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/lit/ - Literature

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1319615 No.1319615 [Reply] [Original]

Is it embarassing to read on a kindle irl?

please answer since i think my mum plans on getting me one since i cants choose any material goods that i may wish to receive as a christmas gift (Jesus would be ashamed).

>> No.1319616

to be clearer:

is it embarrassing to be reading on a kindle in a coffee shop when everyone else is either socialising or reading normal books?

ill need to stop her soon.

>> No.1319619

no, it's not. many people other than yourself will have one, and the ones who don't will be jelly. for the record, i do not own one myself.

>> No.1319629

no. kindles are the hottest new thing. besides, do you have to read exclusively in coffee shops?

you can't turn down the convenience of free kindle from mummy. kindle = unlimited free books.

>> No.1319650


>> No.1319653 [DELETED] 

Its not emarassing, but stupid. No point of reading in the first place, if nobody in coffie shop can see the title of your book.

>> No.1319655

Its not emabrassing, but stupid. No point of reading in the first place, if nobody in the coffee shop can see the title of your book.

>> No.1319667


>> No.1319670
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mfw everyone on /lit/ is a sarcastical hipster

>> No.1319673


>> No.1319693

The Kindle and Nook are kind of cool looking. I want to buy one but I'm waiting for textbooks to go digital first.

>> No.1319697

>reading off kindle on train home
>'Oh, is that an iPad?'

>> No.1319698


>> No.1319708


at my university, all law students get an iPhone for free for downloading academic journals and papers published

>> No.1319716

yeah its kind of depressing that people cant see what you're reading but maybe that might make them ask you?

>> No.1319724

lol 8/10 almost raged

>> No.1319728


He's not trolling bro, that's how Ty actually thinks.

>> No.1319739

I'm getting one for christmas too. Can't fucking wait.

>> No.1319740
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Ty do you always have to fuck up? Even in your own threads?

>> No.1319749

no trollo.

how did i fuck up? you might find someone with similar taste to talk to if they see you reading Dostoevsky or w/e.

dont be mean.

>> No.1319753

Who the fuck cares. Do what you want, fucks sake, stop being so insecure.

>> No.1319759
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>who's that cool dude with the etcha-sketch?

>> No.1319764

I will follow you home tonight.

>> No.1319821

Any response other than this is incorrect.

I read all the time on my Kindle, and you know what? I don't give a fuck if people on the bus think I'm weird. I typically see at least 2 other people with one.

I'd rather have a more convenient and enjoyable lifestyle than feel secure knowing that strangers think I'm cool.

>> No.1319835

you ptend to be original but your just a sheeple, the illusion fools no one but yourself.

>> No.1319848

Depends on where you live. I went to NYC a month ago and quite a few people were rocking iPads/Nooks/Kindles. I was secretly cursing the Kindle's lack of P2P trading.

>> No.1319853



You get a lot of looks, but the are curious rather than judgemental. If anything people looking effects me mainly because I become aware of them looking and it draws me out of the reading experience. I certainly don't feel embarrassed.

(Kindle fag, reads with it in public and on public transport pretty much every day)

>> No.1319870
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Hey, I have a question about these E-readers. Where does one go to download books for them? Is it possible to torrent books or find some way of obtaining them less-than-legally for a reduced price like I do with my music?

pic unrelated

>> No.1319872

All you guys shold probably remove your buttplugs, I think it gave you some kind of infection.

Reading a (physical) book in public makes nobody look cool or desirable / stupid or pretentious, no matter what the title says or how the cover art looks.
Reading a book on an electronic device makes nobody look cool or desirable / stupid or pretentious, no matter which brand or color.

>> No.1319873
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Who cares if you look cool or not.

GD grow up dude. Like you should care what strangers in a Starbucks think about you reading an ereader.

>> No.1319874

When I real my Kindle, I get asked "whats that?" and I respond "a book"
If they were dumb enough to ask in the first place they don't deserve a real answer. Just rock your Kindle and know that you are the master race.
Also, you have an obligation to kick anyone you see using a Nook in the nads and/or tits.

>> No.1319877

Although anything worth reading is already in the public domain. That's right. I said it.

>> No.1319880


Have you left the house lately? People hold preconceptions about all kinds of things, and judge people on the shittiest of superficial shit, it's involuntary and just part of being a human being in the 21st century. Stop this pretentious crap about how you're liek so objective and non-judgemental because nobody's buying it.

>> No.1319882
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Thanks dude <3

So is the general consensus on /lit/ that the Kindle is the superior E-reader?

>> No.1319927

I'm not the person that you were responding to. But normal people don't care, or if they do it's so minor as to almost be a non-issue. The only difference from books is that people can't see what you're reading (and all that implies).

At the end of the day, how attractive you are and how well you dress are much much much more important for first impressions. If you're a Calvin Klein's model you could probably read Hustler in public and still get hit on.

>> No.1319935
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well, I already dress like a hipster, so it doesn't matter much to me.

its a good conversation piece, though

a lot of people don't know what it is

>> No.1319942

> implying most people even know a fraction of the titles considered bestsellers OR "classic", not to speak of the ones not falling into both categories

>> No.1319950

I read and browse the web on my Kindle on public trans all the time. No one seems to care. I don't see how it'd be embarrassing.

>> No.1319967

HAving used both, I say go for the Kindle 3. It's great.

>> No.1319973
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You just can't see their

>> No.1320007


enjoy being paranoid

>> No.1320011

Does anyone with an ereader ever still read paper books?

>> No.1320034

Tybrax, shouldn't you be more concerned about staying in school than what people think of you in a coffee shop? Or did you give up on free money.

I just bought a nook on friday. So far it is enjoyable. The Kindle 3 has a better screen (friend has one) and the little lcd is kinda slow/pathetic. I dunno, for $100 my Nook is fine. However for equal price, I'd go with the Kindle 3.

>> No.1320037

Nook does epub, Kindle 3 does not

>> No.1320046

oh now things are good now. im going to the doctors regularly now & i think im still getting expenses money despite that. im restarting 1st year next year. gonna kick ass since i know all the stuff.

>> No.1320053
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>im restarting 1st year next year


I would be out on my arse on the fucking street in a minute if I failed a year of college.

>> No.1320069


>implying you can't just use Calibre

>> No.1320073

Yep, I get embarrassed that people think I own an ipad.

>> No.1320077

i didnt fail silly. its 'voluntary suspension'. i passed most of my tests but im pulling out to get a social life & stop being an aspie.

its not like i have to pay for the course again or anything. hope your family relations are ok d&e....

>> No.1320082

one thing that bugs me about ereaders is right now the publishers are in control..so for instance, if I had a nook or kindle, I couldnt get the new wheel of time book which came out on nov 2, becuase the publishers dont want it on there yet...you have to buy a physical copy to get it...Feb is the slated time it will be availaibe..that is bullshit...and is part of the reason that I dont yet have an ereader is that kinda shit.

>> No.1320090

>stop being aspie

If it's a medical condition you can't stop it.

If you're saying you're aspie bc it's the "cool" thing to do, get a fucking life and stop making excuses.

>> No.1320092
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>> No.1320094

no they think i literally have aspergers which is kind of ironic after all the insults on here.

i might make a thread seeing if someone wants to mold my development over this free year.

>> No.1320095

It's probably available sooner because it's easier to just upload a file to be available for download rather than wait four months for millions of copies to print. Why not make it available to the public as soon as possible? I mean, I'm sure those companies are paying extra to get the book earlier, but yeah...

I raged at first when I heard this, but it kinda makes sense when you think about it.

>> No.1320097

Well the truth is, if you aren't in school it's going to be harder to make friends unless you can still attend school functions. It's easier to make friends when you see more people a day and you see more people during classes and stuff.

>> No.1320098

i couldnt make any friends even after like 10 weeks here ;_;

i might just hang around a library or something i dont even know.

>> No.1320101
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No. If anyone gives you shit, jab 'em in the neck and steal their wallet.

>> No.1320103

Yeah, the thing is if you try to make friends, it's hardly going to happen. You'll be trying to hard and they'll sense it and it just won't work.

I'm not aspie but I've tried to make friends before and it's harder than it sounds.

if you go to the library, what are you going to do? approach people? they'll think you're weird. you have to get involved in stuff, volunteer, be a part of clubs, and through this you can get to know people, and hope to get invited out other times. Just meeting people in public doesn't happen unless you're an alpha socializer and you know how to talk to people. But then you'd have friends already.

>> No.1320105

I don't think you have aspergers.

I think you are not very intelligent (no matter what education) and have propably some inverted narcisstic personality disorder.
The fact that you neither have "natural" good looks nor active or sportive tendencies and no messed up sense for physical risk (like climbing up buildings, getting in fights or spraypainting the streets like many other idiotic males) makes it hard for people to recognize you or feel you are in any way interesting.

>> No.1320113

Don't even try to reason with him. Many have tried and all have failed.

>> No.1320123

I wasn't necessarily trying to reason with him. He just thinks he's going to make friends by going out in public? I'm just trying to let him know that's not going to work without telling him he's about to waste a year of his life not making any friends right out *shrug*

>> No.1320126


> bunch of assertions and opinions

And just so we're clear, spray-painting is a wonderful character-building exercise; I stencilled a good quarter of my town once.

>> No.1320127

He pretty much refuses all advise, despite the fact that he obviously knows very little about social interactions.

>> No.1320131

yeah i think you're right but they'll give me sum pro-tips at the aspie clinic im sure.

>I don't think you have aspergers
neither do i but i will find out in the coming weeks.

>The fact that you neither have "natural" good looks nor active or sportive tendencies and no messed up sense for physical risk (like climbing up buildings, getting in fights or spraypainting the streets like many other idiotic males) makes it hard for people to recognize you or feel you are in any way interesting.
yes but why cant other boring people exist or find me interesting? thats probably what i should try to do, find boring ppl.

not even gonna reply to ur entry-lvl psychology.

>> No.1320133
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>> No.1320139

Why don't you just take the advice? You're hardly an expert at making friends.

>> No.1320141

>messed up sense for physical risk
>like climbing up buildings (parkour)
>getting in fights (mma)
>spraypainting the streets (street art)

disgusting neckbeard detected

>> No.1320143

what is the advice here? not to do anything?

h8 ppl that say im a troll, dont take advice & loads of other nonsense for no apparent reason other than disliking my style.

im a wuss d&e, i was never a rebel though i did spray paint with a 'friend' once.

>> No.1320147


By the way, I'm not even the same guy.

>> No.1320153


Trips just always have to get the last word. Lonely ass loser.

I'm not the one you're responding to, but lulz.

>> No.1320154
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>People call me a retard
>Only logical conclusion: they must hate my style

>> No.1320155

>By the way, I'm not even the same guy
>I'm not the one you're responding to, but lulz.

>> No.1320156


samefag lol

>> No.1320160

uh, no. I am

Sorry that we're not all faggoty tripfags like you.

>> No.1320167


>> No.1320172
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>> No.1320175

Hahaha I was >>1320153

Lol at the tripfag saying samefag.

Fucking losers.



>> No.1320178

Deep&Edgy please stop shitting up my daily therapy session


>> No.1320183

You'll feel much more at home there, Ty.

>> No.1320187

For real. /lit/ isn't here to talk about your personal life

>> No.1320190

i'm too shy to go there & dont like their style. maybe if you introduced me or something.... otherwise no

>> No.1320192

you know, even though i think you're a huge faggot, you're an entertaining one at least

>> No.1320197
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>mfw I call the samefag out so he samefags even harder LOL

>> No.1320198


ever1 irl finds me so boring. im so lonely.

>> No.1320199

How the fuck are we supposed to introduce you? Go over, lurk, start posting on other threads until you can make your own threads. It's not that fucking hard. If we have introduce you there, you're never going to make real friends irl.

>> No.1320204

>tripfag still tries to get the last word


Keep at it, brah.

>> No.1320206

Here's how you make friends in college:

>Join a hall of residence/frat whatever they're called in your country
>Get drunk


>Join a university club
>Get drunk

You now have friends. And Inb4 they aren't real friends; it may be superficial at start, but a few of them will turn out to be good people.

>> No.1320212
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>thinks I want the last word instead of seeing how many times I can keep his stupid ass responding

wait til u see my next trick bro, it's a killer

>> No.1320223

>MFW dumb tripfags never give up

>> No.1320224

I just get extremely depressed when i drink, not care free.

Also I like how you're reciting the 'gotta be shallow mannn, but then u raise above it!!!!!!1'

>> No.1320230


>> No.1320241

>'gotta be shallow mannn, but then u raise above it!!!!!!1'

Not the person you're responding to, but it's true. I tried to make friends, went to a lot of parties and clubs with groups. It's the easiest way to meet people. Some good people there, but I still never talk to them outside of work or school or the parties. I just don't really fit in with that crowd. I'm still a bit socially awkward but I'm trying to get over it.

>forever alone

>> No.1320243

>he's still trying to get the last word and show me up. mfw

You tripfags are like camwhores without the cam

inb4 shitty picture of you trying to show us how "fit" you are. gtfo fatty

>> No.1320244

get a job/join a volunteer group

>> No.1320247

>Some good people there, but I still never talk to them outside of work or school or the parties
thx 4 ur advice. u seem reallie qualified & lead by examples.

whats the best volunteer group

>> No.1320256

My closest friends are definitely those that I've been able to click with straight away (e.g. first time meeting talking about philosophy, music, /lit/ discussions etc) but they tend to be weird introverted people like myself. But if someone doesn't share your interests, you need to 'play the game' so to speak - jumping straight in to the deep end is socially retarded. And I think it's worth jumping the ropes, because there are also some worthwhile people out there that have completely different interests; they're the ones that lead you to venture in to new things - the others will just keep you in your comfort zone.

>> No.1320258


>best volunteer group
I am probably not the right person to ask for that

>> No.1320269

>attention whoring to the max, brah

>> No.1320284


>> No.1320292

It depends on the groups in your area. I've been volunteering at both an animal shelter and the red cross. Although I've met people through both, the red cross has led to many more social connections. I presume you'd find the same thing if you worked any part-time job with a large number of students (e.g. waitering; retail).

>> No.1320294

>I am probably not the right person to ask for that
lol do you hate 'ppl without the power' xD

>replied to wrong post
>inb4 delete

>> No.1320298

lol oh well

>> No.1320304

no u didnt answer me first bit

>> No.1320326

shit tybrax I don't know, find a group that does something you think you'd be good at or that you find interesting, not much prospect for that considering it's voluntary work but beggars can't be choosers. This is going to be unappealing to you because you probably abhor the idea of helping the under-privileged and there isn't a good chance you'll find people who share the same interests with you. Work is similar in the fact that you actually have to do work, and depending on where you're doing it people won't have the same interests in you. If you were totally starved for human contact this is what you would do, but I doubt that you're at this stage.

>> No.1321086


>> No.1321092

b/c a tybrax is gonna do what a tybrax does. sucks, i know.

>> No.1321707

Can we get back to talking about e-readers? I'm thinking about asking for either a Kindle or a Kobo for Christmas. (Canadafag)

>> No.1321728
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Political Enquiries with Ty B. Rax

Barns & Noble, 2010

>> No.1321758
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>its not like all the governments are scheming against their own people or anything
>they just do what's best for their own country & want to be re elected

this is what tybrax actually believes

>> No.1322155


GB2 your thread.

Also, Kindle 3. I'm getting one for christmas, therefore you should also. (Ausfag)

>> No.1322163





>> No.1322166

Kindle master race reporting in from Kindle on 3G. u mad?

lol u mad.

>> No.1322175
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>Hitler wasn't a dictator
mfw you basically just fail at everything you put your mind to, don't you ty?

>> No.1322178


>> No.1322183


you have to LEARN about these things before you can make knowledgable and intellectual statements on them. it's okay in private conversations though.

shame on you for humuliating tybrax in public.

>> No.1322185



>> No.1322186

Tybrax is to blame for being as ignorant as hell and yet pretending on here that he's some massive intellectual.

>> No.1322191


Am I supposed to be laughing?

>> No.1322193
File: 113 KB, 1440x900, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my related pic as evidence
>I'm one of the smartest people on here

>> No.1322198


>> No.1322215

ITT: People without any knowledge on politics make fun of TyBrax's lack of knowledge on politics

>> No.1322218

> implying that Hitler being a dictator or not has something to do with politics

>> No.1322228

>this thread
Jesus Christ. I thought it was obvious I was kidding when i say im an intellectual/smartest person here. i mean alot of you are really dumb but still.

Also, now posting from the ubuntu 10.10 mother efferz!

>> No.1322242

>sending tybrax to /r9k/

I'm amazed that you have discovered what's probably the only way to make that shithole of a board even worse.