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13202417 No.13202417 [Reply] [Original]

>read pic related
>can only feel disgust, hatred and rage for the slut

Am I reading this right? Am I supposed to feel bad to this unworthy slut?

Also the purple prose in Madame Bovary made me angry. Why people say it's a masterpiece?

>> No.13202462

I enjoyed the blend of romanticism with realism. Specially how it always screwed Emma over and crushed her hopes.
I've heard Emma being referred to as a female Don Quixote and that's not too off the mark.

>> No.13202509


it's supposed to be full of cruel sarcasm, I dunno how it feels in translation

>> No.13202528

Books to make me empathize with female struggles?

>> No.13202572


>Reading french prose in English
>It's purple

>> No.13202632
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>> No.13202642
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>reading a book about a feminism icon


>> No.13203060

>Also the purple prose in Madame Bovary made me angry
Flaubert having purple prose? Can you provide examples? I'm curious

>> No.13203071
File: 8 KB, 257x247, C1941683-DD3C-4087-BF81-C9BC684699DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Female struggles
Have you tried Lolita?

>> No.13203085


Flaubert was a seething misogynist, so I'm sure that effect was intended

>> No.13203107
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How about Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson?
there's a comic version you can also read

>> No.13203160

>beautiful young woman stuck marrying boring old betabux
adultery is wrong but such is life

>> No.13203905

Bouvard and Pecuchet is infinitely better, wittier and more important (it’s basically a progenitor of all encyclopedic modernist and postmodernist novels, including the Meme Triology)

>> No.13204015

>Flaubert was a seething misogynist
Have read any of his work over than Madame Bovary?
He was more of a misanthrope, everyone of his character is an object of mockery and acrid humor.

>can only feel disgust, hatred and rage for the slut
Is it because you do you feel compassion for the husband, that low brow hunk of meat?
I mean you're not supposed to feel bad for anyone, they are all torn apart by Flaubert, in my opinion they all get what they deserve.
Her husband is not shown in the most advantageous light either, he's a small bourgeois with nothing in his head other than his next dinner and his contempt for life, he has no redeeming quality. In the end he's as responsible as her, there's no culprit or innocent, weird right ?

>> No.13204109

What are you talking about? The guy busted his ass to be a Doctor (even if he was dumb as a rock) and even tried to improve himself to learn new techniques (which failed horrible) to get more money and fame so that his bitch of a wife could be a little more happy. Life is Life I suppose, but you can't blame the guy for trying to improve himself for something noble as of the love of his life.

>> No.13204142

That's a dissonance in values. Stupidity was considered a serious flaw when the book was written. You're not supposed to sympathize with a man who lacked a self.

>> No.13204160

Disgust is a bit too strong; just ennui at these moeurs provinciales

>> No.13204183

I felt dimilarly but recently I started sleeping with a married woman and I can understand it better. I am a poorfag and ex con and and her husband is very successful but he just isn't giving her what she needed. He gives her her own house and lavishes money on her but she still refuses to have sex with him because he doesn't fill her heart with passion

>> No.13204395

>Material response to a woman with a head filled with romance.
He's just plain idiotic, as much as she is, but in a different way. Even more so because those few phases where he tries to change things are swallowed in the standstill of his day to day life afterwards, which he is most happy about. Emma in the least has some sense in that regard, she is always trying something (which sadly is cucking her husband). I think that's the major point of irony transpiring from this work, and the one which made so many people grind their teeth. It's not an apologist approach to adultery, it's just the display of the human condition.

On the question of fault :
Charles is lacking imagination to hold his marriage, he doesn't even have the perspicacity to see what has been happening after years. Emma is lightly spirited and fooled by her hollow ideals of love and passion. It's her fault has much as it is Charles, but for both of them it's displayed as the result of their upbringing. She couldn't adapt from being a young maiden loved deeply by her father to being the wife of a man whose love is mostly showing as contempt. And Charles has never been told by anyone how to love, neither by his father (who was always out of the house) nor his mother who looked at Charles as the reason for her husband to have forsaken her (if I remember correctly).
Everyone shares the fault, the one of letting fate and it's tools, habit and ease, rule them.

>> No.13204672

i swear if this book was abt a guy all emma haters would be like ”damn..he just like me. what are some more doomer books?”

>> No.13204800

The doctor is a literal cuck. Emma has every right to seek out Chad. Try to prove me wrong.