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/lit/ - Literature

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13196466 No.13196466 [Reply] [Original]

I have 250 euros free to spend on books, what should I buy? Would you care to make a list?

>> No.13196480
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>> No.13196498

Are you new to literature?

>> No.13196521

spend <100€ on some old, mindalteringly comfy edition of your favorite book
pirate 500€ worth of ebooks
spend the rest on drugs

>> No.13196531

>foundation trilogy
>catch 22

These have been my favorites of what I’ve read recently.

>> No.13196549 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13196586

Plato's Complete Works

>> No.13196587
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>> No.13196589

Life and TImes of Michael K and Disgrace, both by J.M. Coetzee.

>> No.13196614

Children of Huron, Beren and Lithien, Fall of Gondolin, War and Peace, Thé complete works of Napoleon Bonaparte, Foundations of thé 19th century, Fear and Trembling, The gospels written side by side instead of sequentially, and a complete recording of The Ringcycle

>> No.13196623

one(1) of those super expensive academic books only univeristy libraries buy

>> No.13196627
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Do it

>> No.13196723
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good list

Save your money and collect a little more then buy the Aquinas Institute's edition of Saint Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica. It's printed in Latin-English in parallel columns.

>> No.13196751

>buy e-reader £50-80
>download books free
There you go brah, just saved you £200

>> No.13196758
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>"brah," and British pounds
Not surprised.

>> No.13196793

Buy a kindle for less than 100 euros and read most of the classic books for free or ~1 euro

>> No.13196831

Why would you buy a version with the original Latin included if you don't understand it though? Not like the Latin adds anything to your experience. Why not a version with a rich amount of footnotes that actually adds to your reading experience?

>> No.13197057

>he needs footnotes
>he doesn't read Latin

Summa already has notes in the text. Aquinas was good that way.

>> No.13197829
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a big pack of adelphi books

>> No.13198377

post anyas please

>> No.13198989 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13199893


>> No.13199931

Buy the Folio Society edition of Moby Dick then spend the rest on an eReader.

>> No.13200289

>H- hi Anya, I- I know that I just met you, bu- but I was thinking if you wanna go out with me some day, maybe go to a library...
>What are you doing?
>Sto- Stop!
>Someone may appear
>Wai- wait, Anya.
>Your mouth, it's so soft

>> No.13200607
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>> No.13200629
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>> No.13200631

This is self-help-tier.

>> No.13200677

Boogiepop Omnibus 1

>> No.13201201

Effi Briest - Theodor Fontane
Heartsnatcher - Boris Vian
Kolyma Tales - Varlam Shalamov
The Naked Year - Boris Pilnyak
Zettel's Traum - Arno Schmidt
Story Of The Eye - George Bataille
Berlin-Alexanderplatz - Arnold Döblin
Journey To The End Of The Night - L.F. Céline
The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien
The Melancholy Of Resistance - László Krasznahorkai
On The Heights Of Despair - Emil Cioran
Flatland - Edwin Abbott Abbott
The Man Without Qualities - Robert Musil
Ada; or Ardour - Vladimir Nabokov
Zöglings Törless - Robert Musil
Of Human Bondage - W.S Maugham
Autobiography Of A Corpse - Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky
Verstörung - Thomas Bernhard
>I didn't check much they would cost but here's a few suggestions.

>> No.13201217

Why doth thou torment me so?

>> No.13201460
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>> No.13201819
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>> No.13201856

motherfucking this

>> No.13201925

get a library membership?

>> No.13202082

Can't find it, it's non existent in my country.

>> No.13202740


>> No.13202765
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> 250 euros free to spend on books

i fucking hate this board, fucking beta male

>> No.13202774

good to know

>> No.13203009

oh momma, I would get under there and, gripping my arms securely around your thighs, the Caput veiling itself under thy luminescent frock, start lapping up that magnificent feminine essence and what a gourmand's feast would that be!

>> No.13203090


>> No.13203130


>> No.13203362

give me an ayylmao gf and I'll make the list

>> No.13203371

Go buy books used, you can get many books. I endow you with this wisdom for the low price of three euros.

>> No.13203478

What did you buy with the other 250€?

>> No.13203540
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>> No.13203697

Woah, dude, that's awesome. I'll just give you some spanish recomendations so not everything in the thread is english or russian, if you don't mind:
La Familia de Pascual Duarte
Crónica de una muerte anunciada
La Colmena
Cantar del mio Cid
Fortunata y Jacinta
Los Santos Inocentes

Also, if you're interested in galician literature and you care to find them in your country:
Cantares Gallegos
A Esmorga
Merlín e familia

>> No.13203839
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Thank you very much anon, my sister speaks Spanish fluently.

>> No.13204247


>> No.13204293

Dumb frogposters

>> No.13204317

Good list

>> No.13204341

Based Anya patricians

>> No.13205117
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