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/lit/ - Literature

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13240241 No.13240241 [Reply] [Original]

Atheism will abolish all grounds of authority, ushering in the triumph of unchecked quests for personal happiness and for (Western) theoretical schemes for social and political justice that will reduce the world to a chaos of competing egos and theories.

>> No.13240276


>> No.13240281

Oh no! Not happiness! Somehow I'm sure that will only lead to destruction!

>> No.13240295
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t. Last man

>> No.13240376

cringe enough to spend the time to give (you)s

>> No.13240798

/lit/ is the only board that still LARPs that religion is important

>> No.13240910

And it is for many reasons. Also the other boards are utter shit, comparing it to the topics discussed in here, with few exceptions.
t. not even religious

>> No.13240929

We’ve jumped off the cliff. Just because everything is a dizzying milieu now doesn’t mean reality won’t hit hard. Religion will become important again.

>> No.13240933

Atheism is on the decline along with religion. You can't cure the god fearing, only direct them to good through a religous society. Religion didn't create god, religion was created to control god.

>> No.13240958
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>> No.13240966

He was right. Look at the current world where religion in mostly dead, and materialism is king. Every action not driven by the ego is taken as something bad and made fun of. The purest emotions have been driven to nothing more than a joke. The problem with that is directly seen in the youth failing to find a purpose in life, and felling lost and unhappy in the world. Their soul has been eaten away, so they throw their life to radical politics in an attempt to give their life some purpose, not understanding they will only make things worse, because it will just further segregate people from each other. So when we have everyone for themselves, we basically have Raskolnikov's nightmare were trust in humanity is dead and we are in a free fall. I don't if this is due to drive for materialistic gain or the lack of religion, but the one probably led to the other anyway.

>> No.13241080

Yeah, well, atheism is on the decline and so is religion.

>> No.13241088

>unchecked quests for personal happiness
Which, as the past decades demonstrated, is just pure hedonism.
The Christian way of life, even for an atheist, is much superior to the mindless hedonism of the "liberated"(enchained) atheists.