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13204906 No.13204906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>122 IQ
so I guess i'll never be a public intellectual?

>> No.13204911

you can still be the next jordan peterson

>> No.13204917

but he himself said his iq was well in excess of 150

>> No.13204920

If you take an IQ test your already a brainlet doomed to never succeed. If you need other people or a statistic to justify your intelligence to you or what you can do with your life than you wont get anything memorable ever done.

>> No.13204921

Isn't that the ideal iq for becoming a pundit

>> No.13204922

my point exactly

>> No.13204925 [DELETED] 

Guess no since you need negative IQ to be a public intellectual

>> No.13204926

this, no fun allowed

>> No.13205074
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127 IQ master race reporting in

>> No.13205119
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You can still join the Intellectual Dark Web, where rebellious intellectuals discuss radical ideas.

>> No.13205129

Same. 124.
>relative strength in verbally/linguistically encoded information
>relative weakness in processing speed and string memorization
Sucks knowing I'll never be sure if I fully understand what is written down by smarter people. Sucks being too smart to be blissfully ignorant as well

>> No.13205143

Read: The Brain That Changes Itself

>> No.13205171

Does this give infinite IQ?

>> No.13205194

121 here. I wanna die.

>> No.13205228

What IQ do you guys believe is required to be a successful intellectual?

>> No.13205235



>> No.13205245

Minimum to mingle with intellectuals? 130. Minimum to truly BE an intellectual among intellectuals? 135-140+.

>> No.13205262

30 points higher than you currently have.

>> No.13205266

The higher iq the more connections you make in every moment and the better person you are in everyway, intellectually, emotionally, and morally.

>> No.13205273

imagine believing this

>> No.13205281

imagine being

>> No.13205294


>> No.13205297


>> No.13205298


>> No.13205306
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>> No.13205311
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today i will remind them


>> No.13205314
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The mark of a true intellectual.

>> No.13205319

holy fuck wait what

>> No.13205328
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>> No.13205844

truly you have the higher IQ
I concede, and will live my days as a brainlet

>> No.13205918

The higher the IQ - better yet, the more of a genius you are - the more likely you are to suffer from crippling mental problems. Great intellectual geniuses are usually loveless recluses who can only find substance in the most mundane of things and often live pretty pathetic, autistic lives. On the other hand, creative/artistic geniuses usually aren't autistic and can understand things like love, beauty, and passion but are crippled with things like bipolar/schizophrenia, hence the tragic lives of many great writers/musicians. I'm in the mid 130s and while I'm by no means a genius or mental wreck, I still feel that the way I look at things creatively is influenced by a host of depressive/paranoid/delusional/reclusive symptoms.

>> No.13206268

IQ literally doesn't matter )if you're over 100 IQ
to put things in perspective Donal trump is president

>> No.13206296

145+ IQ here (according to a single 25-minute online test)

>> No.13206349

>110 IQ
should I just kill myself or...

>> No.13206464

Smart enough to read philosophy, too dumb to understand it.

Kill me.

>> No.13206473
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>160 IQ
should i just end it?

>> No.13206488
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>tfw only 180IQ
Why even live, bros?

>> No.13206496
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While this is the based answer,

lol bitch

>> No.13206502
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>> No.13206512
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If you can't understand frog it says im very smart. The other pages should be easier to read.

>> No.13206519 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13206529
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>> No.13206537
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>public intellectual
are we walking ben shapiro? because then you're easily 30 points above where you need to be.
you probably can't be a jordan peterson, but you're right where you need to be if your idol is Slavoj Žižek.
122 is youtube level, sargon of akkad is the most you will ever be if>>13204920 is you.

>> No.13206544

What the fuuuuuuuuck lol

>> No.13206552


>> No.13206558

high IQ post.

>> No.13206559

*talking Ben Shapiro

>> No.13206772

This is it /lit/ time to pack things and go home. Western thought is over

>> No.13206802


>> No.13207036

128 IQ when I was 8 and took the kid's test

>> No.13207051
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It confuses me that nobody ITT has suggested that IQ might be a somewhat arbitrary metric for measuring intelligence, or *especially* success in life.

>> No.13207058

When will people fuck off with this iq shit.

>> No.13207077

the fact that you people even feel the need to take an iq test should be a point of self reflection

>> No.13207128

When it stops being a relevant number to your academic and financial success.

>> No.13207153

>go for job interview
>first question i am asked is what iq i got on some random internet test
>say 120
>interviewer screams with the intensity of 50 beluga whales, spends 5 minutes strangling himself with his tie then with his dying breath tells me i didn't get the job
hate it when this happens

>> No.13207177

you joke but the US banned IQ tests for employers because it was 'racist' or something

>> No.13207286

I love this board

>> No.13207332

Public intellectuals are mostly phillistines anyways. You can just fake it

>> No.13207435

Not incoherent thoughts but a pretty wise brush you're painting with >>13207077
Usually spoken by someone whose IQ isn't impressive - I'm in mensa but i still wrote them a sternly worded letter about the silliness of their test with its low res pictures of cowboys and robbers

>> No.13207525
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Two things:
1. Your IQ score doesn't mean shit if you don't acknowledge what test you have taken. Anyone could construct a test and call it an IQ test. Catell is the one considered most reliable.
2. IQ tests that measures above 135 are extremely unreliable. When anyone says they have a 135+ IQ, in 99% of the cases, they are have taken a meme online "IQ" test.

>> No.13207553


>> No.13207561
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>IQ test as a kid was 130
>adult one gave 95

>> No.13207627

You literally have the perfect IQ, smart enough to to absorb and repeat others ideas, but not smart enough to actually critically examine them, enough to realize that the subject you are arguing about is far more nuanced then what your entirely biased sources told you.

That way you can make sweeping simplifications to BTFO the opposition without even having to admit to yourself that you are lying.

Also this.

>> No.13207676

Are the people who type like pseuds on this board actually smart?

>> No.13207749

i cant find the link but most university professors have iqs of 115-135. people with iq over 140 are progressively less likely to be successful because they have left humanity behind. they often have fucked up lives because they cant cope.

it's hard to have meaningful relationships with people beyond 30 iq points of you. if your iq is 160, you are within 30 iq points of only about 2% of the population.

think about how difficult it is to have a conversation with a real idiot. now imagine that you are that far removed from the majority of people. that's a tough world to navigate through, especially in an anti-intellectual society. you have to constantly filter yourself to be comprehensible.

when women say they want to date intelligent guys, they mean guys with IQ of 120 or so. they don't want to date a guy with iq of 150. people hate being around people who are significantly more intelligent than them, because it makes them feel insecure (depending on how egotistic they are).

work ethic is more relevant than intelligence when it comes to success.

i know actual IQ tests lack validity, but intelligence isn't a meaningless concept, so we can hypothetically quantify it for the sake of argument.

>> No.13207780

it is also very difficult for people with high IQ to be leaders for this reason. they are more likely to behave as eminences grise to exert influence, a karl rove rather than a george bush. leaders are usually relatively intelligent people who can convey the ideas of the high-IQ in a palatable way.

the greatest leader would have no original thoughts at all, but be skilled in rhetoric, moderately intelligent, and sagacious enough to choose good advisors and to cherry pick their ideas

>> No.13207788

What's stopping you?

>> No.13207795

you either stole the idea from me or you had the same thught process. I did it on /mu/ first, got the same reactions.
they'll never know

>> No.13207827

Verbal IQ: 134
Performance IQ: 96

I just wanna end it, honestly. I have these intricate abstract emotional experiences, that push me towards the intellectual crowd. However, so many people there have a more balanced IQ profile, so in addition to having all those experiences and ideas, they are also good at practical matters, so I feel left behind , like I don't fit in.
This has caused me to alienate myself from almost everyone. I'm too smart for the "normies" but too dumb for the true intellectuals. Instead I'm in this grey area, where I can have a taste of what the intellectual life is like, but never actually live it. it's torture

>> No.13207838

>NEETs are unironically high iq

>> No.13207953
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NEET here. I can confirm that my IQ is exceedingly high.

>> No.13208056

it's not uncommon to see iq gaps in people who are gifted. But of course, since your gap is 38, and you verbal iq is "only" 134, this causes it te bo much more noticeable. Say your verbal IQ was 160, then your performance IQ would still be 122 and you would be perfectly functional. You wuold still notice you aren't as proficient in those areas of course, but relative to others you'd still be in the 90th percentile.

>> No.13208158


>> No.13208203

If i have a 125 iq at 18; will it increase to 130-135 by the time i finish university?

>> No.13208213


>> No.13208285

Some of the most intelligent people are leaders.
Having a personality disorder doesn't make you le smart
Fuck summer.

>> No.13208302

sargon is like 105 at best

>> No.13208343

>Some of the most intelligent people are leaders.
Like who?

>> No.13208357

Certain presidents, like Bill Clinton
or generals, like Subutai

>> No.13208358

you sure?

>> No.13208366

Depends on what you're studying

Some things mostly require memorization, and while that's an important part of intelligence it doesnt figure into IQ

>> No.13208367


>> No.13208380

What exactly makes you think Bill Clinton would be among "some of the most intelligent people"?

>> No.13208390

you can make the same claim

>> No.13208399

He was a Rhodes scholar

>> No.13208412

>work ethic is more relevant than intelligence when it comes to success
And even more important than either are sociability and connections via mommy and daddy

>> No.13208417


>> No.13208423

Not sure if b8...

>In his will, Rhodes specified that he did not want his scholarships to go to "merely bookworms." He wanted candidates assessed in regard to:
>his literary and scholastic attainments
>his fondness of and success in manly outdoor sports such as cricket, football and the like
>his qualities of manhood, truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for the protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness, and fellowship
>his exhibition during school days of moral force of character and of instincts to lead and to take an interest in his schoolmates for those latter attributes will be likely in after-life to guide him to esteem the performance of public duty as his highest aim

>> No.13208430


>> No.13208472

no one with my iq is as smart as me, godtier cope.

>> No.13208473

I'll be that brainlet who doesn't understand, what's going on here?

>> No.13208491

Is there a reliable IQ test online?

>> No.13208500


>> No.13208510

More than enough, retard.

Just not for philosophy.

>> No.13208511

he predicted the number of his reply

>> No.13208515

The norway mensa test is supposed to be reliable, but it only tests spacial awareness/pattern recognition. No math skills or verbal IQ.

>> No.13208528

found the incel

>> No.13208560

155 IQ here. Yes, properly tested.

It hasn't made my life better in any way whatsoever but I wouldn't part with a single point for all the wealth in the world.

>> No.13208562

BTW if you're a NEET you have a 100iq or lower.

>> No.13208572

Iq correlates with g, predictive of years spent out of the workforce, likelihood of death by accident, BMI, maximum earnings. It's used because it's helpful

>> No.13208579

SEETHING wagie cope.

>> No.13208617

wow man this is based

>> No.13208627

120. Honestly though just because someone is smarter doesn't mean they have good taste. Think engineers, they're smart as hell but are totally boring. As long as you reach a baseline, probably like 110, you're fine

>> No.13208639

>smart as hell

>> No.13208873

depends what you define smart as. They typically have good visual/spatial reasoning and processing speed. However, appreciation of art, metaphysics and aesthetics requires more abstract reasoning/verbal intelligence. Which is something these people often lack, making them appear shallow and emotionally boring

>> No.13208904

this desu. They are good at understanding the concrete, material world around them, but their human experience is pretty blunted and undeveloped. Of course there are exceptions, but that's generally my impression of these people. I don't know if I'd exchange my brain for theirs. I can't imagine not having this emotional depth and talent for philosophy and the written word. I guess I just wish I was good at both, it would make my life a hell of a lot easier

>> No.13208954

>IQ: 77

>> No.13208958

Is an inflated sense of self-worth part of the latter, or simply a characteristic you both posses?

>> No.13209004

How someone can claim to have a grasp about human experience, aesthetics and abstract reasoning and at the same time write posts that showcase the complete lack of those attributes is something that I can completely understand.

>> No.13209005

>what is painting
>what is architecture

>> No.13209021
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dubs determine my suicide method

>> No.13209034

he just picked the next number after the last post, /lit/ is so slow there were no posts for 20 seconds

>> No.13209054 [DELETED] 


>> No.13209064 [DELETED] 


>> No.13209084

J.D. Salinger was ~115 and his fiction is pretty damn good, even Nabokov liked his work.

>> No.13209102 [DELETED] 


>> No.13209109


>> No.13209115


>> No.13209133

I have 98 iq but unlike you losers I actually have sex.

>> No.13209135


>> No.13209139

Low IQ generally means lower inhibition which mean more or easier sex. Not really an accomplishment beyond fulfilling a biological imperative, which certainly is nothing to scoff at

>> No.13209143


>> No.13209192


>> No.13209196
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Burn yourself in front of the White House.

>> No.13209211

>That way you can make sweeping simplifications to BTFO the opposition without even having to admit to yourself that you are lying.

>> No.13209225

using iq as a measure of ability is the true mark of a retard

>> No.13209258

Haven't taken an iq test, but in high school I got a 36 (perfect score) on the ACT and it was really fucking alienating
It's not worth it anon, appreciate your above average intelligence for what it is

>> No.13209337

Wow that's my IQ too

>> No.13209368

Crazy that most people ignore this
There so many problems with the test but people actually think it accurately measures intelligence on an individual level

>> No.13209399

If you spend most of your time in uni practicing various IQ tests then definitely yes.

>> No.13209582


>> No.13209589

It's true. Guy has probably never doubted himself. It's obviously not a bad thing. Getting sex is an achievement in its own right

>> No.13209669

120-125 is literally the ideal IQ range for pretty much anything other than mathematics or military

>> No.13209692

Feel like a lot of these people have their IQ as their only sense of value and self worth. Pretty ridiculous to cling onto a number that much. It doesn't have any application in the world on it's own. What you with it is literally the only thing that matters.
Mensa is for mental masturbators and narcissists.

>> No.13209706

>Have never even gotten my IQ measured and dont really care too
>Still believe in it and shitpost about it

>> No.13209740

>Great intellectual geniuses are usually loveless recluses who can only find substance in the most mundane of things and often live pretty pathetic, autistic lives
i'm all of those things AND i'm a brainlet doesn't get any worse than that

>> No.13209847
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Name one thing (1) that people with IQ above 120 contribute to society! Protip: you can't! They are merely a leech upon the working class, an arrogant vermin, polluting and corrupting the society and finance. Their '""high"""-art is nothing but a facade for an empty, labour-averse, lazy soul. Their science is but a transhumanist babylonian wet dream. Pol Pot had it right when he tried to get all intellectuals executed. You should want that too. I hate smart people, they all should be sent to the camps, given mercury and put to work! Reply if you agree.

>> No.13209863

I say my iq is well in excess of 200, where's MY book deal?

>> No.13209870

Knowing and acting are two very seperate things anon. Is this what happens when you begin and end with the Greeks?

>> No.13209887

Aren't French IQ tests made intentionally easier to hide the fact that you're all pseuds who don't know what you're talking about though?
Jordan Peterson fan posting pics of teen girls he no doubt sexualises, what else is new?

>> No.13210100

>I've never been to a doctor

>> No.13210115

>>13205298 (You)

>> No.13210140

Spoken like a low iq who never made any connections