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/lit/ - Literature

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13177985 No.13177985 [Reply] [Original]

It’s Saturday, what are you currently?

>> No.13177992

A human

>> No.13177997

a mistake

>> No.13177998

a nigger in a t-shirt

>> No.13178000

Jeffery Dahmer, is that you?

>> No.13178004

comfy wage cuck

>> No.13178009 [DELETED] 

Fellow worker, where you working tonight? :3

>> No.13178018

Enlightened by my intelligence

>> No.13178020
File: 67 KB, 491x291, DF327102-8B8E-4E91-9B5B-CF9BB3896861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh you two, :)

>> No.13178021
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>> No.13178024 [DELETED] 

He obviously said he's comfy because he's working a kush overnight job where he can read, like I am :3

>> No.13178029

There's a fun crossover from /x/ that I discovered. One can search for books and tomes that never saw the light of published day, but exist nonetheless. Occasionally they're about spooky things, and that adds a bit of curiosity to the endeavor. Was what was written real? Written by a raving lunatic? Might not actually matter.

>> No.13178034

Rae, you’re a paedophile?

>> No.13178040
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>> No.13178055 [DELETED] 

working is fun af stupid :p

You make friends, have a good time, etc etc

>> No.13178067
File: 18 KB, 326x294, F1E9005C-68E8-4B8A-8031-5E80684648C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I say anything you motorboat head retard, easily revved up aren’t you?

>> No.13178074 [DELETED] 

>jealous he doesn't have an awesome chill af job where he has a good time with others and enjoys life

Yeah... not working...heh

>> No.13178614

I'm off tonight, actually. Picked up a shift tomorrow night, though. Hoping to finish this book then.

>> No.13178619 [DELETED] 

I'll be working then too, see you then man. :3

Next weekend will be my last weekend working nights, either way I give my two weeks notice to this company sometime next week if they can't find me a slot at this place during an afternoon shift. It's a really nice high rise in a city downtown by the water, but I just need an afternoon shift, not a shitty night. :3

>> No.13178621 [DELETED] 

I have another full time job now, so I work 40 hour weeks then come home and have some time to kill during the week, so I figure an afternoon slot isn't bad. But these weekend night shifts are fucking killing me.

>> No.13178630
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I'm Thursday.

>> No.13178633

I work swing shifts in a plant so my schedule is all over the place. In some ways I prefer being on nights. No dayshift pencil pushers breathing down my neck and I get a lot of reading done if nothing fucks up.

>> No.13178780


>> No.13178784

Does the plant boil water?

>> No.13178799

No it manufactures tires. I work maintenance, which is to say that I fix machines then they fuck up mechanically, electrically or else something goes amiss in the programming. If none of those things are happening I sit around until they do. Lots of reading time, often.

>> No.13179786

kinda tired and sad but also relieved I dont have to work

>> No.13179802

I'm alternating between playing new vegas, edging to hentai, listening to ween and writing stream of consciousness

>> No.13179837

Truly the 21st century literary lifestyle, everyone else is a poseur.

>> No.13180367

Dumb frogposter

>> No.13180388

If you are somehow financially independent be a NEET. If you aren't get a job.

>> No.13180912
File: 78 KB, 720x540, gigaboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made soup for my qt gf because she's sick. i'll probably mow and then drink beer like a boomer. if i had a ride lawn mower i'd drink and mow, but i'm not man enough for a ride

>> No.13180922

I'm an otherkin octopode.