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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 142 KB, 802x1000, Dostoevskij_1872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1323925 No.1323925 [Reply] [Original]

One of these days, we ought to raid /b/ with cock and bull literary criticism of classic Russian works. That'll show em.

>> No.1323937 [DELETED] 



>> No.1323941

The amount of views /lit/ gets in a week is probably less than the average views one thread /b/ gets, besides have you seen /b/? they can't discuss anything at all except with the email field and uploading pictures, its hysterical.

>> No.1323943

the truth is always intoxicating thus it has sometimes to be diluted with pudding.-verkhovensky

>> No.1323946
File: 16 KB, 250x250, 69180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, and the fact that we (i, at least) am quite content to sit this out with a book.
>mfw everything went better than expected

>> No.1323949

well, we could crawl of our basements and push some officer if it is about the sense of importance

>> No.1323965

Yep, pretty much.
This all happened right around dinnertime, for me.

>> No.1323967
File: 77 KB, 750x600, 1245924765160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I remind you...

>> No.1324025

there are like 12 of us, at best. raiding /b/ would be like a t-ball team vs china.

on another note, i spent a good bit of time on /new/ today. fuck that place. i'm gonna respect my old rule of /lit/ and /lit/ only. brain is full of fuck.

>> No.1324030

Yeah, I went over to /mu for a minute. It was wretched.
I go over to /ic every once in a while.

>> No.1324032

/tg/ is looking for allies to save /x/ from /b/. Just throwing that out there.


>> No.1324039

Er, let me try that again:

>> No.1324045
File: 184 KB, 403x480, b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fa/tg/uy reporting in, we are taking in all survivors and refugees...and all the remaining defenders we can get. We stand with you in this time of madness.

>> No.1324051
File: 67 KB, 354x354, coolconstantine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/irgin here. If you want to troll a place and you don't have the numbers to raid them... draw them into debate threads. Get the odd /b/tard or two who actually reads, pull them into what looks like a nice discussion of a decent book, then tilt the discussion further and further into hostility and subtle logical fallacies. Get the thread momentum; bring in politics and nationality and philosophy and shit so people who don't give a fuck about books will still end up coming in and making asses of themselves.

Then the thread 404s and the subjects - /b/tards in this case - are left full of impotent rage.

>> No.1324053

/tg/ Holds. Always.
We'll be more than down for a good raid on the /b/tards, but let's beat them back and wait them out first.

>> No.1324058

Eh, I'm not really going to raid anybody.
Just talking about exciting stuff is about the extent of youthful vigor I can muster anymore.
It's almost one in the morning. I'm gonna finish this beer, read a couple cantos out of the Divine Comedy, and go to sleep. I have a job in the morning, you know.
Best of luck, though.

>> No.1324066

If can you offer no assistance, we understand: You are more than welcome over in /tg/ regardless. In times of war and in peace... Who knows, maybe you can tell us of some tome we can use for a setting.

>> No.1324067
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>> No.1324068

I would think that now is the best of times for us fa/tg/uys to begin official diplomatic relations with /lit/. We have much in common, primarily the love of a well-told story. This could be the start of a beautiful new inter-board friendship.

>> No.1324075

I keep meaning to spend more time over at /tg

3rd edition DnD fag here.
Also MtG
Also Hero Quest, the board game, motherfuckers. I loved that shit. I can't find it anywhere now.

>> No.1324080

We have frequent /tg/-related book threads...George R.R. Martin is our reading material of choice, by consensus. You'd be surprised at the breadth of our selections, though.

>> No.1324095

Yeah, I'll definitely have to start lurking there more. Just a quick browse revealed much that is relevant to my interests and conducive to my enjoyment.
Like I said earlier, I tried /mu, but fuck that place sucks.
I go to /ic when I want to pick up something I can use for my own drawing, but it's not exactly a great place for conversation.
I see much potential in this /lit - /tg alliance.

>> No.1324098

loling at listening to you guys thinking any board stands a change against my /b/

/lit/, taking you out wont even be an issue. Seriously don't mess with us.

>> No.1324097

Also, I've decided that I'm going to break down and read Martin's books, the A Whatever of Whatever and Whatnot series. I haven't read any fantasy (unless Ivanhoe counts?) since I was in high school, which was a shamefully long time ago. But fuck. If the series is good I'll read it.
But not until he's finished with it. He looks fat and old - I'm afraid the fucker is gonna keel over from a heart attack before he finishes the series. I don't want to start something if I can't finish it.

>> No.1324106
File: 80 KB, 250x189, 1282259495582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>internet tough guy
>doesn't know how to sage
Truly the /b/ elite.

>> No.1324111

He's right about one thing - I'm pretty sure I do not stand a change against /b/
Whatever that means.

>> No.1324117
File: 74 KB, 750x563, 4chan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sagefail, pic related.
Run back to /x/ and cower there...we march at dawn. We will find you.

>> No.1324124

yes i do know how to fucking sage numbnuts, i was making a point.

>> No.1324126

Good comeback dude. I bet that scared him off.
Also you left sage in the namefield again.

>> No.1324127

It means use your world class deduction skills and realize it was a typo

>> No.1324129

Yes i did, I bet you're enjoying it as am i?

>> No.1324134
File: 208 KB, 250x219, applause.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just a regular barrel of laughs, aren'tcha?

>> No.1324133

Jesus Christ you arrogant faggots. My sole point is that you best not mess with /b/ because the second it becomes any bit significant, /lit/ can say hello to hell. You know it just as well as i do

>> No.1324132
File: 16 KB, 250x277, 1276365735792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahaha, excellent! And what was the point you were making, exactly? That you're too RUFF N TUFF to sage?

>> No.1324136



You think the "power" /b/ had is still relevant.

Well, get back to us once you're done with the pudding, chap.

>> No.1324137
File: 232 KB, 566x767, 1276377505654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know just as well as you do that if /b/ decides to attack there'll be a few bans, a few days of chaos (at best), then everything will be as normal.

>> No.1324140

I'm going to mess, dude. I'm a messer.
And I know hell. I finished that part of The Divine Comedy just yesterday.
Anyways, why don't you go to /b and try to rouse up another raid? I will bet you one internets that it won't be even as pathetic as the last attempt to raid /lit
Which lasted all of ten minutes, and was not at all an interruption to our conversation.
All of us here did our time at /b, dude. We know what it's like. Looks like you have yet to understand /b yourself.
Because once you do, you won't be there anymore. You will have found another forum here on 4chan.

>> No.1324146

>I bet you're enjoying it as am i?
>enjoying it as am i?
>as am i?
The fuck is this sentence?

>> No.1324148


Lmfao. /b/ hasnt even raided you yet and it's apparently already interrupted your conversation, considering you made this thread.

>> No.1324150

I see you posting puddi up there, dude. You won't be able to post enough of it by yourself to flood the whole page. Even at the height of the raid there were still other threads on the front page of /lit - the slowest moving forum on 4chan.
Jesus Christ. I forgot what it's like to work at a daycare center.

>> No.1324152


It's grammatically correct. Of all boards i'd have guessed you would know that.

>> No.1324153


>> No.1324156


I haven't made any of my own threads today, in fact. And, actually, in my opinion /b/ should stay the hell away from all boards except for /x/ while the puddi lasts. All I was fuckkinggg saying was don't be an idiot and start shit w /b/ in a time that they dont have better shit to deal with i.e. puddi puddi

>> No.1324159


>> No.1324160

No, it's missing a comma.

Fuck this. Go home, idiot. I'm done having my fun with you.

>> No.1324162


>> No.1324161

>claim to be grammatically correct and then forget on purpose to capitalize the "I" in "I'd"

0/10, obvious troll is obvious, etc.
Honestly, if this were the best /b/ had to offer it'd be truly hilarious.

>> No.1324163

>don't be an idiot and start shit w /b/
But why? Why shouldn't we start shit with /b/? What's the worst they can do? Annoy us for a few hours while we keep right on talking about books?

>> No.1324167


So, are you fourteen, or...?

>> No.1324168

They should stick to trolling little girls on youtube.

Sorry but that shit was hilarious.

>> No.1324170
File: 35 KB, 345x317, 2984_-_animated_BadEndXXX_Bub_Bubble_Bobble_Metroid_Nintendo_Samus_Aran.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1324171

Oh, God forbid.

4chan posting isn't formal writing. idgaf abt the punctuation, my sentences have been coherent and clear

Ok, have fun then. What /lit/ can do to /b/ is nothing compared to what /b/ would do to /lit/ if it had any desire

>> No.1324176
File: 270 KB, 468x700, buttsemen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1324178

Okay, let's finish this maturely and civilly. Regardless of what has been said, all I was attempting to express was that the arm of /b/ is much stronger than the arm of /lit/. That is a fact, and you are a dumbass if you try to argue against that. The populous of /b/ is simply exponentially larger, and if /lit/ stirred enough shit, /b/ would hit /lit/ back much harder than /lit/ had hit /b/ in stirring the shit in the first place, by the simple fact that there are so many /b/tards. For christ sake, I'm not even a /b/tard, not even a 4channer in fact, I'm coming from 420chan. Caught you guys at 4chan on quite good night tho i must say, lol

>> No.1324179
File: 36 KB, 197x420, clippy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfags running amuck again. Someone should really put you on a leash.
Let's start from square one. Your threats mean absolute jack. You do not speak for the Legion. /b/ is not your private army. You will not somehow bring /b/ down upon us, because you are insignificant and unknown in the grand scheme of /b/.

tl;dr - go to bed, your mom will be mad if she catches you up this late on the computer

>> No.1324180

This guy seriously has the dialogue of a bad comic book villain.

It turns out I could use your help with a project of mine, Sage. Do you know what "satire," means?

>> No.1324184
File: 35 KB, 329x329, 1282311592655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What /lit/ can do to /b/ is nothing compared to what /b/ would do to /lit
You're not getting it. NONE OF THE BOARDS CAN EVER ACTUALLY HARM ANOTHER IN ANY SIGNIFICANT WAY. The worst thing any board can ever do is migrate to another and shout for a few hours, and then leave. This is not a thing anyone is afraid of.

>> No.1324185

>Yes i did, I bet you're enjoying it as am i?

That is not a question.

>Yes, I did. I bet you're enjoying it as I am.

>> No.1324186

In fact it is often amusing, and often garnishes interests across the boards.

>> No.1324187


/lit/ used to be a great board. one i usually liked to frequent. then it kept getting raids by /b/ and the best members of this board left

>> No.1324191


I dunno. /x/ has pretty much been deconstructed by /b/, and not just tonight. I miss /x/.

Still, it would take more than one wayward /b/tard to bring that to us. And they'd have to lift focus off /x/ to do so. We're in no danger.

>> No.1324193
File: 42 KB, 750x600, double facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm not even a /b/tard, not even a 4channer in fact, I'm coming from 420chan.
>/lit/ used to be a great board. one i usually liked to frequent.
Don't try to tell us that you aren't the samefag, you still haven't figured out how to take sage out of the namefield yet.
goodness gracious kids these days

>> No.1324196

Although, i do admit you have a good point. Still, the raiding /b/ would do, you must admit, would be on a much larger scale than the raiding you could conduct upon /b/, which was basically my only point.

Also, this faggot >>1324187 is not me. And I'm not sure what he means in that post.

>> No.1324195

I'm a fat nigger from /b/ HERP DERP /lit/ will be destroyed by my friends from /b/. Please let me suck your cock.

>> No.1324198

Hi Im John. I love niggerdick.

>> No.1324200


John. I'm just trying to have a decent conversation with you. Please don't be so condescending.

>> No.1324202

I've left sage in the namefield intentionally. There's no use in stopping all of a sudden. If you seriously think I'm that much of an idiot not to know how to sage, please just don't have this conversation with me because this is not about me being a little 12yo btard. I'm a 19 year old college student who regularly frequents 420chan and browses 4chan's b,g,x,and 3 on the rare occasion I decide to visit 4chan. This conversation is not about my channer status; that is completely irrelevant to the discussion.

>> No.1324203
File: 60 KB, 750x600, even jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very clever, but apparently you haven't figured out how a tripcode works. The hash after you name is different than mine.

This is a nice break from deriding people based on their literary taste. I'm not used to dealing with an actual retard.

I'm not sure how many facepalm photos I have, tho, and I'm pretty sure this guy is going to run me out.

>> No.1324204


also not me

>> No.1324206


That also wasn't me

>> No.1324207

It turns out I can't tell one idiot from another.

>> No.1324208


Are you insinuating, sir, that your loyalty is of no concern during war talks?

>> No.1324209


Just ignore the solitary /b/tard John. Anyways, where were we at again?

>> No.1324212

I don't know, man. I've had a few beers. I'm just enjoying being an asshole.

>> No.1324213


Let me guess, you go to a State school.

>> No.1324215


not me again

>> No.1324224


Shut it bitch. I would expect so much from a Dostoevsky fanboy.

>> No.1324226

I love Dostoevsky.

>> No.1324227


Dude, stop.

UGH, whatever, I, the original sage, am going to bed. I've said what I needed to say, and I think, despite how much you hate me, you may understand now what I meant (only that /b/ has a stronger arm than /lit/, nothing more). Thanks, goodnight

I went to UMass Amherst last year, transferred to Roger Williams University this semester, and am transferring back to UMass Amherst in the Spring.

I hate to say it /lit/, but virtually all of your arguments, as seen in this thread, are simply attempts at making the other person feel inferior. I would expect arguments based on actual logic and the topic at hand, especially from this board.

>> No.1324230

I hope you get bedbugs.

>> No.1324234
File: 92 KB, 1004x493, Angry Marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, it's a good thing that some of us in this thread are eloquen/tg/entlemen. We're the only ones who can rage harder and troll better than even /b/tards.

>> No.1324236


UMass Amherst? Roger Williams University? Bro that's like bragging about getting 3.9 GPA...in community college.

>> No.1324242

