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13229090 No.13229090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else see this Vice article accusing some obscure publisher of promoting far right extremism?


>> No.13229097
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They are calling out the Evola posters

>> No.13229133
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Looks like they are trying to intimidate the retailers

>> No.13229233

>Anybody else see this Vice article
No, because that would require me to read Vice.

>> No.13229239

What the fuck I like Arktos.

>> No.13229263


>bad peopel like their books
>alt-right superhero
>a few clicks away!

Holy shit Vice is a joke.

>> No.13229266

>the iron pill, which is an altright superhero meme
sometimes journalists still make me lol

>> No.13229274

better stock up because they're going to be shut down now.

>> No.13229287

Remember when Vice's Jew reporters tried to make the Olympics in Russia look like a Stalinist nightmare?
>muh falling curtain rod is oppressive
CIA took over their edgy reporting long ago.

>> No.13229289

>iron pill
>alt right superhero meme
You couldn't make this shit up

>> No.13229291

It's more likely they will be blacklisted from Amazon and B&N. Good thing I ordered the Recognitions from Arktos, which is the last of Evola's books I want to buy from them.

>> No.13229301

There is no reason why you should allow platforms that produce hate and incite racial violence to be given a voice.

If you want to be allowed to publish things like the rest of us, try publishing stuff that isn't sympathetic to genocidal regimes advocating racial superiority.

It's that fucking simple.

>> No.13229315

You are gay

>> No.13229318

Bait, but list the most extreme book they have.
For the left I'll say Queer Ultraviolence, although it's probably not the most violent it is a perverse form of it.

>> No.13229319
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>> No.13229320

Why the fuck is the communist manifesto still allowed then?

>> No.13229324

>that produce hate and incite racial violence
I wonder how they do that. Maybe it has to do with what they're saying being true

>> No.13229326
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>> No.13229327

Apparently searching the 4chan archives for /pol/ shitposts is considered professional journalism now.

>> No.13229337
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welcome to 2015

>> No.13229339
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holy shit
how do i get paid for this

>> No.13229347

the sheer absurdity in 'one person wrote on 4chan earlier this month' being in a fucking news article. It's like saying 'one homeless man screeched at the alley cat earlier this month'.

>> No.13229348

I agree. Crimethought needs to be eliminated.

>> No.13229353
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It's kind of amazing how after fifteen fucking years 4chan is still completely impenetrable to people who don't regularly come here. Are we really THAT hard to understand?

>> No.13229357

prolly b8

>> No.13229364
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holy fuck I found the post lol. I'm dying over the fact that Vice just referenced an anime poster as a voice of authority.

>> No.13229365

>Vice is a joke
On /k/, being called Vice is tantamount to being called retarded.

>> No.13229367

Take a up a janitorial position

>> No.13229372

Yeah, earlier this week a (pretty big and serious) newspaper in Belgium wrote some article on 4chan/alt-right and they unironically posted an excerpt of the 'gorilla warfare' copypasta (translated in dutch) as an example of the violent speech that goes on here

>> No.13229377

although this article is clearly poorly researched, evola posters should be called out for their shit

it's like the smug anime girl of rightwing literature

>> No.13229379

He is even worse than a Jew, he is – may Allah forgive me for uttering this word – a Polish

>> No.13229384

Freedom of expression...?

>> No.13229397

hate speech =/= freedom

>> No.13229405

yes it does you sad brainless lump

>> No.13229409

Not here in Europe where we are enlightened

>> No.13229418

Hate Speech isn't real lol

>> No.13229421

Ok discord trannie

>> No.13229423

>where we are enlightened
I thought you guys were horrible colonialist racists and thats why youre importing 80Iq retards to teach you the error of your ways

>> No.13229427

How long do you think it will take the right to develop a movement to systematically silence leftists? They clearly lack the instructional power the left wields to do it, so I’d be interested in how exactly they’d try (and likely fail) in attempting .

>> No.13229430

The police literally will come to your door if you say bad things about islam in the here Netherlands famalam

>> No.13229432

>They clearly lack the instructional power the left wields
you answered your own retarded question. If the right ever came into power then they'd blacklist the left the same way that the left are doing to them now

>> No.13229437

>if you say bad things about islam
Europe really is dystopian

>> No.13229439

Thats is not being "enlightened" more like you're being fucked up by your own goverment.

>> No.13229449

>[something undoubtly bad] is the same as The Communist Manifesto!
Jesus christ, did you even read it? Or do you even read at all?

>> No.13229456

Why can’t we have people in control of the media who don’t silence anyone

>> No.13229465

Wtf is /k/? Fuck 4chan niche culture

>> No.13229467

The anti-nationhood attitudes found within all communist and anarchist thought makes their work undoubtedly bad to any member of a national community. If anything, it’s as bad as it gets.

The false sense of justice and morality propagated by the reining life-cult is worse than anything said by the genocidal regimes of the past.

>> No.13229469

I never implied that retard. I was just arguing that if you banned right leaning books for inciting violence, then you should do the same of left leaning books

>> No.13229491
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No fucking way
Post it

>> No.13229492
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I'm going to enlighten everyone here. "Tess Owen" is Richard Spencer's pen name. He has written an anti-Arktos article under this pen name, fooling Vice's editors who are too high on marijuana to notice anything fishy under their noses, in order to create a fear that Arktos' books will be blacklisted from Amazon. As a partner and affiliate of Arktos, Spencer knows that making sales, even sales made out of sheer fear of missing out, will only benefit his bank account. This is a classic Spencerian psyop! The end goal here is to sell books through fear to make Spencer richer! Ignore Vice and "Tess Owens." Do NOT buy Arktos books (most are cringe and poorly edited anyways). This money will basically just be Nina's dildo money! Do not support! OP himself might even be Spencer!! PSYOP, PSYOP!

Nota bene for Vice writers: you can cite this super serious and thoroughly researched post as evidence in any future articles you write for any future claim you plan to make. Make me famous in anonymity.

>> No.13229498

Somebody has to be at the wheel, my man.
Won't/can't happen. Right wing ideologies cause too much fissuring in the masses, they do not work well with global capital over the long run, the continuation of globalization requires the massification and plastification of all of humanity. Right wing shit is just too old fashioned. This is why we see this strange ideological consonance with some parts of the 'left' and gigantic corporations.

>> No.13229503

>questioning how shitty books of sick writters about shitty hate on others human beings speech are getting published with no problems
>book burning
Go back to /pol/

>> No.13229510

Yeah man, the fact that Gramsci and Kropotkin can still get published is beyond vile.

>> No.13229514

>Trying to black list a publisher because they publish books that you deem "Alt-Right"
>Not in a sense book burning

>> No.13229522

>sanitized terms

>> No.13229526

will you leftists ever take amazon's cock out your mouth

>> No.13229544

>shitty books of sick writters about shitty hate
youre a faggot

>> No.13229562
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I hope the dawn of the New Sun shines brightly on you, fren.

>> No.13229571

you just had to keep snooping...

>> No.13229576

Dude, it's an entire board: >>>/k/

>> No.13229588

then leave, nigger

>> No.13229595

Behold, a simple (you) farmer

>> No.13229606

There are always shills. If it has anything to do with companies or the run of the mill "controversial" MSM bait it is most likely samefagging shills or triggered brainlets doing it for free.

>> No.13229616

I've never been on /pol/ and, as far as I know, never read a book published by Arktos. As >>13229514 said, attacking the retailers of said books in order to remove these works from the market make them inaccessible to those who want to read them has the same effective goal as destroying (i.e., burning) them. This behavior seems to contradict the progressives' espoused stance on freedom of expression and aversion to censorship.

>> No.13229627
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>the progressives' espoused stance on freedom of expression
They burn "Free Speech" in effigy at their rallies.

>> No.13230593

Haha, you got the bricks and the rain and everything

>> No.13230637

>There is no reason
Freedom of speech, you fucking idiot. And if your position is good you have nothing to worry about from freedom of speech.

>> No.13230649

Does anyone have a list of all of Arktos' publications?

>> No.13230669

I was in the original Nederdraad they posted in. "Hello I'm a journalist from De Morgen, would you be willing to answer a few questions?"
Needless to say everyone thought it was larp and started shitposting

>> No.13230679

>go to website
>26 fucking dollars for Can Life Prevail? which is free on the internet

Yeah, nah.

>> No.13230743

I've read part of this article, it's very snakey:
>But despite the fact that outfits like Arktos use careful, calculated language that doesn’t explicitly call for violence, the ideas they promote have been used by some to justify violence. The mosque shooter in New Zealand espoused many of the beliefs expressed in Arktos books — including calling Muslim immigration to Europe an “invasion” — in a manifesto online before he went out and killed 51 people.

There's no connection but they caused Christchurch xDDDDDD

>Arktos also enjoys a relatively robust presence on Facebook, with 43,000 followers and a “Shop now” button that directs users to the company’s website. A Facebook spokesperson said they would look into the page and take appropriate action if it violated their policies on hate speech. The page was still live as of Thursday morning.

I wonder if next time they'll do it they'll quote their own article as a proof.

>> No.13230815 [DELETED] 

just had a look at their catalog

it all looks pretty cringe

not sure why edgy teens are getting into this shit

>> No.13230843

You're not sure why anything bud

>> No.13230865
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>criticise nazi germany for banning books and certain ideas
>then proceed to do the same yourself
i love the modern day west

>> No.13230910

What's the essential /arktos/ core that i need to buy before their banned from Amazon?

>> No.13230937


>> No.13230957
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>metaphysics of war

>> No.13230962

>normal books
>books made by LITERAL NAZIS to incite hate
yeah.. not feeling it chief, i mean, do you even read your own posts?
yeah... couldve expexted this...

>> No.13230976

Why shouldn't nazis be allowed to publish books as long they don't actually commit heinous crimes? Do you advocate for thought crime?

>> No.13230996
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poor Nazis...

>> No.13231008

Sure Arktos publish a lot of garbage for American neo-nazi basement dwellers, but when is Vice going to call them out on their atrocious front cover designs?

>> No.13231044

'In control' isn't the problem. When the public expects people to be dignified, they become dignified. When the public expects idiocy, they become idiots.

>> No.13231051

Honestly none, Dugin might be remembered as footnote in future Heidegger scholarship but that's about it.

>> No.13231116

>normal books
>books made by LITERAL COMMUNISTS to incite hate
yeah.. not feeling it Führer, i mean, do you even read your own telegrams?

>> No.13231121

When your kind purports universalism. You better actually practice it or you will get replaced by a superior ideology.

>> No.13231126

The other day I saw another anon write a pretty good description of us, so I’ll just reiterate what he wrote: 4chan is basically the Afghanistan of the internet.

>> No.13231147

citation needed

>> No.13231152

It's rather odd, even otherwise internet savvy persons often make radical miscategorizations.

>> No.13231157

Nononono ilI just want the decline reprint than you can do whatever with this shit publisher

>> No.13231163

rare evola and spengler translations

>> No.13231166

Yeah, I am sure there is much citation needed on how much hate the communists showed the Fascists...

Do you want me to find the nearest soiboi with a "this machine kills fascists" sticker on his notebook or a Wikipedia article on the aftermath of WW2 in the territories that were occupied by the Communists?

The Nazis had far more reasons to be afraid of communists, then you have reasons to be afraid of Nazis.

>> No.13231203

All their shits gonna be banned from amazon and shit in like 2 weeks. Watch

>> No.13231211

Reminder that this way of thinking is the dominant thought process for the entire western world's elite.

>> No.13231218

They hate healthy, state oriented societies, so why should state-oriented communities be forced to tolerate the?

>> No.13231221

lol cope

>> No.13231241

Nah, their books just get blacklisted. Like Sexual Utopia and Culture of Critique. Those two are far as I know still printed, but not sold in Amazon. Although that isn't good. High percentage of books are sold through Amazon.

>> No.13231257
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>alt-right superhero meme

>> No.13231346

What types of factors should be entered into a books calculated "Adversity score?"
>racial identity of author
>some notion of the author's privilege
>gender identity of the author
>how many times author has been raped
>nature of rapes (date, violent, gang- etc)
>times author has notably fellated a phallusized LGBTQPIA personage
>times author has notably fellated a person of transitioning sexuality
>count and characterization of police-administered beatings
>count and characterization of man-spreading interventions on public transport
>incarceration with an asian or white male victim

>> No.13231386

Yockey's biography and Liberalism Unmasked