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/lit/ - Literature

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13228457 No.13228457 [Reply] [Original]

What do I need to read to increase my intelligence?

I am male and I just turned 20

>> No.13228465

>I am male and I just turned 20
You already passed your peak dude. Your life is pretty much over by 20

>> No.13228467

>I am male and I just turned 20

Mishima's Sea of Fertility

>> No.13228479

>anime posting
you're already a lost cause

>> No.13228492


>> No.13228496

I'm a late bloomer, so that should give me more time than usually. I didn't gain my consciousness until I was in sophomore year of high school

>> No.13228504

I just turned 29

>> No.13228532

Congratulations! What books would you recommend to someone who is almost a decade younger than you?

>> No.13228534

Just read non-fiction. That's honestly the best way to increase your knowledge. If you're looking to increase your language skills, reading any book that wasn't written for teenagers/children will pretty much help. The fact you created a thread on here instead of using this mysterious thing called a search engine tells me you're probably too much of an imbecile to even comprehend any kind of book.

>> No.13228544

Tristram Shandy

>> No.13228549

I've never heard anybody else feel like that, same but freshman year

>> No.13228628
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Calling me an idiot is really mean, Anon... Also, what fiction books would you recommend?

>> No.13228783
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>Also, what fiction books would you recommend?
start at 1 and work your way down.

>> No.13228816

>OP is a vain human trash and your answer will be indecipherable to him

>> No.13228823

Start with the greeks.

>> No.13228833 [DELETED] 

This, OP suicide is on the table for you

>> No.13228837 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah?

>> No.13228839

Mankiw econ textbook

>> No.13229000
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>> No.13229010

Read an encyclopedia sweetie

>> No.13229426

>increase my intelligence
you can't.

>> No.13229466

Read books on improving your memory. This will help immensely with retaining what you read.

Also intelligence is a poorly defined word. Do you want to be knowledgeable, and if so on what subject? Do you want to gain empathetic skills? Do you want to be more clever and quick witted?

If all you want is ‘intelligence’ you’d just read textbooks. Define your goals.

>> No.13229470

Read things that interest you. Trying to read specific books that are socially perceived as being intellectual challenges or symbols of achievement will only make you lose interest. If you truly enjoy something, the knowledge will come along with it. If you're not sure what your specific interests are, go through the classics and you'll start to notice a pattern which one would call one's taste. Go from there and forget the idea of intelligence. The way you think most of society views intelligence should be irrelevant. Have fun, anon.

>> No.13229713

>read books that improve your memory
Can you list a few?

>> No.13229900

forgot 'em

>> No.13229957
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Start with the Greeks

>> No.13230060

>Do you want to be more clever and quick witted?
I do, dubmaster. Eventually want to write satire. Suggest something for it.

>> No.13230352
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>> No.13230733


>> No.13230767

Nicomachean ethics.
All you need. Skip anything involving egoism, utiltarianism, or deontological ethics. They will taint the perfection of your human functions.
If you want to go an extra mile try some classical liberal texts like Limits of State Action.

>> No.13230774

Highest testosterone of your life at 20-21

>> No.13231335

>that gif
Beyond help

>> No.13231342

best years of a mans life are from 27-32 aprox and definitely not longer than 40

>> No.13231355

Nah, Osaka is pretty based so OP probably has some hope
I changed my mind OP, you're fucked

>> No.13232587

>wanting to increase intelligence.
Low iq goal, the real meta is to become stupider so that you feel more intelligent.

>> No.13232614

fuck off anon, I don't need to be reminded of that

>> No.13232615
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>read books that teach you how to read
>then read books that teach you how to remember stuff better
>then read books that help you think better
>then learn languages so you can read any book in its original language
>then read history books to understand all the references
>all of the above require you to read several books in each category, not always knowing which books are better to read than others

>> No.13232707

if you're a fast learner i have some books that will make you a genius

>> No.13233440

For cleverness and wit I'd recommend Wodehouse.

>> No.13233485

Well first you gotta learn how to learn. There’s a chart for that somewhere.
Then you want to start on your major fields of study, whatever you want to sound smart about: literature, history, politics, maths, philosophy, sciences, or even more physical hobbies such as graphic design, music, or physical fitness.

A man is more than the total sum of his parts, brilliance is how the brain uses those parts together for creative solutions and endeavors.

>> No.13233526
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Read books on philosophy to teach you how to think rather than just what to think. You don't have to start with the Greeks, just start.

Physical books best, followed by audiobooks listened to on the treadmill.

Also, get off the Internet and commune with nature when possible.

>> No.13233546

"Man. Energy. Society" by Earl Cook.

>> No.13235100

Semen demon

>> No.13235126

Start with some short novellas like Sorrows of Young Werther and Portrait of Dorian Gray

>> No.13235279

Based and redpilled

>> No.13235330

Das Kapital

>> No.13236318

Why does everybody always say this?

>> No.13236653

Restart your life by contacting God for a new character built

>> No.13237922

Summa Theologica, in Latin of course.

>> No.13238049

Start with How to Read a Book
Then read some old philosophy, try the best known one from each old ass famous philosopher
Now you can read and think probably if you tried hard
Now read whatever you want from that /lit/ 100 books chart. You can look up their length on readinglength. Start with like ~100,000 word literature and ignore the length of time is says you're expected to read it, go slow and think.
If you want to improve thinking with modern books definitely try non-fiction. Don't worry about picking the "wrong" book in this category because there WILL undoubtedly be some overlap. But since it's not a story, you can skip things you think you already have a good grasp on and thus you will actually spend much less time reading 5-10 books on thinking/decision making than you would expect.

>> No.13238084
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But reading on my Kindle is mighty convenient, sempai.