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13213512 No.13213512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we undo modernity?

>> No.13213587

Move into a cabin, send out mail bombs, write a manifesto.
If we all do it anons the revolution will happen!

>> No.13213615

You cannot turn the clock back. You can only alter the course we’ve set blindly skipping down.
Have you ever heard of the industrial revolution? The ascent of the middle class “bourgeoisie”?
We’re going to have to end capitalism, anon. Before it ends us.

>> No.13213620


>> No.13214000

Go postmodern.

>> No.13214007

Join a commune

>> No.13214025

Why the fuck would you bring Cioran of all people into your 'le wrong generation' faggotry?
>“Are we to execrate our age, or all ages? Do we think Buddha withdrew from the world on account of his contemporaries?”
from The Trouble With Being Born

>> No.13214432

Civilisations run in a cycle. Right now we're in a shit part of the cycle, but at least it's not the shittiest part. That'll be the problem of our great grandkids.

>> No.13214477
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>> No.13214504

In spite of whether the problem originated due to capitalism, I do not believe that putting an end to capitilism will quell the compulsion to innovate or the progressive ideologies that plague our society.

>> No.13214740

it will go again and again

>> No.13214752


You can't undo anything. Take a seat and see what's next

>> No.13216105

Step one unironically would be to abolish capitalism

>> No.13216110

You can't, fucking pauperists.

>> No.13216148

You know what I like most about Cioran? That shows that there is another path that is not suicide, even inside the worst timeline. Even when you're not winning, you can choose not to lose.

>> No.13216206
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What should i read by Cioran after On the Heights of Despair?

>> No.13216218

Resource depletion will take care of modernity, given enough time.

>> No.13216221


Exterminate the jews, the psychopathic elite, and the pedophiles.

>> No.13216236 [DELETED] 
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Not necessarily undoing modernity but he is how to fix our condition.
Support the Socialist party. Break up the corporate powers. Democratize the work place. Institute a non-accumulative currency. Use technology to benefit everyone to have less working hours. And when all this is done, we need to create a new aesthetic movement, a neoromanticsm.

>> No.13216243
File: 35 KB, 700x360, alfred-north-whitehead-2761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not undoing modernity but this is how to fix our condition.
Support the Socialist party. Break up the corporate powers. Democratize the work place. Institute a non-accumulative currency. Use technology to benefit everyone to have less working hours. And when all this is done, we need to create a new aesthetic movement, a neoromanticsm.

>> No.13216263

True enough. But again, we can’t reset the world on a slower burn, Jeffersonian agrarianism or some sort of steam punk aesthetics. That’s left to fiction. But what we have now is a one way ticket over a cliff and it looks like no one will survive. We either plunge into the gorge or we transform and fly over it

>> No.13216285


>> No.13216347
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>> No.13216586

This. Marxist Whiteheadians rise up.

>> No.13216592

Why not create a new aesthetic movement and ignore all the cringe socialist shit

>> No.13216610

1. People in todays system are too exhausted to care about anything that does not have to do with their job and making a living
2. Capitalism subsumes culture, aesthetics, tradition, etc, decodifies them, and shits them out as marketable garbage.

>> No.13216756

It's all just mental gymnastics, huh?
There is no viable way out; capitalism, socialism, etc. All of them are just a different method of suicide, but the end result is the same. Anarcho-primitivism is just a pipe dream, even if we could reach that point civilization will rise again.

>> No.13216780

all ideology

>> No.13216853

The only mode of production that was able to stand toe-to-toe with capitalism economically was fascism.

>> No.13216914


>> No.13216925

There's no "undoing" modernity, time marches ever forward. The vast majority of people in the 21st century don't care about ideologies anymore; radical world improvements were the zeitgeist of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. We need some kind of war or other catastrophic event to give people a sense of direction and purpose again.

>> No.13216941

bring down the power grid

>> No.13216956

>People don't care about ideologies anymore
Not true. There has been a rise of the Far Right and Socialism is back in the discourse.

>> No.13217003

I don't see anyone marching on the streets in the name of fascism or socialism. And even then I wouldn't classify the far right today as an ideology, just a sentiment.

>> No.13217029

if tomorrow you woke up in primitive times you would still be a loser

>> No.13217062

read here are the young men by rob doyle recently. really bleak take on nihilism in modern ireland.

>> No.13217073

>On the other side of that, you speak quite often of the loss of silence.
>CIORAN: It’s an obsession, I think. I consider the loss of silence extremely serious. For twenty-five years I lived in hotels in Paris, and the noise, I could have killed someone. I consider the disappearance of silence as one of the symptoms of the end of humanity.

>> No.13217078

delete victoria

>> No.13217085

why didn't he just buy earplugs /lit/

>> No.13217132
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>but at least it's not the shittiest part
>China, Mein Gott, is this our future!?!

>> No.13217146


were urban centers ever silent

>> No.13218529 [DELETED] 
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>The only mode of production that was able to stand toe-to-toe with capitalism state-centralized capitalism
Wow. And capitalism chopped its nasty gods nose off.
Let’s try *N O T c a p i t a l i s m* this time.

>> No.13218538
File: 946 KB, 480x360, 5299DF7B-FCBF-4F53-901C-40A4A943C8B8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only mode of production that was able to stand toe-to-toe with capitalism state-centralized capitalism
Wow. And capitalism chopped its nasty dogs nose off.
Let’s try *N O T c a p i t a l i s m* this time.

>> No.13218598

Become a crazy zealot and bring back God. Capitalism only became an utterly soul crushing system after belief began to decline after WWII. Without God, capitalism simply becomes an attachment to consumerism and the economy, rather than to the individual.

>> No.13218630

It became the new faith. Christianity is only a sidekick faith, forever relegated to the dustbin. Even self professed atheists have faith in the spirit of money and the Invisible Hand of th market

>> No.13218645

Exactly, consumerism and the economy are the new God. There can only be one God who is in control at any given time, so if one wants to undo modernity, then they would need to bring back a traditional God. It's part of the reason I think atheistic socialism will always fall apart and transform into something that wasn't intentioned.

>> No.13218679


>> No.13218682

your gums bleed & you fart while you wank

>> No.13218692

wait until Judgment Day

>> No.13218722
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When have we ever reversed course, owing from polytheism to animists? Monotheism to polytheism?
No, we’re on the verge of not having any gods at all. Interconnectivity will see us through. If we have the time

>> No.13218742 [DELETED] 
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careful that dude's a pedo

>> No.13218746

box rug
Yes or No?

>> No.13218778

Star Trek basically is the optimal Godless society of the future, but I don't see it working out that way. Despite how we may view technology as this cumulative human effort capable of liberating us from suffering, it is actually very much controlled by certain entities (like private corporations). The technology you will get to use in the future will inevitably become controlled by the entities, who will use it to manipulate you and me to do their bidding. Relying on technology to increase our interconnections will only bring more suffering.

>> No.13218790

>The technology you will get to use in the future will inevitably become controlled by the entities
Except no.
Some of you are fine with it, but this way leads to certain death, so others are going to fight it.

>> No.13218795
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>> No.13218804

>(((reading righ to left)))

So much for “secure tripcodes”

>> No.13218810
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>> No.13218819

Is this for real? I can never tell on chan.

>> No.13218829

If technology is developed through techno-capitalism, then generally speaking the technology will only be used in a way that further promotes capitalism in society. Technology is currently controlled by the invisible hand of the market. At the end of the day, whatever government is in place, something is going to be in control of technology, and whatever that thing is will have a significant amount of power at its disposal. But I see your point. Like you said, theoretically you could have a society so interconnected that technology is created and disseminated on the individual level, and therefore the power lies with the people, but I think you are neglecting the fact that someone or something would have to be in control of the technology that allows such interconnections.

>> No.13218850

You ain't never seen anything so real. It's been a long while since they got a pedo on chan. You'll probably get an email tommorrow from the NSA. That happend last time.

>> No.13218877 [DELETED] 

The people will develop (eventually) to control the technology. The capitalist economy is protected by the state, as often as it stumbles and falls on us all, they patch it up and getting moving again. HOPEFULLY an I reasing amount of people will see where the problem is and kill the systems off.

I suppose the willfully (anarchy) primitivists can shirk this control, but I don’t know if anyone will mess with them

>> No.13218890

The people will develop (eventually) to control the technology. The capitalist economy is protected by the state, as often as it stumbles and falls on us all, they patch it up and get it moving again. HOPEFULLY an inreasing amount of people will see where the problem is and kill these systems off.

I suppose the willfully (anarcho) primitivists can shirk this control, but I don’t know if anyone will mess with them

>> No.13218919
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>> No.13219079

>fascism was capitalism because I don't actually know how fascist economies worked
Kinda retarded bud

>> No.13219092


>> No.13219102

You’re the one who doesn’t understand what fascism is. It’s state centralized from one degree or another. Look at it. It’s capitalism.

You’re the retard

>> No.13219155

Not quite. We need to fundamentally alter our relationship with technology.

>> No.13219707

and how the fuck do you expect to do that on a macro level. I believe that those who have succumb to the compulsion to innovate and those who are already consumed by technology are too far gone. The real question to be asked is whether those who understand the problem will be able to survive or whether we will perish along with the others.

>> No.13220005

The problem with being born

>> No.13220026

Every one ITT is dumb as shit. The future is inclusive capitalism.

>> No.13220028

Was the USSR fascist?

>> No.13221269

Avoid sexual sin.

>> No.13221282

i don't know. the 'angry young men' already sort of did it but i guess it didn't work properly.

have you always been a troll?

>> No.13221290

sorry i thought you meant modernism. you want to undo modernity? isn't it already sort of at it's end?

>> No.13221875

>jews are the reason for modernity
kind of flattering, but we can't take all the credit for the technological changes that shaped society

>> No.13221944

Art is worthless without suffering

>> No.13221964
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>duuuude germany, ussr, modern china are all fashist haaahaha punch nazis btfo!
Oh lad cmon. Capitalism isn't just some buzzword for everyone and everything you personally don't like you stupid narcissistic nigger. Under fascist the state is subsumes by a separate paramilitary party who rules through the use of force. The bourgeoisie and their assets are brought under the will of the paramilitary-ruled one-party state who's interests are the nation and only the nation. Unions are consolidated into single national interest groups represented within the state, who acts as a fair negotiator between proletariat and bourgeoisie. It's very similar to feudalism in a way, where the burghers are dominated by the martial nobility and workers are organized into guilds that negotiate with burghers under the protection of the nobility. It is a decidedly non-capitalist organization of the economy and idiots like you who think "MUH FASHISM IS KAPITALISM" are misinformed shitheads who don't actually know what fascism entails economically.

>> No.13221977

sin doesn't have an objective basis. it's based on what is good or bad for a society and therefore inherently pragmatic. as technology changes and different things are good and bad for society, what we call sin should change too. being against premarital sex was good when there was no birth control or fertility treatments, but we should now change and limit premarital sex to relationships as part of the process of finding someone to marry, and therefore create more harmonious families for children.