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13177049 No.13177049 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone actually enjoy these books? I find them such a chore to read with their autistic level of detail and use of uncommon old english words. The prose flows horribly and you have to consult the dreadful maps every time he references them in his tedious geographical descriptions. Why is this unreadable garbage considered legendary in the world of English fiction then?

>> No.13177056

Not everyone is as stupid as you are.

>> No.13177066

Buttmad Tolkien fag. Your fantasy garbage is completely vacuous and irrelevant pulp for the simple-minded.

>> No.13177122

To add, there's already a similar bait thread up so maybe take your stupid there.

>> No.13177209

So is any and all criticism of the books bait? Why is there such a religious devotion to the works of Tolkien on this board?

>> No.13177511

>Why is there such a religious devotion to the works of Tolkien on this board?
i ask myself the same question a lot. it's very odd considering lord of the rings is barely a rung above harry potter on the infernal ladder of children's fiction.

>> No.13177522

ITT: an autismo who is trying to bloat an argument from a previous thread to prove a childish point.


>> No.13177695

When I was a little boy, my father read me The Hobbit and Lord of The Rings and Chronicles of Narnia after we would say our evening prayer. Fond memories. Maybe a bit of nostalgia. He is passed now but I inherited the childhood copies. I would like to read them to my children when I have the chance to continue the tradition.

>> No.13177921

I enjoy them so much it takes constant self-restraint to keep me from rereading them again.

>> No.13177964
File: 417 KB, 960x1440, GOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to hate LOTR
Still haven't punished myself with a read, but pic related changed me.

I now have much better respect for Tolkien by comparison.

>> No.13177968

Enough to have a collection of more than 50 books related to Tolkien.

>> No.13178397

>uncommon old english words
You mean simple early modern english words.

>> No.13178455

Just skip Tom Bombadil and all the gay singing

>> No.13178491

Tom Bombadil is godlike, he's one of the only creatures who could resist the ring.

>> No.13178498

but you can't finish it

>> No.13178501

who here used the books to create your own D&D session?

>> No.13178678

I got about halfway through the last book and dropped it. You're right, OP, Tolkien was absolutely autistic in his pedantic descriptions of scenery and geography and history.

>> No.13178886
File: 391 KB, 800x1173, 257E5F42-0EE7-4792-BD8A-82C6A7357400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the two towers VERY tiring to read, but the climax in return is pure kino, one of the best things I have ever read. It is annoying how he goes off on tangents spanning generations about some side thing, can we get back to the main characters pls?

>> No.13179089

LOTR is sort of the UR-fantasy fiction. Before it was published, few people had ever read anything like it before.
Tolkien's world spawned countless simulacra, most of which were aimed at children and young-ish teenagers.

Also, the books were written back when people had much longer attention spans and responded to fiction more emotionally (pre- mass television).