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13191467 No.13191467 [Reply] [Original]

We've all had days that just work out the way they are supposed to. The concept that you can put that into a bottle and drink it is what magic is all about. What's your favorite Harry Potter chapter?

>> No.13191471

The final one

>> No.13191483

Isn't Hermione supposed to be black? Why is she drawn as white?

>> No.13191518

Everyone lives happily ever after yea!

>> No.13191619

The one where Dumbledore dies.

>> No.13191628

The one where Hagrid and Dumbledore fuck

>> No.13191721

1st and 3rd books
the rest is shit

>> No.13191732

I would fuck black hermione
I felt the need to tell you.

>> No.13191857

Book one, chapter eleven. Titled "Quidditch." As a kid my mom started reading Harry Potter to me, but the first chapter is just Dumbledore whining about his scar shaped like the London Underground and stuff. I thought it was weird. But one Sunday afternoon I was bored so I grabbed the book and looked at the table of contents. I saw chapter eleven was titled some silly made-up word. I flipped to that chapter and read it and thought all the flying magic broomstick games were neat. Then I started at the beginning and read the whole thing. I think it was the first chapter book I read.

>> No.13193127

what does snog mean?

>> No.13193191
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>> No.13193199
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>> No.13193204
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>> No.13193212
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>> No.13193240

Wow harry potter is a lot worse than I remember

>> No.13193262

sorry, autocorrect

>> No.13193276

I like the part in the 5th book when they revolt against the headmaster and the twins escape

>> No.13193277

Very worse* autocorrect is a bitch lol

>> No.13193282 [DELETED] 

Deep, passionate, kissing. The American term for sniffing is “making out”

>> No.13193311

Deep, passionate, kissing. The American term for snogging is “making out”

>> No.13193552

The one with the Quirrel twist. I had to put the book down over how amazing it felt to be surprised. Never happened to me ever again in any media; which makes me quite jelly of the people who get strong reactions.

The first (or was it second?) chapter in book 6 was cool too, the description of the shithole where Snape lived was damn nice.

Harry trashing Dumbledores office in 5 was pretty interesting too before the whole dumb prophecy shit reveal.
And in the same book, him following ghosts hoping to talk to Sirius again almost got me in the feelz.

This is just painful to read.

>> No.13193613

lol so randum xD

>> No.13193627

An ai wrote those pages, get a sense of humour retards

>> No.13193667

If you're over the age of 4, random words that somehow make a functional sentence isn't funny.

>> No.13193698

3rd book best book

>> No.13193707

"I'm grown up and mature so funny things that are childish are no longer funny"

>> No.13193735

Those first three lines are unironically better than anything Rowling has ever written. Take that as you will.

>> No.13193787

Hey, I'm glad you're enjoying it and all … I just fail how an adult brain is supposed to get the funny out of it. Humour usually works on breaking of a pattern; doing it by writing nonsense sentences feels just stale.

>> No.13193797

I agree. A man who can no longer enjoy nonsense can no longer enjoy life.

>> No.13193808

Nigger...you're in a fucking Harry Potter thread. You really wanna ride around on a high horse and pretend you're too cultured to find that shit funny?

>> No.13193876

It's not about being cultured or some dumb high brown shit. I genuinely don't get how adults can laugh over random sentences or typos (which I doubt is related to some simplistic shit like "lol, they're stooopeed"). I hoped to learn something.

>> No.13194266

Not him but basically if you read those pages and really try to imagine this mad world, the resulting mental image is more absurd than what any real author could ever create. The humor isn't the fact that it's random, but that absurdity. Someone living in a hut full of shrieking furniture? Ron wearing a shirt with a picture of himself, and later proposing to use "Ron magic"? Even if you don't find it funny yourself surely you have to understand why someone else could, either as surrealism or plain madcap joy?

>> No.13194345

Eh, absurdism tends to have sorts of internal logic that enhances the effect, not being randomly absurd. Though fair point, the shitty writing just triggered me too much to see that angle.