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13218214 No.13218214[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books that will help me to stop watching porn, but at the same still feel miserable about my life?

>> No.13218222

Amygdalatropolis by B R Yaeger

>> No.13218230
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I'm trying to stop as well. All you can do is delete any porn you have and try to spend less time online as a whole. I'm doing that by buying board games but to be honest that's probably not amazing either.
basically, I am fucking stupid but at least an attempt is being made

>> No.13218235
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Step 1: read the bible
Step 2: stop masturbating

>> No.13218236

How old are you?

>> No.13218242


>> No.13218245

Read The Bible.

>> No.13218247

I have

>> No.13218249

There is nothing objectively wrong with watching porn and all the bro-science in the world isn't going to prove nothing.

>> No.13218260

Try playing chess, if you already don’t of course, exercising more wouldn’t hurt, keep reading and enjoying your books of course :), if you don’t mind attempting a math problem daily, try a New calculus question, replace porn with problem solving, and relax.

>> No.13218267

Yes, yes, there is, it’s not normal to watch another person have sex and sexually stimulate yourself due to that. Unhealthy Animalistic behaviour

>> No.13218272


>> No.13218279

Notes from Underground, with the understanding that you are on the road to becoming the narrator

>> No.13218299

>be me
>read bible
>start to get a boner
>try to calm my urges
>my souls vessel won´t obay my mindfull commands as they are to shaken up by divine scriptures calling.
>my efforts are in vain
>have to grin at my degeneracy/piety

All jokes aside. The bible is great fap material, you should avoid it OP.

>> No.13218308

i just grew apart from porn. i only use fine art of nudes to partake in an occasional emission. i don't suggest complete abstinence from it, an abatement shall suffice. i find that much of it is simply misplaced passions. you must find a sufficient placeholder for the energies otherwise spent in lust. there is no other way to do it without the drudge of self discipline besides finding that passionate outlet for yourself.

>> No.13218318

Not an argument

>> No.13218345

Get your mind out of the gutter, put that in your fucking pipe and smoke it pal

>> No.13218354

No reasersch or anything behind academic walls convinced me of such, it’s plain common sense that it is abnormal behaviour, I mean if you like looking at other guys cocks to tickle your fancy go ahead. Yes, I am aware your have lesbian pornography, but don’t you pity the woman with childhood trauma and probably father issues, you’re contributing to the growth of that industry which fuels toxicity, "oh this is normal", fuck that. Never.

>> No.13218378
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it's more than broscience you philistine.

>> No.13218393


>> No.13218512

huh? bro I just read porn drawn by fat japanese men

>> No.13218521

Send imagery

>> No.13218525 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13219154

>install porn blocker
>your bed is for sleeping, if you're doing anything else sit in a chair
>drink more, and if you smoke, be ready to smoke more
>find books that interest you so you don't get bored as easily
none of this will make you stop, you have to do that yourself, but it will make it easier, and you'll still have a shit life

>> No.13219188

Realize that women are your fellow individual human beings who might be facing similar issues to you, and that only seeking gratification in that way is a dead end. Have an actual relationship with a woman you can care about and can care about you. There is much more to people than what is in porn. Look for the more subtle details of their personality and realize that that is where you should be looking, not so much T & A. Also, The Bible doesn’t have all the answers.

>> No.13219194


>> No.13219316
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There's nothing normal about anonymously discussing the merits of pornography with strangers either you hollow skull wretch

>> No.13219338

God what about Legalporno,

>> No.13219340


>> No.13219935

I only watch POV

>> No.13219944

Just stop watching porn.

At least for me it wasn't very hard.

>> No.13220061

The biggest Chads i know are all huge porn watchers. Maybe it has to do with high test or something, but i don't think that porn is the reason why you don't get any real pussy.

>> No.13220269

>condition your brain to get off to being a bystander in the sexual experience
Yeah, sounds super normal

>> No.13220325

Your Brain on Porn
Spiritual Exercises
On the Metaphysics of Sex
The Agony of Eros
NoFap videos on YouTube for periodic motivation

>> No.13220330

Why isnt porn addiction in the DSM-5M

>> No.13220457

I know porn and an unhealthy amount of time spent in isolation on the internet, specifically 4Chan (boards like b, r9k and int) ruined my life .
They warned me but I was young.

I hate what has become of me, if only I could go back.

>> No.13220510

Just think about your porn addiction and analyze it's costs and benefits. If it's not profitable it's easy to quit.

>> No.13220742

Porn is fine

Your problem is such a lack of experience that you can't keep porn in ba different context from actual sex.

Unironically watch Don Jon. That's the whole gist of the movie. Also I've cranked it to scar jo with that accent.

>> No.13220760
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>stop watching porn
>wake up every morning on the cusp of a wet dream just as i am about to ejaculate
>have to use every muscle in my body to stop it
what the hell is wrong with me

>> No.13220833

Many things

>> No.13220838

This makes absolutely no sense, but your response represent your lack of focus and dismissive behaviour towards the truth, stick to what’s being addressed, namaste

>> No.13220849
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>Porn is fine
No it isn't. Maybe you could make a case for erotica and written stories.

>> No.13220858
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>Porn is fine

>> No.13220869
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>Porn is fine

>> No.13220910

Samefagging is worse than porn.

Frogposting even worse than both.

>> No.13220914

Quitting porn is the kind of altruism or moralistic pursuit of those who really don't have anything of consequence in their lives.

Porn is the excuse of neets

>> No.13220915
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>> No.13220922

But some parts of the bible made me masturbate

>> No.13221496
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This, or maybe "Atomised" by Houellebecq if you want to see how pointless this all is.

>> No.13221532

It has been a terrible fucking year so far.
Both for the World and for my personal life, this is bullshit .
Today perhaps was the saddest day so far bnot on ly for me but for many people around me.
I never fels so miserable and close to the edge.
What I did when I was so close to snapping ? I jacked off, three times.
I'm unhealthy, I can't even seek help at this point.
No psychiatrist would accept me as a patient.

I'm done, I'll drink myself to sleep and tomorrow me will take care of it.

>> No.13221636

I don't know if I'm gay or not. I like to think I'm not.
How do I tell ?

Yesterday I had this kind of vision on the bus where I imagine fucking the dude sitting next to me. It never happened before.
But similar things happen when I go off porn for too long .It was not pkeasant but I still got a boner.
When I got home I couldn't stop thinking about it, I thought "I can't be gay right ?".
I mean at some point in my teen years I jackd off to tranny porn but it's not something I'm very proud of, partly that's also why I stopped watching porn.
What I did is : I went to /gif/ and looked for some gay porn thread.
>Boy Butts
"Okay sounds good."
"Lets see how I react."

>Scroll throught the thread .
>big ass boy butt webm, cock and balls are visible thogh
>get hard
>"Okay fuck this"
>close tab.

I was confused, partly discusgusted with myslef, sort of gagged .

"No way."
Jack off thinking about some girl I like"
Repeat 2 more times.

Am I gay guys ?
I want to think I'm I'm just a deranged ex porn addict and that's just some fetish.

All considered I'm not happy about my conduct.
I feel bad.

>> No.13221687

>tfw browsing the internet in bed right now

>> No.13221688
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Fuck you, frogposting is still based as fuck and will be for at least another 2 years

>> No.13221693

Because of how big of a market it is

>> No.13221701

Porn conditioned responses. Are you sure you stopped watching it? Those things should go away when you stop for a while.

>> No.13221702

so is alcohol yet they recognize alcoholism

>> No.13221736

Absolutely. I still jacked off though since I stopped but not to porn or images
I know too well stopping altogether would fail sooner or later..
I only used my imagination and it worked fine, I even masturbated less and less.
I was pretty content at first.
Then itv all went to shit.

It's a pity, I even took up training ,and I still make an effort to train every day, tried to get into new hobbies ike cars and cooking.

I don't know anymore

>> No.13221748

I'm the heaviest porn addict and got dragged into so many fucked up fetishes ... but never gay porn.
Gratz, you're at least partially a faggot. Better get used to it.

>> No.13221750

fair point, but sex is a dirty topic and there is so much stigma around it that until it is normalized and seen as a life-destroying mechanism when abused it won't be recognized. also, anything in excess is usually harmful, i mean there isn't a banana's anonymous.

aa or alcholics anonymous has a much better ring to it than sex addiction or whatever someone could come up to label porn addict support groups. everything needs funding

>> No.13221801

I don't know if I want to consider tranny porn gay, might be biased though.

I don't find dudes attractive, not masculine dudes at least, or muscles or normal lookin gay people.
Generally speaking I worship the female forks as a matter of fact, wide hips, fat ass and big tits.

I honestly don't know how to take it.
Maybe you're right and that gay scale thing, younknow the one where everyone is gay or bisex to some degree and completely gay or etherosexual people are rare.

I'm very confused .

>> No.13221827

I believe it is recognized. Nymphomaniacs are a thing after all and I bet there are help groups somewhere around the civilized world.
The stigma is real I guess and it might turn off many people from joinng but after all we all live it in different ways.
Some might not even consider it a condition.

>> No.13221840

The people offering bro-science and platitudes are the ones saying its harmless. They appeal to an absence of evidence as being support for their hypotheses and rejection of everything else. Discussions about the physiology behind it all are dismissed as 'bro-science', because they are totally ignorant in the matter and something like prolactin might as well be linear B to them.

>> No.13221843

Sexuality is plastic, unlike how modern people believe it's some fixed part of your essential identity. It isn't.

This is why people in the past repressed sexuality, because it can be out hand, "become perverted". Look at all these stories of people on the internet who porn turned into freaks.

You can heal though if you stop.

>> No.13221854

Stop jacking off.

>> No.13221860
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>> No.13221872

Thanks I believe that too.

I tried in the past and 2 weeks was as much as I was able to resist.
Cool to know but not very useful nonetheless

>> No.13221996

Nothing. Don't listen to these conspiracytards and start watching porn again

>> No.13222016

Your memory recollects the porn you watched when you jack off. Your mind invents scenarios because you let your imagination run wild.


1. Video porn
2. Imagination
3. Images (Non-hardcore, and NOT gifs, which I count as video).

Imagination is bad to reinforce. Not only does it reactivate the old pathways when it remembers the porn you watched
Best strategy is to stick to #3, and phase out the habit entirely. #2, is forever. It is like being on methadone the rest of your life.

Don't expect instant results. People who quit cold turkey from doing it 5x a day and are still thinking about sex all the time wind up like this guy >>13220760

The reason some of the most vehement anti-masturbation people are the "no porn" crowd, is because they cannot go without the sexual thoughts stirring them to action, and view abstinence as an impossible goal. They RUINED their imagination. When they're sitting around idly, do you know what comes to their mind? Sex, and past porn scenes. That's why they can't foresee forgoing it. No wonder, they're rewarded every time.

>> No.13222024

>The reason some of the most vehement anti-anti-masturbation*
Should have said, most vehement pro-masturbation people*

>> No.13222026
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Homosexuality might not be a choice. But sexuality undoubtedly is.

>> No.13222039

Source: Dude trust me bro

>> No.13222048

Christ this general is more dogmatic and makes more random assumptions than the Catholic G\general

>> No.13222061

>i'm too stupid to think for my own

>> No.13222075

That's my point. You can claim any delusions with mental gymnastics.

>> No.13222100

>That's my point. You can assert hypotheses with basic reasoning, but I refuse to follow any of it and just call it bullshit because it's not being spoonfed to me through a source.