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13186614 No.13186614 [Reply] [Original]

In Henosis, I maintain that nostalgia related to a certain place, for example, is neither destroyed by forgetfulness nor alleviated by said place being made eternal. To do one or the other would imply that any one Phenomenon has true power over you. Rather, what is destroyed is that by which the affection comes to be, and what is alleviated is that which Ontologically precedes the affection. Phenomena do not imprint affection onto the Self, but the Self radiates affection onto Phenomena, thus both the quality and quantity of any and all affection is caused and owned by the Self. It is the Phenomenal that passes by a fixed Self and takes its affection hostage, as it were, through the broader sleight of hand whereby the Self is fooled into thinking itself as passing by a fixed Phenomenal. Affections also wither in the Phenomenal, since it is inert and can neither reciprocate them nor destroy them proper. Sometimes the Self is also complicit by disowning bad affections and ascribing them to the Phenomenal. In Henosis, God, THE Self, embodies all Selves with the knowing of their own Ontological superiority over the Phenomenal, thus their absolute possession of their affections is immanently realized. Nostalgia is overcome precisely through its APOTHEOSIS. As the circle of the Absolute Self and the circle of the Particular Self touch and begin to overlap, as it were, Ideal affections are realized through the Self treading onto the Phenomenal and knowing itself as absolutely possessing them. Indeed, the glory is manyfold. Affections freed from their Objects, not as slaves but as masters, and allowed to turn onto themselves and settle into serenity as One.

>> No.13186667
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>> No.13186680

Very very nice

>> No.13186920
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>maintain that nostalgia related to a certain place, for example, *[isn't] destroyed by forgetfulness*
>thus both the quality and quantity of any and all affection is caused and owned by the Self.

So which is it? The self mainly consists of our mind; If affection is owned by the self, and it's forgotten, then a big part of it is lost.

When it comes to something like nostalgia, that is entirely owned by the self. When it is some action imprinted onto the world, then it's owned by both the self and the world. You can forget it, but the world may not (depending on the action) and will treat you accordingly.