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13188043 No.13188043 [Reply] [Original]

>Muh morals

>> No.13188093

If 4channel weren't pure business we would have spook filtered by now and ancient shit like baka desu senpai would be lifted.

>> No.13188096

I agree.

Morals are nothing but a joke. They held a purpose in hunter gatherer times as a general sort of "ok fuckface, neither of us like each other but unless we promise not to kill each other the fucking niggers over the hill will push our shit in" but today it's just the leash of the system. Society only works if the population is compliant and docile and what better solution than getting them to self police each other. The way I navigate life is this:

>I want that motherfucking blueberry muffin and I don't wanna pay for it
>Well if I get caught I'll be banned from the store at best and arrested at worst, so how bad do I want it
>Not bad enough to waste hours of my life and mental energy conversing with the scum that surrounds me, I guess I'll pay for it


>Oh look, a wallet
>Oh, there's a guy who looks like he lost something important, should I ask him what he lost?
>...Nah fuck him, I want to keep the £20 I just found it's his fault for losing it

>> No.13188106
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I dare say it. Do we, in fact, LIVE in a society?

>> No.13188126
File: 43 KB, 1214x431, AFCAAD86-1837-4AD3-BACE-374F9EEEBCF9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u
Don’t @ me.
Edit 1: Downvote me all you want you know I’m right.
Edit 2: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
Sent from my iPhone.

>> No.13188127

What if someone walking infront of me dropped their wallet and instead of taking it I just decide to give it back because I don't want to be bothered with the money as I don't need it.
Would this still be considered be egoistic or ?

>> No.13188143

Shaking my head to be honest family, spooks is based.

>> No.13188145

>I don't want to be bothered with the money as I don't need it
You always need more money.

>> No.13188164

Spooked that you care about Reddit yet still have those links saved. You are spooked my friend.

>> No.13188177

What if its like 2$? I did this IRL it just seemed like it would be intrusive to my good day guess im still affected by Christian Morals

>> No.13188192

>muh amorality

>> No.13188196

It's hard to fully break out of the mindset you've been in your whole life, especially when it's for something so petty as $2.

But if you want to have the ability to grab that $20 that fell out of some retards pocket and not hesitate or feel bad then you need to start with the $2 and get into the mindset of "there's no good reason not to keep this".

>> No.13188205

Amorality benefits the individual, morality benefits anyone except the individual.

I think you can figure out the rest.

>> No.13188259

If your philosophy doesn't work when everyone adopts it, then it's a shit philosophy. Simple as that.

>> No.13188261

Fuck off, redditfaggot stirnerfaggot. Post body.

>> No.13188270

>If your philosophy doesn't work when everyone adopts it
Except it did work, for thousands of years. Look at history retard.

>> No.13188292

Aye, it worked so well the mortality rates were off the chart and half the population of any developed country consisted of murderers/rapists/bandits. Do I really need to teach you survival 101? "Closely packed groups that treat each other tend to survive harsh conditions easier" and all that?
Truely, the advent of the Internet ruined both literature and philosophy by exposing both to uneducated, impressionable teenagers.

>> No.13188303
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Here's me

>> No.13188343

>it worked so well the mortality rates were off the chart and half the population of any developed country consisted of murderers/rapists/bandits

Life has no meaning without the threat of suffering.

>> No.13188354

Reminder the very fact that you despise morality is a value judgment that plays into your own "rules" of action (i.e. morality). You're not actually amoral, you're just a-certain-types-of-morality.

>> No.13188385

>Reminder the very fact that you despise morality
We don't despise it, we just regard it as worthless and completely imagined.

>> No.13188388
File: 78 KB, 732x672, 11390234_717950761666165_6844202833150466608_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so spooked that you think morality is inescapable

>> No.13188394

you are spooked for thinking that you can spook someone for thinking morality is inescapable.

>> No.13189132

thats a value judgement too moron

>> No.13189145

This is where you are spooked friend, you speak of morality as if it were a real thing when its not

>> No.13189163

no you dont retard

>> No.13189371

Yup. This is indeed a based post.

>> No.13189497

lol okay zhi

>> No.13189511

All I ever see on this guy is memes. Is Stirner actually well respected among philosophers or is he just a meme?

>> No.13189518

By now spook is low priority. The word in much greater need for filtering can be nothing except "based".

>> No.13189537

Guide on how avoid egotistical indoctrination:
Be above 17 yo

>> No.13189621


>> No.13189785

>caring about ANY memes

>> No.13189863

Morals are illusions, but illusions with purpose.

>> No.13189867

he's relatively unknown, doesn't mean he's disrespected though

>> No.13189940

>but illusions with purpose
Yes, protect the state, protect the system, disregard autonomy and have faith in big brother.

>> No.13190061

mind explaining?

>> No.13190123

Trust builds civilization, therefore being virtuous is the most egotistical thing you can do.

>> No.13190175
File: 602 KB, 1276x2860, spooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13190206

Morality only benefits society at large and society is the worst thing to happen to us

>> No.13190211

You're assuming civilisation is objectively good

>> No.13190221

what makes you say it isn't?

>> No.13190240

Each time it gets me like the first one. Love this pic.

>> No.13190245

Rampant mental illnesses like depression for one because this isn't how people are meant to live. Obesity, heart disease, suicide rates. Name a problem facing humanity and it's probably civilisations fault.

>> No.13190246

>objectively good
Does this mean good for a purpose? We all know absolute good means absolute subjectivity, since what is relative is measurable by external standards and hence objective, and hence good for a purpose? So society is good for some arbitrary purpose? Is that what you mean?

>> No.13190248

Society is objectively bad for humanity

>> No.13190250

>Rampant mental illnesses like depression for one because this isn't how people are meant to live. Obesity, heart disease, suicide rates
civilisation didn't have most of those 100-200 years ago; its purely a modern phenomenon as a result of its own decline
what non-civilised society doesn't have disease??

>> No.13190257

>civilisation didn't have most of those 100-200 years ago
Civilisation has always had major problems for humanity

>> No.13190263

like the computer and internet you're writing on right now?
if you hate civilisation so much then go live in the forest

>> No.13190265

I'd love to participate in this discussion, but I'm afraid to cut myself by all the edges you fucks are balancing on

>> No.13190271

nice insult bro

>> No.13190284

Attack the idea, not the person. Brainlet.

>> No.13190289

>what non-civilised society doesn't have disease??
Disease of the mind is a product of civilisation.

>> No.13190290

It's immoral to tell people that morality is subjective, therefore morality is objective.

>> No.13190292

>if you hate civilisation so much then go live in the forest
I can't, society has made sure of that.

Depending on your country, you'll be told to move on or even arrested. No country in the world lets you build a cabin in the woods and live a peaceful life.

>> No.13190295

you didn't even present a proper argument, just a vague indemonstrable statement
theres nothing to rebut against, hypocrite

>> No.13190296

>It's immoral to tell people that morality is subjective
>therefore morality is objective.
No retard.

>> No.13190301

It's called anarcho-primitivism, go read a book

>> No.13190303

maybe try building in someplace that isn't a national park

>> No.13190312

So nowhere?

Every inch of the 1st world is patrolled and monitored for people attempting to escape society.
>G-Go live in the 3rd world then!
My ancestors lived in temperate climates for tens of thousands of years, long term survival in extremely hot or cold places would be incredibly dangerous especially solo.

>> No.13190315
File: 10 KB, 250x250, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls me a brainlet for attacking the person
>does it himself 1 post later
you wanna know how much of a joke anarcho-primitivism is?
google it and look at the images that pop up

>> No.13190320

I can answer your question AND insult you.

But you can't just insult me and not provide any argument.

>> No.13190325

>google it and look at the images that pop up
Wow, technology obsessed idiots using technology to shit on an anti-technology ideology, what a surprise.

>> No.13190327

>technology obsessed idiots
where do you think those memes came from?

>> No.13190336

>still hasn't provided any real example for why he thinks civilisation isn't objectively good
>then claims i haven't provided an argument
why do you live in a civilisation? what's stopping you from leaving?

>> No.13190337

>where do you think those memes came from?
Brainlets like you, so indoctrinated into loving civilisation and technology blindly, that you can't even concieve of life being better without it.

>> No.13190343

>why do you live in a civilisation?
I have no choice.
>what's stopping you from leaving?
The complete destruction of the environment, the policing of all land where one could reasonably expect to survive, the fact no matter how off the grid you go some wanker in a plane or on a motorbike will come along and ruin your peace. Technology and Civilisation is a cancer that will never stop multiplying.

>> No.13190370

can you provide some examples of non-civilisation societies (whatever they may be) being better than civilisation societies?

>> No.13191015

This is the mind of a nigger with an average intelligence

>> No.13191018

It's the mind of a man free of spooks

>> No.13191035

You can't establish subjective ethics, since you would be applying these universally, which is not subjective.

>> No.13191079
File: 33 KB, 700x478, amYGO46_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal nigger

>> No.13191143

Is this the dumbest post on /lit/ right now?

>> No.13191156
File: 195 KB, 749x896, 79D18D7D-E0E8-4707-9E13-D4E22C5A17B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually read stirner along with maybe 5 other people on this board
>see a stirner post
>proceed to watch retards fight over the most basic shit while claiming they've read stirner when they havent

>> No.13191163

The majority of egoists/Stirnerists on Twitter at least are either trans/furry/lgbtxyz or any combination of these.
Really activates my almonds.

>> No.13191229

PI §201

>> No.13191263

Morality is subjective. Which means anyone can do whatever they want. There's no bypassing moral subjectivity to legitimately obligate another person to follow a moral code. If they don't want to do it, that's the end of it, and they have no duty otherwise.

>> No.13191279

I'd like to see you strike the bridge between that and 13191035