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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 570x417, party-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13215412 No.13215412 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write female characters?

>> No.13215420

Just make them confusing as shit, everyone will believe it.

>> No.13215427

>God I wish Chad was here... he would make me laugh... everyone else is so boring... I wish only Chad and I lived in this world, and nobody else. It would be the best thing ever!!!

>> No.13215436

fucking kek

>> No.13215441

>I'm mad at you because I didn't want to go out and you made me go out even though I said I wanted to go out and I did want to go out at the time but now I wish I hadn't gone out so I'm mad that you didn't know that later I was going to wish I hadn't gone out!

>> No.13215442

Write as if you were writing a child with slightly higher intelligence.

>> No.13215454


>> No.13215456

Think of a man then take away reason and accountability.

>> No.13215460

Read works written by female authors that contain female protagonists which pretty much always happens to be the case. Just writing down what you might think females would say will inevitably make it artificial and unrealistic because a man cannot understand the width and depth of subconscious impulses and emotions centered around reproduction that drive women.

>> No.13215466

Live around women, spend a lot of time with them

>> No.13215492

this is an insult to children, even little girls are absolutely phenomenonally distinct from pubescent females.

>> No.13215493

I was going to say child as well

>Live around women, spend a lot of time with them
>Read works written by female authors
bad idea

>> No.13215494

I've never had a gf. How true is this.

>> No.13215496

I sometimes get an inclination to purchase a quality vodka simply out of curiosity and so called laticing altering taste but I see things like this and am reminded to never buy a bottle of the devil spirit.

>> No.13215505

more for me haha

>> No.13215511 [DELETED] 

Incels. Have sex. You're just showing everyone how pathetic you are.

>> No.13215518
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>> No.13215549

Notice how it's never men becoming "born again virgins" lmao christcucks

>> No.13215559

I'm sure there's some woman out there that does this, but as a whole? Not at all. Just a bunch of incels here trying to posthumously convince themselves that they don't even want the women that spurned them.

>> No.13215568

for them to be born again virgins they'd need to have sex first

>> No.13215573

white knight some more billy

>> No.13215577

Is it true no men ever actually have sex and it's all one big roastie conspiracy?

>> No.13215599

Man almost a decade ago I saw an escort and it was good. Just for fun I looked her up the other day and she's been arrested 3 times and is in jail right now. What a weird feeling.

>> No.13215603

>How do I write female characters?


>> No.13215651

Think of a man (yourself, presumably); now remove reason and accountability.

>> No.13215673

>Live around women, spend a lot of time with them
>bad idea

Why though ?

>> No.13215679

cool, fun misogynist
>Heh, women and men are different. Sometimes those differences are lead to confusions and conflicts. That's the spice of life, eh?
lickspittle normie
>Uh? What? Women and men are exactly the same! That's what we learned in my $400,000 seminars in mandatory correct opinions to hold!
laid-back misogynist
>Hey man, relax. It's okay to accept these little differences between people. By riffing on them, we learn more about ourselves and each other.
extremely pathetic grovelling normie
>Be quiet! Stop! If I don't denounce you, I might get caught by a nearby always-on microphone and camera, and lose social credit score for having countenanced your thoughtcrime! Women are perfect! Women are exactly the same as men with no differences except better in every way! I am ashamed of my country for its imperialist past! Be quiet!
normal, well-adjusted misogynist
>Are you okay, man? You're sweating..
panicking, unhinged normie desperate for social approval and petty Instagram-verified status points
>F-Fuck you! Have sex! Have you even had sex? I've had sex! I have sex because I have the correct opinions! I bet you don't have sex! Have you? Have you even had it? Sex? I have! Bet you haven't! Have sex!!
calm, collected misogynist
>Why are you so obsessed with sex, dude..? Aren't you kind of othering women by reducing them implicitly to the arbiters of your virility based on their sexual capital? That's far worse than me simply poking fun at some of their little frivolities, isn't it..? I acknowledge men have negative traits too..
social media-obsessed, soul-dead normie whose entire neurochemical reward system has been rewired to respond only to social approval from those higher than him in the social hierarchy
>Sex?! Sex?! Have you had sex? I've had sex! I had sex a bunch of times! Women approve of me and my opinions! Are there any women nearby? Hello! I'll do whatever you want and say whatever you want me to say! Wait, I mean, I'll THINK whatever you want me to THINK! Please! I'll do anything! I am a vessel for your whims and opinions! I am matter and you are form! Give me shape, O Mistress!

>> No.13215701

Basically children with a slightly higher verbal/social IQ and sexual urges.

>> No.13215726
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I think of a man, and then I take away all reason and accountability.

>> No.13215731


>> No.13215799

kino quote

>> No.13215820
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>> No.13215866

I think of a man, and then I make them a caring and sensitive person.

>> No.13215878

but then you get another man

>> No.13215895

I write all my women like either manipulative bitches, shy autistic neets, or big tiddy mommy gfs desu

>> No.13215897
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I'm sure this thread will be purely in the lens of academics and will surely not be a women = bad circlejerk that seems to exist in perpetuity!

Because if the latter were to happen, then that would indicate that our reality is, in fact, gay as fuck.

>> No.13215901

>gay assfuck
sign me up

>> No.13215913 [SPOILER] 
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i wasn't sure whether i should upvote this post by saying how based it is but on the whole my desire for you to know your accurate and humorous effortpost was appreciated outweighs my estimation of my contribution to damaging of image-board culture

>> No.13215941

>purely in the lens of academics
ah a slightly different flavor of not literature off topic shit

>> No.13215945


>> No.13215949
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>> No.13215964
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was waiting for this gem

>> No.13216006

You have to be reasonable and accept that /lit/ will never purely be about literature. Garbage like the OP should not be tolerated, however>

>> No.13216293


>> No.13216580


>> No.13216603

kys incels ;^p

>> No.13216637
File: 2 KB, 125x125, bol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to >>>/pol/ with your buzzword name calling and don't come back.

>> No.13216649

it's not possible for women to have fun on their own, nope. this is certainly not an incel projecting his own insecurity and longing for opposite sex interaction. jesus, have sex

>> No.13216719

Think living you life in constant hangover paranoia where nothing is certain, be jealous of every other girl, get excited by shiny objects, feed and crave any male attention. No original thoughts allowed, just parrot everything that is popular, and if something is popular it's something that you want as well.

>> No.13216723

Like you would male ones, just with a vagina.

>> No.13216810
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>tfw i used to believe statements like this were honest instead of manipulative shitbags lying to children for the sake of engineering their behavior

>> No.13216864

have any of you incels ever had the courage to look your mother in the eye and tell her your views on women's inherent inferiority? what would she say? if she reacts with disgust, don't you think your ideology will contribute to your lack of companionship?

>> No.13216902

>Implying I didn’t learn about female inferiority from my mother

>> No.13216981

>I wish only Chad and I lived in this world, and nobody else
The majority of women's joy comes from being better than others. Although, they don't care about actually being superior, just appearing.

>> No.13217025

My mom told me to never get with a woman who won't submit. If I don't marry some 18 year old Christian virgin, she will probably be very disappointed

>> No.13217060

It’s another /lit/ vents their rage at the girl who hurt them thread!

>> No.13217069

whew boy, do you ever listen to yourself? you want to fuck a child and your mother thinks of you as a child

>> No.13217076

Like men but politically correct.

>> No.13217079

some mild projection going on here

>> No.13217107

doesn't sound like projection. sounds like toast from roast of advanced age

>> No.13217134
File: 191 KB, 250x300, 1539672485021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this little brainlet bitch

>> No.13217179

I did and she completely understood where I was coming from.

>> No.13217193

I've told my mother she fucked up by having me out of wedlock many times now. She agrees. It's a good thing I never made her pay for college.

>> No.13217247

Not at this level, but my best friends gf is basically this. If people don't pay attention to her, she will stop talking and just sulk silently, refusing to say why shes upset and just ruin the mood until I leave. Real bummer.

>> No.13217264

I'll white your face with some cum

>> No.13217286

probably right... but that's a pretty serious accusation. not many insults worse than that

>> No.13217288

you sound like a tool desu

>> No.13217299

you don't. womanhood is about escaping the symbolic order imposed on them from birth.

>> No.13217469

mmm come here daddy. I wanna drain your balls.

>> No.13217506

depends on the character you want to portrait. Despite popular opinion women are humans and have differences in temperament and character.

>> No.13217620

1. Talk to some of them ( scary stuff i know)
2. Use your Empathy to Understand them (something they dont do)
3. Use "good" female characters that you like

>> No.13217630
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>> No.13217640

is this how women unironically think writing works?

>> No.13217718

I've had sex dumb fucker

>> No.13217739


>> No.13217751

Write a man. Then change his name when you finish. Simple as that.

>> No.13217759

It worked for Ridley Scott.

>> No.13217775 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13217791
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>> No.13217796
File: 52 KB, 594x582, 0A0D9148-2560-4EEC-B6B3-A1906FCFF9B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how DARE somebody want literature to be discussed on a literature board!

>> No.13217808

You don't have to. But if you want... simply socialize with females and read chick-lit. You'll notice common threads.

>> No.13217835

Shhh keep that shit under wraps. I intend to work in marketing and dont want thirsty neckbeards to have well-adjusted views of the world

>> No.13217863

go back to plebbit

>> No.13217969

Just read Sex and Character by Otto Weininger and you'll understand the female

>> No.13217980

Your snide little post didn't help.

>> No.13218145

Came here to write this.

>> No.13218176

Please get outside more

>> No.13218220

Damn beat me to it but still based

>> No.13218227

Married for 8 years.
110% precise
Ayyyyy lmao end me already

>> No.13218234

>with slightly higher intelligence.
also, have sex

>> No.13218255

>implying I don't hate my mum

>> No.13218269

Just think of a man, and take away reason and accountability.

>> No.13218270

sex isn't real

>> No.13218275
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You see...What I do...
Think of a man... heh, what comes next may surprise you...

>> No.13218305
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>> No.13218576

I fucking hate shorts

>> No.13218582

Yes. Babies grow in caves and are delivered by storks

>> No.13218588

You get an erection?

>> No.13218594

Why is this so simillar to DFW's works? Maybe women just wants to be sincere

>> No.13218614

I, too, form my opinions of the female sex from popular media.

>> No.13218623

Think of a man, then take away all reason and accountability?

>> No.13218642

>unlike us men who know 100% at all times our purpose in life and what we want to accomplish

>> No.13218726

>defiling the cross
>in addition to filth
Enjoy hell.
I don't care if you didn't make it.
You saved it. You spread it. You were the judge and jury here.
Christ said of your kind it would be better for you to have a great big millstone tired about your neck and cast into the sea than what awaits. There will be gnashing of teeth and eternal torment.

>> No.13218777

good morning I hate women

>> No.13218783

ITT: incels

>> No.13218788


debased and vagpilled

>> No.13218793
File: 41 KB, 554x554, E962BDAC-18DC-4A43-8879-7B57CEFFA23F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentleman, together, with all your help, thanks to every single poster in this thread, I found it. Congratulations this would not have been possible without you. I am honored to present to you the absolute worst thread on /lit/ at the moment. Gaze at it sublimity and inhale its’ beguiling stench.

>> No.13218828

Shut up you lifeless loser

>> No.13218833

>unfunny, subtly bitter

women showing that they are living stereotypes by getting mad at being called a stereotype

>> No.13218834

Hmm what the fuck

>> No.13218837

this is my favorite post on /lit/ ever

>> No.13218870


>> No.13218915

>you fucking asshole! Giving me the fucking clap! I’m sitting here with a sore pussy and it’s all your fault!
Last thing she said

>> No.13218932

you don't

>> No.13218975

incels, the zombie hoard

>> No.13219103

>Shy autistic neets
Same here, those are my fave to write next to tomboys.

>> No.13219293

Make them behaving with no regard for anything other than materialism and their social status.

>> No.13219315

Write characters with the attribute 'female'. Avoid realism.

>> No.13219523

Literally this.

>> No.13219548

I'm not convinced that any of you in this thread have ever interacted with a member of the opposite sex before. Jesus fucking Christ what a bunch of malformed weirdos.

>> No.13219552

Just let her make all her decisions based on how she feels at that particular moment. Also make her try to fit in really hard in whatever social hierarchy she is in at that moment.

>> No.13219575

based and redpilled

>> No.13219601

go outside and stare at women haha

>> No.13219634

You mean like follow them home, break in at night and observe their facial features them while they sleep?

>> No.13219679
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The one on the left should be 10 years older while looking 20 years older and trying to "settle down".

>> No.13219708

This is not your subreddit summerfag

>> No.13219735

Fuck yeah, my favorite movie line

>> No.13219764

Think of a man then take away reason and accountability

>> No.13219783


>> No.13219864

Dont do it and instead write about something meaningful like philosophy, ideas and such and forget women exist altogether. No matter if you are incel, chad, mgtow or neet, soiboi or boipucciboi. If you want to live productively and happy in serenity and virtue remove women from your activity and just acknowledge it is a being that exists out there, like a dog and cat is but more intelligent and it wants your resources or stick if you have the right bone structure for them to find you pleasing to the eye. Do not give any thought at all about these creatures of the night and just focus your attention to what is important for progress of yourself.

>> No.13219869

Lol fucking alcohol drinking degenerate faggot.

>> No.13220011

Lol fuck you i'm enjoying this thread.

>> No.13220021

Entered this thread to post this line.

>> No.13220393

have sex: the thread

>> No.13220400
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>> No.13220465

it's almost as if your warped world view requires you to ignore material reality and live in an echo chamber where predisposed reactionary beliefs are reinforced to stop you from killing yourself or shooting up a school

>> No.13220499

because the only thing you will take away from that experience is that they are all vapid, shallow and lacking any long-term critical thinking and reasoning skills.

I love my wife, but she acts like a 12 year old most of the time and I have to calm her emotional outbursts.

>> No.13220508

Bend over

>> No.13220539

are you going to post that newly minted response in every thread?

>> No.13220560

god i feel sorry for your wife

>> No.13220567


>> No.13220596


>> No.13220603

just imagine the most base, stupid, shallow person you could possibly imagine

>> No.13220630

So do I kek, we should all feel sorry for her and praise the man who stands by her side through all of her tantrums

God bless u sir. U are doing God’s work

>> No.13220634

My mom and sister both think women are retarded

>> No.13220650

Same. My mom and sister literally would give me the absolute craziest advice about how to pickup women.
>but how do I strike up conversation
>say you lost your dog and if she’s seen it
>are you serious, she’s gonna know I’m lying
>of course she will, she knows what your doing and will like it
>she will like me tricking her into conversation
>yes, as long as you look good she will take it as a compliment
>but I just want to meet an honest girl, whose not attracted to guys like that

>> No.13220666

>Women are not whores
>Women are not stupid
>Women are not reckless
>Women are not degenerate
>Women are not liars
>Women are not immature
>Women are not desperate

So can someone please explain to me all the whorish, stupid, reckless, degenerate, lying, immature, and desperate shit they do?

>men do it too

Oh that explains everything!

It really is a lonely planet for a good man. Stay warm brothers.

>> No.13220707

>not a summer faggot
Pick one

>> No.13220711

You have to go back

>> No.13221145


yeah i've told my mother this in so many words, and she has agreed

>> No.13221153
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>> No.13221210

write a manchild who is not afraid to be open about his emotions with people he has faith in.

>> No.13221216

better posters would be able to handle that freedom unfortunately...

>> No.13221217

only time I do things I don't want to is when im socially pressured or my boss says to do it. If I had to deal with that with my partner I would go nuts.

>> No.13221254


>> No.13221363

Now if Jenny has been approached with “Sup baby. Im coupes in the projects with my baby momma but don’t trip we can cuff on the low fasho you know ur boi can lay the pipe like a plumber knawn sayin sweet thang make you mine for the night come fuck with a real nigga” she would be 100% stalking outside that fools house for a few months lol

>> No.13221508

eh? that's the kind of hopeless approach she's talking about

>> No.13221600

A being that is much more beholden to pathos rather than logos, which in turn influences both ethos and logos. A man, conversely, is much more beholden to logos, which affects both pathos and ethos as well.

>> No.13221658

sometimes I wonder... if there are women on 4chan what do they think about these threads? but then I remember they are braindead

>> No.13221705

>Which color was that?
>Uh, like thick mo-lasses

>> No.13221786

>these people are being mean to me how do i make it stop
>i know i'll let them know how much sex i have. then they'll recognize my high social position and treat me with the respect i get in real life
>why isn't it working :'(

>> No.13221814

you lot watch the rest of the film?

>> No.13221863

First go to the mall and find those Vietnamese people who do nails. Get actinic nails done. Then go to the Mac store and buy make up, make sure to look at all the colors and pick one that matches your lips and skin tone. Then go buy and a swimsuit- thong and brah. When you get home, lock yourself in your room and sit down in front of a mirror and put make up on. Then get dressed in swim suit, thong and bra. Imagine yourself comfortable going out in public like this and realize you will never understand these people.

>> No.13221884
File: 791 KB, 2294x751, 1557942477197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to understand women, and the relationship between men and women, this image is perfect. Men desire women, so they clumsily try to attract them. Women desire to be attracted.

>Whom does woman hate most?--Thus spoke the iron to the magnet: "I hate you most because you attract, but are not strong enough to pull me to you."

>The happiness of man is: I will. The happiness of woman is: he wills.

>"Behold, just now the world has become perfect!"--thus thinks every woman when she obeys with all her love.

>And woman must obey, and find a depth for her surface. Woman's nature is surface, a mobile stormy film over shallow water.

>But a man's nature is deep, his current roars in subterranean caverns: woman senses its strength, but does not comprehend it.

The key is understanding that men desire women in the way that you desire any other thing you desire. It's one thing in your life, not your whole life. You can be addicted to it, it can become an obsession, but your desire for it is not YOU. But for women, being attracted, waiting to be attracted, IS their whole life and their whole consciousness. Pic related explains it.

But you have to go one step beyond that if you want to really understand women. Even if you understand what I've just said, your male brain will still attempt to "naturalize" that knowledge to its masculine taken-for-granted sense of the world. You now understand that women only care about men propitiating them for their holes, but you still interpret this as a man, your unconscious assumption is still based on simply imagining what YOU would be like, if you only cared about being analogously propitiated (e.g. for your dick). This causes all kinds of distinctly unfeminine artifacts to remain in the simulation, like the assumption that you would be fair and balanced about considering suitors and granting them dick access, that you would take your possession of a valuable dick as a fundamentally unearned economic advantage.

To actually understand a woman, you have to read the image in >>13221153 and really try to understand that she feels perfectly entitled to being courted in this way, and she feels total contempt for all the men who are not worthy of her. You can't simply imagine that she has valuable holes. You have to understand that she reflexively, unconsciously assumes she has earned all the value the holes give her. Men who fail to earn her holes aren't just annoying distractions, they are objectively unfit to breed or even exist (except maybe as a servitor, somewhere unseen), because she is objectively valuable and life is objectively about earning her favor. That's how a woman's mind works.

A random village girl with rocking tits could sit across from Alexander the Great, who deigned to court her right after completing his world conquests, and feel exactly as smug and self-assured that she's the best thing in the world as he does in that moment, as Alexander the fucking Great. That's EVERY woman.

>> No.13221930

Oh so that’s why they're miserable

>I’m gonna normalize my megalomania by intellectualizing it

>> No.13221932
File: 41 KB, 697x577, rg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you know about alexander the great? he ruined his own country and died shamefully with no sons to succeed him

>> No.13221943

That’s a lot of words for
>man determines a woman’s worth

>> No.13221959

I don’t get the poem

>> No.13221967

I wish I could have such based convos with my mom. But anyway the objective fact of this thread is that some women are cool and some aren’t and a lot of people who browse 4chan tend to encounter the shittier women. I write lesbian erotica so I essentially write my women as though you’d write a man but there are sometimes subtle nuances and inflections, particularly when writing intimacy or emotions/introspection, that are difficult to articulate. Totally just buy my erotica and see for yourself

>> No.13221973



>> No.13221982

you don't surprise me

>> No.13221999

kek you couldn't even keep it in your pants for more than half a sentence of shitpost

>> No.13222013

You’ll have to forgive me my brain was actually trying to imagine what women do

>> No.13222020

what about lesbians?

>> No.13222023

>First go to the mall and find those

>> No.13222057

BRO, didn’t you not see the book in the pic. It’s got a cover written in German but the text is in English. Can’t argue with that

>> No.13222060
File: 11 KB, 447x378, alits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both people in lesbians relationships have that mentality

>> No.13222073

there is a bit of truth to this but women also sometimes just desire men and jump their dicks without the guy putting in an iota of effort or showing really any concern whatsoever

>> No.13222103

*half a paragraph

>> No.13222125

kek you couldn't even keep your pants on for more than half a sentence of shitpost

>> No.13222169

it's actually true, BUT only for the 99.9% of lesbian relationships that are actually two "bisexuals" (read: straight non-heteronormative girls, which is most straight girls). many of these girls are "lesbians" because they are asexual or have stunted sex drives for various reasons, they're afraid of men or male intimacy, etc., but they still want some kind of companionship.

99.9% of lesbians are lesbians in the same way that a woman who owns multiple cats is speaking the truth when she says they are her "fur babies." it's true in a sense.

you can actually look up statistics for this, in most "lesbian" relationships, there is little to no sex. on the one hand this is because the women have sexual trauma or are sexually uninitiated as just described (surprising fact: it's normal for women to discuss openly that they've literally never had an orgasm with a partner, including their life partners; normal for women to say they enjoy sex for the "general feel" of it, of the man desiring them and being close to them, but not for the mysterious and nonexistent climax; and finally, normal for women to say they only have sex as an obligation to their husband, who essentially uses them as a masturbatory aid). on the other hand, even when one or both parties desire to be sexually active, if both girls are effectively straight women dabbling in lesbianism, they have the problem of "Who initiates?" where does the sexual energy come from? both parties want to be passive, to release all the pent-up insanity of being a paradoxically infinitely valuable and infinitely worthless and weak woman by being "Taken" by a man (this is incidentally why female orgasms are completely acognitive, obliterating all discursive thought for their duration).

so they end up doing nothing -- they can't break through to their primeval womanly mode of being taken sexually, so they remain stick-shifted into Neutral, which for a woman is Social mode, in which discursive thought is still switched on and they are miserable and petty. two lesbians who can't decide who knucklefucks the other are basically just two catty broads staring daggers at eachother for fifty years.

eventually they forget what sex is and just become dumpy roommates.

some rare lesbians also give up on finding the other woman attractive and go for a butch linebacker with knuckles aplenty but this is a concession in other ways.

>> No.13222180

Roastie, roastie, vile and toasty, didcovered by their awful posties!

>> No.13222184

wait, i forgot to mention the other 0.01% of lesbians

the problem for them is that they are aware of their 0.01%ness and aware of the horrible dating market for the other 99.9%. the only thing worse than being alone is being jerked around by straight dabblers, especially if you aren't interested in sex and being implicitly degraded by someone who is using you as a fashion accessory.

they often end up watching a lot of anime.

>> No.13222193

It's not true of all girls all the time but yeah.

>> No.13222273

Have you ever actually met a lesbian before?

>> No.13222286

Depends on your target audience and what society does your character come from and how could being born a woman form her? I'm ESL who has never been to USA, so if I wanted to write about American, I could either take a stereotype and do few cosmetic changes to make happy the readers that want to read about struggles of Bob that used to play football in HS but now is fat and unemployed, pays lipservice to the church and hates immigrants but that doesn't stop him from cheating on his wife with a thicc latino and now he needs to rob a bank because he has no health insurence and in his town it's easier to buy a gun than a condom. Or I could read and learn about the country, its ideals, how he education works there, what the society is like, how different a person from a boonies would be compared to someone who was born into upper income family in NYC.

How could the gender of your character influence its life? Are women treated the same as men in your world/setting or is something different expected of them? Are they conformists, like it, fight against it? Were they ever put in a situation that is uncommon for their gender? Who were their rolemodels?

>> No.13222314

i think it's pretty clear he hasn't spent a lot of time with girls. oh well

>> No.13222360

NEVER respond to autistic effort-laden careposts with low-effort phoneposting "Umm no :S" white noise.

>> No.13222417

What the fuck does this even mean? What does it mean to have no reason or accountability?

>> No.13222450

If we understood this then we'd all understand women, anon.

>> No.13222543

>people who browse 4chan tend to encounter the shittier women.

yea... 4channers just drown in attention from women.. threads like these aren't indicative of the unhealthy NEET lack of real world interaction hahaha....

>> No.13222552
File: 307 KB, 339x279, 1BB38D8B-8BCB-4A81-AC35-A26D1E70F265.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real world

>> No.13222555

"hehe i bet their virgems"

- cavewoman (ca. 50,000BC)
- mesopotamian woman (ca. 3500BC)
- modern woman (ca. 2019AD)

Woman's Contribution to History

>> No.13222571

Is there anything more beautiful and powerful than a women who knows her role

>> No.13222577

Just don’t.

>> No.13222580

well it means not thinking logically & not have a sense of responsibility

>> No.13222602

How do I stop my gf from calling me a paedophile? I'm real tired of getting lectured on right and wrong by a 10 year old.

>> No.13222614

Don’t tell them about /lit/ or else u won’t hear the end of it

>> No.13222622

Just play the long game, she'll grow out of it. :^)

>> No.13222811

I write a gay man, then give them tits

>> No.13222838

That's a tranny, not a woman.

>> No.13222889

a transexual is a woman (except in that way)

>> No.13222899

A transexual is a man who has surgically altered his genitals out of a body modification fetish.

>> No.13222902

trannies are better than women at videogames. there are still cognitive differences even if behavior is similar

>> No.13222957

Take a piece of paper and form the letter "F" followed by the letter "E" followed by the letter "M" followed by the letter "A" followed by the letter "L" followed by the letter "E"...

>> No.13222974


>> No.13222990

a man pretending to be a woman is all right enough for a writers purposes.
listen, poor old shakespeare you see he wrote those sonnets, and he was a playwright and you know what the stage is like. and in those days all the women's parts were played by boys. and so he naturally got rather sensitive, and the boys can take over woman characteristics and play the woman in an extraordinary way, it was the woman that shakespeare was in love with. then of course, suddenly he became a man and the whole thing ended in tears.

>> No.13223009

if alexander the great wanted to sleep with you would you let him, eh?

>> No.13223333

>Maybe women just wants to be sincere
No, they never do.

>> No.13223429

it's odd that you mention virginity, because you don't have to want sex to talk with women and befriend them. you know how you can be friends with another man because you share common interests? there are some women out there who share your interests as well, but they won't want to be your friend you if all you want to do is fuck them

>> No.13223446

That's what bugs me the most. Women don't care and couldn't care what you read, it's just about having more books on the shelf than movies to them.

>> No.13223573

>Dave Sim: The Thread

>> No.13223673


>> No.13225006

Here's an idea for a modern Western woman.

>Her phone is her life
>Social media
>Virtue signalling with political correctness
>Hedonism of various types
>Revealing clothing
>"Just not ready to settle down."

Thankfully Progressivism in America is only 8%, and I'm inclined to believe that in the rest of the West it's likewise but a loud minority so I didn't include the obscene and unnaturally dyed hair or that thing where the side of their head is shaven or dreadlocks or being overweight or going too heavy on the woke leftism.

That said... the modern West is in a very poor state of affairs none the less. A book set in the modern West, if it gets into societal matters and how politics have seeped into everything... I mean, it would have to somehow worm around various topics to keep it non-political and lighthearted... which is an odd thing to say onsidering we live better than anyone else in human history.

I think a more pleasant book would be one centering around a more traditional and Christian family, perhaps even show it from the perspective of one of the women. Ah, and from that purview, the hedonism in our post-modern society can be revealed. The proper Christian girl, perhaps with a crush on certain fellow, ends up at a party because of reasons. Sure, lots of people laughing and what not, but someone is gonna end up hopelessly sick, there'll be a couple in the corner eventually making out and feeling one another up quite blatantly, people fucking in a bedroom, someone passed out on the couch getting stuff written on their face, a fight, and of course drunken dudes hitting on her. Y'know, a wild house party. Cocaine MIGHT make an appearance but at minimum someone will be 'smoking drugs' as she might put it in her beautiful naivety from her decent upbringing. I'm referring to pot.

The story ends with her managing to get out of the situation intact, perhaps even save a friend from doing something very stupid that they'd regret, and maybe by the end she's officially entered a relationship with her beau, as it were. They're going to 'try to wait', to see if they're truly right for one another, before getting physical. Probably not waiting until marriage, but they don't want to just give completely into their baser urges. Besides, she has no interest in going on the pill and it still worries her to leave it up to just a condom. I don't think many women in the West think like this anymore, sadly... and can't say that i haven't personally benefitted in a way. I've been overweight almost my whole life but it hasn't stopped me from getting with over a dozen women, I'm not even 30 yet. Honestly, I don't feel proud about how many women I've been with... in fact I think it disgusts me more than makes me feel proud. I ought to have a wife and children by now. I'll find my traditional Christian wife someday...

>> No.13225515

High IQ post. I often like to browse roastie twitter and everything Weininger wrote about women was true

>> No.13225526

A woman, no matter how grown, is always somewhere between a man and a child on the maturity scale
They only care about what's right in front of them and generally live in the moment

>> No.13225541
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>> No.13225542

>Thinks he knows who is written in the book of life and who is not.
Repent larper

>> No.13225557

>an incel projecting his own insecurity and longing for opposite sex interaction.
>jesus, have sex

>> No.13225565

"Have sex" is a terrible argument
There is no-one who hates women more than men who regularly have sex with them

>> No.13225575

Sometimes you just have to secure Chad's seed by any means necessary

>> No.13225763

>There is no-one who hates women more than men who regularly have sex with them
How would you know?
P.S. Have sex sweetie.

>> No.13225769

I'm not sure I buy this recurring notion that women are less rational than men. It's men who fly into murderous rages and shoot up schools because they can't find a girlfriend or calm their nuts. Men are the ones with fragile egos and a need violent tendency. Men are way more irrational than women, if you measure the degree of irrationality as the capacity to be destructive.

>> No.13225779

Bend over darling

>> No.13225793
File: 1.24 MB, 1579x1300, Rupi Kaur Commencement 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13225891

Nope. Men do these things because they are capable of it. Women do not do them because they are useless and cannot make up their minds/take initiative about anything.

>> No.13225903

Like normal characters just ppl oriented instead of object

>> No.13225908

you missed his point there, cully

>> No.13225920
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>> No.13225927

looks like somebody got laid in college. I'll find you next time I need pussy repellent

>> No.13225951
File: 1.29 MB, 496x280, Motorcycle Girls Riding.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MMHMMM, you tell him, swetie!

>> No.13226100
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>> No.13226112

YAASS, preach it sistas!