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13229130 No.13229130[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Consider for a moment, the wagie. They absorb themselves in a world of infantile and childish banality to act as a shield against the lack of meaning they’ve found in adult life.

The neet was ever the cynic, they grew up early. However, in adult life this questioning cynicism has led to socratic reasoning; it has allowed them to find the inherent meaning that drenches existence. They need not bow to and defend a corporate entity, they rather see it as a means to harvest value for themselves. Distanced from the social lies of hierarchy, they feel no need to defend a service with the tribalistic intensity the wagie would. This psychological and spiritual independence has allowed the neet to see that all beliefs rest on faith, and thus they have a dream to pursue- a free life. The neet is ultimately on the side of life- they revel in existence, and as a consequence, freedom, the ultimate expression of life.

Contrast this, with the wageslave. They treat a company like a mother figure, a comforting provider that can do no wrong. Yes, they treat a giant, profit seeking cooperation like their friend, like a mutual partner. This is the mindset of the wagie. Why?

They never thought introspectively, they always got exactly what they wanted, that repeated cycle of childish demands and concessions, and so never became questioning or critical. In adult life, this has led to the wageslave embracing nihilism in full force. They never learned to see beyond the physical, peer into the abstract, forge a path of their own, and so are a reflection of the sad world around them. In adult life, they have no parent figure to give them meaning, provide to them orders and a cause, and so replace that comforting lie with wageslavery. This pathetic existentialism drives them to take orders from their boss and waste their prime in an office.

>> No.13229134

Why? Because outside of that environment, outside of being told what to do, outside of being given structure and a “purpose” of “contributing” to “society”, the wageslave would be hopelessly lost.

How do they cope with this? Simply put, by not thinking about it. They are fundamentally cowardly. It terrifies the is wagie to face difficult questions, even if the eventual answer may be positive. They believe what they are told, whatever the “experts” tell them, they can not comprehend of authority simply being human, and capable of being wrong. They crave, fundamentally, to be subservient, and their corporate overlord is an outlet for this pathetic desire.

The wagie has nothing to fight for, nothing to hope for, they get the same perfectly acceptable sum of cash month in and month out. There is nothing for them beyond their next “fix” like a pig being given its slop, living from one meal to the next- and nothing in between. Without this veil of childish distraction they may, God forbid, think for themselves, which would lead their lowly and materialist minds down the path of existential panic.

The wageslave represents the physical man, the man chained to earth, bereft of the abstract self, the artist, the author, the thinker. The wagie, like an animal, lives his life in denial or panic before he perishes having created nothing, having learned nothing, having been nothing- his weak and pallid soul dissipates into the earth. Pity the wagie, but know, wether consciously or not- this was his choice.

>> No.13229152

This is retarded

>> No.13229211

just take the marxpill already

>> No.13229222

>take another materialist pill
Utterly unsalvageable

>> No.13229228
File: 583 KB, 840x741, C496A982-015E-4CF5-A490-543F0D541A75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic
Trips of truth

>> No.13229248

I couldn’t agree with this more. I think about this all the time but I’ve never heard it said so well. Kind of stuff you can’t really talk to people about. Hidden in plain sight. Would read an entire book of this.

>> No.13229262


>> No.13229272

>The wagie, like an animal, lives his life in denial or panic before he perishes having created nothing, having learned nothing, having been nothing- his weak and pallid soul dissipates into the earth

oh my god. balls to the walls the best thing I’ve read in a long time

>> No.13229279

Why are sonic fans so fucking based

>> No.13229281
File: 139 KB, 680x1093, 1546075868241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the FASTpill

>> No.13229285


>> No.13229298

Care to explain your position?

>> No.13229305

Why are people with jobs childish? They are surely more mature than anime loving neets. Secondly “Socratic” questioning and reason leads you away from believing in inherent meaning or christfag shit like “freedom”. The whole post is an emotional appeal that’s just retarded
To contribute to society? Yeah I will thanks

>> No.13229317

Everything destroying /lit/ in one post

>> No.13229323

I believe it's explained above why they're childish; they rely on a source for their nourishment that is outside themselves.
Questioning does not *necessarily* lead away from those things. If people want genuine answers and aren't set on being deconstructionist nihilists, it's certainly possible for one to find their own meaning.

>> No.13229338

People with jobs are providing for themselves and not babies reliant on the state like neets. Secondly, he seems to mock “wageslaves” for being existentialist which would he imply he means fundamental, truthful meaning.
Go to bed pseud

>> No.13229342


Listen to all these introjections playing out like a loudspeaker from a broken record from Guantánamo Bay

>> No.13229344

A neet is only reliant on the state so long as he wants for material possessions. He's free to leave that all behind because he's already transcended most material barriers.
Second point is fair in that op could use less charged language, but the point is mostly that people don't question their existence at all

>> No.13229354


Whether you have a job or you dont you can still be shit person.

>> No.13229362

Wagie isn’t having a job. Wagie is a state of mind

>> No.13229401

>no want for material possessions
Literally just cope. We are material beings that need and desire material things. Neets are jealous low lives
Stay mad

>> No.13229410

Not necessarily true.
What are they jealous of? Working 40 hours a week? Key

>> No.13229416


there are morons that will buy into this, but don't trick yourselves. most people actually hate their jobs and don't have the comfort of being destitutely poor without being homeless

>> No.13229431

I grew up in abject poverty and am naturally adjusted to the environment. I'd rather be poor than work

>> No.13229451


>> No.13229563

Most people don’t exist at all, I mean that. They may as already be dead. When I was 20 I went to work as a green man trimming hedges and painting houses. This older man who lived next-door to the house I am working on, he was in his 90s, had just died and hid children, who were in their 50s, had approached me and asked for help throwing away some boxes. They said I could take whatever I wanted. I found a guitar and took that into my car. While I was in the house I saw all that they asked me to throw away. Inside one box were files and files and files of taxes this man had saved throughout his whole life, receipts, bank statements, etc. And another box with pictures and photo albums that went back in time to beginnings of photography itself. I stooped low and shuffled through black-and-white photos of little German boys on a farm, older couples near a lake and the photograph had ink on the framed bottom that wrote 1938. There had to be 50 or so boxes filled with clothes, China, toys, gadgets, everything was to be thrown away. I worked at an old folks home for a very brief time and shadowed Vietnamese lady Who is in charge of taking care of a retired history professor from a very prestigious university. His family, whose photos were framed all over his room came on holidays, beside that he lived alone shitting his pants every morning because his diaper would fall off. They would gather all of these old discarded human beings around a table, who would stare at their food, until they were carted away and left in front a television for fours hours. “I want to go back to my room now” he would say, over and over again until someone came. There, in his room he would lie down in his bed, skip supper, and do it all over again the next day. Fuck that.

>> No.13229869

how do you guys simultaneously support yourself in capitalist 2019 while maintaining a strong opposition to wageslavery? i can only live so long as a neet before i start hating myself for my non existent achievements, monetary worth and isolation from the group

>> No.13229881

Except for the last expletive (which just feels jarring) this was really well written anon.

>> No.13229889

>Christfag shit freedom
Explain this post please, I want to know what you mean.

>> No.13229894

does anyone know the title of the book that teaches you how to win fraudulent disability claims?

>> No.13229899

the industrial revolution and its consequences have truly been a disaster for the human race