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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 223 KB, 920x920, mosaic352758667e4775ed8db2d11e755556f1b1759bd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13211532 No.13211532 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that if you are not an INFP you will never have talent for literature.

>> No.13211538

INTP gang rise up

>> No.13211549

who gives a shit literature and art is for losers im out here fucking bitches lmao


>> No.13211551

I'm an infp and my writing is dog shit and I feel shame when I post. Also why no Tolkien?

>> No.13211555
File: 66 KB, 182x277, hans-christian-andersen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could a more INFP author possibly exist?

>> No.13211560
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Most great writers were Scorpios.

>> No.13211569
File: 93 KB, 488x640, 82e6c86555ba444ca7032e17ce88101a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mishima, Novalis

Did you just take a wild guess? Both of them needed to be around people

>> No.13211579

Reminder that if you are not xNTP you will never have talent for philosophy.

>> No.13211580

i am ENTP, but am on the border with E and T, where N and P are solidly established… will i make it brehs?

>> No.13211590

>having a proclivity for anything creative

>> No.13211603

Reminder that if you are an INTP you have a talent for philosophy and literature that will never be developed while ISTP-tards will publish their shit.

>> No.13211607

I’m an ENFP. I’ve done a bunch of creative work in my life. But I’m gonna be a lawyer soon, so it doesn’t really matter how many gigs and art shows I’ve done.

>> No.13211609

Your E may change, your T won't, don't worry bruh trust me it's better that way.

>> No.13211615

So I'm going to make it?
I hope so. Being INFP isn't good for much else.

>> No.13211629

Gigs and artshows are to the E as music and art are to I

>> No.13211631


>> No.13211634

Reminder that if you believe in this shitty mbti thing you will most likely achieve nothing with your life.

>> No.13211637
File: 98 KB, 455x626, Guy_with_knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personality is situational not some objective "You are x therefore you will always act like x" things

>> No.13211640


>> No.13211644

It's scientific you dumb liberal arts student

>> No.13211653

Yeah, I feel you. Sometimes I feel like I’m prostituting the stuff I make, but it’s nice sometimes to get feedback and make sales. To know someone enjoys what you put so much effort into is nice.

>> No.13211659

hey fellas this site says im rough on romantic partners. hopefully all my ex girlfriends who talk shit ablut me on finsta realize its cuz my brain doesnt work rite and not cuz i hate them

>> No.13211661

Sure abandon your writing career because some letter said so.

>> No.13211667

Just because you fill a test and then say "wow, that's so me", doesn't make it scientific, retard.

>> No.13211672

socrates was a textbook ENTP retard

>> No.13211687

>"Personality types" are now treated as identity groups

>> No.13211702

it's just astrology for men

>> No.13211721

only based reply in the thread, therefore:
it is truly saddening you guys value yourselves based on some meme pseudoscience
read more, get out more, live more, maybe then you'll understand it's not about the trivial things

>> No.13211742

im gonna start a branh of divination where our main textbook is the bell curve and we just do phrenology and tell ppl to kill their parents if theyre mexican

>> No.13211762

history folx what did shakespeare smell like?

>> No.13211774

Shalom brother, happy Shabbat to you. Drinking that Manisievitz to cut loose? Anyway, I study shakespeare at brandeiss university, and I would say he smelled line STALE ANTISEMITISM

>> No.13211792

He was very bitter and he made an awful lot of bad smell. His face smelled of onions and he had this crazy smell you couldn't really describe, it really smelled like onions. And then he kept doing little plays called The Tempest and Romeo and Juliet. So I think you might find that Shakespeare was a great person who smelled very bad, but that I'd have to put up with much worse. So, like I said, I never had a bad taste that Shakespeare could never be able to do. I was never, you know, in the situation where I could really taste something. I guess I can always say something bad about anything. I would rather never have to taste something.

>> No.13211826

Mishima and Melville were INFJs, though

>> No.13211836

>not typing every famous figure you're vaguely interested in as a dumb pastime

>> No.13211891

Found the woman

>> No.13212062

As an INTP i am intelligent enough to realize this shit is barely a step above horoscope.

>> No.13212310

Have sex

>> No.13212323

Have sex

>> No.13213682
File: 13 KB, 220x330, 'David'_by_Michelangelo_Fir_JBU013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google says David is ENFJ and he wrote the Psalms. Checkmate.

>> No.13213705


read a book

>> No.13213723

literally who

>> No.13213732

>Tfw personality slowly shifted away from INTP

It's worse

>> No.13213759


>> No.13213838
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>> No.13213846

Only brainlets give those Myers-Briggs tests any merit.

>> No.13213958

Where do I take that test again

>> No.13214003
File: 33 KB, 500x323, 57B0C13E-4931-4456-A022-E2AC3EAA6561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O U C H.

>> No.13214032

hell yeah INFP chads rise up

>> No.13214048

sorry fren but we are the bottom of the barrel desu.

>> No.13214068

youre such a fucking faggot if you believe in astrology

please shoot yourself

>> No.13214162

nope, he was INTp

>> No.13214165

Give sex

>> No.13214175
File: 93 KB, 519x402, typelets can't compete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Ni-Fi overdose

>> No.13214181


>> No.13214258


well I am but I don't know if having a talent for literature is necessarily worth being one step away from suicide for your entire life

>> No.13214360

The best composers as well

Beethoven (https://www.idrlabs.com/articles/2016/12/why-ludwig-van-beethoven-is-infp/))
Richard Strauss

>> No.13214379

now thats a good company,
makes me feel a bit better being a worthless infp

>> No.13214434

Robert Schumann on Wagner: ''For me Wagner is impossible... he talks without ever stopping. One can't just talk all the time.''
Wagner on Robert Schumann: ''It is impossible to communicate with Schumann! The man is hopeless; he doesn't talk at all.''

>> No.13214440


>> No.13214458

what if i'm INTP? what kind of literary fate i deserve.

>> No.13214462
File: 671 KB, 1129x359, famous INFPs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an INFP myself but i am a fan of some INFPs. pic related, my favorite INFPs. not pictured: my friend bill, who is also an INFP.

>> No.13214475


I just took the test and got INFP. In the past I think I got INTJ or whatever. The Architect, I think?

>> No.13214486
File: 104 KB, 1500x1000, the architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the architect's type is FATT

>> No.13214493

Balzac and Zola were INTP.
Mostly boring authors but Lost Illusion is a great book.

>> No.13214502

hello mr. BROsnan,
my gf is an awfully skinny type
any advice?
ps: bigg fan

>> No.13214540
File: 53 KB, 500x425, c0f53ec744c9643b6eb1f76d842c72bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do so many people take pride in calling themselves INTP? It seems that whenever this personality test comes up theres alway a fairly large group of people that call themselves intp despite statistically intps are roughly 2.5% of the world population.

>> No.13214547

the only idea of restringing the whole human mind with all its immeasurable creative capabilities in a few estereotypical profiles makes me sick

>> No.13214595


>> No.13214620

how they know this if neither of them could have taken the test

>> No.13214621

4chan draws a predominantly INTP audience so of course it will look somewhat disproportionate to global statistics.

>> No.13214636


But why?
You think too highly of humans
They fall into patterns and categories like everything else
If you think they're so special it's only because you are one

>> No.13214646

Isn't it the most common male type?

>> No.13214658

come on, which personality Jesus Christ had? fuck off

>> No.13214676

Its not pseudoscience.
However, I do agree that in this context, its about as good as astrology. The type of dead men cannot be truly determined, and one's own type is bound to shift from time to time. Its also not entirely useful for determining one's ability at a given task.
But this thread is just for fun, I imagine.

>> No.13214683

>One of the sixteen personality types under the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which measures psychological preferences.
>The letters in INFP stand for: Introverted, intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving.
>The INFP's cognitive functions are used in this order: Introverted feeling (Fi), Extroverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Sensing (Si), and Extroverted Thinking (Te).
>INFPs are a part of the Idealist Temperament (NF) and are often referred to as "The Healers","The Idealists", or "The Dreamers".
>Being highly imaginative, creative and empathetic, INFPs often have a great propensity for language, writing, psychology, art, music, and altruism.
>Although known for being quiet and gentle, if an INFP's values are violated, they can become harshly defensive of their principles. The INFP's values are at the core of their idealism and motivation in life.
Holy shit that’s literally me

>> No.13214687


males are roughly half the population and statistically only like 3% of the population has it and seeing as both males and females can have it id have to say no.


Whats your reasoning behind it attracting mostly intps?

>> No.13214699

Antisocial autists posting about feels is the definition of INFP

>> No.13214714

Read a book about having sex

>> No.13214717

"the illiad"

>> No.13214724


>that pic

So this is what lead to Confessions of a Mask...

>> No.13214739

guilty lol

>> No.13215759


>> No.13215936
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>> No.13216281

you're just worthless.

>> No.13216298

literally all INTJ

>> No.13216811


jung was intp tho as well as socrates

>> No.13216841
File: 62 KB, 1746x499, INTP-T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I cool now?

>> No.13216910

bend over

>> No.13216978
File: 230 KB, 1100x865, yukio_mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you believe this is the face of mercy?

>> No.13217006

wtf I'm INFP should I become a writer?

>> No.13217150


Try this one it might be more accurate


>> No.13217172

Debord knew his shit.

>> No.13217239
File: 52 KB, 1230x392, INTj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slight difference.

>> No.13217277
File: 65 KB, 1403x242, Screenshot_2019-05-31 Tools.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Huh, according to there tool thing we wouldnt get along irl

>> No.13217411

this is a sperg site (besides the normie boards) so it of course draws the sperg types

>> No.13217417

most common type among males is ISTJ

>> No.13217422

It's making fun of the people who believe personality horoscopes

>> No.13217428

Anon, do not spoonfeed the r*dditors.

>> No.13218716


>> No.13218760

INTP is one of the least cool types
it's also the most common type on 4chan

>> No.13219075

Some days I am an ESTJ and somedays I am an INFP. I just can't explain it.

>> No.13219077

>energy, nature, tactics
What is this bullshit

>> No.13219087

that's so gemini

>> No.13219109

INTj in Socionics corresponds to INTP in MBTI, they have the same cognitive functions

>> No.13219651

Not in Poetry

>> No.13219654


>> No.13219997


He was thought to be one? do your research

>> No.13220003

Reminder that if you are not INTP you will never be able to remember the complete history of trains or be able to recite it at a moments notice.

>> No.13220078

I'm PTSD myself

>> No.13221586
File: 217 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190601-144538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh this is the first MBTI that has suggested that I'm plausibly a INTP instead of an INTJ but at the same time it also tells me I'm 99% likely to be INTJ instead of INTP. Pic related. I feel like the result might have been affected by that people images part of the test, which I don't think I've ever seen on any other MBTI test online I've taken. Really makes me think. Thanks anon!

>> No.13221607

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