would you inject people with heroin to if there was a piece of paper giving you "the right" to do so? Would it make it right?

>> No.13248103


No but it would give me the legal right to do so.

>> No.13248107

Fuck and Punishment
War and Fuck
Pride and Fuck
100 Fucks of Solitude

Damn, how did no one ever notice this trend.

>> No.13248500

I’ve had a couple. I wished I didn’t need one at all though

>> No.13248503


They are the product of a culture in which transgressing social norms has become an agreed social norm.

>> No.13248509

You dont need one at all you worthless subhuman
The point of a tripcode is if you are a creator or a guest here who needs to be identified
You do nothing but blog your stupid vapid fucking opinions everywhere for attention, that's all you want, attention
Now kill yourself you cancerous fuck

>> No.13248510
File: 40 KB, 564x550, 0c714c55c30db4a6820fa3856a037cd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i wish i could attentionwhore without the drawbacks

>> No.13248520

They do

>> No.13248527

Reminds me of that vidya game where an npc says all women should be kept barefoot and pregnant

>> No.13249250

You only need one so you can let everyone know you want my dick.

That’s your main function :3

>> No.13249471

>Would you inject people with heroin to if there was a piece of paper giving you "the right" to do so? Would it make it right?
Irrelevant. Besides, people don't always do things because they're right or even make sense. Sometimes people just do things because they can.

>> No.13249481

You don’t need one at all you daft self-satisfied cunt; kill yourself

>> No.13249482


No teachers want to teach or care about students.

I come from a family of teachers and they're all miserable and hate the students.

>> No.13249498

What evidence do you have to support this theory? I sure hope it's not a bunch of anecdotes...

>> No.13249511


Bullying would probably go down

>> No.13249533

how to sell books when you've been selling clickbait for over a decade; the pop culture unconociocious mind lifestream, desu daiaiaiaia

>> No.13249560

The main point of that post is essentially an opinion, or perspective. :3

>> No.13249565

Women are ALWAYS obsessed with sex lad. Read Otto Weininger

>> No.13249617

is she wearing caligae?

>> No.13249631

Allahu Ackbar brother

>> No.13249851
File: 1.21 MB, 960x960, AGONY_UNRELENTING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13249891

There's nothing wrong with this post.

>> No.13249920

>no concern for the pupils
but im sure she's their favorite teacher. Wanna know why?

>> No.13250218

The swearing in the title is just depression of the modern state. I dont take it too seriously. I think Butterfly would back me up on this one too. :3

>> No.13250291

According to Socrates, this is the best way to teach, to make sure your students like you and even are attracted to you.
I've felt that in high school and CEGEP (Québécois cunt here), I was never distracted from the beautiful teachers' beauty, on the contrary, I was more focused than ever.
I had a chemistry teacher called Angélique Fortier (hello Mrs. Fortier if you read this) who wasn't even good looking, but had so much sexual vibe and femininity that I aced her class.

>> No.13250293


>> No.13250434

>Well, I think a woman should be able to express herself as she pleases.
I think that women should be allowed to walk around naked with their labia dragging along the ground. And I'll also be repulsed and judge them for dressing like sluts.

>> No.13250473

hello anon.
you were always a little fag I could tell from our first lessons
t. Ms. Fortier

>> No.13250485

try alcoholism, works for me (most of the time)

>> No.13250522

>i supes loves these sandals
>i feel so comfortable in them
>i get totes compliments
>omg, students, please pay attention to the diagram not what little gestures my toes are making while I'm wafting sweaty snizz pheromones from out beneath this "fashionable" skirt

>> No.13250526

>read the opinion of a 23-year-old incel proto-nazi who killed himself like a little bitch

>> No.13250566

>proto nazi

>> No.13250574

>what was the judenrat?

>> No.13250575

>one can't hate his own race

>> No.13250615

Funny how nobody reads on this book forum

>> No.13250654

Wow, I've never thought we would meet again like this. I must confess, always desired you my sweet anon.
t. Mrs Fortier

>> No.13250658

explore your sexuality

>> No.13250666
File: 146 KB, 640x789, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13250863

Your miserable family doesn't necessarily represent all teachers.

>> No.13251008

All teachers in modern schools are mentally deranged leftists

>> No.13251152

This. In America most public school "teachers" are deprofessionalized low cost corrections staff, monitoring the test takers. There's small scale instances of different institutions but they inevitably succumb to entropy one way or another. The builders of the next schools and libraries will play an important role in the coming century, whether they're breathing new life into old places or fully starting fresh.

>> No.13251183

Can you imagine how much of an incel you have to be to take a video of your TA like that and then post it on the internet?

>> No.13251196


>> No.13251219

Extra-curricular solestry

>> No.13251399

Hm? :3

No man is not straight. This fucked up society convinces them otherwise.

>> No.13251491

Care to explain?

>> No.13251663

I'm glad you fell in love with Mrs. Fortier, but did you fall in love with chemistry? Idk, I think it's primarily a spiritual relationship in which both parties have their gaze directed in mutual awe at something that is not properly theirs––as the priest has his back turned to the faithful when he celebrates the Mass. Teachers, if they are teaching the truth, are essentially co-learners who have had more time learn. Personal relationships, if there are any, are of little import. And according to Aquinas, he thought they veered more towards being an impediment for the entire class.

Honestly, it's moot and I am probably over-spiritualizing it. In large states public education will always be mediocre, for the same reason that in large kitchens the cooking is usually bad. Modern teachers, if they contemplate it at all, are likely aloof. They would direct me to some childhood development or neuroscience studies, where it is suggested that dressing in cocktail attire increases memory function. Hopefully I'm wrong tho.

>> No.13251695

That teacher is dressed like those strumpets out on Dupont Circle

>> No.13251869
File: 296 KB, 939x529, virgin1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you imagine how much of an incel you have to be to take a video of your TA like that and then post it on the internet?

>> No.13251874
File: 176 KB, 1632x1224, 1462303781943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dupont Circle

That's the place where the DC news stations cover the neighborhood snowball fights. Is it really as comfy as it seems?

>> No.13252350

>Fuck Dick

It's Fuck-Dick you pleb.

>> No.13252359
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>> No.13252410

dilate, tranny wretch

>> No.13252486

Cringe yet based

>> No.13253113

Seething tranny

>> No.13253150


She carries herself like a little girl trying to act like an adult. It doesn't matter what she's wearing. She's teaching with the same affect of a kid riding her bike down the street without holding on to the handle bars.

>> No.13253810

Dumpy and fat women often wears jeans and hoodies to cover their grotesque visage. Would you rather see them flaunting skimpy dresses instead of pretty girls?

>> No.13254226

How you dress is who you are.

>> No.13254474

Lads, why is :3poster so based?

>> No.13254777


>> No.13255092

butterfly is STILL around?

>> No.13255258
File: 210 KB, 1600x2418, 7195f4cdAVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really think Mark Manson started it. His articles and writing are well thought out but some of his 'humor' walks that line between cringe and cringer, just like this thread. I'd say "/lit/ was never good" but at this point anyone who's still here knows that this is a shithole and are only arguing about women as a stress release valve from the pressures of Norman society.
Here, the young male is rewarded for being crude lewd dude. He does not give a fuck, and the people who do give a fuck, they are the ones who are shit upon, as if saying to them, "who are you to actually give a fuck? this is /lit/, we're busy being mediocre and giving into our base instincts, the chains of society are not welcome here!' and to that I respond; "if you value sex so much, then, why aren't you fapping?" and in your defense:
"Clearly to obtain brotherhood of the community here, are you dense?"
At that point I admit my autism and lower my head to you, the superior in intellect.

>> No.13255350

eid Mubarak brother

>> No.13256455

Fuck women

>> No.13256462
File: 1.96 MB, 3000x2000, 1559502936403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..betwixt their supple soles

Haha, posted before finishing my thought

>> No.13256532
File: 26 KB, 313x499, IMG_1615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More books for this feel?

>> No.13256567

>Suck and Fuck

>> No.13256586

They are smaller sized - typically referenced as caligula.

>> No.13256685

Is your pic related just the list of the 286 rules? It reads like the Talmud.