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13230126 No.13230126 [Reply] [Original]

Is Ardent correct in that we have a better chance of seeing systematic state sponsored genocide again because the court in Jerusalem failed to recognize the holocaust as a collective, organized, and often impersonal attack on humanity itself and not just the Jews?

>> No.13230150

No, Israel is always right.

>> No.13230183

Interesting take, but I wouldn't think that some particular language used in a court somewhere would prevent genocide, especially on the scale of a state sponsored campaign.

>> No.13231469
File: 125 KB, 800x616, golly gee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"genocide" is just oppression olympics phraseology, you have hundreds of ethic groups claiming they were "genocided" still kicking around screeching for collective monetary compensation and special rights but contrary to whatever you've read from the institute for historical review der germs really are especially historically naughty as much as the jews are crafty, they wanted to pass off blame onto "bad" individuals, as if the majority had any problem with extralegal exterminations when they thought they were going to win but yes jews want to make everything about themselves to legitimate their own crimes against humanity

>> No.13231506

Hannah Arendt is only well known because she fucked Martin Heidegger
Someone has to say it in every thread or nobody will bother to point out that her scholarship isn't good

>> No.13231574
File: 76 KB, 644x800, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hannah Arendt is only well known because she fucked Martin Heidegger
Onions academics like her regardless of that

>> No.13231618
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>the jewish genocide is the only widely known genocide of the past century
>th-that's because it was so industrialised!

>> No.13231690

This is the same smooth brain who will claim hes against immigration because
>Muh white genocide

>> No.13232120

>chance of seeing systematic state sponsored genocide again
that happens all the time

>> No.13232244

actually I think everyone of a high IQ should mix into one mongoloid race and exterminate the low IQ remnants