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13200360 No.13200360 [Reply] [Original]

>we did land on the moon but the footage was faked or tampered with
>aliens exist on earth
>there are greys, hybrids, insectoids and reptillians
>the reptillians are demons and the masters of this world
>greys are fairies/elves/gnomes/people from the sky, the demons' slaves
>greys have been abducting people for at least about a hundred years
>hybrids are currently infiltrating our society
>the reptillians might come from another dimension and might be on other planets
>might be living in another dimension earth
>they have an underground kingdom within the inner earth
>there are multiple entrances to this kingdom around the world, they're the passages to the underworld of mythology
>atlantis was a human kingdom over 10,000 years ago, it grew too spiritually advanced and was defeated by inducing a massive world flood
>we are currently beginning to engage in the spiritual war which will lead to the apocalypse
>Tolkien, Robert E. Howard and H. P. Lovecraft are closer to truth than mainstream history and worldview

>> No.13200372

I've always hated that brainlet quote, along the lines of thinking the native americans were all peace and love hippies. Humanity always gets worse on the tribal level.

>> No.13200375

Isn't there like 10k photos of the moon landing?

>> No.13200378

Morality is just doing whatever benefits you the most.

>> No.13200384

but no telemetry data

>> No.13200435

how was the live feed not telemetry data?

>> No.13200444

The live feed could have been faked. Telemetry data is not easy to fake.

>> No.13200526

Satanic pedophile jews are the ruling elite of this world. When this thread gets deleted, you will know who's behind it. They can't supress the truth for much longer

>> No.13200550

I've always wondered if the Saudi kings do anything in the middle of that Cube(it). I know if I owned that shit I'd be doing all sorts of weird ass rituals

>> No.13200568

>ass rituals

>> No.13200579

Weird-ass, not

...Whatever the fuck you meant by that

>> No.13200585

I think he meant they fuck each other in the ass.

>> No.13200596

The Saudi kings? No two kings reign at the same time, at least not in SA. Plus all the princes have their own harems and shit, 4 wormen for each man, no=fault diovrece, Why would they have gay sex?

>> No.13200608

Let's not forget about AI. Roko's basilisk bullshit aside, there's a number of ways it could go wrong. It could just go insane in some unpredictable way and take over the world. Imagine highly advanced techno-hallucinogenic simulations with people's brains hooked in to an infinity of unimaginable torture of all kinds, it will be beautiful

>> No.13200621

Of course I'm sure the AI would find a way to simultaneously torture our bodies for maximal pain and agony output, so capitalistic and efficient

>> No.13200628

Haha yeah that would suck haha it would suck ever more if my wife's father hadn't warned her fathers in advance about this but what eve r haha haha haha

>> No.13200666
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We're at one of the many bottoms of an incomprehensible amount of simulations, dreams, delusions, etc. Creating this digital world is adding yet another layer to these layers of layers.

>> No.13200691

thanks for the heads up satan

>> No.13200735

>this digital world

*ahem* *ahem* *amen*

>> No.13201174


>> No.13201218
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Needless to say, the psychopaths at the top of the pyramid are trying to manifest Hell on earth.

If you had what we call in table-top games, Spirit Sight, you'd be able to see the spirits and souls of shadow and the dearly departed lamenting over the nightmare life on earth has become. They are all around us.

The shift in the RAJAS of the world will afford to those, pure and virtuous enough in spirit, body, and mind, literal superpowers to offset the severe evil taking place. The RAJAS shift is coming very soon.

The best (and I mean relatively) place to occupy during the coming cataclysm would be the middle east.

RAJAS = world aether / dimensional manifestational energy

All of the worst of our entertainment is going to come to life, but all of the best of our entertainment is going to come to life.

Basically, anime will become real, and at the culmination of it all, will be the return of the Christ.

>> No.13201233

When will this take place?

>> No.13201253

The true redpill is that there are no redpills. The world and its varied phenomena are ambiguous, complex, and differentiated. It's extraordinarily difficult to split things into binary oppositions and maintain any semblance of unvarnished truth. Much of what people believe is value-driven and symptomatic of their own will, rather than founded on any absolute universal truth. This doesn't preclude the reality of absolute truth, except that its true complexity is difficult to accomodate with our minds and we will more often than not find that it doesn't suit us.

In fact, too much attention to the real truth is paralyzing and makes many kinds of effective progress muddled and confused.

>> No.13201261

>truth is too difficult to handle goyim, go back to sleep :^)
thanks lizard hybrid man

>> No.13201268
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time can be slowed

>> No.13201273

Expect the Grand Solar Minimum to become more severe in the coming years. Even by the end of 2019, weather will become increasingly violent, not just because of the progression of the cosmic age, but because the psychopathic ruling elite have been using weather manipulation technology to alter (or perhaps even delay) the approaching mini-ice age. Did you see how bad the last winter was? It's going to get worse with each passing year. Google search - farms weather crops destroyed late planting -

>> No.13201301
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>Basically, anime will become real, and at the culmination of it all, will be the return of the Christ.

>> No.13201337

Sounds gnarly, doesn't it? Try to see past the dross of your daily, prosaic life. Imagine the things average folk do not see, like the sex parties, the mass drug binges, the gargantuan crops being grown by the green-thumbed righteous, the child inventor whom nobody has even heard of, the sociopath who is training to partake the orgy of blood and violence, the hidden technology, the strange auric sky-currents in the frozen North. Consider the implications of CERN, of our collective psychic energy in contact with the internet, the millions of child murders (abortions) that have taken place, the insanity of it all!

You don't have to believe me. If you want to take anything, anything at all! from this, it would be this - become virtuous, become physically fit, become self-controlled, and you will be rewarded.

>> No.13201346
File: 128 KB, 500x705, serrano quote vimana esoteric hitlerism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot beat Serrano for this sort of thing...

>> No.13201348

>the psychopathic ruling elite have been using weather manipulation technology to alter (or perhaps even delay) the approaching mini-ice age
now this is based and redpilled

>> No.13201388
File: 494 KB, 1374x3035, 1528989101994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this world is absolutely fucked. The degeneracy and evil will only keep accelerating

>> No.13201430
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>> No.13201436

Straight to hell with you. Sorry.

>> No.13201450

thanks cunt, just because I posted it doesn't mean I agree with it

>> No.13201469
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>> No.13201480

>skulls split
>peace and love

>> No.13201483

I don’t remember God saying anything about pedophilia. I could be wrong though.

>> No.13201492
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>> No.13201498

keeping it simple, when heideger says 'the essence of technology is nothing technological' go figure what hidden tech has reached and enabled for as long as recorded history. instantly, every aspect of the human and non-human dichotomy is cocooned into this notion, and it is not describing 'tech' as in industrial rev, neon signs in smoggy sidewalks or solar powered factories.

>> No.13201689

the fuck is this

>> No.13201697


>> No.13201698

>child murders (abortions)
are you excluding non-abortion child murder? Weird but OK I guess.

>> No.13201714

Probably making the relevant to current events point that abortion is child murder, ass

>> No.13201743

>Weird but OK I guess.
kill yourself

>> No.13201764

You aren't using the term "redpill" correctly. "Redpilled" means awareness of the jewish problem.

>> No.13201897

i want to accelerate it so workslaving does not feel as tiresome. how to.

>> No.13202207

it's what happens if you start with the greeks

>> No.13202378

This thread was moved to >>>/b/800900095