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13202918 No.13202918 [Reply] [Original]

How do we prevent this?

>> No.13202921

name one novel other than the hunger games

>> No.13202923


>> No.13202928
File: 166 KB, 974x966, 1554330413658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop reading Young Adult novels.

>> No.13202930

she's not clumsy or a vampire.

can't remember if there are two white guys but gonna assume there are

>> No.13202957

Why was it pointed out that the male characters are white, as if that is a negative? Why is everything about identity politics?

>> No.13202961

Shut the fuck up nazi

>> No.13202963


>> No.13202974

You're thinking about it wrong. It's just to emphasize how good she has it.

>> No.13202981

it's to emphasise how generic and bland these stories are, both guys are pretty similar just reskinned basically

>> No.13202997

How the fuck do books like that even make money?
Kids don't read, and no adult would read it.

>> No.13203008

>Kids don't read,
>and no adult would read it

>> No.13203015
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the drawing style is atrocius

>> No.13203017

>white is bland

>> No.13203035

Not many people read, but there's a small group of people who read A LOT and aren't very picky about quality beyond some pretty basic prose, narrative, and formatting standards.

>> No.13203037

It's very bad for books for teenage girls having live interests that look like typical boy band members instead of rap artists.

>> No.13203058

neither is the girl from hunger games. I'm beginning to suspect you're missing the point here.

>> No.13203067

You slap your children's neck very hard when he's being a insufferable pest

>> No.13203074

This, we need YA books with rugged warrior poet family men

>> No.13203163

Harry Potter

>> No.13203164

Western cosmopolitanism considers white ethnocentrism to be heresy

>> No.13203169


>> No.13203177

If this shit isn’t happening in a girls life she will orchestrate it. Apparently it’s called a sexual script

>> No.13203185


>> No.13203301

you're posting on an identity politics website faggot

>> No.13203315

>How do we prevent this?

change human nature.

>> No.13203328

Enter the Void

>> No.13203333

This is the most enojyable detail in the comic. Future scholars will waste hours debating the necessity of mentioning it.

>> No.13203357

It was also pointed out that they are hot, but you didn't think that was seen as a negative. A little biased are we, shitlord?

>> No.13203388

Hotness is noteworthy, since most people aren't hot. Being white in a white majority country isn't at all noteworthy, yet it's still considered to be so by the type of people who think an all white love-triangle should be a thing of the past.

>> No.13203404

Go back to /pol/, triggered incel

>> No.13203425

>Being white in a white majority country
Which country are you talking about? Most of these books are set in some fantasy land or in a dystopian future.

>> No.13203467

You say that as if the girl from hunger games is a vampire

>> No.13203650

When I was in middle school I was very into the Maximum Ride series (largely forgotten now) “by” James Patterson (yes, that one)

In hindsight it has all the hallmarks of bad YA: impossibly wise but yet innocently curious youngsters, edgy love interest (his name is literally Fang), amazing combat skills, supposedly powerful evil organization that keeps getting thwarted book after book

oh also they literally have bird wings

>> No.13203814

>triggered incel
Triggered mutt

>> No.13203826

>and no adult would read it.
there's an entire cult of middle aged women who are obsessed with the moody sparkly vampires in twilight

>> No.13203843

The two hot white dudes should just be bfs

>> No.13203858

Anyone else keep staring at her bare feet?

>> No.13203866

t. Incel

>> No.13203878

Question. Why is this genre called 'Young Adult' when it is more focused toward teens? I mean, I wouldn't consider someone an adult if they read YA shit

>> No.13204006

Lord of the Flies

>> No.13204011

The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.13204016

>mad over hot white guys
I smell insecurity, tubby.

>> No.13204325

Isn't it obvious?
Teens would rather read something that's supposedly for young adults.
Something for teens would make them feel immature, something for old adults would be perceived as uncool.

>> No.13204327

Because it usually focuses on young adult protagonists and is aimed at a wide range of people (usually between the ages of 16 and 35). The vagueness of it is why publishers keep trying to force new subgenres (like 'new adult') to more precisely pander to their audience, but it never really sticks.

>> No.13204333

Wasn't this basically Athena in the Iliad?

>> No.13204496

Every single fantasy novel that has come out in since Harry Potter is a YA novel. Prove me wrong.

>> No.13204540

evolutionary yes, females are programmed to choose from competitors, so obviously a girl would try to orchestrate a competition.

>> No.13204550

Id go even further and claim all Fantasy and Sci-Fi are YA and childrens books

>> No.13204567


>> No.13204575

Because white = hot

>> No.13204580

I would say that that is debatable, and I can certainly understand why you'd say that, but the HP books were the final nail in the coffin that killed any possible debate, imo.

>> No.13204586

Why do you put the "by" in question marks?

Also, with some of the things you said, namely the combat skills, and wings, it makes sense that they're there, as its explained in the book. Do you think these elements aren't organic, or are porr elements in the story?

I ask because I write a story with similar themes in my spare time and the Maximum Ride series is, as I'm coming to find out, a huge source of motivation of it all. I read the stories when I was younger, but I never noticed some of the parallels I include in my own story.

>> No.13204615

Jackie Chan

>> No.13204624 [DELETED] 

exterminate the jews and their liberal servitors. only then will the qualification of whiteness be irrelevant and we can be just people again.

>> No.13205139

Just kill yourself, you add absolutely nothing to the quality of the discussion on this board whatsoever

>> No.13205153

I read moby dick and the classics when I was a teen.

I never read young adult period.

>> No.13205167

No, I'm not a weirdo.

>> No.13205200

if anything it's a positive, the girls/women will only buy into the books of the genre if the attractive romantic interests are both white.

>> No.13205204

Why should I care about this?

>> No.13205284 [DELETED] 

This, there is a low iq disease in the human race and it has dark skinz

>> No.13205423

Why shouldn't you?

>> No.13205470
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Hell yeah

>> No.13205493
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>complains about style
>posts anime

>> No.13205613

infinite jest

>> No.13205668

Twilight series

>> No.13205728

shut the fuck up please

>> No.13206197

I read I Am the Cheese, The Chocolate War ,A Separate Peace and Tolkien when I was 11-13.

>> No.13206204

seething YA cuck. i hope you die slowly and miserably nigger

>> No.13206206

You need to go back.

>> No.13206210

Idris Elba

>> No.13206235

these cutesy feminine comics piss me the fuck off

>> No.13206978
File: 259 KB, 400x600, peggy-sue-e-gli-invisibili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not both?

>> No.13207042

Based, I did read one ya though which was that weird mutant one from the 70s

>> No.13207052

These are just harem anime for teen girls, why do you care?

>> No.13207084

Shut up and piss off, cracker

>> No.13207088

Yes but from Hermione pov

>> No.13207196

eliminate universal literacy by divine might

>> No.13207212

Stop teen girls from being preferentially attracted to white men (impossible task without use of mass-scale social engineering and cross-generational eugenics program)

>> No.13207219

>when your skin looks like the contents of a portapottie

>> No.13207227

>Why do you put the "by" in question marks?
Paterson admits he hires ghost writers, he just puts his name there for marketability

>> No.13207267

if you go to the “teen” section it’s all books that’s more fitting for 10-15 year olds
“young adult” sounds mature

>> No.13207279

The elements obviously are explained in the story, but Paterson is just a cliche monster and didn’t realize how much of it were YA tropes

I’m sure your story is fine, it’s not that these fantasy elements are bad - it’s that it should be used with caution

>> No.13207406
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How do we prevent this?

>> No.13207423

The actuall implication is that white people cannot have individual identity. Since grouping themselves collectively as white is also bad, they just wind up with absolutely no identity whatsoever.
It's not the white=bland, it's that white=no identity. And now you know why white American teens desperately pretend to be urban criminal youths.

>> No.13207425

Heh, how dare those suckers enjoy pastry so much to make a comic about it. We ought to turn Schopenhauer on this artist so he can wallow in misery with the rest of us

>> No.13207440

t. born yesterday

>> No.13207457
File: 42 KB, 246x481, sin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something something there is also a number of groups which each young adult is sectioned off into through various trail
big twist you are either the most important member of one or you actually belong to them all
look at that fucking asshole. didn't even share his second. why did he even get two. fuck this guy.

>> No.13207458

No.. I meant the lack of donuts on donut day you goof

>> No.13207465

metro 2033

>> No.13207466
File: 105 KB, 625x790, cad-20080602-358b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parodies of that dumb comic?

>> No.13207481

I don't get it

>> No.13207510

The OP is basically anime (cartoon) but 10x less aesthetic. Looks GOOFY as heck. I don't see your point, the other anon is right.

>> No.13207527

The Hunger Games

>> No.13207539

I think the big thing was that the cartoonist was trying to talk about a serious personal issue through that manner.

>> No.13207543

Nah, OPs style is way more pleasing

>> No.13207557

Who gives a shit. You're not the target audience. Let tweens read tween shit.

>> No.13207638

Memorias de Idhun

>> No.13207674

The Black Company.

>> No.13207675

Its shit

>> No.13207770

Because ppl think identity is the whole of their being.

>> No.13207814

Lmao we’ve all been there

>> No.13207860

They think racemixing is a good thing. Races aren't real though so don't go thinking for yourself, just go mixing like a good boy.

>> No.13207905

I learned greek and latin in my pre-teens and read the works of Epicurus and Gaius Plinius Secundus Maior in my teens, get on my level you pseud

>> No.13208037

the drawing style is deliberately exaggerated in an attempt to have a unique style. it's hard for the current crop of thumb-fingered autists to scrawl out something that doesn't look like every other webcomic.

check out John Crawford's "Baboon Dooley". THAT was unique.

>> No.13208049
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We only have one hope.... StoneToss Colonization.

>> No.13208857


>> No.13208965
File: 1012 B, 119x126, 7dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge meme, long gone. Pic roasted.

>> No.13208986

Red Queen

>> No.13209381

stop having gay sex

>> No.13209425


>> No.13209474
File: 66 KB, 625x605, no-fap-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never be a woman.

>> No.13209479
