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/lit/ - Literature

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13176454 No.13176454 [Reply] [Original]

>my pc fucked up
>lost all my writings

>> No.13176472

if my pc went kaput i would only lose a decade+ worth of pirated music and a few passwords but i have most of the music backed up on an external harddrive anyway

>> No.13176481

google drive it
it's a fucking text document

>> No.13176488

That's your own fault. It's so easy to back stuff up

>> No.13176489

Backups are paramount my dude. Shit, use Google Docs, or even a fuckin pastebin for christ's sake. But hey, look at it as a fresh start, yeah?

>> No.13176495
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I lost 5 years of writing, almost 200 gb of music, old photos with my family, all my porn blockers (i've been struggling with that shit for a long time) and some recordings.

>> No.13176506

You didn't back up your important photos? You're truly fucking retarded

>> No.13176510

You should've backed-up on thumb drives and through emailing yourself drafts. But now that you haven't, and you've paid the price, I would take advantage of the tabula rasa, much like Hemingway did around 1922 when his wife left one of his suitcases unattended at a train station and he lost everything he had written to that point.
Hemingway, admittedly, was only in his early twenties at the time. But literally every single important piece of fiction he wrote came after that event, from scratch, because he was a writer. The only thing that ended his writing career was a bullet to the brain 39 years later.

>> No.13176511


>> No.13176512

>he doesn't use Google drive

>> No.13176561

>no one itt mentions handwritten works
Uh... guys, I'm scared

>> No.13176569

That's how you have it stolen.

>> No.13176576

>putting your creative tasks for all the IT department of Google to see, and steal if they so please, and having your creativity constrained for fear of prying eyes.

>> No.13176578

This literally has not and could not happen. Stop being a conspiritard

>> No.13176584

>dude conspiracy
It's common sense.

>> No.13176596

Google deleted my account for some innocuous comment made on a YouTube video that they determined was a violation of their terms of service.

Of course, I had backed up my important files but this caused some diaturbance.

>> No.13176601

Even if it this was so, typing on Google Docs inherently has lag even on a fast PC, with an SSD and a gigabit connection. The real writer must have a dedicated word processor and ideally a PS/2 keyboard to transfer thought to word as fast as possible. Otherwise, it will be stifled with even the smallest amount of input lag. Go ahead and back them up on Google Docs like a gullible idiot but if you type on it, you're an absolute retard.

>> No.13176605

>slightly worried google will cuck my account for ripping music from youtube
fight the power though

>> No.13176607
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>> No.13176615

americans are so stupid lol

>> No.13176630

Fuck YOU

>> No.13176703

>typing on Google Docs inherently has lag even on a fast PC, with an SSD and a gigabit connection

Complete lie

>> No.13176729

I had this happen to me. It's possible to go to some tech shop and get it restored.

>> No.13176780

Maybe the hdd is still good if you pull it out

>> No.13176783

how far down does the indoctrination go?

>> No.13176830

>Download veracrypt
>Make encrypted drive with all writing materials
>Backup encrypted drive

>> No.13176848

>the laws of physics are a complete lie

>> No.13176870

>Newton's law of reaction and Google Docs being laggy? Yeah, basically the same thing.

>> No.13176884

If you understood how technology worked, yes.

>> No.13176903

Literally try uploading child pornography or a manifesto with illegally specific features to Google docs, reeetard.
The information Google saves on you, individual account user, is free to download and peruse, have a look see at what they keep. Or even start google searching increasingly unstable and specific things and see what happens.

>> No.13176916

Fuck you're so dumb. It's the same concept as why /v/ is mad about Google's streaming console wrt input lag.

>> No.13176931

imagine being this retarded

>> No.13176938

That's God's way of telling you you should do something else. You're probably not that good at writing.

>> No.13176942

Imagine not knowing that technology and the signals transmitted by it isn't instant and is limited by a number of factors, not least of which, the speed of light.

>> No.13176945

Imagine being so self-important lmao. Careful, I suggest you stop posting on /lit/ too, lest the people who have sex steal your genius from your posts.

>> No.13176950

>the speed of light is a noticeable delay

>> No.13176952

this is how memes spread

>> No.13176954

Why are you unironically shilling for google

>> No.13176956

Thousands of miles away? Yes.

>> No.13176959

Acknowledging reality is not shilling for Google, retard.

>> No.13176963

You're trolling? It takes 7 minutes for light to reach from the sun...

>> No.13176966
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Should've stored them on your OneDrive folder

>> No.13176969
File: 99 KB, 609x714, 1504821964271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The speed of light is 299,492,758 metres per second. It can go around the earth seven and a half times in one second. You're the brainlet if you think the speed of light is a noticeable delay,

yes, google drive stores all my files on the sun

>> No.13176974

Are you the guy suggesting backing things up to Google drive?
they don't have a human personally look through everyone's stuff, they run algorithms that do I 100% assure you

>> No.13176977

>the algorithm will surely steal all of OP's work

>> No.13176978

Is 1/7th of a second a noticeable delay?

>> No.13176980

Way to get pointlessly bogged down on irrelevant details. The point of opposing google drive is not for the lag, the databasing of all inputs, or the access all programmers/engineers *certainly* have to everything stored on their drives. That isn't the point. The point is that massive, shared, centrally-controlled databases are as, or more, dangerous than any storage device you could hold in your hand. The security and scope of it gives it the illusion of security and permanence, which it truly, truly does not have.

Person A, stop *sounding* like a google shill. Person B, no software engineers give a shit about the earth-shattering impact of your controversial new novella.
The fact is that as convenience increases, vulnerability to widespread loss probably does too.

>> No.13176986

shhh, don't let OP know we want to steal his material.

>> No.13176988

Thats hyperbolic, but the algorithm will learn from and adapt from OP's work so, in a way, that's intellectual theft.

I understand they won't literally steal and publish OP's work under their own name after deleting it from ops account and hard drive...
but not because they can't

>> No.13176989

Are you suggesting google stores all my files on the antipode of my location?

>> No.13176991

Send yourself an email as a copy. I do this with handwritten stuff too, just take a photo and send it to myself.

>> No.13176993

I just print everything in my word documents periodically, or at least I used to. Got many binders full of my stuff printed

>> No.13177000

>the algorithm is a sentient ai

>The fact is that as convenience increases, vulnerability to widespread loss probably does too.
Jokes on you. Google backs up all it's data using LTO Tapes.

>> No.13177003

No but it also doesn't only travel to one location one time, it zig zags to several locations and is weighed down in various other aspects of technology at the same time
Like MySpace (unironically)

>> No.13177006

>No but it also doesn't only travel to one location one time, it zig zags to several locations and is weighed down in various other aspects of technology at the same time
*at the speed of light

>> No.13177007

Yes. It's annoying to not have instantaneous input from keyboard to screen.

>> No.13177010

>implying it's not

>> No.13177017

>feeding the botnet

>> No.13177018
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>> No.13177019

Implying you don't get frustrated at a fraction of a second of lag in current year

>> No.13177022

Same here. Put a copy in a fireproof safe. So far, so good.
Damnit! Google thought of everything.

>> No.13177025
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back to >>>/g/ to shill for huawei

>> No.13177026

Do you know where the term conspiracy theorist originates smart boy
it was invented to discredit political dissidents

Do you believe in any conspiracy theories?

>> No.13177027

Fiberoptics impede it there is a few millisecond delay in any case.

>> No.13177028

>Implying you don't get frustrated at a fraction of a second of lag in current year
The human brain has been shown to be able to process information as fast as 100 ms post-stimulus (after you see an object not in motion)

>> No.13177030

Oh please, you don't think Google isn't leaky? Former employees privy to such malpractices could tell the media and ruin the company over night. Google has hundreds of billions of dollars riding on that trust. The only person who has access to everything is probably the top management who are so well paid they'll never squeal.

>> No.13177032


see >>13177028

>> No.13177033

This is one of the reasons I write everything by hand.

>> No.13177034

God is sending you a message, bra. Like "shit, nigga, that shit wasn't good, let's forget about it and settle for a fresh start". You should thank God.

>> No.13177038

So you're obviously trolling for yous

But I'd like to be able to discredit these obvious arguments. Your argument essentially boils down to 'you're not important enough for anyone to care' but the NSA has been forced by Snowden to admit widespread spying of American calls, and its also well know that they have code words flagged that elevate specific items (emails, texts, lit posts) onto more specific lists etc.

Google has far more power over things you explicitly send to their servers than the NSA does on general internet traffic

>> No.13177045

Why are you chink shills complete brainlets? The NSA has ended the spying.

>> No.13177065

Fair enough, but it's still pretty obvious that the term conspiracy theory is used to dismiss political dissidents in current year and as far back as the 60s regardless. Cia may not have invented it but instead popularized its usage in such manner. See: cointelpro

>> No.13177078

They end one program and start another with a different name, please, come on. I generally support the intelligence agencies, because I support the US and believe that the average IC personnel is a patriot, but let's not kid ourselves here. They had to do something because of Snowden but they didn't just stop domestic surveillance while at the same time the US is arming programs to "counter violent extremism" internally

>> No.13177080

Still is annoying to deal with the slight delay using an online word processor. Unbearable even.

>> No.13177095

I'm actually not the anon you've been talking with, I just wanted to point out that it's a stupid analogy.

Now this is just autism. Docs is good enough if you're not sonic the hedgehog on the keyboard. And if you are, you're probably writing garbage. Imagine how much input lag had the great canonical writers with their primitive quills and typewriters.

>> No.13177098

Conspiracy theories are frowned upon because they are on the political fringe with no real evidence to back them up.

What about the delay with your eyes and brain?

>They end one program and start another with a different name, please, come on
[citation needed]
>They had to do something because of Snowden
Yes, because the domestic spying program was VERY controversial.
>while at the same time the US is arming programs to "counter violent extremism" internally
What the government defines as extremism might be a bit iffy, but a lot of extremist groups are a threat to national security. Take FEAR for example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FEAR_(terrorist_group)

>> No.13177106

>[citation needed]
>because program was VERY controversial
Even to someone like me, that is an extremely naïve take...it betrays an insane amount of trust in the democratic functionality of the security apparatus.

>> No.13177114

Brain corrects it so I don't notice it. I can still perceive delays to that delay. Especially If I'm typing and suddenly the the key I pressed materializes on screen a fraction of a second later after the press. Enough to bother me, especially when it happens repeatedly.

>> No.13177115
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Handwritten is the best, and most comfy, way to do your rough draft, but you absolutely have to type it up at some point. A lot of folks I know cant write well in cursive either, and writing in print is actually fucking barbarism (the flow is horrible too).

>> No.13177119

>t. uses a membrane keyboard

>> No.13177121

[you don't have security clearance to view the citation]

I'm not advocating for extremist groups I'm saying that domestic surveillance is probably happening if your goal is explicitly to fight domestic extremism

What's iffy about the governments definition of extremism?
Exactly. It only became controversial Ina major way once Snowden leaked

>> No.13177140

>I'm not advocating for extremist groups I'm saying that domestic surveillance is probably happening if your goal is explicitly to fight domestic extremism
If they shut it down, then it probably wasn't working well to fight terrorism anyways.
>What's iffy about the governments definition of extremism?
If it doesn't match the public's definition of extremism

>> No.13177154

> it doesn't match the public's definition of extremism
In what way?
>it probably wasn't working...
By what metrics? I've heard that the cost/benefit ratio on PRISM was unsustainable

>> No.13177161

>In what way?
I said IF
>By what metrics?
Not curbing terrorism

>> No.13177168

How do you block porn?

>> No.13177415

How do you measure whether terrorism has been curbed? Maybe you can send a link to the data?
whyd you bring it up then?

>> No.13177457


>> No.13177472

Backups are your friend nigger.

>> No.13177535

whats that on the ground

>> No.13178110

Nobody here writes anything worth the risk of stealing lmfao, get outta here

>> No.13178121

this is why you should always keep a backup, faggot

>> No.13178130

I sort of agree. Not for now, you aren’t improant enough for anyone to look. but if you ever become famous (isnt that the hope?) 100% for sure all your unpublished writing is getting leaked or stolen

>> No.13178136

Get with the times gramps

>> No.13178142

Or maybe its a test because God thinks abon can do it.

>> No.13178176

Based paranoid schizophrenic poster

>> No.13178355

A blank index card
Get on my level chump

>> No.13178699

>200gb of music

>> No.13178728

i have most of my stuff (drawings, texts, a copy of each pirated ebook i have on my kindle just in case) on a flash drive which i carry in my pocket. it's handy
but 2bh i prefer writing by hand

>> No.13178815

How do I git gud at cursive? I seem to write way too big compared to normal print.

>> No.13178875

Slow down and practice, it gets better over time and with repetition.

>> No.13178923

3 2 1

>> No.13179022

Use git, to synchronize and versionize your writings.
You aren't a techlet, right?

>> No.13179056

>google drive
>any web app

>> No.13179057

>>he doesn't use Google drive
>he uses g*ogle drive

>> No.13179065

Google doesn't make money from stealing people's writing. Google makes money by scanning documents with AI in order to find patterns in the writing, and develop an online identity for you and me, through which they can control and manipulate people with other corporations. As long as you aren't a consumerist normie who cares?

>> No.13179083

Paranoid schizophrenics have far fetched schemes which involve them personally being sought out. Mentioning privacy concerns over a web app is valid.

Being impaired by observation is valid claim too if you think cloud storage has any potential to be viewed by humans, however low that may be.


>> No.13179092

Algorithms that look for problematic material.

>> No.13179097

Like the n word.

>> No.13179706 [DELETED] 

>muh paranoia
lmao kys

>> No.13179734 [DELETED] 

>try uploading child pornography
kys pedo

>> No.13179754 [DELETED] 

At worse they can show you stupid ads based on your work. No one will publish your nonsense, conspiratard.

>> No.13179760
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>my dude
>Shit, use Google Docs
>for christ's sake.
>But hey, look at it as a fresh start, yeah?

>> No.13179769 [DELETED] 

Tech illiterate fag here. Whats the safe alternative to Google Docs?

>> No.13179777

No. Choice of keyboard has little to do with it anyways, aside from which interface it uses (PS/2 or USB). PS/2 actually has less input lag than USB 3.0 even due to direct CPU interruption, whereas USB is continuous signal polling.

>> No.13179784
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>> No.13179923

If it was text files and you deleted them, theres still a chance to recover them if you didn't completely nuke the disk drive.

>> No.13180029
File: 57 KB, 576x376, universalcerealbus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is right, it's most likely recoverable if you didn't burn your hdd or something

>> No.13180223

what exactly happened? chances are hdd or sdd is still ok and the data is still there

>> No.13180243

I lost photos, screenshots, memes, and nostalgic programs & games (from 1996). I was devastated.
BUT, serves you right fucking zoomer use pen and paper like real men.

>> No.13181808

>Whats the safe alternative to Google Docs?
Host your own Owncloud or git or encrypt it.

>Suddenly breaks and you loose all your data.