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13210553 No.13210553 [Reply] [Original]

I've been told he's the greatest english comic novelist.
Where do I start with Sir Kingsley Amis ?

>> No.13212020
File: 38 KB, 306x501, Jesus, he's only 42 in this picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read his grumpy racist mate instead.

>> No.13212031

I'd start with his excellent novel, The Painted Veil in which a young man (a "boy") is kidnapped and forced to paint a picture of his deceased father as he stands in front of his dying mother in an apartment block.

>> No.13212064

Lucky Jim

>> No.13212065

LUCKY JIM, naturally.

>> No.13212077

>greatest english comic novelist
>anyone but Wodehouse

>> No.13212096

fair, but i think a case can be made for amis - kingsley, not martin (CHRIST)

>> No.13212359
File: 174 KB, 600x960, productimage-picture-one-fat-englishman-354_e65d8bbf-9f71-4178-abe6-31146077f144_1024x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The neighborhood Anglo hating 'Amerifat' poster would probably enjoy beginning with pic'd.

>> No.13212365

Twain, Marryat, Wodehouse, are funnier. So are Swift and Hemingway imo

>> No.13212378

i believe he means english from england

>> No.13212387

George & Weedon Grossmith
Jerome K Jerome
PG Wodehouse

Were all funnier than Kingsley Amis. I'd argue for Dickens and Trollope above him too on the strength of The Pickwick Papers and Barchester Towers, at the very least.

>> No.13212389

>coffee and cigarette and wine
High IQ
Probably doesn't masturbate. Worst habit of all.

>> No.13212402

His mid-sixties to early-seventies novels show him at the height of his inventiveness. So if you like sf/fantasy, then try The Green Man, The Alteration, or The Anti-death League. If you’re looking for humane, humorous, though ultimately very dark portraits of humanity across the age range, then his earlier and later novels Take a Girl like You, and The Old Devils are recommended. If you want Amis at the height of his despair, then try his seventies-early-eighties books — beginning with Ending Up

>> No.13212414

>cigarette and alcohol
>not worse than masturbation
Pick one

>> No.13212418

i think that's tea
and he & larkin used to send each other p e r v e r s e photos

>> No.13212434

>i believe he means english from england
i believe he means ur moms gay lol

>> No.13212447

Oh, actually, I can’t believe I forgot Girl, 20 — my personal favourite.

Kingsley Amis and the other members of the so-called “Angry Young Men” of the fifties were all lower-middle-class men who, through scholastic excellence, and resulting Oxbridge scholarships, found themselves moved up a class rung. A lot of the early fiction depicts their discomfort with the values of their new, adopted society position. In Amis’s case, this meant an incredible knowledge of almost every kind of literature, clashing with his love of sf, fantasy, pornography and fucking almost every woman in the vicinity. It also meant a complete repudiation of modernist style. He was never innovative, so if you prefer the likes of Bellow, Roth, Nabokov, then you may find Amis’s realism to be something of a clash.

>> No.13212460

His, Amis and Robert Conquest’s letters to each other pretty fucking good. They’re basically high-quality shitposts.

>> No.13212461

Not the best at all, that’s Waugh or Wodehouse. Anyway, Stanley and the Women or Lucky Jim

>> No.13212472

>english comic novelist

>> No.13212992
File: 10 KB, 201x250, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jerome's a low quality RLS rip off

>> No.13213001

They may kill the body, but masturbation kills the mind!

>> No.13214109

He never said he was great just the greatest of said you potential brown

>> No.13214153

Helpful posts. Thank you anon !