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/lit/ - Literature

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13177721 No.13177721 [Reply] [Original]

Is Ulysses truly the ultimate democratic experience?

>> No.13177758 [DELETED] 

Butterfly, go ahead and start masturbating to me :3 you will do it all night and then post suddenly

>> No.13177769

Garbage book. Acclaimed and praised by worthless "public servants", in this case, a sodomite. Joyce is where the downfall of English literature truly began. It fell first in France but it was Joyce who undid the English language which is unforgivable. If James Joyce had never existed, neither would John Green. Take that into consideration.

>> No.13177775

>Ulysses, the greatest novel ever produced
>a garbage book
I genuinely hope this is elaborate bait. I swear the reasons you pseuds come up with for hating this book become more wild and ignorant by the day

>> No.13177790

Yes, of course. That's why Beyonce was spotted reading it recently, while she took the subway with the CEO of Home Depot, the AMC Lincoln square theatre janitor, and a teenaged Puerto Rican crackhead. They were all reading it and discussing the miraculous everyday epiphanies of Leopold Bloom on their way to plant some seedlings at a community garden in the Bronx.

Vote Buttigieg! He's /lit/!

>> No.13177807

>shallow, sentimental humanism drenched in perverse sexuality
sounds about right.

>> No.13177820

why do white people talk to each other like this?

>> No.13177828

>greatest novel ever produced
Preference falsification, the post.

>> No.13177835

The kind of life affirmation endorsed by Joyce is despicable the density of content and remarkable prose can't save something that's rotten at the core.

>> No.13177877

t. extremely butthurt Catholic

Ulysses was released almost a hundred years ago, please get over it already and go back to raping choirboys while jacking yourself off to Chesterton or some similar atrocious shit

>> No.13177883

Not him but thanks for proving your a midwit throwing out your repertoire of learned insults, much like your learned preference taste in books.

>> No.13177886

Don’t care faggot

>> No.13177895

Certainly would appear you do care.

>> No.13177934

>catholics are still mad over modernism
lol guys it was just a social experiment

>> No.13177955
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Absolutely based.

>> No.13177969

>remarkable prose
>t. jinbad the jailer

>> No.13177975

>your a midwit

>> No.13177986

>t. pseud who hasn't even read the book
>INELUCTABLE MODALITY OF THE VISIBLE: AT LEAST THAT IF NO MORE, thought through my eyes. Signatures of all things I am here to read, seaspawn and seawrack, the nearing tide, that rusty boot. Snotgreen, bluesilver, rust: coloured signs. Limits of the diaphane. But he adds: in bodies. Then he was aware of them bodies before of them coloured. How? By knocking his sconce against them, sure. Go easy. Bald he was and a millionaire, maestro di color che sanno. Limit of the diaphane in. Why in? Diaphane, adiaphane. If you can put your five fingers through it, it is a gate, if not a door. Shut your eyes and see. Stephen closed his eyes to hear his boots crush crackling wrack and shells. You are walking through it howsomever. I am, a stride at a time. A very short space of time through very short times of space. Five, six: the nacheinander. Exactly: and that is the ineluctable modality of the audible. Open your eyes. No. Jesus! If I fell over a cliff that beetles o'er his base, fell through the nebeneinander ineluctably. I am getting on nicely in the dark. My ash sword hangs at my side. Tap with it: they do. My two feet in his boots are at the end of his legs, nebeneinander. Sounds solid: made by the mallet of Los Demiurgos. Am I walking into eternity along Sandymount strand? Crush, crack, crick, crick. Wild sea money. Dominie Deasy kens them a'. Won't you come to Sandymount, Madeline the mare? Rhythm begins, you see. I hear. A catalectic tetrameter of iambs marching. No, agallop: deline the mare. Open your eyes now. I will. One moment. Has all vanished since? If I open and am for ever in the black adiaphane. Basta! I will see if I can see. See now. There all the time without you: and ever shall be, world without end.

>> No.13177999

last gasps of a dying breed, once great

>> No.13178007

Starts out decent then goes to autism.
He was never in a fight as a kid, and too pussy as an adult.

>> No.13178012


>So what's the book about Pete?

>It's uh, about a guy... going through... life

>> No.13178028

Arse full of farts

>> No.13178940

>joyce caused the entire british shift in literature, which if he hadnt been a writer would never have happened

>> No.13179032

It loses some of its charm when you say it's a book about a guy getting the first handjob from his soulmate. That's the culmination right there. You could say, more accurately, it's a study of a day in Dublin.

>> No.13179060


>> No.13179104

Yes but not so badly put or geographically limited.

>> No.13179107

Pointing out a simple error for cheap argumentative points is, in fact, proof of being a midwit.

>> No.13179110


>> No.13179115


I read it over ten years ago, so excuse my memory. I thought that scene was Bloom masturbating, not getting a handjob. Perhaps he was fantasizing about his first handjob from Molly?

Masturbation is pretty democratic. Almost all of us do it.

>> No.13179129

Masturbation is a vile and pernicious habit. Democratic indeed. Useless, doesn't accomplish anything, and practice the herds of the masses. You're not going to make it.

>> No.13179130

practiced by the herds*

>> No.13179149

>Masturbation is pretty democratic. Almost all of us do it.
Imagine being this much of a bugmam.

>> No.13179169

/lit/ is honestly usuable these days. I have been re-main boarding it for this year but jesus fucking christ its pointless.

>> No.13179194

Of all things, this is what upsets you? Your hero Joyce knocked down a few pegs and you can't defend him, so you seethe. This isn't why /lit/ has gone downhill. It's because of the the the fucking butterfly poster and redditors. Also, very old /lit/ was incredibly bad, libertarian and filled mostly with low IQ undergrad-tier or high-school wannabe English majors.

>> No.13179201

>inb4 doubling down on the seethe

>> No.13179209

>but jesus fucking christ its pointless.
Want to know how I can tell you have a low IQ?

>> No.13179211

Your psychic ability!!!!!!!
I'm psychic too so I didn't need to ask heh heh

>> No.13179215
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>what's the matter kid, can't hang with the big dogs?
its all so tiresome

>> No.13179247

maybe the reddit hivemind echo chambers one-sided opinion with mob mentality might suit you more

>> No.13179263

You say that as if punching a twelve year old magically puts hair on your chest.

>> No.13179267

James Joyce is for pseudo intellectual retards who are in love with the idea of having something too "intellectual" for most people to even understand when in reality he was a fart sniffing degenerate who probably prodded a typewriter with a pen stuck up his arse to write Ulysses.

It's a shit book, he's a shit writer and anyone who defends him is the same sort of retard who pretends modern art has any discernable message behind it or that they can taste cheap wine.

>> No.13179536

I'm not nor have I ever been a papist, but a broken clock is right twice a day.

Joyce fails to show the meaning in everyday life in the modern era and instead shows the incredible lengths one must go to pretend that a fulfilling meaning can be found within it.

>> No.13179547

>evil sodomite endorses book I of the meme trilogy

Exactly why I don't bother with the meme trilogy

>> No.13179557

Saw some adorable and well behaved blonde kids yesterday, can't wait til they're grown and attractive and happy and you're senile and hating them for it.

>> No.13179568

It a dumb book about the day in the life of cuck.

>> No.13179572

So what book(s) do you recommend for authentically intellectual non-retards?

>> No.13179624

The intellectual is an inherently inauthentic category of man.

>> No.13179633

The intellectual is immunized against all dangers

>> No.13179652

Joyce is the post modern lit champion

if he were alive today, he would dress up in drag and perform readings to gayfaggots and communists

he would be hailed as a hero

>> No.13179658


It's because nobody reads it anon. The read the wikipedia page from the heights of the one Evola book they bought and partly read between one attempt at gaining muscles at the gym and an hour of binge-eating while crying because they lack the willpower to do even that and since it uses words like "everyday" which do not comply with the worldvision they got from watching Varg and The Golden One on youtube they label it as trash.
Fly above the criticism and join me in a discussion of this beautiful masterpiece. I'm rereading it because Bloomsday is approaching and I like to reread some Joyce around this time of the year. I'm currently at Lotus Eaters. Loved the passage about the language of flowers and I'm writing it down right now. What do you like about the novel?

>> No.13179661
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I can't say I disagree.

>> No.13179677

that's a weird choice of characters to make your point

>> No.13179679


>was never in a fight as a kid
You didn't even bother reading the wikipedia page, I see

>> No.13179685

Best minor characters?
>Henry Flower
>The End of the World
>Wisdom H.E.L.Y'.S
>Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall
>That bloody foxy Geraghty, the daylight robber

>> No.13179694


>low IQ undergrad-tier or high-school wannabe english majors
Well at least they were trying to read, what about the petersonposters, the fedora atheists, the Evola cultists who have read no Evola and were radicalized in facebook groups?

>> No.13179703

Not what was said, imbecile.

>> No.13179709

Based and truthpilled.

>> No.13179767

Not who your replying to but I'm very tempted to book a last minute trip to Dublin for Bloomsday - going to squeeze in a re-read between now and then in any event.

>> No.13179782

Joyce's intention isn't to invent a meaning for modern life. Its a novel.

>> No.13179789


>> No.13179794

I fucking hate James Joyce.

>> No.13179798

Joyce disliked modern art

>> No.13179816

this nigga fucks

>> No.13179830

Well he was part of it, so unlucky for him

>> No.13179842 [DELETED] 

Like what?

>> No.13179846

The everyday does not mean democratic. What the fuck is this faggot going on about?

>> No.13179854 [DELETED] 
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>not a single reason why Ulysses is bad other that "it's bad because it's bad"

>> No.13179856

Can you read?

>> No.13179864

1984 is if Ulysses wasn't a liberal democracy book but instead a Hitler/Voldemort hitchhikers guide on how to be hateful.

>> No.13179899

It's a novel that tried to connect the entire history and mythology of the western world to the daily life and thoughts of an individual urbanite. I think Joyce was aiming for something higher than a just something to be read for light enjoyment.

>> No.13179925

Certainly failed at that.

>> No.13179953 [SPOILER] 
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Like you failed at washing your hand after shitting and, after a quick sniff, went back in to the bathroom and had a second try. Yeah, I saw it.

>> No.13179959

Can't wait till PewDiePie does Ulysses on his channel, leading it to be acclaimed by all the dregs of /lit/ posting in this thread
Jinbad the Jailer-posting is based tho

>> No.13180053

His work has all of the worst qualities of modernism with none of the best. I really think he was the worst non-American associated with the movement.

>> No.13180064 [DELETED] 

Yes. Merely ad hominems and nonsense. Not real reasons or attempts at attacking the text.

>> No.13180072

Based faggot, still not snagging my vote away from Tulsi though

>> No.13180085


He rests. He has travelled.


Sinbad the Sailor and Tinbad the Tailor and Jinbad the Jailer and Whinbad the Whaler and Ninbad the Nailer and Finbad the Failer and Binbad the Bailer and Pinbad the Pailer and Minbad the Mailer and Hinbad the Hailer and Rinbad the Railer and Dinbad the Kailer and Vinbad the Quailer and Linbad the Yailer and Xinbad the Phthailer.

>> No.13180087

Why are you acting like you don’t know that you’re flat dumb, you’re anonymous, it’s okay to own it here

>> No.13180098

worst thread on joyce by far...

>> No.13180101

It’s not even about being dumb, it’s unironically about having a soul. I truly believe that not everyone does, and then for even those that do, they come in different sizes. And one of the surefire ways to know if a person doesn’t have a soul, or at best a very small one, is if they can’t see the merit in great works of art. That’s something only people with souls can do.

>> No.13180112


>> No.13180114

if this faggot loser likes ulysses then i hate it

>> No.13180115

says you

>> No.13180128

Ulysees is even that hard to read lmao

>> No.13180156

I've never considered myself smart. If anything, I've always thought of myself as among the dumbest of those who are not intellectually disabled. Our society's obsession with intelligence is among the worst of its values, and Ulysses in both its content and cultural status represent it more than anything else.

>> No.13180166 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13180171

death to all phoneposting niggers

>> No.13180180

Correct. And the more difficult Stephen passages aren’t even *supposed* to be widely understood, they’re only meant to be candid and convincing peaks into his high IQ. This is one of the bigger misconceptions about Ulysses, even in college. No, you’re not supposed to follow along with a guidebook and grasp every single little thing, you’re supposed to experience as an omnipresent audience, but not *omniscient*.

>> No.13180186

It's too irish.

>> No.13180189

>supposed to

>> No.13180190

lmao go back to your comic books retard. yeah if only all of society were as dumb as you, that’d be ideal, right? yeha can we have a little less Europe and a little more Africa please?

>> No.13180194

Does anyone here know the Joyce book he did on writing advice??

>> No.13180196

Ironic. Comic book readers are the brainlets who would enjoy Joyce.

>> No.13180210

First of all, random and baseless take that no one would agree with.
Second, how are they “brainlets” if you just conceded that they’re smarter than you?

>> No.13180299

>lmao go back to your comic books retard. yeah if only all of society were as dumb as you, that’d be ideal, right?
I've never read a comic book. My hatred of intellectualism as we know it today doesn't suggest a fondness for consumer low culture.
>yeha can we have a little less Europe and a little more Africa please?
Things Fall Apart is a better and More thoughtful work than Ulysses.

>> No.13180341

When do I read Ulysses? Frankly, I haven’t been /lit/ since I was in high school. I was so worked up over myself that yesterday I walked all the way to the closest book store I could and bought Infinate Jest, The Secret Teachings of All Ages (a book I read slightly as a child I lost; not that I could understand most of it), and The Illiad. I have so many on my list I want to read, but I also have a learning disability which makes it take much more time for me to read and process information. Of course I want to get all the “big fish” of the cannon down eventually, and maybe starting with Infinite Jest wasn’t the recommended but I know there is a line up to Ulysses I should follow.

>> No.13180397

>The pity is the public will demand and find a moral in my book — or worse they may take it in some more serious way, and on the honor of a gentleman, there is not one single serious line in it.
James Joyce

Not only that, but in its day, the book was taken as a very pessimistic work satirizing the decay of modern-day civilization. So this reading of it being about finding joy and meaning in daily life is quite subjective. Really, come off your philosophical high-horse and learn to enjoy a book.

>> No.13180644

Saying something is dying is not to say it ought to die.

>> No.13180661

Wasn't the earlier poster so I conceded nothing.

>> No.13181875

Virgin democrat cranks his knob; Chad aristocrat dominates (pussy) in order to impose his will

>> No.13181952

>downfall of english literature started in france

>> No.13182032

Wait until you guys find out the Pynchon is a liberal

>> No.13182036

I guess it’s better than “Sheeeiiiit nigga”

>> No.13182039

are you new or do you have a life and go months without visiting?
how have you missed the guy who'd rant about him being a boomer liberal in every pynch thread?

>> No.13182060

Last time I saw one of those threads was months ago. I figured there are a lot of new kids from pewdiepie posting book reviews. The reason all the Mishima threads are shit.

>> No.13182064

Isn't the whole point of novels novelty? Yeah, I'm in total agreement that it's great to learn more about the common man, but if you really want to do that, you should just talk to your neighbor. People don't do that anymore, though, probably because they think their neighbor is much too exciting and dangerous for them. They'd rather have a boring, predictable novel that isn't liable to hit them upside the head for stepping in their petunias.

>> No.13182379

Because we can actually speak English and we're not ashamed of it. You should try it sometime.

>> No.13182698

Joyce began the slow, painful death of beauty in literature.

>> No.13182756

Pete Buttigieg seems like an utterly disingenuous upper-crust douchebag, he'll never get the Catholic vote (and will join the ranks of idiot Democrats who don't realize that a Catholic American Democratic constituency exists).

>> No.13182773

The left is such a shit show right now, at least kids aren't into them anymore and that's basically the most important constituent of the left.

>> No.13182862

It could be worse, it could be in the same place the Right is at now (all principles abandoned to put a couple of morons in positions of power so that stupid culture issues can be pursued at the expense of things like infrastructure, a stable world order, and wage growth)

>> No.13182879

Not anymore. GOP is the new home of the Catholic voter. All democrats are cocksucking faggot enablers. You can't be a catholic and vote for people who not only approve of faggotry but celebrate it. Buttigieg is the epitome of the democrat party fag enabling monstrosity. It's nothing other than the tyranny of the minority. He gets to flaunt his sexual fetish to the wholesome, Christian families of Indiana and he'll ruin their lives if they object.

>> No.13182894

>Not anymore.
No, there are definitely Catholic Democrats, or even outright leftist Catholics.
>You can't be a catholic and vote for people who not only approve of faggotry but celebrate it.
I don't think you get to define who is and isn't Catholic.

>> No.13182908

Why are you giving hot takes about a book you clearly haven’t read? Do you relish being a pseud?

>> No.13182911


>> No.13182918

You can't be Catholic and approve of something that insidiously mocks the family and marriage

>> No.13182940

My point is simple: the Catholic Church does not consist entirely of right-wing sycophants who all agree on all social issues. Your lack of compassion toward the LGBT community is what is truly insidious.

>> No.13182962

Why would I have compassion for something that's actively contributing to the death of society?

>> No.13182983

And cafeteria Catholics like you are what weaken the faith

>> No.13182990


Buttigieg is a giant faggot and I'm not even saying that because he's gay. I hate American politics. I hate Americans. I hope you right-wing retards get nuked by literally anyone. Fuck you. Fuck your "leftists." Fuck your fascists. Fuck capitalism. Fuck America.

>> No.13182999

Lack of charity only leads to one destination, anon, and you know what it is. Repent now.

>> No.13183011

>cafeteria Catholics
Not him and not Catholic, but this is a common misconception by Americans and the UK of real Catholicism, because they view it through the distorting and alien lense of puritanism.
Let me put it this way, it was not a secret that Michelangelo was gay. And yet he painted the Sistine Chapel.

>> No.13183013

There's nothing charitable about accepting homosexuality.

>> No.13183018

>renaissance man may have been gay
>let's tear down society


>> No.13183023

>>renaissance man may have been gay
Way to out yourself as out of your depth, he wrote poems of explicit homosexual love and was unambiguously and openly gay.
>let’s tear down society
Puzzling nonsequitur. Again, you’re out of your depth.

>> No.13183049

Every major city in the occident is filled to the brim with homosexual acceptance propaganda. This is not normal and never before has it been normal. Encouraging men to sodomize each other and give each other AIDS and calling it pride will be the death blow of western civilization. I hope you're proud.

>> No.13183053

I don’t disagree, if you had an IQ above room temperature you’d see that I never argued otherwise and specifically distinguished myself in the post you responded to as new to the conversation.

>> No.13183055

we should be more like russia to lower HIV numbers

>> No.13183082

If you weren't an NPC you would realize how cancerous LGBT is and that it shouldn't be promoted under any circumstances and that the church even as milquetoast as its become still doesn't recognize gay marriage and for a good reason

>> No.13183091

If you weren’t literally retarded you would have duly noted the fact that I’ve literally just agreed.

>> No.13183120

>Michelangelo was gay

what point are you trying to make with that? And there's no evidence he was gay. You might as well say that Hitler was gay

>> No.13183145


>> No.13183152

FUCK people here get dumber and dumber, this would have been a troll post a couple years ago, now it’s unironic and doesn’t even stand out all that much.

>> No.13183157

>what point are you trying to make with that?
it was very obvious what his point was in the context of his post. and michelangelo was very definitively and unquestionably gay. stop posting.

>> No.13183272

found the kike

>> No.13183352

His father was a Gramsci scholar, so it's likely that he's a closet communist.

>> No.13183451
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He lies. Bootygorge's most impactful book was probably Leviticus, meaning the incredible depth to be found going through a guy made him unable to shit for weeks.

>> No.13183672

Poo pee poo pee BRAP BRAP BRAP
Poo pee poo pee BRAP BRAP BRAP

>> No.13183690

I feel as lit by fire a cold countenance
That burns me from afar and keeps itself ice-chill;
A strength I feel two shapely arms to fill
Which without motion moves every balance.

>> No.13183704

it's a divine work of art but it's not "democratic", something crowd sourced like a /lit/ novel might be democratic

>> No.13183727

Why is /lit/ so filled with retards?

"Does nobody understand?"
t. James Joyce's dying words

>> No.13183736

Sodomites have no place in society.

>> No.13183742

That's baseless historical revisionism.

>> No.13183743

we don't know how to fix them so they should be treated like human beings while we figure it out

>> No.13183751

They should be sent to Madagascar.

>> No.13183758

that's a solution, get to it then

>> No.13183910

My hot take is on the attitude, not the book. It's like 'oh look at this book on soldiers, war is so glorious'!
Academics ruin life by not living it.

>> No.13183916

You're grossly simplyfing a book you haven't read

>> No.13183942

I guess I'm just being way too cynical of the current status quo. I haven't read Ulysses at least partly because the hype around it stinks of people trying to praise some profound revelation that isn't actually there.
So my impression of the contents of the book when someone says it's "Really democratic and deep guys" tells me "It's actually just about some bog-standard author stand-in gazing at his navel from cover to cover".
I'll shut up now. I'm just... This sort of attitude puts me off of reading, because no matter what you read, it's never enough and you're a pseud anyways.

>> No.13183946

don't let idiots dissuade you away from good things, make up your own mind about it

>> No.13183953

Thanks. I'll lurch my way through Hobbes' Leviathan one of these days. That ought to give me some momentum for the rest of the "famous works I've never read" list.

>> No.13183963

Ulysses is really good.
Don't bother with "best book of all time" nonsense, that's for buzzfeed types.
It's just a solid, fun book. Simulates what its like to be alive in dublin in 1906 (was it?) really well. It's really cool. Also the whole transfiguring the mundane into the divine thing isn't a joke, he actually gives you that feeling a lot in the book.
Really really good book.

And if yall haven't listened to the 1982 full-cast production, it's fucking AMAZING. Every character is done to perfection. Side characters and all. The ambient noise, the effects, it's all superb. Seems like it was made this year. Whoever produced that whole situation had to be been an exceptional scholar too, they give all the right intonation for all of it.

>> No.13183983
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Didn't Jung say that Ulysses should be the modern man's Holy Bible?

>> No.13183985

Those are words that you can feel free to use and feel good about having used, but fail to suffice as a meaningful response.

>> No.13184820

>a simple error
simple indeed, someone who makes simple errors is what some call

a simpleton: [ sufferer of class 1 clinical retardation, incapable of the most simple of things without being riddled with fault and error ]

>> No.13184831
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Jordanian peterson is cool
Leave him alone

>> No.13184834

Your current Pope seems quite content to do that. Not that I support it. A return to mystical catholicism might actually give people the meaning and mystery they seek when they turn to religion. But as it stands, the Catholic church cannot claim moral authority, not while a heretic holds the Bishopric of Rome.

>> No.13184919

Based Joyce, “beauty” is for philistines

>> No.13186626

>dude scat lmao