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13204113 No.13204113 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a human nature? Do humans exist in hierarchies and is it in our nature? Is capitalism indeed the best econonic system we got and are we at the end of history? Discuss.

>> No.13204133


>> No.13204141

all we know for certain is that women are whores and stupid

>> No.13204143

Human Nature doesn't real

>> No.13204150

can someone help me put the finger on what makes peterson look like an absolute hack and overall a cunty despicable unlikable insincere snarky piece of shit?

>> No.13204155

human nature is to experience.

>> No.13204162

daddy issues

>> No.13204204

he is an overglorified self help author that constantly steps out of his field

>> No.13204320

He makes you feel insecure.
If he didn't you'll just have ignored this thread.

>> No.13204324

What does that say about your comment?

>> No.13204330
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Yeah but there are an infinite number of representations of what that could be

>> No.13204439

I'm secure in my love for daddy and I'm ready to defend him against mean internet trolls.

>> No.13204485
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Human nature is a flimsy ideal set up by the humanists who projected everything they thought was good into the Human. It is rife with contradictions (a serial killer is an inhuman human!) and has been used as a tool of exclusion for those we deemed inferior. Its worst offence is that it is a spook which robs us of our ownness.

>> No.13204512

Most humans strive for clear structures. Hierarchies provide clear structures. Therefore, most humans strive for hierarchies and will chose them.

>> No.13205344

>Is there a human nature?
Yes, though that doesn't mean we can't disobey the 'natural rules'.
>Do humans exist in hierarchies and is it in our nature?
You're asking others, not experiencing reality 'as is'; what do you think based on this alone?
>Is capitalism indeed the best econonic system we got and are we at the end of history?
No, but it is kosher.

>> No.13205366

Look inward for the answer

>> No.13205373

Bellybutton fluff?

>> No.13205481

yes, but in a very general sense
maybe, leaning on probably, considering hierarchies like parent over child
definite no

>> No.13205575

>what do you think
not op but I see things as existing in a web of interrelations

>> No.13205608

>is there a human nature
not only one, no
>do humans exist in hierarchies and is it in our nature?
hierarchies persist due to their logical simplicty, not humans' propensity towards them
>is capitalism indeed the best economic system we got?
capitalism itself has only been defined by critique, and knee-jerk responses to that critique. Any of the systems defined today as capitalist leave huge room for improvement, but it is likely that any iteration that would solve its problems would still be called "capitalism".
>are we at the end of history?
fukuyama was right, but nobody understands what that means.

>> No.13205857

Yes, Yes, Yes, No.

>> No.13205871

>not op but I see things as existing in a web of interrelations
Yes, and hierarchy is to have a priority list. You have drives, desires, preferred interrelations and interactions, risk analysis etc. etc.

>> No.13205875


>> No.13205886

>Is capitalism indeed the best econonic system we got
No, the answer to this is that which most often is the case; it is a mixture of the two.

>> No.13205897
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