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13172111 No.13172111 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women like erotic literature so much as compared to men who like video pornography more?

>> No.13172124

Allegedly because they prefer all the rigmarole around sex, the fantasy, seduction, hesitation, emotion, drama in order to feel themselves in the role. Men just fast forward to a bitch getting railed and that's fine. Why do women harp on foreplay and men dont? Same shit.

>> No.13172131

What erotic literature do they like? I use to write to women online, well sext. The only downside is they keep demanding more within a short time frame so I'd be writing these super-abstract paragraphs about how I'd have sex with them. I had to keep in mind they would later read this so I tried not to write anything funny. I have to also remember I was writing to please them, not me. The trickiest time was when a girl made me write for a whole 2 hours. I didn't want to stop incase it seemed lame, so I was pumping out these abstracts sex stories to a middle eastern girl at 2am in the morning. anyway, I would read erotic lit if I knew what to read.

>> No.13172143

When I initiate sex I just go straight for the butthole and fight off anything that gets in my way. When my GF initiates she starts a fight a week in advance in order to guilt me into taking her out on a date. Then there's all this preparation, the date and dinner itself and then finally, after plied with wine, she presents the pussy, which is close enough for me.

>> No.13172150


>> No.13172151

Women like video porn as well. My heuristic is: if a man is doing something, there are women doing it too.

>> No.13172183

Do they ?
I suppose it's because they live erotic love as a more complex experience then the simple sexual act

>> No.13172192

I've always suspected I have low T because I prefer erotic literature to videos. Erotic literature has much more diverse content, since there are legal boundaries in the pornography industry.

>> No.13172229
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>> No.13172253

Implication and seduction.

>> No.13172372

Sex is a lot more mental/emotional for women, to an extent that I have genuine difficulty comprehending as an autistic male

>> No.13172377

Erotic literature is patrician anon, don't regret it. You are better than those cumbrains who watch porn all day.

>> No.13172395

I'd like to white knight and say it's some odd type of preferential foreplay, but these are the same trogs who binge watch murder shows for weeks on end. In the end it's just abnormal degeneracy we shrug off because it keeps them busy and out of our way

>> No.13172409

Aww man, stop posting cute women.
It hurts

>> No.13172423

Erotic literature makes you more of a cumbrain than even porn, newfag

>> No.13172444

name of OP's girl?

>> No.13173469

evo psych
men evaluate mates by health - attraction is based mostly on tge senses
women evaluate mates by status and capability - those are still valued by immediate sensory data, but also more complex behavioral cues

>> No.13173482

I need to know who that semen demon is.

>> No.13173488

Higher IQ.

>> No.13173511

>Why do women harp on foreplay and men dont?
Foreplay is my favorite part of sex and I'm a guy. Then again, I have little connection to the fundamentally sociopathic male-driven capitalist culture of today.

>> No.13173552

>jacking off to words

>> No.13173585

Women function fndamentally differently in a sexual sense. Men are almost purely visual animals, most do not care what a girl is like, hell, when a man wants sex he would probably fuck anything with a pulse. Women are much more intellectual and in a sense integral than men, they want the whole spectrum of emotion and they also want to feel special, whikle msot men just want to feel an ejaculation.
Men are sprinters, they see something in the distance and then run towards it, some are worse at it some are better, women are more like hikers, their lust is a mountain and they want to walk all the way to the top to enjoy the gorgeous view and bask in the sun light when theyre up on the summit.

thats my thoughts.

>> No.13173591

On point.

>> No.13173592

because they are retarded

>> No.13173601

>Men are almost purely visual animals, most do not care what a girl is like, hell, when a man wants sex he would probably fuck anything with a pulse.
Sounds anti-intellectual and not related to men (who were once) on /lit/.

>> No.13173638

Please bros...

>> No.13173650

Pornography is literally prostitution being filmed. They can't read it on the bus.

>> No.13173664

I don't think this is the reason. I prefer text porn but always skim to the juicy parts anyway.
For me I think it's more about how there's more room for my own imagination with text based porn. With video you have to just deal with what is provided.

>> No.13173724

Passive brain versus active brain.

>> No.13173755


Explain your last sentence, please.

>> No.13173769

The anima is shut out from hyper-masculine arenas and intimacy is shunned as a consequence of it.

>> No.13173779


>> No.13173781


>> No.13173812

How about doujinshi?

>> No.13173856

They're absolutely evil and poison for the mind

>> No.13173868


>> No.13173910

WTF women are fucking based

>> No.13173942

I prefer erotic literature and I'm male.

The kind of teasing, lewd implications and general foreplay you find in erotic lit is so much hotter than the act itself. Women have superior taste if that's what they really prefer.

>> No.13173961

Its less common and they like it for different reasons generally speaking

>> No.13173968

Anais Nin and Henry Miller and good starting points.

>> No.13174103

>Foreplay is my favorite part of sex and I'm a guy. Then again, I have little connection to the fundamentally sociopathic male-driven capitalist culture of today.
fancy way of saying you have low testosterone

>> No.13174123

Not him, but if being high test means liking soulless hip thrusting with fake orgasms, then I don’t want to be high test.

>> No.13174132


>> No.13174146


Nice one, Punchy!

>> No.13174292

Same but I'm not a commie rat

>> No.13174295
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Women have astronomical standards for looks and in books they can just picture their ideal lovers and self insert as the heroine. Pic related is basically Chad.

>> No.13174353

Comics can’t have morality anon

>> No.13174413

No, you're a socialist rat instead.

>> No.13174465

No I don't care about all these movements and political crap, these things are for incels.

>> No.13174470

>2am in the morning

>> No.13174545

Really? I'm not a fan of erotica but I would guess it probably slows some of the more deleterious effects of video porn consumption like the novelty effect. It just takes more time and effort to read erotica and thus more time for your brain to build a resistance to whatever is currently turning you on. There's way more fetish shit in the porn an average 20something year old guy consumes than in the erotica a 20something women reads.

>> No.13174568

>wanking for the plot

>> No.13174573

Have you ever been outside to like a park with families in it? Or like any place with numerous adults going about their business? Way more attractive women with gross looking men.

Maybe it's just a MN/upper Midwest thing. Most of the women are aryan wet dreams and their partners almost invariably are at least several degrees less attractive.

>> No.13174593

I agree, but the hyper-masculine (read: latently homosexual) culture that regards the feminine as something deserving of committing violence against, such as the one Palahniuk stems directly from, is undeniably one of the effects of capitalism. I'm not anti-capitalism but neither am I pro-capitalism like a blind optimist.

>> No.13174603

I actually look for story porn.

>> No.13174604

Women love writing fetish stories in my experience. The difference is that indulging that fetish is portrayed as less degrading and more wholesome and cute in most cases. Female authors tend to write better porn because of this— Every bad porn story I’ve read was written by a man who probably watched too much porn.

I think that erotica doesn’t have the Cum-brain effect even when it’s fetishtic thought. I’ve noticed the kind of sexual expectations erotica sets is far more healthy than visual porn, which is probably due to the emphasis on human interaction. The problem with visual porn is that it’s dehumanising.

>> No.13174608
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Who knows. I write porn because I enjoy it and I can create scenarios that are impossible/improbable/unsafe in real life or make stories that feature characters from media properties I like, but I jerk off to video, pictures, or erocomi 95% of the time. There's only a few writers I can jerk off to consistently and they're all men who happen to write about my specific interests. Female written porn does very little for me, though they do sometimes hit on nice minor details that often get lost in male writers' "AND THEN PENIS WENT IN AND IT FELT GOOD AND I CAME" tendencies. I guess I'd consider female-written porn an appetizer more often than not.

It's hard to say. My recommendation is to appeal to more sensual aspects outside of ponos in vagoo and to not be overly explicit if you don't know their tastes yet. My readerbase is overwhelmingly female and now and again I get complaints about how I'm too explicit about dicks going into butts or sloshing sperm or whatever.

Unreasonable idealism is the natural state of pornography. When freed from the boundaries that reality imposes, few people are going to go out of their way to go, "Aww yeah, what if I got with that 5/10 girl from the deli with the weird birthmark on her neck?"

>> No.13174626

You must first understand that the male/female sexual attraction is centered on the figure of the female. She is the one being celebrated during realations, because she is the "desired" element.

A manly man proactively conquers the desired treasure to prove his worth, a feminine female raises her value by having the best men conquer her. Hers is a passive role whose hierarchical status is elevated while preparing for the courtship, not during the act. (Becoming as attractive and socially praised as possible).

This difference between passive and active roles translates to the psychological ways in which bith sexes experience pleasure. The woman seeks status by being desired, to be as worthy as she can of the highest possible infliction of desire on powerful men. So she would genuinely prefer to hear how special she is over having a penis inside her, she prefers making her friends jealous over reaching orgasm, she will fake her image as much as she can for status. Erotic literature is written with this need in mind, witg stories where high status men are absolutely enamored with average girls, they can simply not control themselves over how tremendously attractive she is, it's an ego boost that makes them sigh and fantasize with being in the same situation. The woman wants to feel she psychologically conquered the man by her beauty alone, through the passive and comfortable act of just "being", by being the attractive element which guarantees status, safety and adoration without even fighting for any of it.
When just want to fuck

>> No.13174658

Yeah, I should have rephrased my response. Instead of fetish shit, I meant I think the average man gets tired of their current pornagraphic fantasy quicker than women do because of the medium of consumption. Written works allow for a more nuanced, comprehensive, in general, slower approach to sexual objects which resists the novelty effect of visual porn. Kundera's "Hitchhiking Game" actually portrays this difference quite brilliantly. At the end of a sexual encounter between a couple roleplaying as a hitchhiker and a random traveler, the man has the woman strip and dance over a mirror so he can see her from every angle to simulate the experience of every other man before him watching her simultaneously. The woman can't engage with this fantasy as it does not fit into the elaborate script of roleplaying they had agreed on previously. Ultimately, the man tires of the woman and she is left questioning her identity.

Visual porn, at least on most streaming sites, is heavily regulated by personalized algorithms designed to detect slight changes in your preferences and mainline you new content. That doesn't necessarily push viewers into more fetishistic content but it prioritizes novelty and ensures they don't have to put in much effort into finding fresh and engaging porn.

>> No.13174670

looks like a hot version of Liz Bruenig

>> No.13174673
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women don't perceive reality like men do

>> No.13174882

Where can we read some of your stories?

>> No.13174890

Women seem to have a healthier mindset to sex than men in sexual communities.

I'm active in fetish communities, and the observable difference in the nuance in sexual fantasies between men and women there is so painfully obvious.

Men's sexual fantasies boil down to:
"Wouldn't it be hot if [insert gimmicky doujinshi-sequel sexual fantasy here]?"

Women meanwhile are more like:
"Wouldn't it be cute if Character X did [insert fetish] to Character Y and they started teasing them about it, giving them lots of love and affection?"

Men seem to focus themselves on gimmicks. The personalities of the people involved are no more than generic anime archetypes at best. Women meanwhile seem to see the sex as part of a larger character relationship.

As a man, I think women come up with far more arousing scenarios because of this.

>> No.13174920

That's really interesting, and I appreciate your insight. I've always been fairly vanilla and for the most part have gravitated towards partners with a similar inclination, so a lot of this is news to me. I can totally see what you're talking about with men in fetish communities though

>> No.13175003

It goes even further than that. I’ve read a large number of erotica written by women where the characters involved have some deep personal insecurities and often seek to find comfort in their lover. There was this one scene I read where a female character actually broke down in tears and poured out all of her personal problems onto the male and the two comforted eachother before having sex. The only time I’ve seen actual nonsexual character arcs like that in male written porn was when the male author in question was an AGP crossdresser (ergo, they probably had a female brain).

I hold a somewhat controversial opinion that erotica is a legitimate art form and that it will likely become more prominent than literary fiction in future. I like to hold written porn to higher standards because of that, and I’d say on average female writers are leagues ahead of male writers in that sense.

>> No.13175005

>Why do women harp on foreplay and men dont?
Skipping foreplay just to get your rocks off is like only reading the last chapter of a book, which makes sense since guys who whine about women "harping on foreplay" are also typically the kind of people who can't go 20 minutes without an explosion in their media.

>> No.13175026

Guys are typically socialized to have no emotions except anger and no interest in anyone but themselves. Empathy is for girls, as is romance and actual respect for others not born from necessity.

>> No.13175037

>thinking amount of testosterone has anything to do with "manliness" or the quality of one's fucking skills
stop getting your biology lessons from alex jones and pickup artists

>> No.13175038

Nice word >heuristic
But anon, I've never seen a girl watch porn, therefore this phenomenon does not exist.

>> No.13175045

I think it's all about the environment. Even though they are in the home, I'm not sure how we are going to create a world where they don't do things. When they are in the home, there are two things happening — we're controlling what they are doing and we're controlling what we're reading. At the end of the day, in the home, I think it is more important to be a lover and have a romantic relationship between two people who are passionate about each other and know how to communicate.

I think for those who love erotic literature, it's very important to see what's in the books and see what they are capable of — to understand what they are capable of.

The fact that the books contain the idea of sexual intimacy in the first person or to find out more and to discover that they might be capable of having multiple partners, that gives me hope.

The idea from our point of view, when you have sex, does it make sense that there are four people and then another four

>> No.13175225

seething libtard

>> No.13175247

Does she have an instagram?

>> No.13175270


>> No.13175287

> men who like video pornography more
Need some proofs that men are not just supposed and trained to like the average porn video. I sure don't.

>> No.13175306
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>The archipelago, which is of volcanic origin, is 1,750 kilometres (1,090 mi) east of northern Australia, 540 kilometres (340 mi) northeast of New Caledonia, east of New Guinea, southeast of the Solomon Islands, and west of Fiji.

>> No.13175328
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>flying foxes are important rainforest and timber regenerators, a species of flying fox in the family Pteropodidae. It is found in American Samoa, Fiji, and Samoa (where it is known as pe'a and pe'a vao). Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical dry forests. It is threatened by habitat loss.

>> No.13175359
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Nafanua was an historical ali'i (chief/queen) and toa (warrior) of Samoa from the Sā Tonumaipe'ā clan, who took four pāpā titles, the leading ali'i titles of Samoa. After her death she became a goddess in Polynesian religion.

There are historical and mythological traditions about Nafanua; and according to Samoan mythology, she was the daughter of Saveasi'uleo, also considered a god, the Ali'i of Pulotu[2], which was both a historical place, and a place of the afterlife for the warriors of Samoa, like Valhalla. In one tradition, Nafanua's mother was Tilafaiga the sister of Taema, the legendary conjoined twins.

>My wife converted to Judaism during Batman Begins. It was a real Christian Bail.

The Rock is like Picasso making a painting when on the mic. Here is a collection of some of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s best WWE wrestling quotes. Enjoy and leave a comment at the bottom for your favorite one!
Finally….. The Rock, Has come back to… If you smell what The Rock….. is….. cookin’!

>> No.13175367

> Every bad porn story I’ve read was written by a man
Get a load of Naruto fanfics, buddy.

>> No.13175441

Why do you defend the system that puts us all through such torment?

We seem to perceive actual reality, or more readily do when presented with the facts, unlike men

>> No.13175473

you're a tranny. FUCK OFF

>> No.13175583

god I wish that were me

>> No.13175594

I just wish I were younger

>> No.13175620

I wish you were older.

>> No.13175621

I wish I was a girl instead of a neurotic, submissive, effeminate, unassertive, filthy fucking faggot freak who isn't even attracted to men yet due to his internalized homophobia

>> No.13175631

have you ever considered that building a omni-terminating concept into your ideology wasn't a good idea? why think at all if anything you don't already agree with is a "cope" and as such to be ignored?

>> No.13175660
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How old are you?
Get yourself straightened up (no sexuality pun intended) eat right, exercise and start respecting yourself

>> No.13175709

The person who made it does.

>> No.13175737

>How old are you?
>Get yourself straightened up (no sexuality pun intended)
You mean like learn to carry myself like a man? And think rationally and distance myself from my emotions and observe them objectively? My unconscious doesn't understand how to act like a man, I was raised by my mother and always took after her. I'm as overemotional and anxious and fearful and worried as she is, like all the useless aspects of a woman have been transfixed onto my mind. I don't know how to perform a personality flush or change myself or get control of my emotions because they just inhibit me completely and I shut down around other people and it looks like I'm about to cry because I stare into space all wide eyed like a closeted submissive homosexual.
>eat right
My mothers cooking and sometimes my own cooking is very healthy.
Isn't a problem, its just when I lift I start feeling like I'm lying to myself and others if I try to increase my physical strength and even though the changes are hardly visibly noticeable unless over a year or so I don't like the changes because it just feels wrong, like if I lift I get less drive to push myself because I remember how I'm clearly a faggot in almost every way possible and I could only fix this if I was female.
>start respecting myself
I never learned how to do this subconsciously, also I figured if I insulted myself enough these insults wouldn't affect me anymore and I'd become more emotionally/mentally resilient, so I'd hit my balls while repeating the insults girls in femdom joi's tell me, it felt so good to think I could actually be making myself infertile every time I hit my balls or cut off the circulation to them while being told I don't deserve to be with a woman and how everyone thinks I'm worthless. I thought I'd just be more resilient if I did this to myself no?

>> No.13176069

Women's standards for attraction are not high, just specific. Women have a "type" that is more likely to inform their interests than the actual attractiveness of the man in question, because women are wired to seek genetic diversity and men primarily seek cues of general health and likeliness to successfully give birth. For most men without obvious defects, who can maintain cleanliness, dress nicely, etc, some woman will like them, and they will be more attracted than to a conventionally "hot" man, which is an ideal that speaks more to male insecurity than to female preference. Universally, it is not women who decide whether a man is attractive, but men, because it is men who prioritize visual signals of masculinity. The same can be said for phallus length, which has negligible impact on sexual performance and can even become uncomfortable for many women and sizes that are simply "above average", but the phallus is a significant signifier of masculinity to men themselves, and so it remains encoded in social structure. Indeed, if women ever prefer the "Chad", it can only be because men render themselves submissive to him, propelling him to higher social status, and women commonly attach themselves to status in order to gain status for themselves. But the connection between masculine features and social status dissolves after the end of college, when it is replaced by financial success (in a 1v1 fight, capitalism destroys biological tendency), and any "Chad" still unmarried will inevitably find himself pining for his early "peak". The dynamics of female selection are rather obvious once you finish high school.

>> No.13176094

Because 99% of porn is just objectification of women for the man's gratification. Erotic literature is written for women because they're the ones who consume it.

>> No.13176150
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Depends on her fetishes. I go apeshit for hurt/comfort, beta guys, voyeurism and male ahegao. Emotions play a big role in why those are hot.

Most male porn stars are Chads though. Some girls are driven to erotica in part because they don't want Chad. When's the last time you saw a porn site full of cute dweeby programmers having cuddly sex?

>> No.13176173

almost everything in this post is untrue lad

>> No.13176174

Your desire to be female is a delusional fantasy wherein by changing this one aspect of your life everything else will fall into place and you will feel "fixed" or "normal" or "better".

>> No.13176179

same desu but I like money

>> No.13176186

The only negatives I see in your description are neurotic and filthy. Go take a shower and take care of your mental health. Ain't nothing wrong with submissive dudes.

>> No.13176222
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According to who? He seems pretty on point to me mate.

This right here. If you feel fucked up as a man, you'd also feel fucked up as a woman.

>> No.13176223

>wherein by changing this one aspect of your life everything else will fall into place and you will feel "fixed" or "normal" or "better".
It pretty much would though, women get away with being mentally ill or being worthless as a person so long as they can stay faithful and produce children and defer to their man. I'd be fine as a woman if it was genuinely a change on the biological level not just HRT, society would be glad to have another woman as women aren't expendable and I'd still be fucked socially sure but all of my undesirable traits would be acceptable as I'd know my place.
>Ain't nothing wrong with submissive dudes.
They're instinctually repulsive and have no place in a society which values strong men, if they have to go through any sort of hardship they'll be worse off after it and probably continue to struggle for the rest of their life. Submissiveness and everything which comes with it is just the antithesis of what a healthy male should be. I mean being submissive entirely not just liking to be whipped by a girl occasionally.

>> No.13176228

please step on me

>> No.13176256

Your undesirable traits would be accepted by a gaggle of orbiters hoping to get crazy chick puss, that wouldn't make your traits any more acceptable than they are.

Only men and sluts do that to people they have no emotional attachment to, anon.

>> No.13176270

>They're instinctually repulsive and have no place in a society which values strong men
You're the one who seems to be worshiping strong men, anon. I suggest going to a gay bar.

>> No.13176288

Will this help me get over my internalized homophobia or would the experience make me go further into the closet? Like too much too soon I mean
Is it wrong to wish you were mentally and emotionally resilient instead of just being a human toilet for everyone around you to push around and psychologically abuse/manipulate with no resistance whatsoever
Explain why submissiveness isn't a sign of maladaptive weakness in a man

>> No.13176304

You won't know what it will do to your homophobia until you try. All I know is that you seem to be obsessed with masuclinity and you sound like the type of guy who would get off to diapers and sissyfication.

It's wrong to be something you don't want to be. Strive to change yourself. Stop letting people step on you. Complaining solves nothing.

Why would submissiveness equal maladaptive weakness? Submissive guys make better fathers than guys who are overly domineering and can't be trusted.

>> No.13176310

To become resilient, act like you are. People will believe you and eventually you'll start believing yourself, too.

>> No.13176329

If you're actually gay, then you'll probably have an alright chance of finding a daddydom. Point being you have it a bit easier than straight subs like me, for whom dom girls are rare.

>> No.13176374
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Yo, write a thing about Voldemort giving young Snape Harry Potter's mom as a slave and Snape drinking her titty milk.

>> No.13176381

I tried this and it didn't work because I react emotionally and I just shut down around people the second they're slightly confrontational or assertive towards me I just stare into space and let it all pass and it looks like I'm about to cry because I'm wide eyed and my heartrate just doesn't go down and the negative emotion just doesn't go away.
>you sound like the type of guy who would get off to diapers and sissyfication.
Mainly CBT/face slapping/verbal degradation but because I'm finally realising the fact that I could be a closeted homosexual who has completely repressed his attraction to primary and secondary male sex characteristics for his entire life due to internalized homophobia and social pressures and has only ever crushed on girls I find myself getting off to girls encouraging me to be gay and accept myself and telling me what they like in men physically and how good men make them feel. I just feel like I should be attracted to men in some way.
>Why would submissiveness equal maladaptive weakness? Submissive guys make better fathers than guys who are overly domineering and can't be trusted.
If you don't understand why I can't help you, men can defer to those with more competence and be patient and understanding but submissive? It just fails them and their sons, they can be trustworthy and have integrity and be dominant, its just submissiveness can even lead to a lack of strong principles, beliefs and values
For years I just wanted a girl to understand what I was like the moment she saw me and just hurt my balls, tell me I'll never have children and say she is happy I'm letting her do this to me. I also wanted one to burn my body with cigarettes and let the scars develop over many months and see the look on her face as she looked at what she had done to me, telling me she can't believe I just let her do this to me and saying how every girl I will be with will look at me like a freak if they don't already and during the burning she whispers in my ears, kisses my forehead and runs her fingers through my hair and I feel her breath on my face while she is causing me pain. I still want this but I just feel like too much of a faggot and it feels like I'm lying to myself.

>> No.13176483

Hard pass, don't give a fuck about HP.

Not going to post it here, but AO3 is the only major place that doesn't have inane, retarded, or archaic decisions when it comes to uploading content. People complain about not understanding the UI or the tag systems, but it's not a steep learning curve if you can be arsed to read the FAQ for 5 minutes. Every other site I've looked at is plain awful in one way or another. Paste sites are fine if you just want to shoot a quick one-off somebody's way, but pastebin's a shit.

>> No.13176496

>I have little connection to the fundamentally sociopathic male-driven capitalist culture of today.
Women consume/buy 85% of all products.

>> No.13176540

This sounds more like self-loathing than homosexuality.

You're submissive and like femdom. There's nothing wrong with that. Being a sub =/= being a doormat. It just means that you're the "wife" of the relationship in a sense--You have responsibilities and duties in the family, but your partner nurtures you.

I'm perfectly okay with being a sub. I suspect I might have a more feminine mind, but I realise that there's a place for that kind of mindset in the world.

>> No.13176563

>This sounds more like self-loathing than homosexuality.
If your personality, emotions and your mind in general gears you towards being a submissive homosexual, like avoiding confrontation, easily hurt by others opinions, constantly worried about how others perceive you, fussing over your appearance, easily intimidated by others, always wanting to give up responsibility, never really having any values, ethics, convictions, strong religious beliefs, not understanding manful competition, always looking to someone else to argue whatever you think is true, having an overall submissive neurotic bottom energy that is immediately obvious due to your body language and being unable to hide it e.g. can only feel safe if you look down, look as nonthreatening as possible, not bother anyone, make the minimum amount of noise possible, visibly nervous, allow others to verbally harass you or lightly physically abuse you without doing anything back because you are too emotionally weak to stop them (this is never arousing at the time and causes recurring nightmares years after)which ever workplace/educational institution you end up in the people around you think you are gay, feel incredibly warm and happy if someone compliments you or if they are simply polite to you, often experience so much heart pounding crippling fear you have no anger whatsoever towards others just frustration at yourself and a fear of things getting even worse, often think of having someone emotionally and mentally resilient to take care of you and in turn making them happy, often wonder if you are gay and others are right, incapable of any real introspection etc

Doesn't this just mean you are a closeted homosexual?

>> No.13176582

Personality traits have no bearing on your sexuality, there are classically "effeminate" straight men and traditionally "masculine" homosexuals. You most likely just have an untreated mental illness unless you get a boner looking at man penis

>> No.13176586

Sounds more like someone who got bullied in school and never learned to socialize.
Speaking of, I wonder if I should murder my old bully.

>> No.13176621

Do you want to fuck men for the sake of fucking men if you removed the humiliation aspect from it?

If not, then you're not homosexual. It sounds to me like you're just a girly guy with some anxiety issues. There are some girls out there who'd find that adorable. Moreso than internalised homophobia, you seem to have internalised legit toxic masculinity by assuming that being a sub makes you a faggot.

Just take it from another sub that you're fine. I'm not someone who lets people harass me, but I also take care of my appearance and also get bothered by how people perceived me. I'm still fine with who I am though. I'm just being who I am while hoping to attract the attention of a dom girl to sweep me off my feet. There are other guys like you out there.

>> No.13176646

Based and truthpilled.

>> No.13176648

>legit toxic masculinity
It's called proletariat culture, anon.

>> No.13176662

>Acting like some connisseur of smut.

>> No.13176671

>unless you get a boner looking at man penis
What if you always self insert as the girl/transsexual in regular porn (or even a femboy if they're hyper feminine and half their face is covered) but feel no attraction to the guy and have a paraphilia where you get off to imagining yourself as a girl?
Its not just being a sub sexually or in a relationship its all the parallels I recognize in myself from videos like these their homosexual equivalents I mean which are distressing to watch because I realise parts of what everyone sees in me and what they must think, aside from the attraction
>Do you want to fuck men for the sake of fucking men if you removed the humiliation aspect from it?
No but I also would much prefer women to actively degrade me just the same

>> No.13176693

Then you might be AGP (meaning getting off to the idea of being a girl). If that's true, then you might be either a guy who likes sissification, or you might be a repressed tranny. Consider trying out crossdressing just to see how you feel about that.

>> No.13176730

>i like this girl, she has big tiddies
>i want to watch the tiddies
>the relationship between these two characters is so trusting and honest, I wish I could get as close to someone as they to each other
>I'd like to experience the kind of romantic relationship where each partner would die for the other and love that can overcome all obstacles

>> No.13176776
File: 117 KB, 640x640, 1547655964996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For clarification, some of the things I've seen on other writing sites include:
>Web 1.0 UI
>Must email all submissions, cannot edit after submitting or must email in edits, which may take weeks to appear on your story
>Site only accepts plaintext submissions
>Submission may be rejected for arbitrary reason
>Arbitrary post embargoes or limits on the amount you can upload in a given time frame
>Site basically nonfunctional if you don't have a paid membership, restricted to reading a certain (low) number of stories per day, search functions paywalled
>Absurd character restrictions for summaries, leaving you with a quarter of a sentence to describe your masterpiece
>All characters must be 18+, so you can't submit something like a couple of 17 year olds fucking in a car because the owners are terrified of the feds
>Site randomly bans users who write explicit content en masse
>Little to no search functionality
>Site infested with actual 12 year olds
>Site owner can and will edit your stories at his will
>Can't submit fan content at all, even if it's all original characters in an already established fictional setting
>Site allows fan content but only if it's a fandom already in their rarely updated database
>Site allows for written submissions but is focused on art and it's impossible to find stories
>Same as above, but it's also furries-only
>Site bans stories that include rape, violence, sexual coercion, and "dangerous sexual acts"
>Site bans the same as above but allows you to submit stories of grown men diddling kids

Meanwhile Ao3 has an in-site editing window that supports RTF, limited HTML, and importing stories from other websites, you can save as many drafts as you want to your account (for 30 days), sorting through material is generally easy and in their last major update they now allow you to exclude specific tags so the probability of you seeing something you don't want to see plummets, and you can post pretty much anything you want. The state of other writing sites is absurd and embarrassing in comparison.

>> No.13176856

wow, if thats not cerebral sexisms bullshit i dont know what is! people should stop mystifieing women and "their" sexuality. there is a range, there are woman that watch porn. there are women that dont. there are woman that arent into sex at all, and there are nymphos, and everything in between.

>> No.13176872

bree (or something very similar).
she was all over 4chan years ago and i think she has an instagram.

>> No.13176885

Women like to recreate the scene in their head instead of just personally viewing it. They’re so soft , emotional, and gentle that creativity (imagination) is a preferred method of turn on

>> No.13177346

I think you should try therapy anon. It might help to be as honest as possible to someone about this face to face. Everyone has excuses for not getting help, but you should recognize your excuses for what they are and take some control of your life.

>> No.13177357

Is there any nudes of this camwhore?

>> No.13177406
File: 15 KB, 236x357, 5AE690A7-4860-4E68-8916-0E96949448AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don’t want you to distance yourself from your emotions, I want you to learn to channel them into a more confident happy you. This personality isn’t feminine, it’s just self defeating and dreary. Like the others have said, I echo. A submissive isn’t a inherently weak, they’re needy as fuck, but they could, and definitely should, learn how to live on their.
You’re young, so cut yourself some slack. You’re just starting a long journey of learning. My 20s where awful sad years, terrible mood swings with seemingly no end to that dark tunnel in sight. But subtly I got better. My life is still a stupid struggle, but I’m better. Work on yourself.
Sop hitting yourself and read up on what I posted above.
Specially this

>> No.13177411
File: 72 KB, 700x931, A83557AE-142C-4A90-A033-8F58DC7A3F65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like /r/?

>> No.13177426

>A submissive isn’t inherently weak, they’re needy as fuck, but they could, and definitely should, learn how to live on their own.

>> No.13177603

Women are better than men at detecting the artificial and the sincere. Maybe an artifact of the need to recognize high quality males. Maybe some abstract empathic ability derived their need to foment community. Regardless, it means they're quicker than men to be repulsed by the insincere circumstances of porn. They can tell when the bitch doesn't really want to be fucking smelly Ricardo with his jelqued out 9" dick. They can smell that the thing isn't "real" sex. Men rarely notice this insincerity, because most of them are very stupid. If they do detect it, they either override the observation with self-insertion (which doesn't work for women if the woman in porn isn't being pleased (which she never is)), or men autistically maneuver around the insincerity by looking for moments of genuine lust or sentiment. Some women who watch porn also resort to the latter, but I've noticed it's more rare.

Written porn is the product of absolute sexual sincerity. It is the expression of pure desire: 1) because it's not profitable, and 2) because it generally tends toward the taboo. It cannot be violated by disinterest or inauthenticity between two parties, because there is only one party, the writer. Men who don't have the issue with authenticity (and whose brains are better wired for visual stimulation), will pick visual porn as the most low-effort route to a nut.

Also, female sexual pleasure is mostly about clitoral stimulation, which doesn't look like much on screen.

>> No.13177736

Every man is on the spectrum

>> No.13177752

Trannies aren't women.

>> No.13177768

I mean, you can fin sincere porn on amateur sites. The problem there is that most people who make amateur porn are geriatric and gross.

>> No.13177870
File: 302 KB, 930x1348, 10869099483_986d924c4d_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He said on an amateur porn site

>> No.13177871
File: 1.12 MB, 693x688, animegirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's missing in most erotica? Erotic cuddling. How come the characters are never just cuddling naked under blankets and lazily groping each other? How come books never describe what it feels like to have a cute guy's nocturnal erection pressed against your ass?

>> No.13177876
File: 487 KB, 700x400, 001960-Frame_3_tail_tickle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post good erotic book recommendations.

>> No.13177908

woman don't find cuddling arousing because it's feminine. Remember woman are incapable of love, at best they can manage submissive obsession with the image of a man, but agape is alien to them. They would much rather live their lives entertained and unloved, to loved and unentertained.

>> No.13177933
File: 54 KB, 461x650, 2MnaRCsNQ40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gave in to the botnet just to post this

>> No.13177967

Men cut straight to the point.

Women like to linger around the issue never facing it head on.


>> No.13177971

https://www.instagram.com/p/BwxP-5xlaWv/ might be her

>> No.13178083

Cope, they can't get Chad with ease. There are far fewer extremely handsome men than there are drop dead gorgeous women. Chad is rare, and a fantasy for most women. And you're talking about women settling down, that's all cope.
lol males everywhere beat women, even in commie hellholes. Especially there, in China it's a common sight to beat the shit out of them. Try the same in the States and the media and people will burn you alive.

>> No.13178090

Serious cope. Serious fucking cope.
you sound like a total poof.

>> No.13178097

He's all wrong. Women are 100% visual. All that dogshit about 'women like Chad because men dickride Chad' is a joke. Look at Rudolph Valentino, men back then thought he was a poofter and a joke and yet women absolutely fell madly for him. What men think of other men has fuck all to do with a woman's desire. Absolutely fuck all. They see Chad and they get wet, it's even better when he's not a room temperature iq retard.

>> No.13178146
File: 120 KB, 220x293, 15D0138A-54B3-45D2-84F2-C736B697FB98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women don’t even enjoy sex physically, what they enjoy is the promised transfer of power, in terms of time and money from the male to the female.
Men not liking foreplay is a spook

>> No.13178172

>Women don’t even enjoy sex physically, what they enjoy is the promised transfer of power
Sounds hot.

>> No.13178254

They sure love it physically when I do it.

>> No.13178354

dudes just wanna come. chicks dont come that often so they gotta focus on enjoying other stuff

>> No.13178368

COz bitches got imagination and dudes like looking at shit

>> No.13178467
File: 276 KB, 422x806, opera_2019-05-10_15-28-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's usually no story in schlick fics. It's all very formulaic melodromas explicitly catering to female sexual fantasy of basic bitch heroine (self-insert) vs alpha rapist on white horse. Pretty much in same way how video porn is a "cable guy fixing the cable".

By far, the best stories in all porn are JRPGs, which typically cater to male audiences. Compare Rance to Twilight.

>> No.13178499

You misunderstood, I'm a guy. I'm not claiming the story is deep, but I don't get off to just ponos in vagoo as somebody up the chain claimed men always do.

>> No.13178658

Personal anecdotes are not very useful. Most women schlick to utter basic trash. Most men fap to PIV on pornhub. That's the reality. But since we're blogging about our outlier fap habits...

I used to be the basic PIV pornhub guy at first. Eventually got bored of it, I started reading doujins and later pure fics (asstr, literotica). There's so much of text erotica out there that by pure numbers game a lot of em are actually pretty good even on literal merit. I suspect women read trash because they're far more prone to bandwagons (where low quality, mass appeal common denominator scholcks prevail) - it's not necessarily because there aren't any quality sex stories out there. It's a mere issue of curation.

>> No.13178668

This is so wrong. Guys usually come once and then pack up whereas girls go for 3+ orgasms a session

>> No.13178683
File: 65 KB, 520x442, 1507244559423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is of course, a preference of medium, in a discourse of profound, symbolic, metaphorical, and even spirituality in experience, and being

>> No.13178725

alright there elliot roger

>> No.13178768

I don't like how degrading a lot of visual porn is.

I like cute, lovey-dovey porn. All the abuse in visual porn is cringeworthy and honestly disgusts me. Visual stuff is genuinely soulless.

>> No.13179570


European Vintage is the thing for you, then.

imagefap - com - pictures - 5802254 - Vintage-Magazine-Petting-No-06
imagefap - com - pictures - 5802242 - Vintage-Magazine-Petting-No-04

>> No.13179583

Women are too obsessed with sex for porn.

>> No.13180609

God, I forgot that shit existed.

>> No.13181475
File: 270 KB, 700x728, d37gcgz-f47b8898-38b3-462a-abba-15a5442d8e2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're responding to a woman, retard.

Rudolph Valentino doesn't look like a stereotypical Chad, so I'm not sure what you're trying to prove. He's more the 1900's version of the modern emo lanklet heartthrob.

It's fun to get really turned on for hours without having an orgasm.

>> No.13181507 [DELETED] 

>its all too much
I need a way out bros. I'm 25 in three months; I can't take much longer of this

>> No.13181526
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1542677044908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all too much
I need a way out bros. I'm 25 in three months; I can't take much longer of this

>> No.13181532

>It's fun to get really turned on for hours without having an orgasm
Can't think of anything worse

>> No.13181536

That's really hot desu. Where do I find more?

>> No.13181541

you again, fucking hell

>> No.13181588

buy a hooker, incel

and stop putting pussy on a pedestal, sex isn't that great

>> No.13181596

One of the most masculine and sex-hungry men I know told me he actually prefers the seduction and the conquest to the sex. As long as he know he can have a girl he doesn't care much to actually bone her (depending on his intensity of his urges at the moment obviously).

He's not the only one in that case, only the most striking one I've met.

>> No.13181613

By your description I'm a woman even though I was born with a dick and still use it.

>> No.13181619

Abnormally low test is actually linked to heightened aggressivity, like abnormally high test.

>> No.13181641

Legitimately interesting take. i'm currently writing erotica for fun and I'll try to keep what you said in mind.

>> No.13181671

> I hit my balls or cut off the circulation to them while being told I don't deserve to be with a woman and how everyone thinks I'm worthless. I thought I'd just be more resilient if I did this to myself no?

This is horrifically wrong. You need to build inner strength, that starts with self-respect and a sense of personal inviolability. You might be not much to the world but to yourself at least you are sovereign. Even if you obey a master you it will be the master you have chosen.

Read Emerson's "On Self-Reliance", it's short and repeatedly hammers that very point in ways I couldn't.

>> No.13181759

Crossdressers and trannies don't have female brains. That's why so many trannies go in masculine fields like programming. I'd say they're more sweet sensitive beta male types, not women.

And emotional scenes like that are totally sexual for many women, that's why hurt/comfort is a fetish. I like it when men are shy and insecure and hurt but get comforted by Stacy Thundertits.

>> No.13181763

It's okay to be submissive anon, here do you think the comedy character of the henpecked husband comes from anon ? It's been a very common thing since antiquity.

Sure you'll not behave like the ideal Chad but who cares ? That's the moral equivalent of wanting desperately to have a 12 inch dick. It really doesn't matter much in the course of a normal life. There are enough dominant girls out there, believe me.

>> No.13181795
File: 178 KB, 960x1280, 1558410467607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why this thread overlooks the fact that the vast majority erotic literature is utter trash?
It's trite cheap badly written unrealistic bullshit and it's not much better than the video pornography males consume.

>> No.13181843


Dunno, look around. I've already given you a specific time frame and place where the thing you are looking for might be. The linked magazine is Danish (if I remember correctly) so maybe look up danish porn from the sixties (of which there is no shortage) and see if you find something similar. Maybe stick to the amateur zines, since they cultivate a more naturalistic tone.
My only other recommendation is looking for talented actors and actresses who can convey emotions beyond reptile-brained agitation. Melissa Monet is my absolute favorite in this respect; she can display a real depth of diverse emotions without saying a word. xhamster - com - videos - melissa-monet-dtx-os-4030916

>> No.13181852

trash tier fingers

>> No.13181858 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 612x612, 1531393021218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I wish that were me

>> No.13181867


>> No.13181932

I'm more into guys though. And Melissa looks middle aged.

>> No.13181943

Richfags do it also. It take different forms, that's all. Sometimes not even that different.

>> No.13181986

Nothing wrong with an old gal. One day, you'll be middle aged too.

>> No.13182053

What form does it take for richfags?

>> No.13182061

Where do I find a story about a shy blushing nerd cumming in his pants? Do boys actually cum in their pants, is that a thing that happens?

>> No.13182067

Depends on the kind of richfags. Catholic richfags will shun you, send you to confession, declare you to be damned or outright exclude you from the family depending on their degree of toxicity. Traditional but less religious richfag might send you to military school in the hope they beat gayness out of you.

>> No.13182084
File: 1.97 MB, 500x319, cameinhispants.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repressed catholics with secret masturbation addictions are hot.

>> No.13182135

Man, now I understand how Frollo came up with such a great boner song like Hellfire. Look at this brown piece of sin.

>> No.13182144

I am a bit like that except I'm Jewish. Am I hot ?

>> No.13182151

I knew a girl literally called Esmeralda (in turkish, so Yeçim) and she looked a bit like that.

>> No.13182160

was she a gypsy

>> No.13182170
File: 819 KB, 1131x624, d-emse-dance-end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Boys like that must be drowned in sin.

>> No.13182176
File: 98 KB, 720x960, 85686-d155aa2a7cbd97e764ab2071898cc73b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. This was her.

>> No.13182213
File: 148 KB, 371x353, 1557293538252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13182241

top 10 4chan cringe compilation #5

>> No.13182262

Those are a trip to watch on YouTube. :3

>> No.13182315
File: 109 KB, 762x1047, chibikun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do guys ever cream their pants in public?

>> No.13182396

Already have, a few times, it was awful

>> No.13182417

What makes you think sex with a normal girl would be any better?

>> No.13182674

she goes by Bree Morgan

>> No.13182706

Probably a purebred turkish t.b.h

I would have gone for her but I believed (mistakenly) that she was my buddy's gf. Mad regrets.

>> No.13182709

Please drown me in sin anon.

It could happen in theory. Never happened to me or anyone I met (afaik). It seems to be pretty rare.

>> No.13182762

>only get off to written snuff porn

>> No.13182853

Sorry mate, all girls who browse 4chan already have boyfriends.

>> No.13182887

She wouldn't be doing it out of a sense of financial obligation

>> No.13183664

Better than watching snuff videos, if nothing else.

>> No.13183682
File: 444 KB, 1035x1500, loli_baba_rape_doujin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because most men are brainlets. Good writing and world building is essential for an enjoyable masturbation session. Pic very related.

>> No.13183701
File: 342 KB, 1825x1084, rupi and megan before bathtime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13183783

it's a comedy character because they're being mocked

>> No.13183809

We read hentai too get over yourself.

>well written

>> No.13183828
File: 484 KB, 1035x1500, loli_baba_rape_doujin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> romance
> not well written
Most men are autistic normalfags who don't even know what a hentai is beyond "those japanese little girls" and naturally have never seen one much less read one.

>> No.13184273

you get turned on by imagining that you're a 4000 year old loli when you're imagining getting raped?

>> No.13185514

why is evopsych junk so prevalent on the LITERATURE board

>> No.13185541


>> No.13185651

Nothing of the sort. Self-inserters deserve a rope.

>> No.13186926

trannies aren't women

>> No.13186960

How come there's never any porn where the guy ejaculates super fast and then acts super shy about it?

>> No.13187004

Because the female orgasm isnt real

>> No.13187010

The “clitoris” is a lie

>> No.13187017

Squirting is just peepee you fuckeng idiets

>> No.13187258

It sure as hell smells like piss. It feels good when it comes out, though, so who cares

>> No.13187485
File: 42 KB, 500x615, tumblr_ouh8ck4k7j1w1cgmqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come all heterosexual stories never have stuff about men's balls or nipples or assholes? Gay stories have prostate stimulation and sensitive nipples in spades but straight stories never do.

>> No.13187528
File: 31 KB, 597x401, rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not pee, it's "blessed fluid" if you truly lover her.

>> No.13187554

Because men want to hear about women's bodies and women want to hear about men's resources and ability to ward off saber tooth tigers.

>> No.13187575
File: 105 KB, 500x564, balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erotica says otherwise.

>> No.13187587

The most successful erotica is about men's resources and ability to ward off werewolves.

>> No.13187617

But then fucking happens. And it never involves gentle testicular petting or eating the man's ass.

>> No.13187625

Women write lots of gay stuff though. Fujoshis love their man on man romance.

>> No.13187654

Every time someone says women don’t enjoy sex they are essentially admitting they are garbage at sex

>> No.13187875

>and ability to ward off werewolves.
You're ignoring the whole Beauty and the Beast aspect of Twilight. It's not just physical strength and courage that turn women on, they also like to feel like they have some form of power over men, by taming the beast in him.

>> No.13187968

Twilight is only successful because it appeals to teenage girls who think getting kissed on the cheek is naughty and postmenopausal soccer moms with no sex drive.

>> No.13188056
File: 42 KB, 479x557, 9torqbg9b35z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you're a cuck/quean?? there's no winning this
>op and everyone else
did you ever just consider that men are less likely to read in general? most people find reading difficult and approach it as work, not leisure. a whole host of factors go into women learning to read at a rate far in excess of most men- education, agreeability and more.

once you develop the capacity to read as leisure (a slippery slope that only builds momentum) you begin to favor the greater capacity to capture a moment foreign to your reality present in lit. the more of a moment captured, the more our imagination is fueled, and the more complete the illusion that accompanies most masturbation.

just a guess, but i really doubt there's anything more to this than the basic 'women read more than men.' everything else is just deconstructing and explaining/proving why women do in fact have a higher chance to enjoy reading as a recess activity.

>> No.13188671

women do what they're told

men do what they see