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File: 354 KB, 904x904, 3x3 anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13207211 No.13207211 [Reply] [Original]

>anime can never be as intellectual as literatu-

>> No.13207218

middle right is literally the definition of pretentious, director admitted he made it as boring as possible in the early episode to filter out the plebs. and none of those anime are remotely as intellectual as the greatest books, sorry

>> No.13207221

All the same pokemon bullshit to me

>> No.13207238

Only NHK is based

>> No.13207241


>> No.13207256
File: 16 KB, 578x433, DC35609E-823C-4CB3-9067-A325714DEAB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Monster

>> No.13207289

can someone explain to me why tatami galaxy is so praised?

>> No.13207296

I like all of the anime posted but no, they aren't as intellectual as literature can be. Nor do I think they're intended to be if i'm honest.

>> No.13207319
File: 264 KB, 923x1285, tumblr_mmh3y326RV1rdlxcho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REAL intellectual anime, coming through

>> No.13207479

> angry filtered psued exposed

>> No.13207506
File: 24 KB, 194x271, anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the truth

>> No.13207560
File: 201 KB, 760x596, 1541444510773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angel's Egg is missing bro.

>> No.13207642

Urasawa is a hack, fuck Monster, fuck 20th and FUCK PLUTO

>> No.13207644


>> No.13207647

Some people think everything good has to automatically be "intellectual"

>> No.13207690

what is it in the top-left corner?

>> No.13207698

LOGH is good but it's still genre fiction

The rest are entirely dismissible, although Utena is genuinely great.

>> No.13207708

I have tried getting into anime several times in the past few years. All of them were incredibly juvenile. There are some kino Japanese animated films, but these are all firmly in the category of 'family film' and therefore also somewhat juvenile. The only anime I could stand (that I actually made it half of the way through) was Welcome to the NHK. Even then, I took a break a few episodes in to read the novel, which I really enjoyed. I went back to the anime but just couldn't finish it.

I really gave the medium a try, but I am now more convinced than ever that its reputation as being exclusively for children and manchildren is entirely deserved.

>> No.13207745
File: 704 KB, 2348x1511, 1550560314594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tatami Galaxy

>> No.13207748


>> No.13207754

The single greatest piece of animation of our era

>> No.13207756

It's good, but not that good.

>> No.13207785

It's funny and it's got funny characters.
Also helps that the art isn't anime-like.

>> No.13207831

Mushishi average IQ exceeds 200

>> No.13207901


>> No.13207948


>> No.13207954
File: 6 KB, 210x240, 1554666272116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow look it's a metaphor! Probably the greatest piece of art of the XX century!

>> No.13207959

Left to right, top to bottom
Tatami galaxy
Serial experiment lain
Welcome to the NHK

>> No.13207961

cringe and retardpilled

>> No.13207988

I'm not an anime expert but I thought monster was the best one. no pretentious stuff and just a well rounded show

>> No.13207999
File: 15 KB, 300x172, fata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and while we're going full weeb I recommend reading 'The house in fata morgana'. Better than any anime I've seen

>> No.13208054

You dumb teen, you think you're smart or some shit ?
You watch cartoons, not even people on the Internet take you seriously, irl they probably think you have autism and feel sorry for you.
Dumb punk, idiotic kid.

>> No.13208088
File: 716 KB, 1458x2048, belladonna-vintage-movie-poster-original-japanese-1-panel-20x29-6793[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only truly artful anime that has ever and likely will ever be produced.

>> No.13208103

>It's funny and it's got funny characters.
So it's an average anime?

>> No.13208104

Based as fuck, great movie

>> No.13208110

All in all, pretty good

>> No.13208116

pretty much but the dialogue is super fast so your eyes hurt after each episode

>> No.13208137

I don't watch anime anymore and read visual novels instead, as they are a superior medium for escapism.

>> No.13208138

Pretty good coming of age story with an artstyle and narrative pace that reflect the story.

>> No.13208377

No, the average anime has Marvel movie-tier comedy and poorly delivered actual "jokes".
This is funny and actually has thought put into the humor, and not the memes.
Watch the show and tell me the chin dude isn't funny. You won't.

>> No.13208424

>The Tatami Galaxy
wait a fucking minute... why are there two movies with the exact same characters? I watched this before, but it was just one night and the girl drank a lot. There was a book fair and some theater plot, a guy who was actually a trap... I don't get it

>> No.13208432

>they literally just have to put in a male character whos nihilistic and edgy and weeaboos think its high art

>> No.13208442

Anime as a medium is exclusively nihilistic, obviously.

>> No.13208451

Don't forget the Christian imagery! Weebs love when anime alludes to books they haven't read.

>> No.13208454


>> No.13208496


>> No.13208517


>> No.13208519

>no gurren lagann
: ^ )

>> No.13208554

Is texhnolyze worth watching?
I've heard very polarized opinions.

>> No.13208566

Yes, but understand that the beginning of the show is slow; there's a reason, in that it's trying to make a point about something, but some people apparently can't seem to make it past that part.

>> No.13208581

t. shonenfag or moefag

>> No.13208582

average anime "humor" is terrible

>> No.13208701

you think the average ironic weeb will actually take the time to watch the classic? No one watches gurren lagann, cowboy bebop or code geass anymore, even more so for gurren lagann who has been "replaced" by Kill la Kill

>> No.13208702
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, pingpong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad how nobody is talking about pic related. Ping pong has some pretty strong existential and nihilistic themes. Best anime oat if you ask me.

>> No.13208704

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