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/lit/ - Literature

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13208277 No.13208277 [Reply] [Original]

How do you rank the art forms and why?

Film > Music > Literature > Architecture> Photography > Painting >Sculpture

>> No.13208283

I don't.

>> No.13208288


>> No.13208295

film is objectively the lowest form, lower than video games. barely even art.

>> No.13208296

What I like > What you like

>> No.13208312

Whatever, pseud.

>> No.13208316


If you have anything but video games at the top, you are a retard. Video games are a combination of all art forms and its interactivity allows for maximum immersion. It takes true intellect to master the most complicated games while anyone can read words on a piece of paper.

>> No.13208324

>is art
>lower than video games
I'm afraid the cancer is terminal

>> No.13208339

Video games > Literature > Music > Architecture > Painting > Sculpture > Flim > Photography

>> No.13208346

Film is better than literature because literature is stuck to the readers imagination. You can read the words but you will never see what the writer intended which will always limit the medium. You can actually see the writers vision in a film. You don't have to make it up your head. Along with this it combines all the art forms together. Anything literature/painting/music etc. can do film can do better.

>> No.13208353

fucking lmao, quality bait, not quite subtle enough but it made me chuckle

>> No.13208372


Music >literature >paintings >films >photography >other art

>> No.13208388
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>> No.13208389

I'm serious. I can tell you haven't watched anything past Tarantino.

Leo Tolstoy

“You will see that this little clicking contraption with the revolving handle will make a revolution in our life-in the life of writers. It is a direct attack on the old methods of literary art. We shall have to adapt ourselves to the shadowy screen and to the cold machine. A new form of writing will be necessary. I have thought of that and I can feel what in coming.”

“But I rather like it. This swift change of scene, this blending of motion and experience – it is much better than heavy, long-drawn-out kind of writing to which we are accustomed. It is closer to life. In life, too, changes and transitions flash by before our eyes, and emotions of the soul are like a hurricane. The cinema has divined the mystery of motion. And that is greatness.

“When I was writing ‘The Living Corpse,’ I tore my hair and chewed my fingers because I could not give enough scenes, enough pictures, because I could not pass rapidly enough from one event to another. The accursed stage was like a halter choking the throat of the dramatist; and I had to cut the life and swing of the work according to the dimensions and requirements of the stage. I remember when I was told that some clever person had devised a scheme for a revolving stage, on which a number of scenes could be prepared in advance. I rejoiced like a child, and allowed myself to write ten scenes into my play. Even then I was afraid the play would be killed.

“But the films! They are wonderful! Drr! and a scene is ready! Drr! and we have another! We have the sea, the coast, the city, the palace – and in the palace there is tragedy (there is always tragedy in palaces, as we see in Shakespeare)."

>> No.13208435

Music > Literature > Film > Architecture > Sculpture > Painting > Photography
Also >>13208296

>> No.13208456

There's no need to get bitter because someone disagreed with one of your views sis

>> No.13208460

Poetry/Music > Literature > Film > Painting > Sculpture > Architecture > Photography

>> No.13208462

What part of that is bitter?

>> No.13208471

Film isn't that diffused to be able to vindicate what Tolstoy said. You can't just take a reel from the shelf and start making a film.

I put lit above film because for now I'm stuck with pleb trash making movies. And it is pleb trash because even when they take our favourite books they ruin it like whoever made the movie on Blindness or Eat.Pray.Love

>> No.13208476

If there is some being that you love, I hope it dies horribly.

>> No.13208486

I love you

>> No.13208533

Avoid Hollywood and you'll find dozens of great films from the last few years alone.

>> No.13208550

How is music better than film and literature? Are you guys challenged?

>> No.13208557

Find me one film that is superior to Bach's St. Matthew Passion.

>> No.13208586

Music has higher highs but the medium as a whole is not better. Music is nothing but enjoyable sounds.

>> No.13208591

You're better than such shallow reductionism.

>> No.13208609

It's a simple medium. If you had no other art but music you would get bored where you couldn't get bored with literature and film.

>> No.13208618

Literature is just enjoyable words. If you had no other art you'd get bored where you couldn't with music and film.

>> No.13208623

>Literature is just enjoyable words.
This isn't true where as what I wrote is true.

>> No.13208641

No I'm right you're wrong.

>> No.13208645

Because Jesus said so or is there any tangible difference between interpreting music as pleasurable sounds and lit as pleasurable words.

>> No.13208652

You opened Pandora's box anon

>> No.13208670


>Music (element of poetry) & prose (element of poetry)
>Painting, Sculpture, and other Plastic arts

>> No.13208671

You are just a slut for euphoria. You get nothing else from music but that.

>> No.13208681

>You are just a slut for euphoria
uwu what's this?
*unzips jeans*
c-counterpoint and polyphony?!

>> No.13208694

Death Wish

>> No.13208732

Andrei Rublev

>> No.13208747


>> No.13208766
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>Saying film instead of cinema

>> No.13208783

This, but I will rank them in terms of expressive intellectual potential anyway.

Lit > Film > Painting > Music > Architecture > Sculpture

>> No.13208798

>tfw cinema is literally 'kino' in your language

>> No.13208802

>Has yet to escape the bootleg romanticism of spaghetti western and blockbusters. But it is the only art form that allows for agency.


Also, photography isn't an art. It's a pastime.

>> No.13208814

For the rest it would be really too pretentious to say I'm knowledgeable enough to judge it.

Nice bait.

>tfw the only good movies of your country were made in the 20's

>> No.13208829
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>sculpture that low
didn't know /lit/ was so full of jews

>> No.13208847


>> No.13208856

Film is just photography 24 times a second.

>> No.13208858

>your country
What country?

>> No.13208862


>> No.13208865

This is tough, so I'll do a rank system
>Tier 3 (trash)
>Tier 2 (better than trash)
Folk and pop music
>tier 1 (better than better)
Art/high music
>tier ß (gods' tier)

>> No.13208880

No art is above other. HOWEVER, film and photography aren't fine arts, not in the Hegelian sense.

"le premier art: architecture
le deuxième art: sculpture
le troisième art: painting
le quatrième art: music
le cinquième art: literature, including poetry and prose"

If I had to rank them it would be something like Music > Literature > Painting > Sculpture > Architecture. I'm not going to include films nor videogames. Fuck that.

>> No.13208889

Literature>architecture = sculpture = painting> music >>>>>>>photography>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>film>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>videogames

>> No.13208902

This one is fine, but sculpture that low....

>> No.13208913

the interaction between the author's work and the reader's imagination is akin to sex.

conversely, film is akin to watching a filmmaker masturbate, there is no intercourse, only voyeurism.

>> No.13208929

Yeah, after I posted it I felt like I should bump it up a tier. I generally sculpture and architecture in the same regard. It is extremely disappointing to me to see the state of all arts, but architecture is a disaster and part of the reason I dropped from the arch program I was in. I've turned to philosophy now and feel more at home, but I still love architecture, even if I hate civilization.

>> No.13208931

Opera is better than non vocal classical. The voice is the best instrument.

>> No.13208933


>> No.13208942

Generally *hold*

>> No.13208946

exchange film and sculpture, as well as literature and architecture and we have a deal


>> No.13208956

The reader will never be able to really know what the writer was trying to write about. If we had everyone who read a novel make a film based on their imagination while reading the authors words we would get terrible films because the average person doesn't have a creative enough imagination. (even if someone was creative they wouldn't be able to know what the writer pictured in his mind).

With a film the director has his image and is able to show us. You don't have to be the director when you watch a movie.

>> No.13208961

>I generally sculpture and architecture in the same regard.
Same here.
>It is extremely disappointing to me to see the state of all arts, but architecture is a disaster and part of the reason I dropped from the arch program I was in. I've turned to philosophy now and feel more at home, but I still love architecture, even if I hate civilization.
I feel you. Maybe the only thing /lit/ agrees on is that contemporary culture is shit due to consumerism.

>> No.13208973

Saying "film" or "movies" to talk about cinema is like saying "books" or "novel" to talk about literature and shows how little you know about the medium as a form of art.

>> No.13208980

Wow, triggered cinecuck key get fucked. You're just mad your preferred medium can only exist within the context of an excessive and technologically advanced civilization

>> No.13208997


film & photography

>> No.13209012

Name your favorite movies. I know you wont though pussy

>> No.13209023

>preferred medium

I'm just pretty sure nobody here have watched any experimental cinema and haven't even seen what the medium has to offer.

And it's also funny to see people talk about 8 form of art when they barely know about 1.

>> No.13209036

I fuck a little with Sharits, Chambers and Isou, among others.

>> No.13209040

>just pretty sure nobody here have watched any experimental cinema
pretty stupid

>> No.13209043

Hurlements en faveur de Sade
Na Srebrnym Globie
New Rose Hotel
Children of Paradise

You can say whatever you want about my tastes, I don't really give a shit about the opinion of a anonymous pseudish board.

>> No.13209050


>> No.13209061

Thank you for being the first person to reply when I ask that.

>> No.13209063

"Cinema" and photography do not enrich anyone's life

>> No.13209072

Missing my point entirely.

>> No.13209080

That's true, you did use a meme arrow. Whatever your intention was obfuscated due to my autism. I apologize

>> No.13209126

You're welcome.
I've made the most incredible experience of my life with cinema, I can't put the movie here since I can't tell whether I've actually enjoyed it but it will be something I won't forget. >>13209063 is wrong, cinema can enrich someone life.

>> No.13209129
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Visual Novels > Music > Literature > Film > Painting > Sculpture > Architecture > Photography

>> No.13209131

Why do people defend so vehemently the idea that film is art? Many people also suggest that some films may not be art, B movies, for example. “But why are B movies not art?” we may want to ask. What is the meaning of ‘art’ anyway? Also, are art mediums given a priori or can we continue creating or can we discover new art forms? And furthermore, has technology produced new artistic forms and/or helped traditional art forms develop or instead has it killed art? The answers to these questions can be useful for the present discussion of whether film is or is not art. A recurrent problem in these kinds of discussions is what or who decides where the line between art and non-art lies. But an interesting aspect of the foregoing question is that if I am able to even pose that question, then it would appear that art is by definition subjective. But I do not want to believe that art is subjective. I do not believe that anything could be art. Thus to determine where to draw that line, I must propose a method of looking closely at those art forms that everyone accepts as art to see what they have in common. By and large, I think that true art forms share a common language, so to speak, that transcends conventional language. Art, I argue, reveals itself through the beholder, but never explicitly by the art work itself.

I realize that rejecting the possibility that film might be art is not an easy position to undertake and is very controversial. The difficulty in denying that film might be art is due to the enthusiastic support by modern film lovers (and modernity in general), as well as the exceptional achievements of contemporary film makers. My thesis, nevertheless, is that film is not art, but rather a form of entertainment, like video games, which may or may not produce instances of meta-artistic results.
As I have indicated, the question of whether film is art obviously pushes us back to a more fundamental question, and that is, the question of what “art” means—what is art, and who decides what it is? It seems reasonable to me to say that if we want to answer the question of the nature of “art”, we must consider an anthropological and historical explanation. I recognize two true arts: painting and music. Painting and music are two examples of arts because they belong to the nature of our species. Presumably, cavemen did not write or talk or act, nor did they need to. They drew symbols on the cave walls and produced sounds. Cases of synesthesia and absolute pitch I believe show the human’s innate ability to create art. All other future mediums that people deem art today, such as film, photography, literature, etc., are cultural phenomena created for visions that go beyond primitive human, artistic expression.

>> No.13209142

have kids

>> No.13209156

Is 50 Shades of Grey art? Man... Art is anything with value. Not all books are art... Not all films are art...

>> No.13209199

Based retard

>> No.13209203

>simple medium
Someone hasn’t listened to 20th century classical

>> No.13209210

what does the word "meta-artistic" even mean? or did you just sprinkle that in there to make it seem like your argument has more depth than it actually does?

>> No.13209219

>I can't put the movie here since I can't tell whether I've actually enjoyed it but it will be something I won't forget.
Didn't you just say you didn't care about the opinions of randos. Why can't you post it?

>> No.13209226

Anime > Performance art > Music > Film > Literature > Video Games > everything else

>> No.13209227

It's simple compared to a 800 page novel.

>> No.13209233
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The great works of all forms > the lesser works of all form... Ranking art forms, how pathetic can you be. Where is dance?

>> No.13209238

>Where is dance?
In the garbage can where it belongs

>> No.13209245

People like you are why "art" is in the state it is in

>> No.13209249


>> No.13209253

Because it's a long story and I'm too lazy to type it. The movie is The Clock if that's what you asked.

>> No.13209261

give the short version then

>> No.13209268

Learn to dance.

>> No.13209271

Combining things doesn't equal better.

If we're to take your qualifier seriously -- which we shouldn't -- coloring books are better than literature because it combines literature and drawing/painting.

Maybe stick with pop-up books.

>> No.13209276

>How do you rank the art forms and why?
Good question!!

Why WOULD you rank art forms?

>> No.13209277

No. It's an activity, like lifting or gymnastics. Unless you're a choreographer then shut up with this shit. Don't soil the name "art" anymore than it already is

>> No.13209279

Architecture obviously. Because it is omniscient, it's reality itself.
All other plastic arts are just living in it.

>> No.13209281

music is an activity

>> No.13209286


>> No.13209290

Not if you're a composer. Playing is. I wouldn't call someone in the orchestra an "artist" unless they compose themselves. I don't call people who read "artists" and I don't call people who live in an architectural piece "artists" either

>> No.13209292

Architecture is artificial reality

>> No.13209296

I think you meant metaphysics which truly is the attempt at describing the "architecture" of existence

>> No.13209300

but are non.composers allowed to call music an art?

>> No.13209303

Photorealistic virtual reality experiences will become the highest form of art in the near future. Pure unmediated aesthetic experience.

>> No.13209306

Agreed. You got anything I can read about this?

>> No.13209308

Sure, just like they can call the sky "blue"

>> No.13209309

It was 7 years ago. I was in college. I had a rich friend who had relations in the cinema industry. He somehow got a copy of The Clock and invited me and 2 other friends in a house in the countryside. The was a home cinema, we watched to movie together under ecstasy while commentating it. I don't remember much of the actual movie but I definitely remember the experience.

>> No.13209313

Even better question. What is the greatest work of art ever?

>> No.13209322
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>> No.13209323

>only choreographers can call music art because for others it's an activity but non-composers can call music art even though for them it's an activity
now THAT's an argument

>> No.13209325

Thanks. Comfy story.

>> No.13209327

Music > Literature >>>>>>>>>>> Cinema > who even gives a fuck about painting

>> No.13209329

have sex(with your partner only after marriage, otherwise don't have sex yet)

>> No.13209331

Ring Cycle or St Peters Basilica

>> No.13209332

All I know is that literature ranks the lowest. It's an archaic, talentless affair.

>> No.13209333

Mozart's Requiem

>> No.13209334
File: 49 KB, 600x476, schop_atman600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go fuck your bitch schoppy

>> No.13209346

That facial abuse video with the hapa daughter of an ultra-rich banker.

>> No.13209347

Beethoven Op. 133

>> No.13209352

A choreographer can call whatever he wants what he wants, same with you. If you want to call the act of dancing "art" go ahead. I'm merely suggesting the act of dancing not be considered an art in the same sense as choreography, painting, composition, and so on. I wouldn't consider choreography itself among the fine Arts anyhow but it is more so, in my opinion, than dancing itself. There's an element of creation involved, not replication or mere experience. But go ahead. The word "art" hardly has any meaning anyhow and it's because everything can be considered "art" since it hurts too many people's feeling that their favorite activity isn't an "art"

>> No.13209355

Bach's Mass in B Minor

>> No.13209356

I have never read Schopenhauer, what am I missing?

>> No.13209365

Mostly shit but some nice quotes

>> No.13209372

if you ever want to express the same sentiment more succinctly just say: ‘I'm autistic’

>> No.13209378

Ah. Ok. Excellent conversation

>> No.13209388
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>sculpting below painting

>> No.13209398

it was
all thanks to you

>> No.13209406

You literally can’t debate this. I dare any of you to say I’m wrong. I will defend my placement of any one of these

>> No.13209412

Architecture *has* to be above photography.

>> No.13209421

Okay I will fall for the bait. Why is film so low?

>> No.13209426

Not him, but you might be retarded if you have to ask this question.

>> No.13209430

I am. Why is film so low?

>> No.13209433

Music. It's the only art form where parts of it can be measurably perfect.

>> No.13209438

Because it's not as good as paint, sculpture, music, literature, or architecture. If you can't sit down at your house with pen and paper and make a work of art, it is garbage.

>> No.13209450

I see. Nice argument.

>> No.13209453

It's easier to make a film than do any of those things. Read about Jonas Mekas

>> No.13209457

>what is animation

>> No.13209473

99.9% of painted and drawn art is utter shit precisely because anyone can sit down at their house and make something.

>> No.13209508

Music > Literature > Painting > Film > Photography > Architecture> Vidya

Film is art form that gets compromised too much to be top tier. The other type of art forms under film I have even less respect.

>> No.13209520

I generally don't group cartoons in with Bach or Rembrandt but be my guest

>> No.13209525

If you're basing your "respect" for each on the popular state of each (which seems to be the case considering your "compromised" comment), then Vidya is the only one with any merit anymore

>> No.13209527

This fact, which I consider myself to be false and retarded, would only prove that music has limits, while other arts doesn't.

>> No.13209539
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i hope you are american, that would kinda explain your retarded ranking

big brain ranking:
poetry > (high) literature > architecture > painting > jewelry > sculpture > video games > film > photography

>> No.13209546

* (high) literature > music

>> No.13209549

>my argument isn't bad if my conclusion isn't wrong

>> No.13209559

Well, not the original guy, and I didn't read the original statement about pen and paper, although Bach certainly could and did write his works on those.

>> No.13209561

the visual is the most refined sense, and painting is the most refined of the visual arts. If you can't appreciate painting you might have poor eyesight or lack a soul or something.

>> No.13209566

>You are just a slut for euphoria
oh no, you think that what is meant by 'music' is shit like the /mu/core or other noisy shit that everyone listens while being under the influence of various drugs.
hang yourself you worthless cunt

>> No.13209567

Power gap
Power gap

>> No.13209570


No, I just don not care or think photography and architecture is that great of an art form. Vidya is last because it pretty juvenile compared to the others and is even more compromised than film.

>> No.13209574

Based and unliteratepilled

>> No.13209579
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>> No.13209602

Even though I much rather read, I would put Film as first on my list because it's much more suitable as a common activity.

>> No.13209661

there's an awful lot of good boy points waiting for the first person to call you a bugman

>> No.13209671

degenerate cuck

>> No.13209677
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>> No.13209688

you post anime and call me retarded?

>> No.13209699

No I mean even with the best music has to offer the appeal is what the sounds makes you feel. It's nothing deeper than that.

>> No.13209703

wow look at those digits

>> No.13209713

Music is deep because there's no rational explanation for the feelings it evokes.

>> No.13209718

No it's the equivalent of feeling good because you drank a soda.

>> No.13209721

Nice non sequitur.

>> No.13209732

I've never drank any soda that evoked feelings as strongly as a good piece of music.

>> No.13209738

a nice meal has never lead me to contemplate the transcendent and sublime

>> No.13209744

you have the FDA to thank for that

>> No.13209761
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>Film is better than literature because literature is stuck to the readers imagination. You can read the words but you will never see what the writer intended which will always limit the medium. You can actually see the writers vision in a film. You don't have to make it up your head. Along with this it combines all the art forms together. Anything literature/painting/music etc. can do film can do better.

>> No.13209962

>wah people aren't using my /tv/-approved terminology or watching my niche favourites
here's your (you). It's ironic really, your own tedious elitism is precisely that which pushes people away from enjoying whatever it is you might have to offer. Your abject refusal to engage people outside of your obscure little bubble is killing the medium you love and making schlock far more permissible as "art". Hipster morons like you are the reason why your favourite arthouse film will be forgotten in a few years time by all except for the driest of academics.

>> No.13209986

>being this retarded

>> No.13209992
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How can anyone possibly this pretentious?

>> No.13209995


>> No.13210015
File: 473 KB, 1000x750, 7FB0093A-6829-4384-B912-4A729BFC7BF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.13210021


>> No.13210040

Anyone ITT who put film or music first or second is an idiot who knows nothing about art

>> No.13210042

What are some of your favorite films?

>> No.13210058

Bыбpaтьcя oтcюдa cтaлкep
Cyкa блять

>> No.13210062
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>> No.13210072

Avengers: Endgame is the best film of all time and even it doesn't come close to being true art

>> No.13210082

Ohh, so you are trolling. Thank god.

>> No.13210086

Only one of the posts.

>> No.13210167

I kek'd.
And what's killing the medium is its popularization.

>> No.13210177


>> No.13210181

This but ironically

>> No.13210197

Dance > Music > Theater > Gamemaking > Painting > Prose > Poetry > Drawing > Ceramics > Sculpting > Architecture > Photography > Moviemaking

>> No.13210244

>no shoemaking
Guys wtf

>> No.13210261

>Prose > Poetry

>> No.13210418
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>film is the highest art form

>> No.13210431

that's actually not that bad

>> No.13210575
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Classical music > literature >>> painting > sculpture > everything else pales in comparison

>> No.13210588

Short love poems>everything else

>> No.13210607

post some of your favorites

>> No.13210622
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>> No.13210642

Games are not even an art form, retards lmao pathetic

>> No.13210660

There are video games that look more beautiful than 90% of modern paintings.

>> No.13210676

agreed, retards lmao pathetic

>> No.13210926


>> No.13211109

You mistakenly assume that the point of reading a book is to view a mental picture of what the author describes.

>> No.13211122
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Coca-Cola® > everything else

>> No.13211241

This. Books are meditative tools which merely direct you while you explore your own mind.
The author's intention doesn't matter one bit. You can find meaning in books far beyond anything the author intended, and the meanings each person finds varies.

>> No.13211247

Someone is close-minded and hasn’t heard a lot of music

>> No.13211262
File: 306 KB, 1920x1280, willfullyBlind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post and the mind responsible for it are what happens in a society that is utterly fixated on the image, almost in a way of a fetish. As if, oh , AS IF the visualization of the director's vision was paramount over the manifold aspects human experience can take place upon. You are embarrassing yourself, having the presumptuousness to discard touch, smell, depth, three-dimensional hearing from man's, and even your own, plane of experiences. I suggest removing yourself from mine by means of suicide. For all other souls not yet lost: Take the blindpill, people.

>> No.13211279

I guarantee I've listened to more classical albums than you. I know that's what you referring to.

>> No.13211297

So then literature should be lower on the scale because why the fuck would I want to read a how to book on exploring my mind.

>> No.13211320

What a pseud. It doesn’t have to be classical. If you only look for feeling in your music you will only get feelings.

>> No.13211338


>> No.13211426

Photography > Cinema > Music > Painting > Literature

>> No.13211438

i don't rank things because this is not a desire of mine, only one of the fundamentally monetarist anglo-american society. i feel for you

>> No.13211447

ITT REAL artists rank all arts... ALL.

man do i feel privileged

>> No.13211457

swap photography and film and this would be objective

>> No.13211479

Name two dozen from the last few years alone without googling.

>> No.13211481

Literature > Music > Painting > Photography > Architecture > Sculpture > Film

>> No.13211527












>> No.13211544

>"Hasn't heard a lot of music"
What else would you be talking about if not classical? Polka?

>> No.13211553
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Literature > Film > Music > Painting > Design > Architecture > Animation > Sculpture > Dance > Photography > Games > Comics

>> No.13211562

Cinema has only been around for a hundred years. It's the medium as a concept that is being debated.

>> No.13211570


>> No.13211584


>> No.13211848

Andrei Rublev, Tokyo Story, Citizen Kane, Apocalypse Now, Seven Samurai, so on

>> No.13211855









>> No.13211859


>> No.13211860

YOU'RE WRONG ABOUT ART. READ THIS BOOK: http://museumarteutil.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Toward-a-lexicon-of-usership.pdf

>> No.13211901

>12 angry men
>7 samurai
>7th seal
>the wire
>the plane scene

>> No.13211943

coloring isn't writing, and writing isn't literature.

>> No.13211974

books aren't literature, idiot. Literature can be contained in a book. Coloring books are also absent of color, which is lessening the complexity of an art form.

Therefore, a gallery of paintings > coloring book as an artistic form, because the former contains the latter.

>> No.13211984

I love all types of films; television, cartoons, movies, comics, comics and books.

>> No.13212081

Film>Vidya(In theory)>Literature>Vidya>Painting=Sculpture=Music>Architecture>Photography

>> No.13212103

there are two perspectives on this, and they are completely opposite:

the first, and more intuitive perspective is ranking the artforms based on their respective heights so far. With this, we get a ranking usually with artforms from simplest to the most complex, as the younger art forms haven't had time to evolve into their heights (photography, film, videogames), while the older and simpler ones are usually already primarily dead and have passed their heights (classical music, literature, painting, sculpture). It will usually look like
>literature > music > painting > sculpture > photography > cinema > videogames
with the top and bottom three in various orders
this can be seen in these posters:

the second, and less intuitive perspective is one based on the capabilities of a form; on the ranking of expression that the art form allows. In this ranking, the younger (and therefore more technologically advanced) and more complex artforms will rank higher, while the older and simpler ones will rank lower. It will usually look like:
>video games > cinema > photography > sculpture > painting > music > literature
with the top and bottom three in various orders
this can be seen in these posters:
>>13209602 (maybe, but probably not)
>>13208339 (maybe, but probably not)

other variations are people using a combination of the above two perspectives (aka, they never really thought about it analytically).

>> No.13212109

add this guy to the second perspective

>> No.13212156

Have you seen the Anna Karenina movie (2012) pure trash.

>> No.13212163 [DELETED] 

memes > porn > literature > anything else

>> No.13212207

Hentai > Literature > games with good artistic integrity > architecture > everything else > games with bad artistic integrity
In b4 a bunch of fags try to tell me games can’t be a form of artistic expression

>> No.13212210

see >>13211860

autonomous "Art" arises from Enlightenment ideals of aesthetic forms necessarily regarded apart from use value, everyday act, etc. also probably rooted in classism, and had the further effect of creating a codified artist class. art is in all, self-conscious or not - these categories are obviously useful but should not necessarily be privileged over farming, shitposting, etc.

>> No.13212235

David Lynch is an example of good art movie stuff. And 81/2

>> No.13212243

Completely wrong

>> No.13212287

Mathematics (bite me) > Architecture > Sculpture > Music > Painting >>> Film >>> Prose >>>>>>>>>>>> Photography

>> No.13212293

The concept of ranking forms of art is so fucking stupid.

>> No.13212307

Sorry, Poetry should come right after Music.

Dance and Theatre right after painting.

Making things that are eternal is far greater than not. Words struggle to capture meaning, all truth and communication is best done nonverbally. However, photography is a degenerate art form in which the creative element takes a back seat.

>> No.13212320

the one > the forms > nature > dreams/hallucinations > music > literature > architecture > painting > sculpture

>> No.13212333

>these categories are obviously useful
which is why I used these categories

>> No.13212380


These are all close regardless but my experience with Sculpting and Photography is very miniscule and if anything I'd say Sculpting and Painting are very much similar but i'm not well informed in the former

>> No.13212384

>american reading comprehension

>> No.13212398

Also i'm not saying which one of these are "better" than the others because they all are good at doing different things but the better "art form" the better beauty is what i'm judging not necessarily which one is better. Also, the only reason Cinema is above Literature is the impact it can have in a much smoother passion but thats not to say Literature can't reach that same beauty its just that its much easier and a thing being much easier to digest doesent make it objectively inferior. For example, just because something is harder or some what more difficult to appreciate does not mean it is better

>> No.13212473

All of you ranking photography > video games have never played a good video game (e.g. Shadow of the colossus, ICO, Knights of the Old Republic 2, Antichamber, Portal, Shelter, Tiny and Big: Granpa's leftovers, Limbo, Red Dead Revolver, Thief: The Dark Project, the metal gear games up to MGS 3 etc.)
If film ranks higher than photography, then games do as well.

>> No.13212496
File: 35 KB, 229x343, Deadly.Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Visual Novels > anything
Good one anon; when will you release your comedy special on netflix?

>> No.13212695
File: 41 KB, 1280x1483, 1519943560880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literature > vidya > film > music = painting > sculpture = architecture > photography
Lit is the best, the purest of the arts in my opinion because it's far harder to misinterpret the creators message, which is also why video games is a very close second.
Video games are the peak of the audio-visual mediums, but unfortunately they are restricted by what makes the fact that the audience's imagination will always be just a little more amazing than anything a person can create. A very close second.
Film is the combination of the audio-visual, so naturally it must be greater than the two.
Music and Paintings are so similar that I couldn't think of which is superior to the other. In my experience Paintings inspire many melodies and vice versa, neither alone has made me as emotional as any film, video game or book.
Architecture and sculptures always come across as bland to me, maybe I haven't seen the right ones, or maybe I have and the fact that they were only mildly entertaining is why I don't care for the mediums.
Photography is for people the have no actual creative talent, but know what it looks like. Photographers are the leeches on any artists back. No, not leeches, because leeches at least are damaging enough to draw attention. Photographers and their "pieces of art" are far more forgettable.
My brain is so big that its mater is stretched out to the point where it's now smooooth.

>> No.13212714

>Even better question. What is the greatest work of art ever?

>> No.13212821

Videogames > twitch > tiktok > YouTube > TV shows > MCU > random content > Spotify

>> No.13212832

> videogames peak of audio-visual mediums
Miss me with that shit nigga. They look absolutely disgusting and are the cancer of our society

>> No.13212844

This but only semi-ironically. In theory, you can have the best of all worlds and create a magnificent hybrid video game that's part visual novel, part film, part walking simulator, part action etc. But in practice games range from pretty decent to completely vapid with the latter being the vast majority.

>> No.13212879 [DELETED] 

>They look absolutely disgusting and are the cancer of our society
Which games specifically?
Have you played Journey, Flower, Anti-chamber, Limbo, or many other visually striking games?
Don't judge all of vdya by the common trash like call of duty. Just as you wouldn't judge all of /lit/ by the current popular book, or all paintings by the average, boring portrait, or all of music by some pop musician currently topping the charts.

>> No.13212902

>They look absolutely disgusting and are the cancer of our society
Which games specifically?
Have you played Journey, Flower, Anti-chamber, Limbo, or many other visually striking games?
Don't judge all of vdya by the common trash like call of duty. Just as you wouldn't judge all of /lit/ by the current popular book, or all paintings by the average, boring portrait, or all of music by some pop musician currently topping the charts.

>> No.13212935
File: 25 KB, 569x428, b4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thread on art ranking produced an intelligent thought, and each is a terrible testament to the general cultural illiteracy of /lit/.

The very fact that there would be "parts", that the game would be a hybrid, would prevent it from having "the best of all worlds". Incorporating various mechanics and art forms into a single structure will necessarily reshape and partially negate the properties of each element of the structure. In practice this means that e.g. music in film or video game or theatrical play will always be inferior to pure concert music, lacking the freedom of temporal space that it can occupy, not being given adequate attention by the listeners, and being structurally and semantically predetermined by the rest of the artwork.

>> No.13213240

Games are the higher form of film desu

>> No.13213303

Uh oh pseud alert

>> No.13213332
File: 48 KB, 474x543, 14f825b5448b0371460d982929bcf6f3a8d0cef4d43a84e4f530aeba23a1ea3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literature > Architecture >Sculpture > Music > Painting > Films > Photography

If you believe anything else you are retarded, no exceptions

>> No.13213355

Actually good, but painting that low makes me sad

>> No.13213405

t. anime music is better than Mozart

>> No.13213410



>> No.13213414

Putting sculpture and architecture above music goes to show that you have the palate of a toddler who enjoys picture books and chicken nuggies more than anything else, unless you're under 15 you should honestly kill yourself

>> No.13213422

>Games are the higher form of film desu
I agree, that's why I stated if film > photo then games > photo
game >= film > photo

>> No.13213446

Taken as the pinnacle of the form:

1. Music
2. Architecture
3. Literature (Prose)
4. Painting
5. Literature (Poetry)
6. Film (Cinematography)
7. Sculpture
8. Acting
9. Greentexting
10. Video Games
11. Shitposting
12. Photography
13. Television

>> No.13213473

Painting > Sculpture > Literature > Music > Photography > Film > Architecture

>> No.13213497

Mostly agree but would not go that low of videogames.

>> No.13213505


Actually, put Blender and SFM porn in there above sculpture.

>> No.13213548

Instrumental music
Wine Tastings
Video Games
Child Porn
Gay Porn
Rock Music
Pop Music
Taking a Dump
Genitial Mutilation
Professional Politicians

>> No.13213562


Unironically this

>> No.13213633

Unironically this

>> No.13213887

based and artpilled

>> No.13214038
File: 111 KB, 290x290, 4cee1c06cbb4feb03b826adcb01e28be32c21049.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime >

>> No.13214133

animation is painting with movement so it's better than just painting, only severely limited by the multiplicative burden of creating that movement

>> No.13214143

Visual arts > everything else because you can live in it and it doesn't rely on a narrative form to work

>> No.13214333

Vidya is a lot like opera in this sense. It goes even further in the idea of the total work of art.
In practice the total work of art rarely achieve the same heights as restricted forms though.

>> No.13214353

>all these /mu/tants
Music can't seriously be placed on top.
Hearing is far too limited with humans. It is barely functional outside of basic threat perception, except for recognizing human voices which have their own processing power.
Saying music is better than visual arts is the equivalent of fawning at 8-bit era consoles or pixel art and preferring it over real canvas. The technical/physical limitations are too restrictive to seriously compete.

>> No.13214483

I think literature is unquestionably superior to film, but your point is true of everything. It's very rare that someting of actual quality is produced in any of the arts. In fact there's probably more often quality films put out than quality literature. It's just that when literature does put out something quality it's godtier.

>> No.13214489

Tards that think they're big brained because they watch Tarkovsky always out themselves by throwing around Andrei Rublev as an example of his best work, no, it's far from his best, it's his most boring, but it's his longest and driest and most pretentious so obviously all his other films are for plebs.
Solaris is by far the best work he ever did.

>> No.13214526

> Citizen Kane

you had me for a second, lol 2/10

>> No.13214541

Have you seen the 7 hour long War and Peace (1966)?

>> No.13214545

>it's his most boring,
Sounds like it was too hard for you buddy. Maybe when you are older it will be more entertaining.

>> No.13214554

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.13214578

So what you little bitch, and I say again, can I say it again? I will say it again, so what
Is it still as good, I say as good, I mean as great, as mindblowingly anusblowingly great as the novel? I say again, can I say it again? I will say it again, is it? Undoubtedly, and I believe I can speak for everyone with a soul, no. No! No! NO! So what then, BITCH? I guess that makes it an inferior form, does it not? You're out here talking about "have you seen war and peace 7 hour edition" like it makes a difference, when the point was that film is inferior to literature citing Anna Karenina 2120 (a film which for the record I enjoyed as deeply as my dick in your mother, I fucking cried as I imagined moving to Russia and doing a 60 minutes interview therefrom on account of my asserted Nazism), and then you respond with war and peace movie why? Because you thought it was a retort, a sound retort. But it's not, for the reasons here expoliated. Frankly, and in all humility, I suggest you kill yourself.

>> No.13214584

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.13214590
File: 91 KB, 441x750, 3E3865BE-848C-4536-9B2E-A60D055E7057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sculpture really does it for me
the feel of marble breasts beneath my hands makes my erection harder than metal, harder than brick

>> No.13214591

What? You wanna dance, frog? Then dance then.

>> No.13214606

holy fucking shit, lmao i'm too good at this game i'm dying laughing, i don't even be needing a queen bro lmfao

>> No.13215185

I'm ranking these based on their inherent ability to transcend the Ephemeral and how close an image to the Platonic Ideal they are capable of presenting. Literature and Music are at more or less the same level, but I rank Lit higher based on its greater ability to communicate ideas, as well as my own preference. Painting is the highest visual art because it is the visual form most removed from a mere recording of reality, which Film and Photography are both guilty of. Film is higher than Photgraphy because of, again, its increased capability of communicating ideas, which elevates it from Photography, which is the worst example of an "art form" being a mere recording of the Ephemeral. Sculpture is ranked above architecture, although they are essentially different branches of the same form, because it is further removed from the constraints of reality, being capable of more artistic expression than architecture, which, while often beautiful and impressive, is forever bound by its position as a functional object, and therefore unable to truly free itself creatively. I didn't put Vidya on this list because I do not see it as a valid form of artistic expression, perhaps in the future, if it somehow divorces itself from its purpose as a debased source of entertainment, it may join the pantheon of art forms, but to be honest I don't see any evidence of that happening.

>> No.13215979

Film and photography are objectively the lowest on this list

>> No.13216099

Ordet, Orpheus, Mother and Whore, La Dolce Vita, Rashomon, Once Upon a Time in the West, 400 Blows, Contempt, Breathless, Shoot the Piano Player, Sherlock Jr., Wizard of Oz

>> No.13216341

>Solaris is by far the best work he ever did.
Opinion discarded. He himself acknowledged that Solaris was his worst (that is certainly not to say that it's a bad movie).
I'd say the Mirror, Andrei Rublev and Stalker are his best.

>> No.13216829

Why rank abstractions, is the ranking based on some idea of what they’re capable of? - of how many of the beholder’s senses the medium is capable of flushing with itself at once?

>> No.13216872

Why do you niggers hate sculpture
Ancient sculpture is pure kino

>> No.13217055

This. Mirror is his masterpiece, Solaris is his worst

>> No.13217404

Ivan's Childhood is his best to me.
Andrei Rubliev and the mirror are also beautiful.
And people don't talk enough about Nostalghia.

>> No.13217450

1. Pornography
2. Video Games
3. Vape
4. Skateboarding
5. Body Building

>> No.13217455

No The Sacrifice or Nostalgia is his worst

>> No.13217476

though it rarely reaches the heights that it is capable of and as a result I understand why it is so low on many anon's lists, I think that film has the greatest artistic potential of any medium. No other form can combine the other arts so seamlessly, music and photography and performance and writing all merging into one ultimate art form. Nearly any other form of the arts can be combined and enhanced by this combination in film, something no other medium can do.
As I said however, I'd argue that no films (or at least very few) live up to the artistic potential of the medium, which is really quite a shame.

>> No.13217695

Animation is to film as painting is to photography. It is far more expressive and free, with photo realism being hypothetically possible it completely eclipses live action film

>> No.13217703

What's with the hate for sacrifice? The burning house scene alone is better than anything in Solaris

>> No.13217710

>If we had everyone who read a novel make a film based on their imagination while reading the authors words we would get terrible films because the average person doesn't have a creative enough imagination.

This is the reason why literature is greater than film-- literature basically has a built in pleb filter.

>> No.13217771

I was including animation as a subset of film. I'm a massive fan of animation being used to lift the boundaries of reality in interesting and new ways, so you'll find little disagreement from me on your point that animation has higher potential than live action.

>> No.13217781

Depends on the actual work being considered grouping up arts into large categories and ranking them is tje.wrong way to go about it

>> No.13217815
File: 56 KB, 625x415, these-photos-of-a-greek-man-crying-over-his-count-2-15490-1436022170-5_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you I just want to argue

>> No.13217837

you won't have to search far for that. As for me, I'm pretty happy finding someone on the internet that's right (or as right as I am).

>> No.13217852

mating&procreation > warfare > ritual > bodybuilding > cuisine >>>>>>>> sense-play/representation/assorted bullshit

>> No.13218175

manga > anime > visual novels > jrpgs > japanese live-action pornography > j-pop > doramas > japanese live-action tv commercials > japanese live-action films > gaijin shit

>> No.13218252

This is the only right answer.
Literature is the ultimate form of art, as it can be many things. Be it of logics or of abstraction, it may even be music itself. As another anon has suggested, literature is like sex, we are in conjunction where we also have our own artistic integration, through imagination and understanding.
my favorite book is Crime and Punishment
architecture, sculptor, and painting drift just a small way from literature by allowing the creator to show us, which sprouts an aurora of emotions, but may still have the ambiguous nature involved. We still connect to the art, we attach ourselves to it, trying to understand what the meaning is.
favorite visual arts: Pyramids of Giza, David statue (inb4 too normie, 2nd favorite is Boxer at Rest, 3rd Farnese Hercule) and favorite painting is The Kiss by Gustav Klimt.
Music is here because there is even less self involvement, and less ambiguousness. Music will tells us how to feel, and meaning is easily transcribed.
favorite album: Clever Girl, No Drums and Bass in the Jazz Room.
photography is lazy when put against all the art forms.
idk, I like those pictures of the asian dudes protecting there property during the LA Riots.
Film is the easiest to understand, that's obviously the reason why it's the easiest for children to consume. Even brain dead monkeys can consume it. All control is given to the creator, practically leading to him spoon feeding the consumer.
Favorite film: The Possession (80's).
Video games are so dynamic, they range from visual novels to shooters to gacha shit that it's difficult to decide whether all video games are art. If we group them together and consider the fact that loot boxes existed, and that it has been accepted that video game addiction as a real disease, really spoils it and makes them very similar to gambling, which means it doesn't belong to be considered high art.
my favorite video game is Lisa the Painful RPG and 2nd is Minecraft.

>> No.13218391

>You dare blaspheme against the sublimest of the arts!

>> No.13218424

Tarantino fucking sucks, Kubrick and Tarkovsky is what you want

>> No.13218619

The first post of this thread; the best post of this thread.

>> No.13218753

I liked Pulp and Reservoir. Everything after is beyond horrible (save Jackie Brown)

>> No.13218769

Literature is all i'm into, music isn't even worth the time listening, neither is film.

>> No.13218906

Nah Inglorious Basterds is kino

>> No.13218922

Pornography > video games > mobile games > flash shorts circa 2005 > film > books

>> No.13218923

you have to go back

>> No.13218943

Lmao, that's WHY literature is valuable. It engages the reader in a way that film cannot by demanding they access memory and imagination. Furthermore, reading allows for the direct transfer of pure meaning in a way that film does not. Sorry if imagining stuff hurts your brain anon.

>> No.13218951

The only non-serious art form is serial television. Theoretically it shouldn't be any worse than film, but somehow it manages.

>> No.13218988

This. Schopenhauer was woke about this.

>> No.13218991

absolutely based

>> No.13219427

this is the most accurate ranking if you want to kill your brain cells

>> No.13219694

Wow, you just ruined this thread. please have sex