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File: 125 KB, 650x899, Ludwig_Klages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13179826 No.13179826 [Reply] [Original]

>btfos kant
nothing personal, moralists

>> No.13179834

Who is this man and why isn't he more famous ?

>> No.13179840

fascists, leftists, and christcucks all dart before his gaze

>> No.13179848

You had a good start with the picture, looks like a badass. But then you bring up Kant, and that’s where u fucked up anon

>> No.13179849

Why, he's ultimate Chad I see...

>> No.13179850

what's his political stance, if any? monarchy?

>> No.13179861

Hit me up with a summary of his thought brothers

>> No.13179869


>> No.13179897

>life as struggle is progressive will to power projected onto nature
>moralism (ex. categorical imperative) is anti-nature
>northwest european paganism is the only worldview that isn't doomed to self-destructive metastization
elitist pagan naturalism

>> No.13179948

>elitist pagan naturalism
that doesn't really sound like a political stance

>> No.13179982

Pagan Nietzsche ?

>> No.13179997

>northwest european paganism
Why a German would know anything about celtic paganism?

>> No.13180018

he is anti-politics because politics is anti-nature: politics is animated by geist (spirit, human projections, rationalism, expediency for its own sake), nature is animated by seele (the core of being, the life-affirming, eternal cycles), which we would do best to align ourselves with.

>> No.13180028

i forgot scandinavia isn't in northwest europe

>> No.13180047

I thought sbout Scandinavia too first but after googling that it appears that's Anglo-Saxon Paganism

>> No.13180049

Scandinavia is in north europe, not in northwest europe, you moron.

>> No.13180055

The Anglo-Saxon filth came from the East.
One day Arthur will come back and purge Britain from this foreign eastern scum.

>> No.13180062

>getting this bent about semantic geographical distinctions
get off this board retard

>> No.13180069

Actually giggled at this.
I wish I knew more

>> No.13180071

Northwest Europe is celtic.
Germanics are eastern strangers.

>> No.13180077

post feet

>> No.13180078

Kement-se ne sell ket ouzhoc'h. N'oc'h ket kelt, pik echu.

>> No.13180079

interesting but i disagree. aristotle was right, man is the political animal. politics and artifice are in his nature.

>> No.13180093

sounds dope.
Maybe in two years I will have battled my way through all the previous philosophers to him. :)

>> No.13180097


>> No.13180103

so cringe

>> No.13180262

Is being a celtic-germanic mutt the ideal european?

>> No.13180280

>celtic / germanic
Europe is a mediterranean concept.

>> No.13180283

Ah, an entire life's work that can be btfo by the naturalistic fallacy. Nice try, baby boy. Next.

>> No.13180288

ok... Portugal and Spain and Northern Italy are both a mix of Germanic and Celtic, what's your point?

>> No.13180295

what would non hellenics call the european continent then, especially the hyperborean region (celtic-germanic region)?

>> No.13180309


>> No.13180312

all this smug and yet not one good explanation exists as to why the 'naturalistic fallacy' is indeed a fallacy.

>> No.13180315

Europe equals a bunch of Turks and Sicilians...Deep

>> No.13180316

Give me a rundown on his anti-intellectualist metaphysics lads

>> No.13180324


that is latin (wanna be greek) though. Not much better.

>> No.13180359

>Originating with Socrates and coming through Kant all the way down to the present age, the hoarse demand of the Will resonates in every one of the refractions, disguises, and transformations assumed by our ethical systems, that it is the duty of man to control himself, to subject his desires to the rule of reason, to moderate his feelings when he can’t manage to exterminate them entirely
>Whatever falls under the ray of intellect is immediately turned into a mere thing, a numbered object of thought connected only mechanically with other objects. The paradox enunciated by the modern sage, ‘we perceive but what is dead’, is a lapidary formulation of a profound truth

>> No.13180386


>> No.13180406
File: 31 KB, 330x330, 19-true-detective-reggie-ledoux.w330.h330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, so remove the latin suffix and we have barbar & Celt. Settled?

>> No.13180411

>the latin suffix
t. retard who don't speak any celtic language

>> No.13181354

what does he have against christianity ?

>> No.13181362
File: 38 KB, 798x254, 8fa6b737adb4c008841b312dff2e0909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.13181373
