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13214780 No.13214780[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>His favorite book is Lolita

>> No.13214806
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>> No.13214837

Can't tell my friends my favorite book is Lolita, they'd start realizing why I like hanging out with their daughter so much and don't stop her from hitting me.

>> No.13214890

Most femtoids don't even know what lolita is

>> No.13214892

We do, incel.

>> No.13214894

I'm woman and what is this? Why would I care if a guy has read a "Lolita"?

>> No.13214898

stupid femoidjack poster

>> No.13214899
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>organises books by colour

>> No.13214903

I wouldn't know, desu I don't bother to talk to any girl who bleeds.

>> No.13214911

based :3

>> No.13214914

So you only talk to trannies then

>> No.13214920

They bled when they had their dick cut off, so no

>> No.13214928

Did you guys know that right now white people are occupying an innocent Muslim country in the Middle East? Israel is a country of white people oppressing innocent muslims. We need to stand up for human rights and protest Israel and free Palestine.


>> No.13214930

So you just don't talk to any human being that has bled?
Must be a lonely life

>> No.13214932

maybe if bleeders were a little cuter, a little more feminine, and gave me a hug and sat on my lap more often I would give you the time of day, but instead they just want sex. Bleeders are unlovable and unloving, why talk to them when they are sunk (versenke) in life? I can only communicate with the shell of a personality on the surface.

>> No.13214933

Most of the people I've met who like Lolita were women but I understand why brainlets would be adverse to men saying it was their favorite book.

>> No.13214934

Seriously, as a left board we should be doing something to save the innocent people of Palestine.


>> No.13214935

the arthoes that like lolita genuinely think it's a porn novel like 50 shades of grey or some shit.

>> No.13214936
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>> No.13214944

It's a funny book but why would anyone prefer it over Pale Fire is beyond me

>> No.13214946

Israel are the white terrorists in the Middle East. We need to save palestine from those evil white people.


>> No.13214975

Traps then?

>> No.13214982

It's important that we as the left stand up for oppressed people, if not us, who will?

Come on guys


>> No.13214985

traps arent girls hence its a trap

>> No.13214986

Well, bled from their sexual organs. Yes, this includes circumcised men as well, including myself.

>> No.13214991

What >>13214985 said. They aren't females

>> No.13214993

White people are occupying innocent muslims as we speak, we need to do something.

>> No.13214996

Nigga's talkin either about 2d wifus or sex bots

>> No.13214999

Female autism truly manifests itself in surprising ways.

>> No.13215001

How can we just stand by while innocent people in the Middle East are having their country occupied by Israel?

Israel is a crime against humanity.


We can save them.

>> No.13215006

why the spam?

>> No.13215012

Because this is important? The Palestinians are innocent and shouldn't be occupied by white people.


>> No.13215016

KONY 2012

>> No.13215018


>> No.13215020


>> No.13215023

We don't need to sell anyone anything, we just need to get the word out that white people are occupying Palestine.

Israel out 2020

>> No.13215032
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>> No.13215036

It's not that reading Lolita is bad per se, it's more that the sort of man who tells you Lolita is his favorite book is, almost invariably, an asshole.

>> No.13215043

This is about human rights. We as the left have a responsibility to stand up for the innocent people of Palestine and to their white oppressors in Israel.


>> No.13215066

Same, it's called her period because you stop talking to them.

>> No.13215071

And why is that? Saying things doesn't make them true

>> No.13215073

Please guys this is important, we can't just let white people murder innocent muslims and take their countries from them.

Let's make a difference.


>> No.13215153

here's your (You)

>> No.13215159


>> No.13215347

The level of discourse in this thread tells you everything you need to know about the intelligence of materialists like incels

>> No.13215487

>one /pol/ autist is reflective of all incels

>> No.13215636

What's the difference? Anglo jews are oppressing innocent muslims and the left needs to stand up.

>> No.13215702
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Kikes are not white. The only thing jews "deserve" is annaduh holocoaster.

>> No.13215708

Those people are too stupid to exist. I could give two dicks about Israel. It’s just a piece of land the backwards people are fighting over because they don’t know any better. Let’s recap
>any given day
>Palestinian: life sure sucks!
>hamas: you what might just be totes funny? Take this makeshift rocket and shoot it at people with an anti rocket defense system. But make sure you fire it from a mosque or school or hospital so we can play victim later when we accuse them of targeting innocents despite the fact this is all totally a poorly thought out process.
>palestinan: duh ok Allen’s snackbar
>rocket: fwooosh
>iron dome defense system: lol nope
>filthy jews: holy fuck those sand nogs fired some rickity shit at us! Return fire!
>well made rocket: lerreooooooyyyy jeennkinnssss!
>Palestinians: holy fuck we’re getting pwned! They just retaliated for us acting like a bunch of shitwits! Israel is oppressing is for absolutely no reason at all!
>repeat daily.
The moral of this story is the Jews set up shop in a bad neighborhood and the palestinians are fucking retarded.

>> No.13215714

>jews are not white
>btw whiteness isn't a social construct

>> No.13215722

some people don't?

>> No.13215766

They are attacking because they are oppressed, they are being occupied by anglos. We need to remove white people and Israel from the Middle East so it will be peaceful.

It's also not safe for the Israelites there, the people of Israel will be safer if they come back to Europe.

>> No.13215795
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>Doesn't understand the deep mystical connection between blood and soil
Good goy!

>> No.13215800

I am with you but for different reasons. Isreal needs to be nuked.

>> No.13215812

Israel doesn't exist, we shouldn't nuke Palestine they are innocent. Just remove the Anglo invaders from Palestine.


We can do this, we can make a difference.

>> No.13215821

I know tons of women that like Lolita and grew up enjoying it. My gf likes that and Pourtnoy's Complaint too.

I think the bigger red flags for women are DFW, Bolaño, and Blood Meridian.

Not because you like those authors, but because limp wristed overbearing losers can only talk about those books. Probably because they're not too taxing to read

>> No.13215980

Lol why are right wingers pretending to be left wingers better at it than the left?

>> No.13215985

Because the left doesn't even know what it means to be "left" and are generally pretty dumb

>> No.13215990
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After too many wasted years on /lit/ and reading countless faggots and trannies whining about invasions /pol/, this is the first time I witness a /pol/ brigade. I thought it was just a meme. I feel like Schliemann, discovering Troy.

The only time I saw someone reading Lolita it was a pretty girl in the metro.
Red flags for women are (contemporary) feminist authors and in case of men fantasy/sci-fi. Terry Pratchet is not a bad author but all of his readers seem to be urbanised retards.

>> No.13216004


>> No.13216005

>espousing left beliefs is a right invasion

>> No.13216021

Think of how peaceful the Middle East would be if you got rid of all the Muslims and their stupid goth tool shed

>> No.13216038

The Muslims are only violent because they've been invaded by Israel for 70 years. If Israel is removed the Middle East will be peaceful.

>> No.13216054

>think of how peaceful the middle east would be if we conducted an ethnic cleansing

>> No.13216073

Yes but Muslim violence is spreading to the countries of decent white people and that’s just not doable. Shit, if you spend 1200 years in the desert reading Harry Potter, you’re going to end up strapping a bomb to yourself eventually. They’re too stupid for their own good. Let’s give them measles vaccinations then nuke the dick out of them

>> No.13216076

>why is that?
I can't be sure, just that men who say Lolita is their fave tend to be assholes. Either they are a little bit creepy, or they are trying to impress you (and secretly patronise you). Either way, it's not a good look. Even if it is genuinely your fave, why tell someone you hardly know that?

>> No.13216095

You're just a racist, if we stop attacking the Muslims they will be peaceful. Regardless Israel is a crime against humanity, you're not allowed to occupy others white people.


>> No.13216097

Idk. Never read it, just interested in your opinion, thanks!

>> No.13216122

Don't get me wrong, it's a great book. Just think about what kind of person would tell someone they don't know it's their favorite? Like, why would you do that?

>> No.13216308

It’ll be worth the cost of bombs to see them removed. Nobody likes stupid sand people and their riding singlefile antics

>> No.13216313

Based trap enthusiast