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/lit/ - Literature

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13213501 No.13213501 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the lost decade? We're already in 2019 and there hasn't been a single work of literature, music, film, or any art that is going to be remembered in the future. Nothing really major happened in history or culture either, with most of this decade's defining features being already laid out in the early 2000s (the internet, rising economies, problems with immigration, politics in general etc).
Is this the end of history? If not, are we going to be remembered as pathetic bourgeois brats, who had it all easy, yet did nothing of value, by future generations (bred by the suffering of the 40s and 50s)?
Can we take the blame for this? How can we even create any art if the world doesn't give us any material to do so? Remember that the exponential growth of quality art happened between 1700s-1950s, a time of intense hardship, probably the worst time to be alive in western society.

>> No.13213521

Imagine non ironically believing this

>> No.13213538

imagine not believing this

>> No.13213541

It was also colder back then. I don't think that it's a coincidence that the renaissance was accompanied by multi century cold solar cycle.

>> No.13213545

The best art of the future will be from those who are paying attention to what’s actually going on

>> No.13213568

Based American poster.

>> No.13213616
File: 12 KB, 263x400, dark road cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you may not like MBDTF, To Pimp a Butterfly, or Blackstar but they will be remembered
An Elephant Sitting Still will make the Sight & Sound Top 250 within several decades and there has been a metric SHIT TON of art house movies made in the 2010s
a decade without notable literature is still better than the 400s AD or the 500s AD where literally nothing in the entire world was written worth talking about

but even then I nominate The Dark Road by Ma Jian as the pinnacle of literature produced during the 2010s

>> No.13213636

>2007 in film
>golden age of serial tv

>> No.13213638

Yeah, the PC movement destroyed this decade. Thanks, Obama.

>> No.13213646

Which will also be isolated from and smothered by mass media outlets and therefore our culture

>> No.13213654
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>> No.13213660
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>you may not like MBDTF, To Pimp a Butterfly, or Blackstar but they will be remembered


>> No.13213668

>MBDTF, To Pimp a Butterfly, or Blackstar
Come on, you're not even trying. Mass produced american culture will not be remembered, just as we don't remember early 20th century Jazz (yes, the one so hated by Adorno and the like). There's nothing interesting in MBDTF or TPAB. MBDTF's sound collage collection of all the late 2000's stereotypes matched with a grandiose style isn't exactly a good candidate to last in history. It has been done before (see Lullaby Land, Twin Infinitives for two immediate examples), much more interestingly. TPAB i'm not even sure what to say, do you really think that Kendrick's uninspired "lyrics" on a 500 hundred years topic is really going to last?

>> No.13213673
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>> No.13213712

>popular "music"

>> No.13213725

Not even his best album.
Also Reddit tier post

>> No.13213726

The 20th century is the same era we are living in now, there will be massive amounts of archaeological evidence of american culture. We're going to be the new rome, the old archons of the future.

>> No.13213742

nah, it was the 2008 crash, and the response to it, that did it. thanks obama/bush/clinton/reagan

>> No.13213746


don't fret, my despairing homosexual original poster. i'm working on it! i'll even give you a sneak peek of the title...it is called

>> No.13213751

nah, it was the industrial revolution, and the consequences of it, that did it. thank you anglos. very cool!

>> No.13213752

>art is important

who gives a fuck? im pretty sure feeding starving children and saving the planet is more important that producing another ulysses

>> No.13213753

There's plenty of movies that will be remembered in the future, faggot lmao what are you on about?

>> No.13213764
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>> No.13213771

There's literally not a single good movie produced in this decade you absolute retard.

>> No.13213773


>> No.13213781

Son of Saul
Pitch Perfect 2

the list goes on

>> No.13213798

Eventually you, the starving children, and literally everyone, will die. The hunger ends. Ulysse's glory is eternal, and delights more minds than the suffering could ever hurt starving people.

>> No.13213803

have sex

>> No.13213811

I have a girlfriend and we fuck every weekend.

>> No.13213816
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>> No.13213820

Not an extreme take at all
The only winning move is not to play.
Don't reply moron.

>> No.13213836

You're not clever, and you write like a twitter female "dont reply to me incel lol, #yaaasss".

>> No.13213841
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I can't tell if you faggots are serious or not anymore.

>> No.13213854


>> No.13213864

Not him, but i understand the sentiment. There are "good" movies but there aren't any movies that will be remembered in the future. Most people probably don't remember The Killing of a Chinese Bookie, even though it was a good (great) film, because there were so much more influential films in the 70s and 80s.

>> No.13213884

We'd lad you sure you're okay bud ?
I'm not sure how my comment warranted such a response. I guess autism can make you act irrational sometimes. I was just pointing out that it was pointless and moronic to respond to incelposters.

>> No.13213893

I 100% honestly believe the Trump election saga was a massive multimedia work of art. it's worked and been interpreted on countless levels

>> No.13213895

lol cope

>> No.13213896

>guy screaming into mic playing video game

>> No.13213899

Why does every leftist retard wants to insist in this narrative that "drumpf is like such a buffoon lol, so surreal duuude, we never seen it before man..."? There's nothing outrageous, special, or new about Drumpf. History is full of people like him.

>> No.13213900

Unironicallly based. I honestly am glad I was here to witness it in all its Glory.

>> No.13213903

> you may not like MBDTF, To Pimp a Butterfly, or Blackstar but they will be remembered
only as a piece of history - like uncle toms cabin. not for any artistic value

>> No.13213951

If you're a spineless incel then yes, accept the insult and kill yourself. If you're a sex haver then no, defend yourself and prove you Have Sex like i did. You're a fucking faggot .

>> No.13213972
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>> No.13213973
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>> No.13213997

You didn't prove anything you pathetic larper. Maybe I was wrong and you aren't worth replying to either.

>> No.13214013

ok but not too much happened in 1321

>> No.13214034

Dante died

>> No.13214084

Same binging Kubrick and Coppola made me freak out

>> No.13214097

>worst time to be alive

What's wrong with you? Life was so much brigther and truthful back in that days than today

>> No.13214108

An Elephant Sitting Still is nowhere near as good as Boyhood or Hard to be a God. For albums, no. For literature I liked American Pastoral a lot, so I hope that is remembered.

>> No.13214110

I guess you were just born in le wrong generation, anon

>> No.13214114

This. Also some people are biologically conditioned to suffer and endure harsh conditions. That is why Polynesians are so fat, they are biologically meant to have a little amount of food.

>> No.13214120

lol in the US alone presidents that are more interesting or offensive by todays standards than Trump: Truman, Andrew Jackson, Polk, GW, Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, Nixon, Warren G. Harding, Andrew Johnson, Lincoln..... Obama was forgettable and pathetic fuck C-Span

>> No.13214122

Lol where was colder? The Renaissance was born in Italy, and actually Canada is a colder than the quattrocento's Italy. But Canada has not produced any major work of art. Invalid argument.

>> No.13214123

Coppola is a bit overrated and Kubrick was great. Alien is my favorite 70's film aside from Godfather 2 and Chinatown

>> No.13214146
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We all are.

>> No.13214164

Art is a reflect from it's society. The artist somehow is able to produce his work from a common ethos where society pours it's essence through his own genious' essence. What actually occurs is that society is a dead body.

>> No.13214312

The worst thing is that we don't even have a proper decadence with exuberant dionysianism. We suck even at degeneracy.
Compare our gay prides, drug issues and celebration of mental illness to op's picture or late 18th century French looseness.

>> No.13214362

It's called the little ice age

>> No.13214391

yeah surely beat Toronto in coldness

>> No.13214406



>> No.13214427


>> No.13214438
File: 82 KB, 125x204, Screenshot_2019-05-31 lit - Is this the lost decade We're already in 2019 and - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?

>> No.13214500
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>you will never be an illiterate peasant living contemporaneously with Dante

>> No.13214763

I dunno most of pinecone's output came out after I was borne so I'm happy

>> No.13214863

It's not just what Trump says (which isn't that much really) but the way says it

>> No.13214871


>> No.13214912

Looking at popular music and other art of the last couple decades it's pretty obvious at least to me that Western art is finished. Most art is now repetition that relies on spectacle to entertain. I think the loudness war in music is a part of this. Architecture get bigger, music gets louder, painting becomes more and more provocative to substitute a lack of creative talent with sheer size to overwhelm the senses rather than stimulate. As far as I'm concerned art is a done deal. There may still be rare individual masters of their craft but mainstream art and those who make it are creatively dead.

>> No.13215033

>Le WrOnG gEnErAtIoN

>> No.13215112

>no Reagan

>> No.13215164

I'm sure people said the same thing 100 years ago.

>> No.13215177

You sound like you don't know shit about art and therefore that your opinion on anything relating to Western art could safely be discarded.
I wonder where you got the idea that 19th century symphonies didn't rely on spectacle to entertain. Heck they were spectacle.

>> No.13215194

Yeah but we got Hamilton

>> No.13215208

Agreed. Nothing of even slight interest in any literary genre. Maybe Pynch, but that's still back in the XX century.
>film & tv
Agreed. Too commodified for now to expect a masterpiece and then the form has limitations—it's too immediate, one-sided, and too flat interpretatively to be truly lasting. TV will never produce a work of art.
Discarding all popular music at the outset. As for classical, the tradition is lost, with no new compositions that would capture the interest of public and change the paradigm (it's been over a century since the premiere of Le sacre du printemps). This leads to concert houses programming same shit over and over again, recording companies committing that to disc and streaming, all while the level of soloists, orchestras and conductors as a whole has declined.
No big premieres since the death of verismo, 2nd Viennese School, and Strauss. Opera singing is practically dead - singers in their prime are now worse than Fedora Barbieri, Magda Olivero or Franco Corelli were in their seventies. Very few of the old masters left and most of them on their way out in their 90s.
>video gam.. just kidding

>> No.13215236

... But that's my point. Romanticism was the beginning of the end. It's no coincidence that spectacle began to be a part of classical music just as classical music was finishing itself off. People don't make or enjoy classical music anymore because they don't have the creative talent. The repetitive beat, "post African repetitions" as Stockhausen called it, is a substitute for creativity. I'm not calling all music made in the last 100 years trash, but it doesn't hold a candle to classical music. And I am calling all modern popular music trash. All I see nowadays is the finishing off of creative talent, the decline of which started with Romantic period.

>> No.13215274

But it's not to say no great masterpieces were produced. They may simply be waiting to be recognized, which while unlikely is still possible. There's no doubt there's a creative void left and that the past few generatioms are lost. The hope is, as it was in the past, that the rising wealth will allow some to acquire true education and redpilling to break away from the narrative and produce lasting works of art.

>> No.13215277

So Romanticism is part of the last couple decades ? You didn't make any mention of it in your earlier post.

Also ask anyone knowledgeable on music. Nineteenth century was a peak of Western art if nothing else for Beethoven's works alone. Note aso that Bach makes a more extensive use of repetition than Beethoven and pretty much anyone else in the 19th century. So I don't see your argument no repetition holding much water, you'd have to qualify more precisely how the particular modern repetition is worse. "Lack of creativity" doesn't say much, even if I see where you could be going with this.

Note that Homer's job was reciting poetry in front of gathered nobility, with accompanying singers, for two consecutive nights. Homer too was spectacle.

>People don't make or enjoy classical music anymore because they don't have the creative talent.

Any source on that ? I know more than ten people who enjoy classical music, and some who even study the principle of classical composition, and I didn't even have to look that hard. Classical music videos on youtube have millions of views and unlike concert performance they can be listened to alone and replayed at will for better appreciation (though I admit the sound quality is often subpar).

I'm not even denying the quality of music has been decreasing but boy do you make a bad job of arguing for it.

>> No.13215300

Beethoven could hardly get past statements of intent, for me, it's Rossini Tbh

>> No.13215303

True generation defining art is a done deal. It won't happen again. The internet makes it impossible. Something new comes out and is immediately replaced. Nothing sticks around.

>> No.13215321

Consider what you deem as ‘value’.

For me personally, I think it is an accomplishment that no wars, strife, or sectarian violence has happened and that in general this is not a warmongering generation.

I take that as my definition of ‘value’. I think myself and many others would agree that is something we do that is ‘of value’. :3

>> No.13215351

>no wars, strife, or sectarian violence has happened
Do you not watch the news?
I can't think of a single year that had no wars.

>> No.13215352

I'm saying the trend towards spectacle in classical music began towards the late 19th century. The cannons in 1812 overture are a good example. And repetition in itself isn't bad, repetitive beats are a sign that the musician is only interested in making music you can dance to. There's a difference between art music that's meant to be appreciated like classical music, and folk music. But of course I still enjoy 20th century music. I am simply trying to find the first signs of what is wrong with music today. It has been a long time coming.

>> No.13215363

Major wars? Fuck no.

Every year has had some amount of violence in the Middle East, and it is what it is, but our deployment in Afghanistan has shrunk extremely considerately since Obama’s term. Actually Donald Trump is less militaristic than Obama, which hopefully should usher in a new prototypical republican: the conservative pacifist. :3

>> No.13215370

you should probably read up on your history there bud

>> No.13215374

According to the wikipedia a major war is a war with more than 10000 deaths per year. With this definition we have 4 ongoing major wars.

The world is not getting any more peaceful.

>> No.13215380
File: 44 KB, 550x700, Казимир Малевич - Супрематизм 16 1928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this the lost decade
if you wrote this intentionally, you should slit your wrists

>The Hunt (2012)
>Cesare deve morire
>The Lobster
>The Favourite
>Turin Horse
>An Elephant Sitting Still
>This Magnificent Cake
not even counting short films, these are unquestionably and deservedly going to be remembered for a long time, and I came across these even without actively following new filmmaking (and if you disagree and reply with some epic "le those films are actually bad" memepost you should slit your wrists even harder)
In serious music reception takes a long time, too much for things to be evaluated properly and completely within a single decade, but there are some excellent works I've seen live - Birtwistle's Violin concerto, Schubert's Sensate Focus, Fedele's works (been at the premiere of X-tenstion II recently), Globokar's EXIL 3, and Wallin's The Otheroom.
Popular music has also become much more serious, thanks to the pseud-elitism of /mu/, RYM, Pitchfork and Scaruffi and similar sites. 2-hour long Swans albums are now hailed as masterpieces and if that doesn't show a healthy growth in standards (even if they are still pretty low compared to serious music).
Literature is in a pretty healthy spot between experimentation and postmodern reappropriation of popular genres. (inb4 muh Garry Plotter and Rupi Kaur, read a proper fucking book for once, without your memetic biases)
Painting, theater and other shit I won't even mention, people here never interact with those areas.

tldr: kill yourself for spouting shit about everything, trying to lower the rest of the world down to your level instead of seeking or creating anything greater

>Looking at popular music
> the loudness war
Turn the volume down you retard. Or go to a proper concert. No CD can reproduce actual concert hall acoustics and orchestral dynamics

>Romanticism was the beginning of the end
You are correct in this regard, in the sense that romanticism was the key break in western tradition that brought us here. And? You're going to jump into a time machine now? Kill Macpherson and Goethe while they were kids? Undo the industrial revolution and last two or three centuries of philosophy? Go back to Boileau and Racine?

>change the paradigm
Paradigms change and shift across centuries. The very fact that you expect some change in such a tiny time span is dumb modernist thinking, in accordance with the cancerous capitalist idea of fashion. New new new for the sake of new, instead of slowly exploring and charting the massive still unknown lands and possibilities of post-avantgarde (in the historical sense) art.

This is much like postmodern theory - observing that today truth is decentralised and relativised, as opposed to its premodern (preromantic, perhaps) security, resulted in the popular left-wing discourse claiming that truth is by its nature relative. So when people say that art is dead, what they really do is - killing art.

>> No.13215409

You're an Eskimo denying global warming from the safety of his cool little igloo. The walls are falling in Nanook.

>> No.13215423

No , no. You don’t understand. The world has been getting LESS militaristic. It’s not like war is going to stop completely all at once, but out of all of the previous generations this one is by far the least war mongering.

Nice Wikipedia source, by the way :3

>> No.13215435

The middle ages had far less wars and conflicts than the current times.

>> No.13215438

Igloo blocks have to partially melt to strengthen the whole structure.

>> No.13215453

Wat an fassinayting factoid

>> No.13215457


>> No.13215458

In a world that has been completely expanded, given the technology that we have now, I think we can both agree that the Middle Ages’ lack of wars were for a very different reason than ours. :3

>> No.13215545

Winter sleep
Tree of life
Mad max fury road
Certified copy
Tinker Tailor soldier spy
The wailing
Everybody wants some
The great beauty

>> No.13215970

Replying to the last bit about the paradigms; I'm this guy >>13215208 >>13215274

In the past, exploration in serious music followed development of new instruments, genres and styles. This seems to have been stifled—for example the experimental, electronic work of Schaeffer, Stockhausen, and Berio, among others, seems to be having been abandoned, for whichever reason. The living composers continuously fail to break the impasse, which you'd think shouldn't be that difficult given the technological possibilities. You could blame the recording companies who'd rather capture Goldberg Variations a thousandth time played by an unknown Chinese-American Youtube tambourinist, than commit to Ades. The fact is they know what they're doing. I admit that the bit about chaning paradigm is a bit inaccurate; the paradigm was changed a number of times, but none of those managed to revive interest among old buffs or captivate new ones. There's a reson why Berlin Philharmoniker is splendind but lacks its exceptional Klang it gained under Furtwängler and Karajan. Opera is no longer being commited to CD, and that's because contemporary singers can't rival the archival records, even when recorded in studio and patched with technology. They now record DVDs and Blurays, which are terrible still. So are we gonna argue that no artistry is being lost? In a way I sympathise with your point, that in this postmodern environment the best we can do is just wait and observe what gets created, but the farther we get from the origin, the more value is forgotten. In asking for a shift, I think I'm more concerned about someone rising and becoming a genuine revelation, in whichever medium there is, but a true revelation, not a virtue-signal endorsement doll for liberal establishment.
Btw Jagten was indeed great and probably the best film I saw in the past 15-20 years.

>> No.13215987

Pretentious doesn't mean good

>> No.13216007

>there hasn't been a single work of literature, music, film, or any art that is going to be remembered in the future
donald trump

>> No.13216017

>Popular music has also become much more serious
Nah, it has become more pretentious. I agree with the rest of your post.

>> No.13216032

Does 2010 count? The Ghost Writer was good, not great, but you didn't say great movies. Also I agree with Whiplash. And while it is a TV show I thought season 1 of True Detective was great.

>> No.13216043

Poor people need beauty too. They're not animals.

>> No.13216158

Name one (1) film of that list that's pretentious

>> No.13216186
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>having this shit opinion when the greatest TV show ever made is still airing

>> No.13216279

>the greatest TV show
You fell for /tv/'s hunger for something that's at least slightly above mediocre,because that's exactly what Chernobyl is.

>> No.13216404

The Wailing was nonsensical trash and has no more value than your standard horror movie.

>> No.13216410

The great beauty was great. The rest is just shameful

>> No.13216416

I agree that it's great, but by far the worst film on this list

>> No.13216422
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>> No.13216435

below Mad Max? PLEASE.

>> No.13216454
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>there hasn't been a single work of music that is going to be remembered in the future
this pleb doesn’t know Playboi Carti exists

>> No.13216478

Lol is she fucking you on the weekdays?

>> No.13216481

>To Pimp A Butterfly
yeah it will be remembered but by (now) 30 years old millennial s.o.y. boomer cucks
fuck off back to twitter or writing a Guardian article

>> No.13216503
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>Too commodified for now to expect a masterpiece and then the form has limitations—it's too immediate, one-sided, and too flat interpretatively to be truly lasting. TV will never produce a work of art.

>> No.13216524
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well not feeding the starving children equals saving the planet because they all belong to sub-human ethnicities or race which proved that even when they move to a first world country and have been domesticated for decades and centuries still don’t contribute anything to the society and a lot of them are actually ruining the society

>> No.13216578

>opinion discarded
Go immerse yourself in the muh artistry bomb scene while listening to Penderecki and imagining you're experiencing something more than the typical burger pseudo-selfhumbling.

>> No.13216595

I enjoy the sequence purely for the visuals and atmosphere. Feel free to project all the pretense you want. It's nowhere near my favorite parts of Twin Peaks, either.

>> No.13216618

Our society will most likely be remembered for its unwillingness to change despite being faced with its demise and the demise of its planet. That is if anyone will even be around to remember

>> No.13216625

Mad max is unironically the best action film ever made

>> No.13216873

>listen to aphex twin once

>> No.13218021

Delusional. Go to the roof and take a look

>> No.13218050

>Lullaby Land, Twin Infinitives
I am writing this while listening to Lullaby Land entirely coincidentally, and I need to tell you to fuck off. Those are two great albums but you are thoughtless Scaruffi-drone without any real knowledge of music. Comparing them with MBDTF is pointless and stupid. Your assessment of Kendrick is confusing if not downright idiotic: what the hell do you mean a "500 (hundred) years topic"? Have you even read the lyrics? They are some of the best ever written in hip-hop. He draws astute political observations, through complex techniques like allegory and polyphony/voices, while still using the language of hip-hop, maintaining a relevance to black culture and retaining accessibility.

>> No.13218079

I know you people hate fags or whatever but Moonlight trumps all of these picks except maybe for La Grande Belleza. Fucking plebs

>> No.13218189

>oscarbait movie about gay nigger
Yikes imagine having taste this shit

>> No.13218204

I disagree with the part about music, cinema and art, but philosophy definitely DIE in the 19th century

>> No.13218208

I am a fag and I absolutely hated Moonlight. The protagonist was just a bland victim who kept on suffering in every fucking scene. There was not one moment where he felt like a real human being.

>> No.13218243
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>> No.13218277

Breathe easy anons. Your saviour is here

>> No.13218312

Everything loses value so quickly. Fuck consumer culture.

I dont bother with modern reading but Im sure there has to be something of value that will last, right? It cant all be shit, right?

>> No.13218347

>your post
all leftist crap

>> No.13218681

Literally none of these films will be remembered, retard. They aren't bad films, but they would not make it into a list of the best 500 films, let alone be remembered 100 years into the future. Your "effort"post is the worst of this thread.
>Popular music has also become much more serious, thanks to the pseud-elitism of /mu/, RYM, Pitchfork and Scaruffi and similar sites
Unironically laughable.
>Literature is in a pretty healthy spot between experimentation and postmodern reappropriation of popular genres. (inb4 muh Garry Plotter and Rupi Kaur, read a proper fucking book for once, without your memetic biases)
Empty words, give us examples.

>> No.13218712

I think there has been some great efforts in film, and I think in the latter half of the century it will get better since Hollywood is trampling headlong into their demise rn. We do have Charlie Kaufmans works. I watch a lot of films, but Syndoche is still my all time favorite

>> No.13218721

>Charlie Kaufman
bland normie culture

>> No.13218728
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>BTFO every single writer of the XXI century with only two books

heh nothing personal kiddos

>> No.13218733

lmao nobody realizes whats going to be remembered until it's remembered

Most recently in the world of painting, we had Warhol and Basquiat. In literature we have Cormac McCarthy (and im sure some others but i havent read a whole lot of modern stuff recently)

People in the Renaissance didnt know they were in a golden age by any stretch. They had all manner of horrific shit to deal with i.e. the bubonic plague

But in some sense you're right, the best art and philosophy DOES come from times of hardship

>> No.13218734

>non ironically

>> No.13218754

I agree with everything you wrote here
t. fag no.2
It has this shiny pretty and empty visual aesthetic that IMO is the worst thing about modern films with artistic aspirations.

I get what you mean, actually. Yes, things are obviously not ideal (I was more focused on the total rejection and easy apathetic reaction to the contemporary production). I talked with a musicologist/composer recently who had similar thoughts regarding electronic music. However, I believe that the reason electronics went out of fashion is this - such composition bypasses the central point of art music - the sheet music and its realization by a human being in the dedicated acoustic space, on a physical instrument whose limits become the canvas. Electronic music is in a vague space, dehumanised, in a way, and its products that I've heard from the academic circles are extremely rational constructions, rather than causes of affects in the listener. That art is, in a way, for scientists, not artists, who truly have to go beyond the scientific-positivist-materialist metaphysics.
Your last point I won't contend, because I don't listen to opera enough to judge. Still, you're talking about the general dissipation of the older values and quality of music, so why do you expect a single figure to influence and reshape the art world? No great shift in the past happened thanks to one person, groundbreaking artists came in clusters.
IMO a possible path are artists such as Gould, Pogorelić, Celibidache, Bernstein, who cut through the fat of academicism.

>Literally none of these films will be remembered
wanna bet?
>they would not make it into a list of the best 500 films,
AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that's a great argument, now go back to IMDb
>let alone be remembered 100 years into the future
That's a real fucking bold thing to say, since film as we know it is around a 100 years old itself. All of your favourites might end up being forgotten, be careful with that. (But you probably have no idea how profoundly the western literary canon changed across the centuries, with no chance of understanding how fragile and young the film "top 500" is.)

>Unironically laughable
As I said, it's pseud-elitism. It's still superior to the completely mindless consumption and adoration created by Elvis.
>give us examples
I don't follow English writing, so I can only list names you probably won't find in translation. I also focus mostly on magazines so I won't be able to rec many novels either. Still, here's an English rec that fascinated me recently - JH Prynne. You can find his collected poems on Z-library.

>> No.13218755

Since everyone else is doing niche movies, ill bring up some good pop movies made in this decade (fuck you contrarians who say pop cant be good):

Mad Max
Moonrise Kingdom
Interstellar (i'm not personally a fan but who am I to say something isn't good?)
Anything by Villeneuve
Midnight in Paris
etc etc etc

>> No.13218762

Yeah like how Emerson Lake and Palmer isn't remembered by youth. Doesnt mean it's not great shit.

>> No.13218776

Midnight in Paris was horrible, but IK why u like that movie lol. Villenueve is a pseud (complete SJW movies derived from grandiose ideas), Moonrise Kingdom and Interstellar and Inception come on dude these sucked, Her was bleh (forgettable and mediocre), Mad Max was overrated.

>> No.13218784

Yikes. Can't argue with contrarian, i guess

>> No.13218789

I like Her until the ending. Somehow, with contemporary films, it's like they choke at the end and can never quite stick the landing. You can see it with most of the movies on this thread.

>> No.13218792
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>> No.13218797


>> No.13218801

Dude, those are mostly shit, and I'm one of the people defending this decade.

>> No.13218822

Holy Fuck these are terrible

>> No.13218866
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Pic related is the only album that music enthusiasts will look back on in the coming decades as an underrated classic.

>> No.13218869
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I feel like a lot of the books written in the last few decades have a square of important themes: setting, plot, characters and conclusion. The thing is, the reason nothing since the 80s has had a lasting impact is because something always fails on at least one of those points, and the others are great.
Unwind by Neil Shusterman has a horrifying setting, fitting plot (kid chosen to be euthanized and have his organs distributed decides he doesn't like that and runs off) and the conclusion of Unwind is downright revolting (kid he hates was cut up, and protagonist got part of that kid's arm). The main characters, though, besides Lev, are boring as hell. The side characters are some kino shit, but the main characters really make it forgettable.
Ready Player One has an interesting setting (anti-escapism to a level Hideaki Anno would be proud of), but everything else is really mediocre, e.g. the characters are mostly one-toned, the plot is stupid and the ending is fucking stupid.
Warriors is just bad.
Hunger Games has a really depressing plot and setting, but that's all it has. The worldbuilding is flawed and the characters are unbelievable.
The only lino out there is probably on sites like Wattpad, drowned under the millions of shitty gaypop fics and vampire romance.
The good writers don't care about books anymore, but rather about movies (where the money's at), TV and Internet fiction (web animations, podcasts and webcomics).
If only we knew how bad things really are.

>> No.13218878

If this is bait, it is a masterpiece

>> No.13218891

MBDTF is the best art of 21st century tho.

>> No.13218895
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Will fanfics stand the test of time in a post-pulp world where everything is digitized? When will human creativity end and when it does, what is left but premade settings and characters rearranged in combinations of scenarios only an autist can resolve with satisfying themes and conclusions? The curtain falls on the Age of Literature and the dawn of the Age of Fanfiction begins.

>> No.13218896
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Go to bed Scaruffi

>> No.13218902

The new season was a mess. Lynch had no idea what he was doing

>> No.13218903

>not much has happened for 10 years
>is this the end of history

Are you joking?


We are on one microscopic blip of time in the greater lifespan of humanity. Moreover, you’re judging things by art alone. There have been massive breakthroughs in computing in the past few decades. AI went through - and came out of - a “winter” where there weren’t any breakthroughs. Now autonomous cars and much more are on the horizon. Bitcoin was invented and people are now realizing that they’ll be able to design and give life to an economy of their creation, at the push of a few buttons. CRISPR was created which literally allows us to edit genes.
This morning, I had coffee with a girl that works for in top CRISPR research lab

Even with art people can now make music, make videos, create visual art, and write - getting more reach than ever, with virtually anything no barrier to entry. Honestly, that’s probably why not much of significance has appeared. There’s so much noise and we’re still adjusting.

The world is bigger than your computer screen.

>> No.13218916


>> No.13218924

What are you talking about

>> No.13218939

>muh gimmick technologies

>> No.13218973
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Depends. Are we talking about terrible crossover fanfiction, or things that show used-up characters in a new light?

>> No.13218994

Crossover can work but it will take a delicate hand to brush light strokes. Heavy-handed autism renders it unreadable. Continuations of characters, worlds and settings are the only other choice humans will have when the creative well dries up. It's the logical conclusion. Take what people know and love and make it deeper. Many will drown in a sea of shit but the gems will show themselves and carry on in the public virtual collective.

>> No.13219073

They sure have! That’show we got the historical avantgarde. But then people kept on saying it for the last 100 years and trying to out-avantgarde the avantgarde leaving us with less and less innovative rehashing of old themes. Nowadays most art is stylistically stale and tries to make a political point about muh immigrants or inequality and muh alienation and other unoriginal crap. The only way forward ins an avantgarde, and that’s already been done like twice now.

>> No.13219111

We're in the exact opposite to a lost decade. We've generate more data in, probably, minutes, than the totality of human history that came before us.

But anyway, are you aware of just HOW MUCH "lost decades" were there before? For 99.99% of humanity right up until the last century, every single day of their 60-year-lives was exactly the same. Your crops, and your cow if you were lucky. For 21900 days until you died.

>> No.13219129

So not much happened.

>> No.13219396
File: 34 KB, 645x729, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> "i don't like any modern media or entertainment so that means nobody else is going to remember it"
> "suffering creates good art"
> "le born in the wrong generation"

are you 12? this is what a child believes

I work in tech, and a lot of the stuff I'm seeing today would seem like heavy-handed foreshadowing for the emergence of a sci-fi dystopia were you to find it in a novel. Those cute neural nets that generate text [1] or anime waifus [2][3] are going to be a lot less cute once they become weaponized for mass disinformation campaigns. Not to mention governments building databases of DNA[4][5], facial recognition being rolled out pretty much everywhere[6][7][8], mass online surveillance [9][10] (snowden leaks were in 2013). I mean for fucks sake, we're willingly buying always-on microphones to put in our house so that it's easier to play music or get the weather.

The 10's are the beginning of the end for liberal enlightenment values like freedom and democracy. Those of us that remember will look back on this decade and say "we should have caught this shit sooner".

Saying that "nothing in this decade matters" is a brainlet take.

1. https://openai.com/blog/better-language-models/
2. https://www.thiswaifudoesnotexist.net/
3. https://www.gwern.net/TWDNE
4. https://gizmodo.com/ancestry-testing-company-it-s-our-moral-responsibilit-1833774781
5. https://www.fbi.gov/services/laboratory/biometric-analysis/codis/ndis-statistics
6. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/14/technology/china-surveillance-artificial-intelligence-racial-profiling.html
7. https://www.wired.com/story/some-us-cities-moving-real-time-facial-surveillance/
8. https://outline.com/wbUv7p
9. https://www.ub.uio.no/fag/naturvitenskap-teknologi/informatikk/faglig/bibliografier/no21984.html
10. https://archive.org/details/nsia-snowden-documents

>> No.13219453

Hey man. I think you are lost. This isn't reddit

>> No.13219640

no, she fucks me

>> No.13219658

is there a single good thing left in the western world?

>> No.13219665

I agree with everything except mad max. The action in that film is really groundbreaking. Especially if you compare it to other action films of the decade which are just cgi shitshows that look like videogames

>> No.13219711

came to this thread to say MBDTF, to my surprise it was already there. You're spot on

>> No.13219716

Suck my cock

>> No.13219724

western world?
dude there's no such thing as the west now
it stopped existing after imperialism and capitalism created a single globalized mono culture
there's nothing good anywhere

>> No.13219741
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The absolute shit taste in music of this board is astonishing, /mu/ tourists should fuck off.

Regarding movies I have no idea. Maybe Turin Horse or Under The Skin but I'm a retard in that department.

>An Elephant SItting Still
Is this for people who just heard that the faggot killed himself and never heard of slow cinema or is it actually good ?

>> No.13219743

i blame jewish people

>> No.13219791

white people*
ashkenazim are wh*te too

>> No.13219806

Twin Peaks season 3, you ridiculous ass

>> No.13219847

God what a bunch of fucking assholes in a shitty thread

>> No.13219914

But Ash is Purest White just came out last year.

>> No.13219927

The only good stemfag

>> No.13219939

>generic genre film in some exotic culture
I'm so tired of these kind of films. Everyone raves on them, just because they play in some strange environment. Birds of passage is exactly the same. You should have said long days journey into night. The only truly great and original chinese film of 2018

>> No.13219949
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Also a good film but if you're dismissing Ash you have such a poor grasp of cinematic language that you should probably stop trying to talk about cinema.

>> No.13219954

Film is perhaps the only art form still truly alive, dealing with contemporary problems in a contemporary way, and not just emulating forms of the past. Exciting films come out each year pushing the form and the content, as well as films that appeal to the masses and engage a large amount of the population, for better or for worse. But at least people are engaged, they talk about it. Who talks about the most recent gallery openings other than art critics?

There’s something for everyone in film, and it’s inspiring to have a living art form in our times, one that makes me think of how 16-17th century people might have felt about painting.

It’s not all bad fellas.

>> No.13219956

The film was way too long and had a hundred false endings. The last 2/3s were just a boring fuck up.

>> No.13220141

Twin peaks the return was the first instance of something new happening this decade but things don't settle like they used to we live in effervescent holographic like times where form itself is breaking down by the day & the rate at which we take in outweighs the rate at which we digest along with all the industries that once served as a mouthpiece of what is consider canon in a classic sense are now breaking down & retreating it into streaming services to make one last buck before the ship sinks

>> No.13220143

>No mention of Houellebeq

Submission and Serotonin will surely become emblematic of this decade

>> No.13220201

Oh look another polflake

>> No.13220531

imagine how vacuous you have to be to post this

>> No.13220546

>just as we don't remember early 20th century Jazz

Will miles davis be forgotten? Or Coltrane or Diz and Bird? I doubt it. Not for people who care about music. Same with good Hip Hop. All music. Gershwin is another example.

>> No.13220573

why not make art that promotes revolution? a la brecht. I'm convinced epic theatre is the high point of civilization and its all down hill after that. basically after the reformists crushed the gang of four and the real maoist impulse in China there was no hope left for history.

>> No.13220673

>political art
Get out of here

>> No.13220703

>why not make art that promotes revolution?
Because propaganda and one-sidedness makes for shit art.

>> No.13220784

ah, yes, The Threepenny Opera, the manifesto of countless revolutions and successful political reorganizations...

>> No.13220860

This but unironically

>> No.13220866

I think that Children of Men is the best portrait of our times that there is. But it will not be remembered.

Pageau does a good job of explaining the problem of fashion and trends.

>> No.13220884

Brecht certainly had a part in the cultural revolution of the 60s

>> No.13220954

>as Boyhood

Holy fucking Christ

>> No.13220962

name something

>> No.13220965

name one.

>> No.13220970

Tree of life

>> No.13220999

Holy shit anon, this is a bad list, mostly cribbed from popular /tv/ threads. Expand your horizons, almost everything you've listed is middling at best. And much of it is, indeed, reddit

>> No.13221019

Yea boyhood is something a 19 year old ultra tryhard pseud would hold in high esteem. It's the cinematic equivalent of those Facebook posts where someone takes a picture of themselves every day for a decade. All concept but bereft of content.
>Hey guys, did you know that people grow up and have like, experiences and stuff ?
Yikes. And this is coming from someone who generally admires Linklater and especially enjoys before sunrise/sunset

>> No.13221028

Dazed and confused and everybody wants some are both superior to the before trilogy

>> No.13221038


>> No.13221485

Inherent Vice

>> No.13221488


>> No.13221495

I dont agree

>> No.13221575

Breaking Bad ended in 2013 didn't it? So I guess it counts.

>> No.13221605

Blade Runner 2049

>> No.13221634

Dazed isn't. Everybody Wants Some is his third best movie after Boyhood and Midnight. Bernie, Tape, School of Rock, Slacker, and Waking Life are also good. You could literally say the same thing about Before Sunrise you said about Boyhood, that movie is incredibly immature. Before Sunset is also boring. Midnight is pure kino

>> No.13221644

Hmmm. I liked Ash, but I definitely see that anon. WB An Elephant Sitting Still?

>> No.13221652

It was also pretentious and unconcluded. Were we supposed to feel bad for him? Was the guy based? There were a few transcendental scenes that made it an enjoyable experience, but it was incomplete to an extent.

>> No.13221671

Yeah I'm a bit hard on Mad Max, and it was clearly a great action movie, but I don't think that's worth much. That and The Dark Knight were great films, but I don't like people on like /tv or normies that say it's better than like Au Hasard or a Man Escaped or Ivan's Childhood or Exterminating Angel or Seventh Seal, etc.

>> No.13221695

IDK I loved Boyhood. I don't really see ur criticism. It wasn't particularly deeply philosophical, but I found a lot of value in it in terms of emotions. The moments thing wasn't really overplayed, but was more prevalent in Linklater interviews. Before Sunrise is just a rip off of parts of Mother and the Whore, Before Sunset felt like it was just made to set up Before Midnight. It was more mature and grounded, but it's ultimately the most forgettable part of the trilogy even though it's a lot better than Before Sunrise.

>> No.13221734

I particularly enjoy linklaters early films because they have a naive intimacy to them , or at least convey those emotions to me. Very cinema verite, and I'm personally into the way he does it

>> No.13221837

Go drink your onions

>> No.13222185

This. Breaking Bad is the masterpiece of our time.

>> No.13222295

gonna give a (you) for an actually good post

>> No.13222297

I think it's better than seventh seal, but thats one of the minor Bergmans for me. Miller did elevate the action genre to such an extreme, that this film will stand the test of time. I think to date this has been my greatest cinema experience, maybe next to its hard to be a god. But yeah it's hard to compare Bergman to Miller. Bresson definitely is the goat, so won't argue with you there.

>> No.13223717

Any hope for Bernadette?