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13218357 No.13218357 [Reply] [Original]

Can a book be any more Reddit?

>> No.13218362

no, its literally impossible

>> No.13218487

>that bookshelf
women's literacy was a mistake

>> No.13218589

its the millenial ulysses

>> No.13218747

>that bookshelf
>basing one's opinion of women off of one particular woman
I'm going to say all men are incels based off of your comment, and you can't deny it without making your own proposition a fallacy

>> No.13218773


>> No.13218785
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Woman are much more like each other than men.

>> No.13218815

of course a given woman is closer to another given woman than a given woman is to a given man. you're literally just arguing that x ~ y !~ 2z

>> No.13218831
File: 77 KB, 571x618, 1501228923362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you're literally just arguing that x ~ y !~ 2z
>analytic "intellectuals"

>> No.13218841

did I say that I'm using analytic philosophy? I may have a brain, but I'm not smart enough for that wacky shit. you should be able to tell what I'm saying though, if you're smart enough for analytics

>> No.13218846
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No, he's saying that a given woman is closer, on average, to another given woman than a given man is close to another given man.

>> No.13218860

that is not what he said. if that was what he meant, he would have said
>Women are much more like each other than men are to each other.

>> No.13218862


He could have meant that but failed to express himself properly, which is my supposition.

>> No.13218872

well, I was trying to assume he wasn't braindead retarded, but if you insist

>> No.13218874


Lowercase faggots are not in any position to evaluate others

>> No.13218905

>haha I'm so smart because I write with perfect capitalization on an Irish basket weaving forum
>but ignore the fact that I forgot a period in that last comment, I'm the smart one!

>> No.13218911


>> No.13218912

>tfw thought that was a male until I read the autists arguing above

>> No.13218917

Given the context, his response should have been easily understood.

>> No.13218918


Capitalizing sentences is a natural reflex and it takes conscious effort not to do it, ergo, you're the one who tries to appear intelligent by not capitalizing.

>> No.13218927

yes, it was called The Martian

>> No.13218937

again, I'm not very smart
>typing without capitalization because it's faster makes me the pretentious one
by the way, nice save on the forgotten period

>> No.13218944


>because it's faster
>please believe me




>> No.13218960

I have literally no idea how to respond to this. are you having a seizure? do you need help? I'll call an ambulance if you need one

>> No.13218997

You are so ill-educated that you don't even understand how to apply statistics properly. This data describes the set as a whole, it tells nothing about what random samples would be. If you have a dice, you know the distribution of results, their average, etc., but you can't predict the exact result in each specific throw.

You should go work on a Chinese farm instead of posting on the Internet.

>> No.13219010
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>> No.13219021
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>> No.13219099

The fact that you didn’t understand his clear analogy and then used a pseud function to cover it proves his point. The g(x) is equal to you getting in the fucking kitchen.

>> No.13219112

>implying I'm female
>implying I'm the dumb one for not accepting other people being ambiguous
>implying that I ever attempted to show off my intelligence with what I literally already admitted was pseudoformal bullshit

>> No.13219121

Someone on a message-board for lawyers tore this book to shreds chapter-by-chapter:


>> No.13219159

Hitchhiker is actually kinda funny if nothing else, Read Player One is just cringed self-insert fanfiction

>> No.13219176

I read it last year basically because I wanted to watch the movie (don't watch the movie) I didn't hate it. Parts were cringey but I left feeling that if I was 15 instead of 28, I would have loved it. I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it but I liked it just fine.