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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 59 KB, 337x271, beardo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1317678 No.1317678 [Reply] [Original]

If someone holds a differing viewpoint to yours, the thing to do is mock them and call them stupid. There will always be one or two people who agree with you, or are at least happy to join in on mocking someone, so it will appear that you have the more popular viewpoint. And that's all that counts.

Never, EVER enter into a debate using facts, reason, and well presented argument. Those take too long, and you'll just have the above tactic used against you. The fact of the matter is that most people are just not very smart, and have the attention span of 4-year-olds. Ad hominem and appeal to the majority are all that is required to forward almost any idea that you have.

>> No.1317686

Captain Obvious strikes again.

>> No.1317688

This is a really good post on multiple levels.

>> No.1317689

I think the same thing.

>> No.1317690
File: 7 KB, 182x277, VanVliet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ mentality
>this is why i'm especially hated by them

>> No.1317693

Just letting you know, I'm never listening to him again because you posted that.

>> No.1317696
File: 84 KB, 512x640, Beethoven.143180205_std.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not saging a troll thread
typical /lit/ hypocrisy - it's the guy saging troll threads that's the troll!

>> No.1317700
File: 29 KB, 349x642, Trolling jokes on them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hate" would imply that /lit/ cares one way or the other about you. That is not the case.

>> No.1317702

I think that picture sums him up nicely.

>> No.1317703

That picture is perhaps the most perfect encapsulation of 4chan tripfags that I have ever seen.

>> No.1317710

>dont care
>continue to make it an issue whenever i post

samefag, use different ips next time.

>> No.1317713

just poppin in to say i dislike you as well. it's hard to ignore you since you shit up every thread so i care a lot. im the caremaster. fuck you. kill yourself already. have a nice day

>> No.1317714

Now this might come as a surpise to you, but I only posted this:


You can even check it, get a life fag. Why do you even get up in the morning.

>> No.1317719


wwwwwwwwwwwwwhice, you try so hard to be a clever troll. nothing you post is ever as funny or insightful as you think it is.

>> No.1317721


You know, I know that this isn't the case-- but I would not be suprised at all if these two posts were ty samefagging to make it look like anyone, anywhere, gives a shit about anything he does enough to dislike him.

>> No.1317727

>you shit up every thread
Has it ever occured to you that you are shitting up the thread just as much by responding? You really should take responsibility for your own behavior.

>> No.1317728

a lot of ppl come to 4chan to flame. and its easiest to flame the obvious retards such as tybrax

>> No.1317731

this thread isnt worth anything. dont white knight tybrax you stupid dick

>> No.1317739

>I rely on logical fallacies in hope to win an argument

When people like you do stuff like that, I simply just point out where they went wrong and it makes them look like even more of an idiot. What pisses me off even more is that the rest of you guys agree with OP.

>> No.1317742

Pointing out your oblivious stupidity is hardly white-knighting anyone else. It's just that you're too stupid to recognize that by responding to obvious, easymode trolls you are contributing to the shitting up of the thread.

You'd have to be a mouthbreathing imbecile not to see that.

>> No.1317744
File: 31 KB, 510x385, you mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1317743

u mad?

>> No.1317745

agreed, people in this world are more guided by ratio than by emotion or intuition. thats why you're post is right. you are right

>> No.1317748

Currently lolling hard at your hypocrisy.

>> No.1317750

>it makes them look like

To whom? I submit that if no one else in the thread thinks that the person you are debating with is an idiot, and instead thinks that YOU'RE the idiot, then all your logic and reason, no matter how infallible, isn't worth a pile of dead niggers.

That is why as hominem and appeal to the majority will own the interwebs forever.

>> No.1317753
File: 6 KB, 240x160, TyBrax16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same images
>brownbear has been known to post anonymously

Also misterwhiteknight enjoy battling the stupidity I put up with. you're an idiot if you don't recognise that's why im even hated in the first place.

>> No.1317756

ass hominem

>> No.1317757


mad samefag is mad, lol

>> No.1317760

>implying I'm BB

lol u dum

>> No.1317759

Or are you mad that so many people see that you mad?

>> No.1317758

ppl hate you because you're a pathetic attention whore constantly making shitty trollposts and then crying afterwards about your eating binges and self-mutilation because people were mean to you on the internet

>> No.1317762

You must be new here and not understand flood control

>> No.1317764
File: 25 KB, 400x400, dont_hate_me_because_im_beautiful_tshirt-p235609770977725998q6wh_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm loling that I made so many people mad that they responded. I'm really the best troll here. Don't be jelly that you got rooked by a superior troll.

>> No.1317766
File: 86 KB, 1759x833, hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

/lit/ you guys are too easy. Maybe I'll delete this thread to troll you all even harder.

>> No.1317769


Do it.

>> No.1317771

>It appeals to the majority

and that makes it any more justifiable? The majority doesn't know what Ad Hominem is and can be easily persuaded. You're just taking advantage of their ignorance.

>> No.1317773

If I do, I can just post it again and start over.

You're a chump for responding to an obvious troll like me. You're cancer.

>> No.1317774


An heir to the throne of Captain Obvious?

>> No.1317780

>Implying that the person you're trying to convince isn't your interlocutor.
Silly troll, the only person who thinks you've won in that eventuality is you.

>> No.1317781

I don't care. People such as you and OP see this shit as justifiable. This Is why existentialism fails.

>> No.1317784


You're a little bit of a foolish troll. That's what I want. I want you to troll lit. I'm just too lazy to do it myself, so I'd rather give you the moral courage and justification to do what you actually want to do, instead of taking the time to do it myself.

I guess I failed at making you my puppet as you made /lit/ your puppet.

>> No.1317785

Nah, brah. Nah.

>> No.1317788
File: 37 KB, 300x242, black&whim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1317792

>I guess I failed at making you my puppet as you made /lit/ your puppet.

Yes, you did fail, and yes, I did make /lit/ my puppet. Thank you for recognizing this.

>> No.1317796


Of course, trolling /lit/, is comparable to reading Dick and Jane, in terms of difficulty.

>> No.1317801

>Of course, trolling /lit/, is comparable to reading Dick and Jane, in terms of difficulty.

That's because the people on /lit/ are imbeciles.
You are a person on /lit/.
Therefore, you are an imbecile.

>> No.1317806

>I guess I failed at making you my puppet as you made /lit/ your puppet.

See, ladies and gentlemen, THIS is good unsound argumentation. Do you see how he distances himself from the conversation and from the general /lit/ population while appealing to the OP troll's sense of self-satisfaction? In a single, simple sentence he recovers his personal dignity, implies that all of /lit/ is bumping this troll thread, rather than the fairly clumsy self-bumping OP, and gives the OP an opportunity to gloat and feel special about himself without immediately demanding a response. This poster can now leave with his e-peen intact. If he's smart, he will.

>> No.1317812


I guess it takes two to tango, if you will.

>> No.1317811

makes me glad that im the anti-/lit/.

>> No.1317810


You highly overestimate me.

>> No.1317821

You're on /lit/ too.
In fact, you're like the poster-child of imbecility here.

>> No.1317825
File: 218 KB, 582x960, merz14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. i'm the pied-piper, publicly abused by the anti-intellectuals on here.

>> No.1317831

Wow, this thread sucks.

Regardless, just popping into say kill yourself TyBrax.

>> No.1317832

>he recovers his personal dignity

I wouldn't exactly call supplicating yourself before a troll 'dignified'. In fact I'd say he left his e-peen behind like a lizard tail.

>> No.1317834


Holy fuck, that was god damn hilarious.

>> No.1317836

when you sage a troll thread, it means you support my cause. >>1317825

>> No.1317845

No you're not. I'm the pied-piper.

Look at how I've strung you along in this conversation, getting you to respond to everything I say exactly in the way I want you to respond to me.

I'm just really a much better troll than you are. You walk in the garden of my turbulence.

>> No.1317846


>implying you haven't been strung along

>> No.1317847

An interesting point. Now that I've seen the responses, I'm quite sure that you're correct. At the time, it seemed like he was going to inspire another attack on /lit/ in general, thereby sparing himself, but the OP troll is unfocused enough that I wasn't able to predict his attacking both.

>> No.1317849


I'm really just bored and procrastinating on eating. I'm just writing whatever bullshit seems relatively humorous.

Would you be my friend?

>> No.1317851
File: 116 KB, 370x504, nk_degenerate_blackface_jolson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations. You've just been added to my trophy room of Trolled Anons.


>> No.1317867

OP here. The next five posts will be votes to either keep this thread up or delete it.

Monkey's choice.

>> No.1317870


>> No.1317877

keep up lol

>> No.1317881

Keep it up.

>> No.1317887



>> No.1317888

Delete this shit.

>> No.1317894


OP here. I never said you couln't vote more than once. I just said 'the next five posts'

God /lit/, you're almost unbearably stupid sometimes. Anyway, one vote left. Who's gonna call it?

>> No.1317896

if you believe it is easy to troll /fa/, you have no idea how hard you're being counter-trolled

oh yeah delete plz

inb4 that's not OP, and the thread stays alive anyway

>> No.1317900


>implying anything was said other than that the two posts were made by the same poster

>> No.1317902


Hmm, 2 for delete, 2 for keep it up, and one for samefag.

Sounds like you're in a pickle OP.

>> No.1317903

>inb4 that's not OP, and the thread stays alive anyway

Vote over. But since you decided to cast aspersions on my virtue, I am going to leave it up for a few minutes to be sure you see this, and then see it dissapear, just so you know how wrong you are.

I am a man of honor, sir, and you will not besmirch me!

>> No.1317907

Yet another il/lit/erati proves his lack of reading comprehension skills.

You should all be glad to be rid of your shamefull stupidities here when I delete this thread. Truly, I am a river to my people.

>> No.1317908


Eh, nice usage of basic trolling technique. String him along, so he waits for the thread to be deleted, but it never will, since you're not OP.

>> No.1317911


>The next five posts will be votes to either keep this thread up or delete it.

That was a statement. It turned into a false statement. I'm amused anyway.