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13243677 No.13243677 [Reply] [Original]

Stuff They Don’t Want You to Read

Let’s get a list going for the dissenting reader. I’ll start:

Complete works of Nietzsche
A Season in Hell by Arthur Rimbaud
Mumbo Jumbo by Ishmael Reed
Complete works of Pynchon
Culture of Critique

What else?

>> No.13243707

All works about Gnosticism
The Gnostic Scriptures

>> No.13243715

200 years together.
Notes on the State of Virginia
Seeing Islam as Others Saw It
Orderly and Humane
The Menace of the Herd

>> No.13243722
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Why not kill yourself, if you're Gnostics and the world and your imprisonment is evil?

>> No.13243730

no one is pushed more than nietzsche, exclude from list.

>> No.13243766

Any math textbook
Any book that successfully motivates people to exercise
A lot of stuff by Leo Straus
Suicide Note by Mitchell Heisman

>> No.13243769

Dietrich Von Hildebrand, one of the greatest catholic intellectuals on the 20th century

>> No.13243775

Being popular isn’t the same as being pushed. The wrong people don’t want you to read him or else they want you to read him for the wrong reasons.

>> No.13244024

>le epic exercise meme
You realize that exercise wasn’t even a thing until the 80s and everyone, including many great intellectuals and writers, were just fine?

>> No.13244037

Tell it to the ancient Greeks, retard.

>> No.13244042
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they censor the parts of antisemitism in goethes autobiographical work
makes me think.

>> No.13244055

Industrial Society and its Future
Simulacra and Simulation
Manufacturing Consent
Your Brain on Porn
The Bible

>> No.13244059

I dont know..

>> No.13244065

Behead All Satans

>> No.13244077

>The Bible

>> No.13244079

Brave New World
Mein Kampf
On the Jews and Their Lies
The Bell Curve

>> No.13244087

>The Bell Curve
Definitely this one.

>> No.13244097

The Bible is popular, but they still don’t want you to read it. Yet very few even know what Pensées is. The masses must think Pascal wrote a book called “My Wager,” and from that confusion, they fall prey to atheist propaganda.

>> No.13244207

I pity you for being a christcuck. I hope you wake up one day.

>> No.13244210

He has a weird sense of humor, but He's always funny.

>> No.13244233

>one tiny sliver of the intellectual world dictates my value set

>> No.13244246

You said exercise started in the 80s.

>> No.13244263

You’re being deliberately obtuse. If no one did it for literally thousands of years after the Ancient Greeks, it’s fair to say it started in the 80s. Though I suppose your juvenile /fit/ ass would prefer I said “started again” since you’re incapable of seeing past the literal. Please go back to your cancerous board and leave us in peace.

>> No.13244269


>> No.13244271

You’re either trolling or dangerously stupid.

>> No.13244270

I just noticed you also said “a math textbook.” Double cringe. You literally have your life dictated to you by 4chan memes. Embarrassing.

>> No.13244282

How is math a 4chan meme? And who says my life is dictated by the stuff in my post? I was answering the prompt, which is “stuff they don’t want you to read”. I guess I can understand why you would think I was talking about myself since you seem incapable of giving an appropriate answer yourself.

>> No.13244357

Pity me?? Haha

>> No.13244526

Das Kapital obviously

>> No.13244534

Countless academics whose salaries are paid by government grants want you to read that.

>> No.13244544

No they want you to read Foucault and Audre Lorde

>> No.13244553

Communists still buy iPhones and coffee. No one cares if you read Capital

>> No.13244564

They also organize workforces, which people do seem to care a lot about

>> No.13244571

You realize Marx was libertarian, right?

>> No.13244572
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People didn’t have the need to exercise when they didn’t eat 2000+ calories a day and worked in the fields. Obesity is a modern epidemic perpetuated by corporate greed. The Greeks had slaves and servants to do the labor, so they had time to work out and do the olympics. Soldiers have always trained to be physically fit. The 80s started the craze of gym machines, before that there were strong men. Christ you intellectuals read Plato and don’t even care that he was fuckin’ ripped.

>> No.13245049

Hmmmm... so the issue is that we are compelled to participate in an economic order designed to extract and siphon away as much value as possible into the hands of a select few... I wonder who has written about this economic order we find ourselves in

>> No.13245143
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>What's that? The entirety of my intellectual and professional life is dictated by a number which stays the same no matter what and I'm extremely likely to be in the middle and not be able to be anything more than a wage cuck for the rest of my life even if I want to? oh...

Even if I fall for le IQ meme, I still think this is a really bad book to give to young children since they'll probably get blackpilled.

>> No.13245189
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>wasn’t even a thing until the 80s
Holy shit you cant be real

>> No.13245350

Blanchot's pre-war articles
Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle
Living Currency
Libidinal Economy
Prelimimary Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl
Ccru Writings
To Live and Think Like Pigs
René Schérer

>> No.13245354

To Live and Think Like Pigs is very good

>> No.13245357

>>The Bible
opening your bible one day to read John 3:16 and then closing it, putting it on a shelf, and never picking it up again doesn't count as reading the bible

>> No.13245364

The Bible sucks, is the point.

>> No.13245366

The moral landscape.

>> No.13245370


>> No.13245372

Nietzche is on every university/ college philosophy course

>> No.13245376
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>> No.13245386

This, Nietzsche is reddit tier philosophy.

>> No.13245389
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>Industrial Society and its Future

>> No.13245403

>Being this ignorant

>> No.13245407

Why do undergrads love him so much then?

>> No.13245410

Have you ever read it? If so, explain your reasoning.

>> No.13245411
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>im le superman

>> No.13245417

Because theu dont understand him

>> No.13245437

Funny how literally everyone says this whether you like Nietzsche or not.

>> No.13245439

This isn’t really true but even if it were the point is that the actions one would take based on reading Marx (labor organizing, resistance to dispossession) are proscribed. The government doesn’t care what you read as long as you don’t do anything with it

>> No.13245443

Stop being a weak skinny dweeb and get jacked. Maybe then you won't be an incel.

>> No.13245447

No, he's right about that. Exercise as we know it only exists in the west. In China gymbro culture isn't a thing, in fact even running is considered unhealthy.

>> No.13245459

China has one of the best weightlifting teams in the world. Shut up incel and don't make me school you again.

>> No.13245470
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>the Chinese don't lift bro!

>> No.13245471

Post body

>> No.13245480

It's not considered healthy or attractive in their culture. Their idea of healthy activity is walking or tai chi.

>> No.13245482

when everyone says "they" who does it refer to?

>> No.13245486

The capitalist class

>> No.13245487

Actually "modern" training started in the late 19th century, in German beer halls. Many of these guys wrote books in and around the same time period on how to train. Around the same time the Olympic games become a thing again and weightlifting was a part of it basically from the beginning. The rest is history.

>> No.13245493

You are a shut in incel. Muscles on men are attractive everywhere in the world. It's embedded biologically. Assuming we are talking healthy amounts (what athletes have) and not roided freak bodybuilders.

>> No.13245498

The Jews and the Globohomo establishment, obviously.

>> No.13245499

I'm not arguing against lifting or saying it is scientifically unhealthy, but it has a historical and cultural context like all other types of exercise, no? I have a barbell at home bro.

>> No.13245500

>what is tai chi?

>> No.13245508

Go back to /pol/ or /fit/, pseud.

>> No.13245521

Have sex.

>> No.13245522

Bend over

>> No.13245528

It's not sex unless it's a penis being inserted into a vagina. Have sex.

>> No.13245530

cringe Marxist

cringe /pol/tard

Give an actual answer conspiratards

>> No.13245555

Those who don’t serve your interests, but harm you for their own interests. Fill in the blank however you like.

>> No.13245617

What’s your answer then? There are no powerful interests who strategically intervene for their own benefit? Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13245637

You wouldn't know, juden

>> No.13245756

>Give an actual answer conspiratards
The reptilians from the 4th dimension. Read David Icke.

>> No.13245836

The Unabomber Manifesto

>> No.13246149

Butthurt out of shape loser

>> No.13246193
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>One mention of Kaczynski
>No Pentti Linkola
>No Guillaume Faye
>No Solzhenitsyn
>No Yockey
>No Alexander Dugin
>No Evola
Shit thread and shows how far your heads in the sand are

>> No.13246210

How the hell is Solzhenitsyn forbidden reading, people love him because “muh American freedums” nothing he says challenges anyone who has power today

>> No.13246213

Running in China is unhealthy because the air they breathe is 60% cremated babies

>> No.13246223

Programmed to Kill.


You're welcome.

>> No.13246224
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>How is Solzhenitsyn forbidden reading?
Because he’s pushed under memes like Foucault and co

>> No.13246239

Anything less popular than Foucault is suppressed? Damn

>> No.13246258

Didn't the Early gnostics literally have rituals where they would ceremoniously off themselves. Why can't they go back to doing that

>> No.13246271

I will pray for you chief

>> No.13246305

>Complete works of Nietzsche
>A Season in Hell by Arthur Rimbaud
Read those wthout anybody getting in my way, though

>> No.13247173

Don Quixote.

>> No.13247190

"The Immoralist" by André Gide

>> No.13247255

This has to be bait, I refuse to believe anyone can be this stupid.

>> No.13247275

Socrates literally was biggest nigga at the gymnasium the german word for highschool is literally named after the gym... education and exercise are the same thing

>> No.13247281

Holy fuck you sound like you haven't been laid in years

>> No.13247305

Pretty much. Socrates said exercise of the body doesn’t make a soul great but the other way around - it’s the great soul that takes care of its vessel. And no, you don’t have to be a gym maniac, moderation is key. Neither pamper your body with restrictive diets and excessive exercise nor disregard them completely.

>> No.13247306

Good dubs

I chuckled so hard at that post; it was brilliant. Obviously bait, but worthwhile. Should be the new copypasta, except how often do people talk about exercise here now that Mishima is out of fashion?

>> No.13247370

>"0 results"

I didn't realise that this thread was controlled opposition

>> No.13247441

I don't think it's debatable that Nietzsche belongs on the list of stuff they don't want you to read. His criticism of morality is more actual than it was a couple of decades ago, and his own morality of will to power, as it is constructed in his later works belongs amongst the most radical conceived by any philosopher til today.

>> No.13247509

Keep deluding yourself /fit/oids, the fact remains that frequent and heavy exercise is for meathead losers with low IQ who are ruled by their peepees and not their brains. Walking, 10-20 minutes of calisthenics, some stretching, all fine but unnecessary. Spending 6+ hours in the gym each week lifting weights and doing cardio—cringe and waste of time-pilled. There are no mental benefits, and your attractiveness to women is almost entirely determine by the triple F meme and your social status. No one cares about your pecs except fellow /fit/oids.

>> No.13247513

even more than Max Stirner?

>> No.13247515
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>> No.13247521

List of great philosophers and writers of the canon who “totally lifted like hardcore bro and got big pecs and glutes dude”:

List of great philosophers and writers of the canon who just took a walk in the sunshine like a normal person and then got back to studying:
Literally all the rest of them

>> No.13247526
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It might be easier to list the books they want you to read than to list the books they don't want you read

>> No.13247527

In what way are math and exercise not promoted by our overlords nowadays? The whole culture is obsessed with STEM and “going to the gym!!”

>> No.13247545

>Culture of Critique
Why do so many /pol/tards wank over this fucking book
Its so incredibly basic and overratted, just like MUH REED SEEJ
If you want a good book on the Jews read "The Jews" by David Duke. Duke is an idiot, but he wrote an incredibly detailed work on literally everything you could want to know about the Jews. That is a FAR better place to start than culture of cucktique.

>> No.13247547

Not everybody is a satanic pedophile nazi larper like you anon

>> No.13247553

>if you hate capitalism you're a Marxist
You shouldn't be posting in this thread if you support the status quo

>> No.13247562

Foucault loved Solzhenitsyn…

>> No.13247569

While I agree that Atomwaffen "Shoot up a Mosque" Siege types are just about the stupidest people on earth, this image is a bit cringe. National Socialism is just a perverted materialistic version of Fascism.
Centralizing your politics around a base materialistic concept like biological race is as foolish as basing it around utopian economic ideas. You don't automatically become good by virtue of belonging to a particular group of similar gene expression.
Here's what Julius Evola had to say:

>[...] Racist ideology, as is known, had always played a prominent role within National Socialism: generally promoted in an extremist and primitive fashion, racism represented one of the most problematic features of the Third Reich, and one in need of rectification. On the one hand, racism was associated with anti-Semitism; on the other, racism had given rise to 'pagan' tendencies, the chief exponent of which was Alfred Rosenberg. As I already mentioned when talking of Pagan Imperialism, Rosenberg - whom I had personally met - regarded me as the spokesman of an Italian current similar to his own. In fact, the differences between my own thought and that of Rosenberg were very conspicuous. In his well-known book entitled The Myth of the Twentieth Century, Rosenberg, not unlike myself, had quoted authors such as Wirth and Bachofen in order to discuss the idea of Nordic origins, and to provide a dynamic historical analysis of various civilizations from a racist perspective. Rosenberg's study, however, was superficial and imprecise; politically, it was aimed at serving, almost exclusively, German interests. Rosenberg also lacked any understanding of holiness and transcendence - hence his most primitive critique of Catholicism, a religion which he even attacked, in a kind of renewed Kulturkampf, by borrowing the most obsolete arguments from Enlightenment and secularist polemics. The 'myth of the twentieth century', according to Rosenberg, was to be the myth of blood and race: 'A new myth of life that is called forth to create, along with a new kind of life, a new kind of state and of civilization.'


>> No.13247576

>As for the racism of the German state, it merged a sort of pan-Germanic nationalism with the ideas of biological science. With respect to the latter, I believe that Trotsky was not far off the mark when he described racism as a kind of zoological materialism. The German state embraced biology, eugenics, and the theory of heredity, accepting all the materialist assumptions behind such doctrines. This led National Socialism to posit the unilateral dependence of the superior to the inferior: of the psychic and super-biological part of man to the biological. This materialist view was little affected by the superimposition of a vague mystique of blood. A materialist perspective was also responsible for the National Socialist illusion that mere prophylactic intervention on the biological level - an intervention, that is, upon the physical race - might automatically better all aspects of the life of peoples and nations. Where a similar analysis might have proven valid was in the idea that it is not the state, society or civilization which are of central importance, but rather race - had 'race' here been understood in its higher sense, as describing the deepest and most fundamental components of man. Also potentially valid was the National Socialist acknowledgement of the need and opportunity to 'fight for a worldview' appropriate for the Aryan man - this representing a means of promoting a broad reassessment of the values which have come to inform the Western world. A negative element, instead, was the fanatical anti-Semitism of National Socialism, something which many people have regrettably come to identify with racism tout court.

>[...] I had already had my say on the issue of materialist racism. As for Nazi neopaganism, at a press conference held in 1936 at the Kulturbund of Vienna, I argued that its theories were enough 'to turn into Catholics even those best disposed towards paganism'. I should also mention the fact that Mussolini expressed his approval of one article of mine entitled 'Race and Culture' ('Razza e cultura'), which I had published in 1935 in the magazine Italian Review (Rassegna Italiana). In this article, I affirmed the pre-eminence of formative ideas over merely biological and ethnic traits (the same argument I also made in the pages of my own section in Regime Fascista). An editorial of mine in Balbo's newspaper, Corriere Padano, was also well-received by the upper echelons of the Fascist regime. The editorial was entitled 'The Duty of Being Aryan' ('Responsabilita di dirsi ariani'), and was aimed at criticizing the fetish of physical race. I here denounced the irrelevance of 'Aryanness' as an expression used merely to denote individuals who are neither Jewish nor colored, rather than as a term employed in the spiritual and ethical sense to imply a certain duty towards oneself. Racism, I suggested, certainly expressed legitimate needs, but needed to be redefined on a different basis.


>> No.13247580

>By exploiting my aforementioned influence in certain German circles, I sought to promote a rectification of racist ideology. The opportunity for me to take a more decisive stand on the matter, however, only presented itself in 1938, when Fascism suddenly turned 'racist' and issued its 'Race Manifesto'.

>The Italian 'Race Manifesto', however, which had been hurriedly assembled on Mussolini's orders, proved a slipshod piece of work. No doubt, Italy lacked individuals capable of discussing similar issues. The same carelessness that marked the Manifesto also surfaced in the course of the Fascist racial campaign, which was partly articulated by means of cheap and virulent polemics. All of a sudden, a whole bunch of Fascist men of letters and journalists realized they were 'racists', and started using the word 'race' at every turn, to describe the most varied and less pertinent things. People also started talking of the 'Italian race', an utterly meaningless idea, given that no modem nation corresponds to one race - Italy least of all. The various European races described in racial studies rather feature as the single components of a whole in almost all Western nations.

>In 1937, the publisher from Hoepli entrusted me with the writing of a history of racism. The book was entitled The Myth of Blood (II milo del sangue), and a second edition of the work was published during the war. In this volume, I discussed the antecedents of racism in the ancient world (where 'race' was seen not as a myth, but as a living reality), and in the centuries leading up to the present day. I then outlined the modern variants of racial ideology by describing the basic ideas of de Gobineau, Woltmann, de Lapouge, Chamberlain and various other authors. I also examined racist views of anthropology, genetics, heredity and typology, and discussed the racist view of history and the foundations of anti-Semitism. Finally, I provided an outline of the various forms of political racism in Hitler's day. The book, with its descriptive character, allowed me to clarify a number of points.


>> No.13247588

>The research I had conducted in order to write The Myth of Blood Ied me to develop a racial doctrine of my own. I outlined such a doctrine in a book entitled Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race (Sintesi di dottrina della razza), which was published by Hoepli in 1941 (a slightly revised edition was published in German by Runge Verlag of Berlin). The appendix of the volume included 52 photos.

>One's idea of race depends on one's idea of man: the nature of each racial doctrine is determined by its conceptualization of the human being. All distortions in the field of racism derive from a materialist view of man, a view informed by science and naturalism. By contrast, at the very basis of my racial doctrine I placed the traditional idea of man as a being comprised of three elements: body, character and spirit. I argued that an exhaustive racial theory has to take all three elements into account by examining race in its threefold manifestation: as race of the body, race of the character, and race of the spirit. Racial 'purity' is found when these three races stand in harmonious balance with one another, each race shining through the other two. This, however, has long been only a rare occurrence. The most unwelcome consequence of the various cases of miscegenation which have occurred during the historical development of human society is not the alteration of the physical race and psychosomatic type - what ordinary racism is chiefly concerned with - but, rather, the divide and contrast between the three kinds of races within the same individual. As a consequence of such miscegenation, one finds men whose body no longer reflects their character, and whose emotional, moral and volitional dispositions no longer agree with their spiritual inclinations. 'Spirit' should here be distinguished from 'character' as that component of man in touch with higher values that transcend life. In this sense, the 'race of the spirit' manifests itself in the different approaches to the sacred, to destiny and to the question of life and death, as well as in world-views, religions, etc. I here argued, therefore, that three levels of racism ought to be distinguished in order to reflect the three kinds of races: the first level of racism pertaining to the race of the body, the second to the race of the character, and the third to the race of the spirit.


>> No.13247592
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The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics
free download

>> No.13247603

>In my study of race, I argued that in accordance with the legitimate inner hierarchy of man, the inner race ought to be regarded as superior to the external and merely biological form. A similar approach called for a radical reassessment of the views of materialist racism, not least with respect to genetics and heredity. I rejected the fetish of merely physical racial purity, on the grounds that the purity of the external race of an individual is often preserved even when his inner race has dimmed or deteriorated (a common example of this is that of the Dutch and Scandinavians). Such an approach also put the problem of miscegenation into perspective: miscegenation certainly has negative consequences in those cases where the inner race is weak; yet if the inner race is strong, the presence of an external element, introduced - albeit not in excess - by means of interbreeding, potentially provides a galvanizing challenge (hence, the opposite problem of certain aristocratic stocks which degenerate on account of incestuous unions). These, and other, similar considerations I made in my book.

>From a political and social perspective, I acknowledged the use of racism as the expression of an anti-egalitarian and anti-rationalistic approach. Racism clearly emphasizes the idea of differentiation, with regard to both the peoples and the members of a given people. Racism opposes the democratic ideology born of the Enlightenment which proclaims the identity and equal dignity of all human beings; on the contrary, racism asserts that humanity as such is either an abstract and fictitious concept, or the final stage in a process of degeneration, dissolution and collapse - a stage only to be posited as an outmost limit never actually to be reached. Human nature, instead, is ordinarily differentiated, and this differentiation is expressed in the form of different bloodlines and races. This differentiation constitutes the primary feature of humanity: not only is it a natural condition among all beings, but also a positive element, something which ought to exist, and ought to be defended and safeguarded. The acknowledgement of diversity never led me - unlike certain other racists - to conceive humanity as a series of isolated, self-contained units; nor did it lead me to reject all higher principles. A kind of unity is certainly conceivable for humanity, but only at a higher level; and such unity accepts and preserves differentiation at a lower level. Unity 'from below', on the other hand, is a regressive phenomenon: such is the leveling unity sought by democracy, 'integrationism', humanitarianism, pseudo-universalism and collectivism. De Gobineau had already criticized similar ideas, essentially by promoting racism in aristocratic terms.

(One more to go sorry about the spam but I'm pasting this from a word document)

>> No.13247613

>The notion of inner race implied the idea of race as a moulding energy. Thus, the development of a definite human type free of ethnic miscegenation might be explained on the grounds of an inner moulding power, which finds its most direct manifestation in a given civilization or tradition. A notable example of this phenomenon is provided by the Jewish people: originally lacking any ethnic unity (in a physical sense), the Jews came to possess recognizable hereditary traits thanks to their tradition, ultimately coming to embody one of the clearest historical examples of strenuous racial unity. A more recent example is that of North American society: for Americans have come to show rather constant racial traits (particularly in terms of inner race) thanks to the moulding power of their civilization, which has shaped an extraordinarily mixed ethnic whole. My approach, therefore, ruled out the possibility that populations might be conditioned by biological factors alone.

>The practical possibilities of applying my racial doctrine to the field of what Vacher de Lapouge termed 'political anthropology' were self-evident. In a country where the state embodies the role of a superior, active and moulding principle, an attempt to favor the differentiation of the ethnic make-up of the population is certainly a conceivable prospect. In this regard, National Socialism was not entirely mistaken. What ought to have been distinguished in Germany was negative racism - understood as a means to protect the nation from dangerous forms of miscegenation - from positive racism - which is aimed at fostering diversity within the national community in order to define and strengthen a superior human type.

>> No.13247637

Not at all. Thanks for posting; it's a very interesting read.

>> No.13247649

>the jews don't want you to read the books they themself wrote to destroy the goys
Okay retard

>> No.13247652

Mental midget

>> No.13247654

:( too close to home anon