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13210917 No.13210917 [Reply] [Original]

what are some books that will make me not racist?

>> No.13210943

Just don't hate non-whites lmao focus on what they're doing not their race

>> No.13210947

You should read less if you want to be a Luddite

>> No.13210949
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to kill a mockingbird

>> No.13210952

just stop being racist, it's cringe. If you want separation so badly you can have political leanings that somewhat separate the races without being racist too without going overboard.
Also whatever your race is it's full of a bunch of morons and losers too.

>> No.13210959

The New Testament.

>> No.13210958

t. Science denier

>> No.13210963

Racism is just a side effect of being stupid. Read anything that interests you and you’ll probably forget about all that shit

>> No.13210965

how am i supposed to justify my beliefs without the proper literature to back it?

>> No.13210972

Camp of Saints

>> No.13210973

Oh god one of these guys

>> No.13210979

W.E. Du Bois - The Souls of Black Folk
Frantz Fanon - The Wretched of the Earth
Any of Langston Hughes' poetry
Jean Toomer - Cane

>> No.13210980

I never denied any science, wtf are you talking about?

>> No.13210988

Oh look it's the person who thinks chihuahuas can do everything a collie can

>> No.13210994

Don't feel sad. Go to your nearest black neighborhood, rent a room there and live in this room for some time. I can guarantuee you. You're not going to be sad anymore because of your racism.

>> No.13210999
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if your racism extends to Jews, this should help.

>> No.13211000

Racism is scientifically sound. Antiracism is denial, and most often hypocritical.

>> No.13211002

It's like asking, 'what are some books that will make me love wasps?' It does not matter. Being concerned about liking or disliking something lesser than yourself is laughable.

>> No.13211004

I happen to enjoy being racist.
Any books that will make me more racist that aren't Mein Kampf?

>> No.13211008


>> No.13211011

Camp of Saints

>> No.13211017

Not close to being the same thing

>> No.13211018

discrimination and antagonism isn't scientifically sound you fucking moron. You can acknowledge differences between races without being a racist.

>> No.13211019

That sure is a substantial rebuttal.

>> No.13211023

>low IQ racist can't even get the name of his shitty favorite book right
I'm shocked.

>> No.13211026

Can you acknowledge dysgenic fertility without being concerned about it?

>> No.13211028
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Our true nationality is mankind. But men build too many walls and not enough bridges.Yet it doesn't have to be that way. You can start today. Enjoy Coca-Cola® with your fellow man.

>> No.13211032

Pretty much anything on here :^)
>Any books that will make me more racist that aren't Mein Kampf?
If you became more "racist" (as the term is commonly used nowadays) from reading Mein Kampf, you did not understand the message.
I suggest reading this article.

>> No.13211035

>dude people are like dogs
>"no they're not"
>wow pathetic rebuttal dude, non-racists have no intellectual ground to stand on

>> No.13211038

Why are people not like dogs?

>> No.13211039

Hating niggers is alright. Hating other nonwhites isn't.

>> No.13211040
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>a book warning about the disastrous effects of unchecked immigration is racist
>opposing open borders now makes you racist
You're the low IQ one bud

>> No.13211041

How does it have any less substance than yours? If I really am denying science you should be able to do more than make some false equivalency between human beings and breeds of dogs

>> No.13211049

If you skinned a black person and a white person you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Breeds of dogs have way actual genetic differences

>> No.13211051

The crazy thing about supporting immigration is it fucks over the country they leave. Lefties don't give a single fuck about anything but virtue signaling and leaching.

>> No.13211054

This is your brain on /pol/

>> No.13211057

Breeds of human have actual genetic differences too, it doesn't matter what they look like you absolute brainlet.

>> No.13211064

yeah but what about eyes?

>> No.13211065

At least I have a brain.

>> No.13211070

The color of your skin correlates with the climate you live in. There are no biological differences between races

>> No.13211076

most dysgenic fertility isn't related to race

>> No.13211078

t. Science denier

>> No.13211083

What about them?

>> No.13211088

>africans disproportionately breeding
>dysgenic fertility isn't related to race

Funny how these guys never elaborate their opinions, it's just "no".

>> No.13211089
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>> No.13211090

If you understood the science you’re talking about you would have explained it to me already. It doesn’t exist

>> No.13211091

>The color of your skin correlates with the climate you live in.
>There are no biological differences between races.


>> No.13211095

Father of DNA James Watson says that there are biological differences between race.

>> No.13211096

It takes generations upon generations to change phenotype. This does not affect ones biology whatsoever

>> No.13211097

>low IQ racist NPC unwittingly uses the wrong variant of an extremely common word
>frequents the literature board to feel smart
I'm shocked.

>> No.13211100

>breeds of human
seeing as you're pretending to be a resident geneticist please tell me all of the ways in which the genetic code differs between race

>> No.13211108

If you'd have 100000 skinned people. And you'd remove everyone with brown or black eyes you're only left with white people, Jews, white middle easterners and a few weird genetical cases (maybe) Although you'd probably have removed like 1/6th of the white people too.

>> No.13211113

The color of your skin has no impact on your biology, referring to the chemical processes and molecular interactions that make you work

>> No.13211114

Just stop thinking about race so much, books on race are fucking cringe 9/10 and will just make you more racist. Engage in the humor but dont take it literally

>> No.13211115

You would also need to be a geneticist to deny me you fucking hypocrite leftard

>> No.13211118

I mean... you just made that up. My whole family has brown eyes, with exceptions of course due to the way recessive traits work, and I’m white

>> No.13211120

LMAO! holy shit, I'm speaking against racism in this thread but this is just stupid.

>> No.13211129

Why are you speaking against racism, why do you want the world to be destroyed, why do you have so much faith in the low iq?

>> No.13211131

you can also statistically separate the races by the way their body and skull are built. It won't be 100% accurate but still larger thatn 50/50

>> No.13211143

Burden of proof is on you, silly. I'm making a total of zero claims about the relationship between race and genetics. I'm simply asking you to back yours up with substantial evidence.

>> No.13211145

It’s true though. There is a skin color gradient that gets lighter as you move away from the equator.

>> No.13211151

You can even recognize the differences in bone structure when you interact with other races. These people are in denial, probably for selfish reasons.

>> No.13211157

I provided evidence and an appeal tonauth

>> No.13211159

Nope. That’s bullshit that has been disproven as well. Scientists have tried in the past to find differences between races in skull structure and literally can’t. The nazis tried to distinguish the Jews that way and found nothing. Europeans did the same thing with Africans

>> No.13211164

I don't hate or discriminate against anyone with a low iq, that's just how they are. Besides it's not their fault that they're breeding so much, it's because of 'philanthropists' and capitalists who want more people to feed on. If there was good border control and no economical and culture industrial expansion disguised as 'philanthropy' into poor countries there wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.13211167

Appeal to authority*

>> No.13211171

The Bible made me not racist desu

>> No.13211172
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>judging a book by its cover is "scientifically sound"
t. not a scientist

>> No.13211176

>Why are you speaking against racism
Because it is immoral, and current racial classification systems are archaic, promoting division between people rather than unity and quality.
>why do you want the world to be destroyed
I do not - I would counter that tribalists such as yourself, hell-bent on preserving your tribe to the detriment of any other priority, are aiming at that goal.
>why do you have so much faith in the low iq?
IQ has been used as a replacement for virtue. When judging a person, I will judge them by their actions, not their propensity for pattern recognition.

>> No.13211177

Imagine being this much of an NPC.

>> No.13211178

I also understand the jews are the problem.

>> No.13211180

what's the deal with sports then, why do some races excel so much in certain ones. For example white people in swimming and pure strength.

>> No.13211182

"Non-racism" is a social norm. So stay away from fringe media (imageboards, Chinese cartoons, weird youtube channels, etc.) and just be normal around normal people, bro.

>> No.13211184

Your evidence was "people are like dogs"? I didn't realise allegorical statements would hold water in an academic journal

>> No.13211186

>leftists want open borders
>leftists also want world organized socialism/communism so no one place is sucking resources from another in the first place

>> No.13211187

>genes are only skin deep

>> No.13211188

Talk to more people. You'll realize all races are full of awful heathens.

>> No.13211192

it's not just Jews, a large majority of the problem are white too.
le npc, upvoted!

>> No.13211196

I readily admit to being what many would consider 'racist' and homophobic/transphobic to boot, but my I believe my motivation for such 'bigotry' differs from that of your run of the mill pollack, ie. pathetic concern for one's physical safety and barely disguised psychosexual anxiety.

for lack of a better explanation, i would say my ''racism stems from a consistent atheism and nietszcheanism. i don't believe in 'the white race' 'tradition' the fatherland or related spooks, nor do I place much weight on muh science, iq or fbi crime statistics, what i am against is the liberal cult of the victim, which i believe to be a development of christian slave morality. the liberals have merely replaced christ on the cross for a snivelling pink haired queer.

I don't feel repulsed by the homosexual act or even transgender genital mutilations, to each their own I guess, its the pious sense of holiness of these people that leaves makes me retch in disgust, the way the whole corpora-governmental establishment insists in shoving those freaks down our throats as the model virtuous citizens and ideal consumers.

Likewise i am not afraid of nigger criminals, in a way I respect them, as the last representatives of that manful brutal way of life that homer sang about, something nearly unheard of in this feminized bureaucratic society. it's the college niggers. ta-neshi coates and the other proffesional victims, likewise a snivelling priesthood intent on enslaving through guilt. everything that denies life, everything that stands between the strong and their flourishing must perish or must be made to perish by any means necessary.

you should read Nietszche and 'Might Makes Right' by a certain Ragnar Redbeard

>> No.13211206

Cultural and socioeconomic differences. People play the sports that the people around them enjoy and play as well. It’s not hard to see why white people, who have a larger share of the wealth in America, play hockey and swim. They’re more expensive to play

>> No.13211207

The invisible man by ralph Ellison, i like this one not because it shows the main character as "le opressed nigger by the cruel white man society" but shows what a tool the main character becomes at the hand of the organisation he believed in, really relatable for any human being senpai

>> No.13211214

That is true, jews aren't all the wealth or even the majority of it but they are the most disproportionately wealthy.

>> No.13211218

natural selection can still breed differences between races, just that attempting to objectify race according to genetics is a highly inconsistent metric. Black people are incredibly athletic and strong, for example, not because of some exemplary gene in their body but because the slower/weaker ones would've died during slavery. The actual genetic differences between races are irrelevant because the same thing would've happened to white people had they been enslaved too

>> No.13211223

>why are white people so good at swimming
I'll let you google how income and socioeconomic factors like redlining affected where non-whites could live (re: not places with pools)

>> No.13211227
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>> No.13211228

That doesn't explain why white people are all the strong men.

>> No.13211235

sub-100 IQ hands typed this post

>> No.13211236

You see how one side is trying to put together a convincing argument and the other resorts to le epic npc meme

>> No.13211239

Racism is based on races, which is a social construct as it is arbitrary, so it is skin deep.

>> No.13211243

If you think that, you entirely missed out the point of the book. Even the commie organization is WHITE and that's why they used him: White culture, per Ellison, solely uses nonwhites to advance its own agenda and to make itself feel nice inside by "helping".

Just like the boxing scene to decide who gets a scholarship.

>> No.13211253

That's just you trying to force the narrative, the primary reasons for racism are behaviors

>> No.13211258

Yes it does. White people are pushed towards that sport by the very factors that I mentioned

>> No.13211260

Anyone who reads this thread will see you antiracists are just throwing a tantrum. You also fucked up by hating on white people(don't pretend you haven't)

>> No.13211268

You actually think there aren’t black people with that build? Have you watched an NFL or NBA game?

>> No.13211272

>anyone who doesn't hate black people hates white people

>> No.13211276

Dammit, he caught me! Foiled again... I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for /pol/!!!

>> No.13211281

>implying I'm not the most fit to critique white culture as a member of it myself
lmao, why do you think the best books that slam the Black community for aspects of their fuckery are from Black authors? You that smallbrain?

>> No.13211283

I haven't only the olympics

>> No.13211284

Keep trying disingenuous lefturd

>> No.13211286


>> No.13211287

This. More incoming reddit tourists.

>> No.13211299

yes I would, dummy. or you can not be a psychopath and measure some parameters from their blood and tell them apart also.

>> No.13211304

Go to a black neighborhood at night and try to discuss postmodern literature. You wont be racist afterwards.

>> No.13211305

blood exists.

>> No.13211308

I'm not a leftist. I just don't hate black people.

>> No.13211310

Of course I don’t hate white people, and I’m definitely not throwing a tantrum. We both know you’re only doing this to avoid proving your point

>> No.13211313

There is no logical reason for black people to like white people even if were all the same

>> No.13211316
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>> No.13211325

i would not have noticed otherwise. bless this genius.

>> No.13211326

yeah, my poor white east side of downtown is really well known for loving Perecs. Stick it to those darkies, anon.

>> No.13211327

I'm going to let the thread speak for itself now.

>> No.13211328

>go to black neighbourhood
>begin to read fanged noumena out-loud
>Black guy sucks his teeth and grabs his crotch "yo this wh*teboi doing some hella crazy shit"
>Black girls all begin to twerk around me
sounds like the dream honestly

>> No.13211333

Why does racism have to be emotionally charged? I call out what I see, I don't hate them for being retarded niggers, suspending common sense for new-age morals will more likely than not lead you into a bad situation, which I don't want to happen.

>> No.13211339

why is there all this racial discrimination bullshit when i get discriminated for being a left handed person 24/7 in almost every trade. everything is made for right hand people, i demand equality. this is legitimate discrimination, i look like a retard handling things that are made for right handers.

>> No.13211351

No difference in blood at all. Show me a source and I’ll change my mind

>> No.13211355
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He cute

>> No.13211357

Source on that

>> No.13211359

put a knife in your arm and make a small cut, blood.

>> No.13211363

Congrats. You have said nothing of substance

>> No.13211368

It's common knowledge for anyone in medicine, I'm just linking the first result on google.

>> No.13211371

Source on blood being different between races

>> No.13211376

Try hard

>> No.13211392
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leftists believe society is based on economics and all ideas are a product of underlying economic substructures.

Leftists don't go deep enough in their deconstruction and critical skepticism, they are still too attached to this sentimental idea of human equality. What they don't realise is economics, society and humanity itself is but an expression of biology, selfish genes selected for their optimal fitness. like chemistry is ultimately physics and physics is ultimately mathematics, sociology can be reduced to biology. You can't make darwin go away just like you can't make gravity go away. See Napoleon Chagnon's research on conflict in primitive tribal societies, conflict is unconsciously determined by genetical proximity.

Ever noticed how Marxism, critical theory and Christianity originate with the same set of carriers of a set of middle eastern happlogroups(aka the Jews)? if we think about this rationally and strategically from a genes perspective, we will have no choice but to conclude that these ideologies are in fact rational evolutionary strategies of a parasitical subspecies. exploiting the overdevelopped empathy and individualism of the host people, jews deceive them into canceling out their bloodline. I'm not saying they are 'evil'- like the flatworm and the viper, they are not necessarily aware of what they do.

National Socialism is a rational evolutionary strategy for white people, operating through the concepts of eugenics, lebensraum and the fuhrerprinzip. Class consciousness? its genetic consciousness we should be worried about. Leftist ideas are just a way to deceive you into acting against your genetic interest.

>> No.13211397

Why does Coca-Cola make you think of the future? By the time you drink Coke you have probably experienced the consequences of that "future". Coca-Cola and its friends have created the present by marketing and introducing your kids products like Coca-Cola and Mountain Dew. Coca-Cola has become a part of your daily life and it is very easy to look at the future and imagine how things will have to go in your future, especially after that one moment in your life where you have a bottle of Coke and another bottle of sugary beverages. The image is easily put together: a future with two Coke and soda, and one Pepsi. There is a feeling that something is in store ahead. Coke and other drinks, especially high-powered sports drinks have an image of a future where all you have to do is drink Coke and one of the other soft drinks is Pepsi. When you drink Coke, some part of you thinks of an ideal future, a life without these two hard-drinks. This image of a future of two Cokes and a Pepsi comes directly from Coca-Cola commercials, not from our reality. We can't change reality, only our dreams. In the next few pages, we will focus on how and why Coca-Cola has become a part of our culture, and how

>> No.13211400

Why do lefties always ask for sources without looking for them first, it's like they're not actually trying to discuss anything, just trying to win.

>> No.13211406

If you don’t want to try to participate in an argument, you don’t have to say anything

>> No.13211407

based ai poster

>> No.13211415

Burden of proof I guess? Why should I have to take everyone’s words at face value

>> No.13211421

Why wouldn't you research claims you wanted to dispute?

>> No.13211437

I shouldn’t have to repeat myself but the burden of proof is on the person who asserts something

>> No.13211445

Interesting and seems legit, although I have no idea what the implications of that study are. I skimmed it and I see it mentions different diets as a reason for the differences which of course doesn’t say anything inherently about race.

>> No.13211448
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The right doesn't get scott free, I mean look at (((who))) happen to be the foremost promoters of free market capitalism and neoconservatism, but leftism is a master class in delusion. they pretend to be showing you how 'the real world' works but they can't manage to break the judeochristian programming

>> No.13211503

I've been living in a black neighborhood for the last few years. When can I expect the racism to start?

>> No.13211540

Nah my nigga, it's about how power structures are often( i guess like 99% of the time) run by invisible forces with obscure interests; in this way it's relatable, you can devote your life to an idea promoted by a group only to find that the whole thing is a façade and they basically used you for their agenda. Do you seriously think that the political parties are operating like you see them on tv? There are large stakes at play, and courtin after courtin after courtin of deception. That's the message, the race thing for me wasn't so apparent, you can see that in the book he didn't even feel substantialy different from the rest or opressed when he came to new york, compared to the south.

>> No.13211547

When you stop being black.

>> No.13211561

Nothing to Envy: Ordinary lives in North Korea

>> No.13211608

Why do racists pretend ideological power structures are some innate biological thing?

>> No.13211618

>You can acknowledge differences between races without being a racist.
I don't really see how, unless your definition of racism is very narrow, like "physically beating the races you don't like".

>> No.13211630
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>> No.13211635

It’s finally happened. The percentage of redditers has crossed 50% of /lit/. Well, it was fun while it lasted, lads.

>> No.13211645

You're missing the critical jump: Things weren't any different in the north or the south because...

And, those "invisible forces" that run the power structures are run by people who are...

>> No.13211663

>the new Jim Crow

Actually, nah, just go watch the wire.

>> No.13211674
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Do you carefully examine the earlobes of everyone you meet and sort them into categories, and prefer one category to the other, and assume people with one type of lobe are a certain way?

>> No.13211677
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see, >>13211392, why do leftists pretend ideological structures are an economical thing? why not take the radical critique to the next level?


>> No.13211689

Or, possibly, both race and class are nonsense spooks?
btw, just a tip, don't use the word 'leftists'. It makes you sound stupid

>> No.13211719

james baldwin

>> No.13211738

So if I try to decode your post: a racist is someone who obsesses over certain details?
But what are those details? Where do you draw the lines between merely observing something casually and being obsessed?

My point, really, is this: there is no usable definition of racism that would fit the current mainstream narrative ("there are normal people and then there are those bad racists").
Instead, we should realize that we're all racists, because we all notice the differences between races. And when we notice the differences we also form hierarchies, roughly speaking (and these hierarchies can vary).

>> No.13211747

That's why I dislike woke blacks, I actually understand right wing black racial separatists like Farrakhan and the NOI and afrocentric leaders like Khadaffi with their ideas of self reliance and pride. What's the solution then? more guilt mongering, more self flagellation, more apologies? If we aunderstanding between races is impossible why not go our own separate ways? Integration requires tremendous amounts of guiltmongering cultural control and intrusive social engineering, and it's been nothing short of disastrous for blacks, who have had their cultures and communities destroyed, just look at the data, the black family unit has been destroyed as has the wealth of the black middle class. The average black man in the ghetto has nothing to gain from the intersectional ideology, you will notice its all white liberals, cat ladies, and queers who promote this sort shit. We have been witnessing the rise of a new leftist power elite made up of academics, journalists, media personalities, corporate and federal managers and bureaucrats, who think they can control ordinary people through guilt, making them feel as powerless and humiliated as possible, convincing them can't even trust themselves because they are truly really by powerful irrational forces, original sin, I mean ''unconscious racism''.

>> No.13211761

The Invention of the White Race by Theodore Allen
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
Black Skin White Masks by Frantz Fanon

If you're socially conservative, Autobiography of Malcolm X is good because he was very conservative and presents his experience and defense of blacks assuming to be speaking to conservatives

>> No.13211767

Watch Come and See and Europa, Europa.

>> No.13211770

>And when we notice the differences we also form hierarchies
So what is your earlobe hierarchy?

>> No.13211776
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identity and violence by amartya sen
not memeing.

>> No.13211812

I won't say, but only because I don't want to be rude to people with wrong earlobes.
Now therefore you'd say I'm not a racist, but you'd be wrong, because I still have racist thoughts. And if I was ever forced to choose between type A or B I'd do it without hesitation.

>> No.13211842

ITT: bluepilled takes

There are genetic differences in population groups due to interbreeding between hominids, but that can't be conflated with "race" as such, and certainly not with skin color - it also probably does not mean much re: behavioral differences.

>> No.13211857

Skin color is a biological difference

>> No.13211858

>don't call it race, call it something else
yawn, whatever dude

>> No.13211877
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there is a common leftist assumption: the idea of human equality as this unassailable and irrefutable axiom, which is strange considering inequality has been a constant throughout human history. Class first leftists hold to an orthodox marxist utopian scheme, everything can be explained by economics, workers right, bourgeoisie wrong. the scheme has been thoroughly disproven by all historical developments. On the contrary while the more common 'intersectional' leftist thinks the problem lies with 'hate' and a myriad structures of oppression, though they are egalitarians, they are more rational than the marxists, they understand at some level that politics is about identity and shared values rather than merely a product of economics. Why are all nearly all orthodox marxists white?They seem to be young white men who feel alienated by globohomo capitalism and a culture who hates them, but are still too mired in judeochristian morality to actually embrace a rational identitarian course of action

>> No.13211906

>Every genetic difference between whites and blacks has occured in the last 400 years as a result of the slave trade
Imagine being this retarded

>> No.13211917

>acknolwdges left hand discrimination
>still a racist

come on, dude

>> No.13211934

>le woke stirner meme

individualism is an implicitly white attitude. Freedom and individualism have only existed in all white societies. Just look at the direction corporate and academic culture has been taking aided and abetted by the so called oppositional movements of the 'antiauthoritarian' left and the anarchists. The total takeover of a certain hegemonic ideology is absolutely eveident. They won't allow you to be a free individual, they see you as an enemy who has to be made to conform and submit, who has to be reduced to a guilty conscience. The progressive idea of 'unconscious prejudice' and its parent the freudian idea of the unconscious throws a spanner in the works of the whole stirnerite system, the ego is actually under the thrall of irrational forces. the conflict boils down toa conflict between irreconciliable axioms, equality vs inequality.

>> No.13211935

i stopped being racist when i realized how much the wealthy benefits from it. poor brown people aren't lowering my wages, raising my rent, and making healthcare unaffordable. it's the mostly rich whites and their hand picked colored allies like obama and booker

>> No.13211968

what are you saying here? I'm just making the point that race is a loosely defined, inconsistent metric that falls apart without a population ideologically primed beforehand to judge based on whatever "racial" characteristic is most useful or appropriate. racists must provide an adequate framework for what constitutes a member of any given race before they can make claims.

>> No.13211976

can you even define what a race is? i see daily threads on /pol/ debating who's white and who isn't

>> No.13211982

How do you explain the failure of the left then? Why is every single leftist group in America more concerned with 'identity politics' than with helping the working class? Why are they so willing to side with corporations and global elites over working class white people. If you are a working or middle class heterosexual white person, leftists WILL hate you and see you as an enemy regardless of how much you grovel and self flagellate. They will openly tell you they just can't wait to see your family OD on opiates, because they see you as evil and unredemable.

>> No.13211985

>can you even define what a race is?

>> No.13212002

>misses the point

>> No.13212094

there is not a valid rubric to judge this through. as stated here >>13211842 and seen in articles like this one https://www.nature.com/articles/nature13408 there can be differences, but the genes are so diffuse at this point in most places that it doesn't really matter. We should wait to discuss anything like this seriously until there have been far wider examinations of the human genome

>> No.13212110

Race can generally be divided among the six continents that have been inhabited by sizable populations for over 1000 years namely: Africa, Asiap, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.
Historical races have included asian/mongoloid/yellow, white/caucasian, black/african/negroid and red/native American.
Now, it is not a matter of where you're born, but what your ancestry is. For argument's sake, let's this historical ancestry is determined by populations that have existed in a geographical location for at least 5 generations.
For example; a person born on the north American continent can be of European stock and called "white" or a nigger can be born in Europe. The white is called "white" (although due to historical dominance, the white/european american is generally just "american") while the black will be called black.
The historical geographic criteria works in most cases.Middle Easterns do not live on the European continent but are generally considered Caucasian (which also is not in Europe). At the same time, one would have little difficultly in judging where a archetypal Nordic and Persian are from respectively.
The use of race as opposed to ethnicity is only meaningful in the new world where ethnicities are washed away but the overarching " race" remains. I dislike the rhetoric around it, but hey.
So, in sum
>white = European and diaspora, some middle Eastern, and some indians
>black = African and diaspora, abos, and some indians
>red = native american
>yellow = east asian and Asia more broadly
Bonus categories
>Eurasian = perfectly blended white and asian
>mulatto, quadroon, etc= black+white
>mutt = unknown
>Hispanic = white + native american

>> No.13212113

first of all, you have your political spectrum messed up. anybody who doesn't espouse communist ideals is not a leftist. you're complaining about liberals who think capitalism is salvageable, but leftists know it's not. it doesn't take a genius to see why "leftist" movements historically fail and are practically nonexistent. hell, we were executing and imprisoning "communists" just 50-60 years ago. it's not profitable to eradicate capitalism and most religions help reinforce it because they divide the lower class.

>> No.13212138

see>>13211877. NS is against capitalism

>> No.13212147

No we should definitely have the conversation now before the dropping iq gets too low.

>> No.13212158

So would you want people to forget race and only care about ethnicity or whatever? I don't really get what your side wants either.

>> No.13212199

I think identity is an unavoidable aspect of the human experience, most leftists today look at the world through an identitarian framework, they have rejected the old liberal assumptions. If there is no universal values and politics is nothing but the struggle of identities how can you keep identity a taboo without appealing to the same universal values which you just decried as a covert tool of western capitalist domination? I believe leftists call it 'strategic essentialism',if it's in my interest to appeal to this essence of my identity why shouldn't I do it? you never complain about the black or homosexual identity being improper social constructs, why the hypocrisy?

>> No.13212214

>muh identity
>muh feelings

fucking hell this is why i hated university professors. how about we look instead to who benefits from the exploitation of workers and how we use force to coerce everyone else into this immoral economic system or die if they refuse? you're complaining about the "left" using identity politics but you're doing the same thing.

>> No.13212294

this is a framework, but not an adequate one

I would want people to forget about race and focus more on memetic cultural differences/similarities on the broader scale. that would hopefully be complemented by a deliberate and sustained de-coupling of group identity/individual identity.

identity is clearly unavoidable. Universal values can be promoted, but must encounter potential host cultures on equal footing with them. The issue is to find values that can be grafted to the rootstock of those cultures - values which are emancipatory in the sense of enabling peoples to enact their own schemes. I don't deny the usefulness or pragmatism of using some commonly accepted archetypes in shorthand, but it's always key to keep the archetype at arm's length and the individual(s) you're discussing in the foreground. obviously none of us are perfect in this regard no matter what we're discussing.

>> No.13212486
File: 61 KB, 478x478, product-1597-main-main-big-1415043931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're all the same on the insi-

>> No.13212505

Yeah, everybody knows there are biological differences between people. Doesn't mean that colonial based racial classification is the optimal way to divide humans.

>> No.13212518

It's basically colloquial at this point, who FUCKING CARES

>> No.13212543

>Everybody uses this system, therefore we should base our social policies around this system
Why should care if you want to divide people in a suboptimal way? If there's a superior option, people will advocate for it, regardless of how popular the idea is. Especially when the current system only creates resentment between groups.

>> No.13212553

Whoa, surprising to see Organized Resistance posted here. That's one of the best power electronics albums I've heard.

>> No.13212570

>speaking in absolutes
>not providing evidence for claims
t.not a scientist

>> No.13212593


Lmao this kind of rocks desu