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/lit/ - Literature

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13233164 No.13233164 [Reply] [Original]

Give me 3 books to read that will convince me to believe in Christianity.
Hard mode: you can't mention the Bible.

>> No.13233168
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>> No.13233172
File: 18 KB, 241x346, 51PIOYcmdLL._SY346_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this

>> No.13233174

Threw core of most religions or spiritual avenues that I respect seems to be that in free shows nor seek it out, but rather is brought to it. In a phrase, once can not be convinced of spiritual matters, one can only happen upon their truth.

>> No.13233175


>> No.13233195

Are these good? Not memeing me?

>> No.13233209

The Bible
The Bible
The Bible

>> No.13233213

yes they are good and serious works. I'll pray for you tonight

>> No.13233266

Meditations on the tarot (anon)
The eternal man (chesterton)
Mere Christianity (CS Lewis)
Summa theologica

>> No.13233287

*everlasting man
Also with chesterton read orthodoxy
Orthodoxy alone might christpill you

>> No.13233360

The Man Who Was Thursday
Fear and Trembling
The Screwtape Letters

>> No.13233366

ass-to-ass double dildo foreplay

>> No.13233373

whoops this isn't google

>> No.13233442

epic fail

>> No.13233445
File: 26 KB, 310x459, Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need 3 books, you just need Kierkegaard.

>> No.13233540

Am I the only one here who thinks 'Mere Christianity' by CS Lewis was fucking awful?
I mean seriously it is like schoolboy attempts at philosophy.
'There are common themes in moral codes around the world, therefore, morality must be objective therefore God must exist.'

I am not exaggerating. That is the gist.

>> No.13233572

i havent read mere christianity but i read the abolition of man and it revolves around that point. its a solid argument against moral relativisim and the argument against materialist determinism is good too

>> No.13233591


>> No.13233644
File: 578 KB, 1280x1735, 1vob5unnu7131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration
The City of God
Roman Ritual/Breviary

>> No.13233651

unironically the book series in your pic

>> No.13233657

Kant also made this argument, it’s not THAT dumb, but it’s flawed

>> No.13233687

Simulacra And Simulation
The Conspiracy Against The Human Race
The Room (by Hubert Selby Jr.)

if you're like many Westerners, you will flee to Christianity (the religious tradition most familiar to you) in order to keep living after confronting the sheer weight of all this horror

>> No.13233693


>> No.13233699

it is, but probably not for the reasons you believe

>> No.13233863

Meditations on the Tarot is not a good work to convince someone of Christianity. Such a work is certainly very interesting, but it is not a orthodox work anything like the others you mention. It is at least not written in the spirit and if anything would lead them into some bizarre syncretic belief. It would be best to read it after many years of pious belief.

>> No.13233882

Could you pray for me too? Please? I've been feeling very stubborn and hateful lately

>> No.13233955

‘Mere Christianity’ is brutally bad. Only people who already believe or really want to believe will be impresses with it. It’s more like Lewis desperately telling himself god exists because he’s alienated from himself and the world and is aching for someone to tell him life has a point. It reminded me of the stuff old cat ladies who have shelves of Self Help With Jesus (tm) books believe. I actually felt sorry for Lewis when I read it.

>> No.13233975

Five Proofs by Edward Feser
The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus

That's all a rational person needs.

>> No.13234019

just read ellul and realise how to be based as fuck